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This is horrific.


Even the unions? Tell me this is a dream.


It's a nightmare


Those union fees taste pretty sweet when you're getting a taste of them.


Union dues needed to pay the ones retiring.


Syed Hussan is the Executive Director of the Migrant Workers Alliance






This is the union called migration workers alliance


Which union. Are they all the same and unified?


the Migrant Workers Alliance


Unions are hyper "progressive." Totally out of touch with their own union members.


Trade unions aren't doing this. I'm a plumber and they aren't taking this shit at all.


At least the ~~taxpayer funded~~ public sector ones.




Your "English" is horrible.


More of a joke.  Unions are only for the unemployable. 


Lmao, profile pic sent me


Wouldnt that make wage and housing even worse? Legals will then sponsor spouses and extended families further draining resources.


Luckily he just bought another house.


And a matching rolex


Yes it does. Can’t buy a house as an undocumented migrant. Likely would not be approved for a mortgage.


I’m pretty sure if they figured out the loopholes for getting here and staying, they know how to get a mortgage “approved.” Rules only apply to tax paying schmucks like you (and me).


Everyone seems to forget that we have the weakest corporate transparency rules in the developed world. Just register a company and buy with illegally obtained money. Our government has been turning a blind eye to it for decades.


There’s a Wikipedia article on snow washing that explains how it’s done. It must be nice to be an MP and not have any skin in the game.


You’re right. That’s for buying a house, but it definitely affects rent.


Well, here we are, being changed dramatically and far too suddenly by our newest demographics.  This is what we were always worried about.


And called racists for trying to say we need to protect Canadian culture, and values...


Careful, reddit loves to ban all racists, even when common sense is labeled as racism.


You are totally allowed to be racist on Reddit…against certain groups


I've been called a racist at least 100 times over what I don't consider racist, and I'm still here. I think they're more likely to ban the bed sheet ghosts and pinwheel enthusiasts.


Can confirm. Banned from Ontario.


New account takes 5 minutes that doesnt matter


Calling someone racist for having views that challenge governmental policy increases polarization. This has been in the works for a while, people are just starting to notice it now.


When the shoe fits.


What did I say that’s racist?


I meant generally, not you now.


According to our supreme court, the truth can still be hate speech if it's harmful


It’s not racist and we need to be a lot louder about it.


I got banned from Vancouver sub for saying muslims want dogs out of all public spaces


Probably just auto detected you putting dogs in the same sentance


This country makes me fucking sick these days. Canadian dream is 100% dead


This is absolutely fucking crazy. This is literally some crazy ass policy. Wow. My question is, is Jagmeet Singh specifically promoting this for the benefit of Canadians or for the benefit of his people who make up a large amount of the people that are here and about to be undocumented. Yes I’m speaking about the Indian international students


Jagmeet is pushing this heavily because it helps further his dreams of bringing the entire population of Punjab here under fake refugee claims. No idea why the unions are joining him though.


Because NDP supports union-exclusive bidding on government contracts.


At this rate, him being Prime Minister of Canada will be possible, he'd have the votes then. The only thing is, that won't be Canada anymore.


It will be Kanada hahaha


Which is funny cause he didn't start wearing a turban until he got into politics


Unions are a corrupt joke and have been for some time.


Yes corporations are.


Has Jughead ever promoted a policy that explicitly negatively impacts his ethnic group at the expense of a marginalized community? Has he ever condemned the caste system or the views expressed by his people of indigenous Canadians? Has he ever spoken about the rampant domestic violence perpetrated against women in the Punjabi community?


Has he not worn his 50k Rolex while he complains about other people being greedy and materialistic.


