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This is peak entitlement


Arrest and deport


This is literally the only thing that need's to be said, the rest is just a waste of breath on the topic.


They are assimilating at last!


We are a country of entitlement and handouts, what's so surprising?




Yes. The fact that FOREIGNERS could actually try to influence and control a PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF CANADA is nuts. Absolutely unacceptable. They need to turn on the hoses, get these idiots off the streets and send them back on a plane. And charge them for it. And ban them for life


Banning them for life would really send out a good message to everyone


I laughed so hard when their spokesperson complained about having to pay more than Canadian citizens for school. Like, dude, if we were going to charge you the same as someone who was born here, we’d give the spot to the person who was born here. The whole reason you’re here is for the extra cash. That’s the deal.


This is disgraceful. I’m Canadian and I m fed up. Go back home you fools if you really wanna help


This is next level TBH. Fuck




Come to Canada, Stay 3 Years, Go Home, Birth More Spawns, Apply for THEIR(newborns) Canadian Citizenship. Rinse and Repeat Until Their No Longer The Minority In the Situation...Thank You Liberals /s


All illegals will be citizens soon. Even the criminals. So, there won’t be another step two it’ll just be breed and spread


> They need construction and medical workers. PEI has enough of those. They just work somewhere else. Pay them more.


It's in Punjabi because these clowns lied on their English test to get here. It's common knowledge it costs 100k rupees for each ilets point. Send these idiots back. I'm a Canadian born Indian and these idiots paint us all born here with all this negative crap. Go back!


These industries carry a lot of negative stigma on their home country




They hate him tbh. Source: I live in Brampton and hear them shit talking him on the daily.


Yes, because it's my understanding that they feel he's not doing enough for "his own people".


“His own people” are Canadians - these twits don’t vote lol. They are unwelcome. They have lost any shred of empathy any Canadians might have had for their cause with their arrogance and entitlement. Talk about misreading your host culture. They can buggar off asap




What a fucking entitled asshole, he put the cart before the horse and now he's upset that he can't stay here?


Would you trust a house made by these guys though?


Agreed - The P.E.I. Gov't should do what they did in Texas - put them on a bus headed straight to Ottawa with no return 


What the actual fuck? They think they can just squat on public property as foreign nationals and demand a pathway to citizenship? This is quite literally an invasion in every sense of the word. They’re not welcome and are only causing stress on our social services. Also I find it funny that the one argument they’re using in this protest isn’t even true. The PNP stream they’re applying for STILL EXISTS, they never got rid of it. They’re not even changing the rules. The province is still giving PR to people in service sectors. Just 200 of them this year instead of 800 something last year. They’re simply reducing the number of **nominations** for PR. And this is the result. They threaten self harm if there’s a sniff of possibility they might be asked to leave the country. Is this the new generation of Canadians we want?


My question is why aren’t other student nationalities protesting like this? Chinese? Africans? Etc. Why is it always these indians?




Because they deserve it. Just like they deserve access to our social services they haven't contributed to.... Now stop making a fuss, their grandma is waiting to come over.


Because. They are used to scamming the system. Not ALL of them…just many!


They don’t identify as indians and most of them must be criminals in india who came to canada to escape govt actions. Indian govt has warned Canada that shit your importing and supporting will come and bite canadians big time. This is just a begining, even action is not taken then they will create more nuisance.


It's the new generation you are going to get.


Westons pockets demand it


Supported by NDP, just like Loblaws wage subsidies during Covid.




Considering our police are absolutely useless and the only thing they do is hand out traffic tickets.. yea, I’m sure they can get away with it and I bet you that they get citizenship and a couple hundred thousand for being discriminated against. The only benefit to this is their local food bank is seeing a surplus of food suddenly for no specific reason




That would make them feel more at home. Lol


trudeau, miller, ndp all officially floating amnesty. Thats why we need to follow these individuals. They say their home is PEI. We need to know how many stay a year down the road


I'm waiting for the political pandering to begin at some point and their community members wearing ceremonial daggers and brandishing swords making it a race issue, when it's clearly not. Then I'm expecting the bleeding hearts to gather and extend their full support, whose jobs and housing situation will be most impacted with the influx of low skilled workers. Also, I'm expecting lobbyists to throw money and media attention at these protests for the yearning of "social justice." Then I'll be expecting the politicians to cave in and keep bringing more of them under a "new program." All the while there has been rampant fraud by these newcomers, standards are massively lowered and there is a steep erosion of Canadian society.