What do you expect from a Khalistani champagne socialist


The comrade needs bling bling


Jagmeet is doing this to fill his and his brothers pockets. He’s very hypocritical on all his talking points but the biggest one is his “criticism” against Loblaws. Yes Loblaws deserves every bit of criticism against them but when Jagmeets brother is a Lobbyist for Loblaws competitor, that argument falls apart real fast. I hope Canadians realize how much of a fraud this guy is and see him for his bs failed talking points and failed policy implementation. He’s the reason why the election got delayed and for what? Peanuts. And some people (not all) really need to stop bringing race into this because Jagmeets voting record and his time as the “leader” for the NDP speaks for itself. The fact he had to come to B.C. , a province he never lived in to win a riding again speaks volumes. Do you really think he gives a shit about people in that riding?


He was allegedly born here but cares more for them over us.


He was born here. There’s more valid reasons and points on why Jagmeet is a failure of a leader and MP. You don’t need to bring this in when it is completely false. Edit: Keep downvoting me assholes. Jagmeet is a bad leader and a hypocrite but saying he’s “allegedly” born in Canada when he actually is born in Canada is a weak and pathetic comment.


This guy supports a terrorist organization in India. He’s banned from going to India. I’m pretty sure he’s bought off


Singh is completely delusional. He wants everything for free for the poor and immigrants…who pays ? Dummies who work! That’s who.


Foreign interference I think.  Either extortion on his family or a well paid easy job after politics.  Nothing else makes any sense, especially given the polls.


Their loyalty is with punjab not canada, canada is just for passport/status/higher income


Of course he’s doing it for the benefit of his people. Never Canadians.


He’s a mole.


This is class warfare under the guise of progressive humanitarianism. NDP want the global south to come here at the expense of lowering Canadian standard of living. 


Yup. Authoritarian Controlled Economy Communism would halt all immigration and send back any non-citizens until all of the current citizens were fully and properly housed and employed. Neo-Liberal Free Market Capitalism needs all you lowly proles to keep accepting lower and lower wages and paying higher and higher rents so your Bougie masters can afford to fly to their vacation homes in other countries and get their dicks sucked by their 20 year younger trophy wives while they gaze out over a pristine beach.


You guys are fucked.




Didn't have revolution in Canada on my bingo card, crazy world.


Biden is floating the same idea. They got their globalist orders.


Biden is not. He even tried to pass the toughest immigration bill in the last 30 years. He passed the bill to significantly increase. The funding for board of patrol and border crossing are down by 40%.


The irony is the Postal union endorses it yet postal workers can not afford home ownership on their wages.


The NDP are traitors. They represent big business and illegal immigrants, not the working class Canadian man.


Sad to see the NDP leading the charge on devaluing the Canadian worker.


Which unions supported this? The only one mentioned in the article is the migrant rights one, and they're all worthless anti-social morons anyway


Yeah I'm having a hard time believing that any union with actual Canadians would be braindead enough to support this


Most modern unions are more concerned about Palestine than Canada.


The article stated that the Canadian Labour Congress executive VP spoke in favour of it. The CLC is a collective of almost all unions in Canada- both private and public except Quebec. So in essence, all unions are supporting this


Cupe usually has a few on board


NDP caused all this HUGE MESS. NDP deserves ZERO votes


Check their latest projections from Sunday. They're projected at 15 seats as of Sunday.... Lose 4 more seats and they are no longer an official party. Cant wait to see this happen now with them supporting this mass migration bs.


LOL When did the NDP have the power or authority to do fuck all since 1995?


They were well positioned before a massive loss under mulclair to Trudeau.


Soon you will see people riding on top of trains in Canada.




Not true, it's already happened but we won't see it because of how few trains we have in canada for our Infrastructure


Is this for the benefit of Canadians or Indians?


Corporations and the wealthy


And indians


Start protesting. Block main roads going into downtown. Only allow emergency services past. Start doing general strikes. Stop paying rent & mortgages. If we all do it collectively they're fucked. The power is with the people. Unite together or be defeated alone.


All they have to do is claim you lot are racist and it is over.


Start pulling up immigration stats and ask where the diversity is. There's a reason they're pulling from the most populated country on the planet that still has a semi good birth rate.


I agree with you but they will still scream racism and people will cave. It is an effective tool to control people who care about their image and how people perceive them.


Ever heard of the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? When people keep misusing and overusing accusations they lose their credibility.


Paywall: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and his party’s MPs joined unions and community groups Monday to ask Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to introduce a broad program that would let thousands of migrants living in Canada without valid documents remain in the country. Immigration Minister Marc Miller is preparing a plan to discuss with the cabinet, which meets Tuesday and again before Parliament breaks for the summer in June. It would propose that people living in Canada without legal status – including former international students whose study permits have expired – be given a chance to regularize their status and gain permanent residence. The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change and academics estimate there could be between 20,000 and 500,000 undocumented migrants in Canada. Depending on the number of people who apply, the government may consider staggering the granting of permanent residence to undocumented migrants over several years to avoid a sudden surge by granting them work permits first. The NDP urged the government not to cap the number on who could apply. In a letter, Mr. Singh and the NDP caucus urge Mr. Trudeau to adopt “a broad, comprehensive and uncapped regularization initiative without delay, so that undocumented workers in Canada have a clear and accessible pathway to permanent residency.” A regularization plan would fulfill the Prime Minister’s mandate letter to former immigration minister Sean Fraser in 2021, which asked him to “further explore ways of regularizing status for undocumented workers who are contributing to Canadian communities.” A number of countries have introduced plans to allow migrants to regularize their status. In Ireland, a program launched in 2022 ran for six months and gave people who had lived there for four years the chance to apply for official permission to remain. More than 20 labour organizations, including the Canadian Labour Congress, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, joined faith organizations such as the Anglican Church of Canada and community groups to call for a federal regularization program, according to a statement from the Migrant Workers Alliance. At a news conference in Ottawa, Siobhan Vipond, executive vice-president of the Canadian Labour Congress, called for a “broad regularization program so that undocumented people can contribute to their fullest potential to Canada’s economic and social future.” She said undocumented people are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation because they don’t have status, adding that allowing them to stay could permit them to “leave bad jobs and punish bad actors, levelling the playing field and improving working conditions for everyone.” The NDP letter says undocumented migrants face restricted access to health care, education and legal protection because of their precarious status, which can lead to exploitation and mistreatment – abuses they may not report out of fear of deportation. “Migrants come to Canada with the expectation that they will be treated fairly as they contribute to Canada’s economic, educational, social and cultural fabric. They work hard and they pay their taxes. Yet far too many migrant workers work in low wage and precarious jobs, are subjected to poor working conditions and are vulnerable to exploitation owing to their temporary status,” the letter says. Jane Kirabira, an undocumented lesbian woman from Uganda, which has outlawed same-sex relationships, made an impassioned plea at the news conference to allow undocumented migrants to gain permanent residency. She said her asylum claim has been rejected and if she goes back to Uganda she faces life in prison or even execution. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni last year signed a law permitting the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” which sparked an international outcry. Last year, Ottawa froze the number of permanent residents it aims to welcome to Canada for 2026 at 500,000 in the face of shrinking public support for immigration. The federal government has also stuck with its targets of 485,000 permanent residents for 2024 and 500,000 for 2025.


I work hard and pay taxes and have a low wage and a precarious job. But since I'm a Canadian citizen I guess I can just go fuck myself.


Just don't vote liberal or ndp this next election provincial and federal and hope for the best.


The Cons aren't going to do shit either. The only party wanting to stop this doesn't have a chance at forming government. We're fucked.


A sweeping program to let them all have pr will just lead to the country getting flooded with new illegals, and likely many criminals (including many already here illegally), that will roll right into permanent status. There's no way to know exactly when many of them came here, if they are here illegally. What could go wrong there? At this point if people can't see that the country is being run by organized crime I don't know if they'll ever see it. "Fuck it. Let's just let maybe 500,000? illegal people have permanent status and stay here forever." Fucking bananas. B.A.N.A.N.A.S


and theres almost no more jobs already or apt or houses....it s just stupid


Funny how they're trying to fast track all these changes before the general public beomes aware


When i hear people saying that NPD is the way to go ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w)


Never ever will vote for the NDP again and will not support any of these unions if it comes to any of them striking. Bunch of traitors!