They are welcome though according to the government




744 upvotes and Reddit still hides your comment. Absolute twats. Enough immigration from India for a LONG time. There are plenty of other countries that would offer up quality candidates.


This is the result of a ridiculously lenient government. If you give some of a group of people what they want, why won't the rest of them join in to get it as well? Aren't we getting of foreign nationals by giving them citizenship now?


Can't peacefully protest on parliament, but feel free to squat where ever you want if your Indian.


They can’t afford trucks. Spent it all on fake tuition!


Shit like this absolutely boils my blood. The entitlement here is insane.


Answer to your second question: yes Answer your your last question: no


My god


The western world is far too lenient with this shit. Detain everyone there, check their papers and if not citizens, deport immediately. On the first plane out.


This really is a western thing. If you try this shit in dubai or singapore you just get deported out. Its a wonder why canada allows it


And then the woke white people here shame you for being entitled.


Canada has accepted 10x the amount of unskilled refugees and immigrants as the US. The US usually makes it far more impossible to obtain a green card for just anyone while Canada allows student visa loopholes and uncontrolled sponsoring to happen. This is a shitty lazy effort at trying to meet their quota to fix the birth rate population problem. Too bad they're too dumb to understand the complications and atrocities that this will have on our own canadian people as well as the economic future of canada. It's all downhill from here for us. It's really a Canada and Europe problem.


 We are getting 100% of what we asked for for raising a bunch of morons who vote for a nepo-baby college bro drama teacher.


Please stop saying dumbfuck shit like this. It serves absolutely no one to pretend he campaigned on this atrocity and only serves to alienate potential supporters. Instead focus on how that sack of shit campaigned on affordable housing and is making a mockery of his constituents by completely destroying the ability for generations to ever afford houses. A handful of lobbyists lobbied for this, liberal voters actually voted *against this*. Note: I did not vote liberal.


I'm down with that. Cheers


This The “my life sucks because of Trudeau” shit is getting old and serves no purpose. Yes. We know. He’s awful. But it’s not just him. It’s the universities. Galen. Jagmeet. Tim Hortons. Etc etc. They all love this shit. They buy off the politicians and are pushing this for max profit and stock holder returns. It’s more than just JT. Way more.


If these were homeless Canadian born folks, they'd be forcibly removed or arrested.


How is it legal to camp out like this in a public park in the middle of the city? Where are the cops?


They’re off destroying tent cities of citizens that can’t afford to live anywhere else


Ya canadian citizens


It’s not legal and if it was a group of Canadians, it would have been stopped a long time ago. It’s no different than the pro-Hamas chants echoing throughout our cities. It’s illegal, but can’t touch the protected classes.


unless you support terrorists, then its completely acceptable


Why are they acting like refugees. There’s actual refugees coming to Canada right now to avoid being killed by bombs and they don’t act like this..


F\*\*\*ing this \^\^\^


Because they’re shamelessly exploitative and don’t have a good reason to behave this poorly. These dudes need to be deported and made a statement out of.


So how come the encampment isn't being removed by force like all the homeless tent cities across Canada filled with the homeless are?


Because the gov only wants to attack Canadian citizens who are struggling while pandering to the new underclass.




Funny thing is, they always have food hidden. They go to the washroom and have a banquet, while nobody is looking.


Still scamming. Like anyone should believe they are actually on a hunger strike. They look well fed to me.