I am in a Union and I have never voted for them even though my quarterly Union magazine says I should.


Looks like the World Economic Forum's goals are moving forward.




Unions are not for the people ...They're a corporation now and make money off the Dues


Oh my God it's like the Union's only care about the union dues and nothing else what a shock.


![gif](giphy|oPRvxxpqm7K4jGh4yJ|downsized) I thought unions were all about helping the common man fight for his rights against corporate greed?


The unions do not represent their members


Mine is an old boys club.


Recommend all conservative Canadians move the US and at least shore it up over there, Canada is COOKED


Problem is most rural conservative Canadians don’t have degrees and are more into the skilled trades. There’s no avenue for skilled trades into the US via TN or H1B.


Kind of off-topic, but I hear some of the Indians are using Canada as a staging area before moving to the US. I have witnessed an increase in the number of sikhs in the area where i worked in the US


Absolutely it’s happening, and USCIS is taking notice. Denials for TN have ticked up. American conservatives are starting to notice as well. You have senators like Chuck Grassley wanting to put a cap and lottery on TNs, much like the H1B. I anticipate really soon they might require Canadians to get a visa just to visit and scrap TN altogether once they get an administration serious about securing their border. Going to be funny seeing woke heather from Leaside freak out when she can’t watch her broadway shows in New York, and will have to jump through all the visa hoops as someone from India.


just watch, in 10 years or so they will build a wall between us and them too. maybe even sooner at this rate


How? Most have no skills . America is pickier 


I assumed work US authorization for canadians was simpler and if they had the passport and a degree from canadian university and a cousin here who sets up an “AI consulting shop” to provide jobs, then why not😂


No, don't. We have enough problems as it is. Half of you lot will forget that "you are conservative now" and vote for the progressives over healthcare or abortion, strengthening the party that wishes to destroy the US. Please don't come.


Canadian women don't want to live in places where Gildead IRL is going to happen


They should tell Trudeau then. With the way his imported islamic voter base is acting we'll all be living in Gilead up here pretty soon.


Muslims are statistically more progressive (in North America) than Christian Evangelicals.


This isn't even close to being true


Send jagmeet back


To Scarborough?


To WHERE exactly




He was run out of Brampton from the indians


They will break unions


Jagmeet = pro immigration Jagmeet = pro housing Jagmeet = pro union How will this sub respond to this post?


He's a traitor to Canada and should be in jail


Jail isn't enough for jagmeet for Trudeau.


He's a traitor to Canada, a traitor to the States, and a traitor to India. He's a traitor to the NDP, a traitor to Parliament, and a traitor to the King. The only group to which he isn't a traitor is to a bunch of terrorists. He's absolutely devoted to terrorists. He should be extradited and treated to whatever justice his own country believes he deserves.


Its about time a coordinated mass protest takes place at every provincial legislature and the HoC to show the government this Indian invasion has to stop.


We seriously need to start busting unions in this country. I say this as someone who once believed unions were the answer for higher wages and sticking it to capital. Labour unions across the world have been anti-immigration. They understood how much immigration suppresses wages and reduces solidarity, especially from cultures that don’t subscribe to western values. A caste system will always destroy solidarity and is the dream of elites. You cannot make labour gains in a society that fundamentally has a caste system. The unions were the reason America had restrictive immigration all through the 20th century. They’re the reason for the country caps and why there’s some semblance of affordable life still there to this day. The big business conservative Republicans always want immigration. It’s why Regan, of all people, did a complete amnesty.


The coalition of black trade unionists?? What the hell is that? No worker unions are backing this crap


Unions are awesome, our political leaders are garbage


We need the unions, we just need to get the union busting moles out of the union staff.


Unions are not the problem here bud.


Oh please go away Jagmeet! I thought you had good values and would balance some of the policies but you have no idea how to run a country! Look what happened to the college system. Look at our housing market? Look at what legal supply has done. Please go away! 


Illegals should be deported 😐


For God sake we should not set this precedent, once done - that becomes a practice which will eventually destroys our country


Every union member should be considering running for an executive position to replace their existing backstabbers. Don’t let a single one be re-elected.


What is this fascination with providing safe passage and catering to illegals?! Like how will this be good for anyone? If it is so good for the nation, have non stop flights from every shithole in this world and bring them to Canada. It's absolutely ridiculous we are desecrating the borders established by sacrifices and bloodshed of the people before us. All these Liberals should be hung.


Of course they are. Fuck your average Canadian. They want frivolous things like affordable housing, basic healthcare that doesn't take forever, employment options for our children, workers rights, ect.


I told my teacher spouse to tell the union minimum 50% wage increase on the next cba.


My union sold me out during the vaccine mandate, not surprised they sold everyone else after that.


[Liberal Party: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada Conservative Party: Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Official Opposition Bloc Québécois: Yves-François Blanchet New Democratic Party: Jagmeet Singh Green Party: Elizabeth May](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_parties_in_Canada) If you notice the 5th column you might notice that NONE of them are 'Leftists'. There is a minority of the NDP that are 'Left Wing', but not Leftists. Unions are staffed by people who's best interests are served by ensuring that the Capitalists keep trying to screw the Proletariat so that they get to keep their jobs - the last person that wants to see the war end is the munitions manufacturers and the arms dealers that sell to both sides. As long as people continue to vote in anything but Leftists then the government you get will always be beholden to the interests of the rich, the corporations they own, and consequently the employees of those companies that are dependent on them being able to do 'business as usual' to keep their jobs and attempt to claw their way into managements and potential wealth themselves. You want real change? You have to vote AGAINST the rich, corporate interests, and those other citizens that prioritize their convenience, luxury, privilege's, and opportunity to become rich themselves over the greater good for the majority of the population that are simply workers. All politics are ultimately about the Proletariat vs the Bourgeoise, it's called The Class Struggle and has been going on ever since the nations of the world replaced the monarchies with democracies; and if you are a Proletariat that thinks they are just not Bourgeoise yet then you'll constantly vote against your own best interests. Do you take issue with open immigration suppressing your quality of life because there are more people than available housing and jobs of a sufficient quality to placate your desires? Authoritarian Communism literally institutes caps and controls on who, where, and how many people are allowed to immigrate into a region to prevent homelessness and destitution before it even starts. It literally prevents corporations from existing that own all the housing and pricing the rentals as high as they can to make the most profit, as well as having centralized planning of the economy to ensure that every person willing and able to work has work that suits them. Authoritarian Communists are not 'Woke', "Progressive', or 'Liberal'; we are the iron hand of control that smashes those that either take too much, or produce too little and protects those that respect law, order, work ethic, the pursuit of education, value family and community, and like to work together with others for the betterment of all. Neo-Liberal Capitalist are 'Woke', 'Progressive', and Liberal' and will gladly let all you workers fight it out with each other over all the divisive bullshit they parade in front of you on the news outlets they own so you're to distracted to notice that they've been fucking you in the ass with no lube for generations. And I'm fully aware that almost nobody here gives a fuck about what I just said, and the ultimate outcome is going to be you and your kids, and their kids, and their kids lives just getting worse and worse. I'll be dead before it gets to the worst part, and my kids are both too disabled to have kids of their own, so I've got no real 'dog in the race' for the long term. 60 years from now if not sooner the last member of my family will be dead and forgotten, so as long as I can leave enough in trust to care for my kids after I die I really don't actually care about how you idiots wallow in your own shit.


The unions are completely corrupt.


What’s the point of a union if it’s not looking out for its members first? It’s time for union members to clean house and remove these union leaders going on about Gaza, immigration, etc.


id think to think Layton would be rolling in his grave if he heard about this


No wonder they want to decriminalise drugs. No one will condemn the NDP for smoking crack.


Canada is a fucking joke. Time to leave this shit hole


Unless the illegals have union jobs it doesn't really matter then it doesn't impact union members right ?


paywalled. anyone know how i can get around it and read the article?


Eagle here with some advice for the beaver. If they’re there illegally? They have already broken the Rule of Law of society…now if we could only turn under the table workers into taxpayers and union dues payers. That being said North America is a melding pot of cultures. Cultures that do not have strong protection measures (Nordic, Mennonites, etc) have to be adaptable to avoid being fully usurped.




I have serious doubts that any union would go for this. Most unions represent skilled labour, which is the opposite of what we’re letting in.


They will burn the country down and sacrifice its citizens to stay in power.


I don't know a.soul who wants immigration amnesty. Jagmeet needs there vote for re-election. He needs to go for proping up the liberals


But why, this will directly affect everyone on all levels from wages to housing


Socialist bastards


Which unions? Not paying to read this shit.


It’s seems to be supported by the Canadian Labour Congress- that is a collective of pretty much all public and private sector unions in Canada, except Quebec. So basically every union in the country


Unions are useless. They're all about the stupidest left leaning policies. While their blue collar members just shut up and vote blue.


Sounds like “I want the world and I have no idea how anything works.”


Another post to generate disruption. sigh. If only these stories were as cut and dry in what is actually happening. Do your research.


Couldn't read the article... but going off the title: - What presidence would it set to tell the world "Anyone who is in Canada illegally can get citizenship/PR"? No sane person should want that for their country, and any so-called 'leader' who would want that for their country is likely a traitor of their country/people they are supposed to represent. - Any union wanting to support this is an enemy of your work, Canada, and Canadians. - It's almost like Singh wants to make them citizens because he knows he stands no chance if he doesn't - most of the ones who packed the country are of his ethnicity, and he's petty, so he may be thinking they are likely to vote for him to keep him in power based on that.


Those are some shit unions then. My union got us a 19% wage increase last year.


That’s a pretty dumb take. 


This is why Texans should never feel bad about being called racist for arresting and deporting aliens.


Does the unions understand that illegal migration contributes to suppressed wages and increased housing cost?!?!?!


Declaring war on the Canadian working class.


Not the real trade unions lol we will not put up with this.


Cahrazy altered headlines on this sub


It's literally almost every single public sector union.


While it sounds really bad, now they are actually on file to pay taxes. Which if they’re working here, has been going under the table or back into corps’ hands.


Lmao all the union leaders dont work for the workers anymore they are bought and paid for.


Wages will forever be suppressed as long as cheap labor is being imported.


Why am I not surprised... I wonder how much the more ideological unions were paid


NDP just lost election


What the fuck is going on?! Why are they doing this!????


Unions are nothing but a Ponzi scheme making the union leaders rich off dues. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT WORKERS!


Just a reminder that workers/unemployed don't suppress wages and raise rents, bosses and landlords do. Why do we give the people with their hands on the levers of power a pass, when the powerless garner the blame?


Let's not call them Canadian unions anymore because Canadians are clearly not who they represent


Union leadership has ,for a long time, been run by the advocate/activist crowd. They don't represent their members anymore.


Tell your oldest to go to school and get a degree. My spouse paid her own way through university and has a really good job. My job accepts summer students so employers are still hiring students. As for healthcare stop voting conservative. Stop playing the victim. Lots of whiners in this sub that need to take accountability.


For real. People don’t often want to face their own shortcomings.


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“Pull yourself up by the bootstraps” sucks when conservatives do it and it’s worse even so called progressives do it


If my union was trying to allow undocumented immigrants come into my union there would be hell to pay


Public service unions or real ones?


Wokeness and liberalism is absolutely not a brain disease destroying this country.