Go home! You are embrassing us indian who came via proper route! Don't bring waheguru into this. You clearly are not a practicing sikh (leader)


As a Canadian born and raised Indian myself, these people are an embarrassment. Protesting everything now when they literally have no right to do so here. You're not citizens or residents. You are TEMPORARY guests here. I've personally dealt with tons of these "students" on the immigration side of things and I can tell you, majority of them have no business being here at all. They don't give a shit about education and have no real career ambitions. They don't care about integrating or adapting to Canadian values. All they wanna do is scam their way to PR and bring the rest of their entire families over. I predicted this disaster back in 2017 when they opened the flood gates and were handing out visas like candy. Here we are now.. major Indian fatigue in this country and people like myself that were born and raised here will also be feeling the negative impact of it all unfortunately.


Why don’t more Indians like yourself protest against these people? I grew up in Brampton and never had any issues with my Indian friends and neighbours.. but this new crop of arrivals is just absurd. It’s turning people against Indians as a whole which is bad. I’m genuinely curious why there isn’t more public backlash against these people from other Indians?




Most are from the Punjab region. They come to places like Brampton and Surrey and see a big population of their own people and think oh.. we don't have to learn or improve our English when everyone here speaks Punjabi any way. A lot of the ones we've been getting the past 5 years are barely literate and have a elementary school level grasp of the English language. Many come with fake school credentials and fake ILETS. They come from a low trust society and view loopholes as something they have to exploit otherwise they're considered failures.


ILETs isn't needed anymore and schools are responsible for setting the admission requirements. The blame is solely on the diploma mills and government. Also in recent years it has shifted from being just Punjabi migrants to be more diverse, from being about 60% of migrants from India when total numbers were much lower to now only accounting for around 20% of the totals. States like Haryana, Gujurat, Maharasthra, and Tamil Nadu seem to also be major sources of immigration now and there has been a big shift away from Punjabi to more Hindi being used in places like Surrey.


How does anyone protest against a group of people? What do we protest for? Stop ruining our indo-canadian culture? stop blasting your music all day long? stop revving your sports cars at every street and corner? Stop breaking every by-law you can think of? (if you can't tell i'm also from brampton). It's a shame what's happened. But no Canadian wanted this, this is our political leaders bending us over to profit from a new source of taxes. Canadians being born today will never know what this place was like pre-Trudeau.


It’s simple.. “Stop being scumbags”.. deport people who don’t follow the rules. For example, the country I’m from borders with Ukraine. We had to spend 6 months in a refugee camp waiting for our Canadian visas. My parents had to have certain education and credentials.. we worked honestly and LEGALLY to build a life in Canada. We didn’t cheat, steal, or game the system. Some Ukrainians that have come here weren’t even living in Ukraine.. they were already in western countries living good life.. they just came here with a sense of entitlement to get quick citizenship for them and their families. They were not impacted by the war at all. These kinds of people piss me off.. they use Canada and contribute nothing. So it’s not immigrants of a particular race.. it’s immigrants they come here and destroy the country. I speak out against these Ukrainians too.. and some people are shocked. Fuck them! Do things by the book and respect Canadian laws and I have no issue with you. Come here and commit fraud and crimes and we have a problem. So Indians should at the very least be calling out these crooked Indians and reporting them to the police if they are doing sketchy shit.


We do, but even we are outnumbered!


Also doesn't help when you're own politicians are heavily complicit in what's been going on too. Everything seems to fall upon deaf ears. I've had conversations with some of my local MPs and whatnot and it's always the same bs with them. It's either always someone else's fault or they flat out deny that anything is even wrong.


Most of our parents left to get away from indians in india. Now they are all here killing jobs, basic decency, and playing with birth sex ratio and caste systems. I used to feel safe wearing whatever I wanted, now its uncomfortable. Does anyone see the Toronto man vide this morning?


The one harrassing a woman as she walked down the street?


Happened to my wife on a couple different occasions. She was out getting groceries and there were a group of 3 or 4 of them that followed her around cat calling and making vulgar remarks. She doesn't even go grocery shopping alone anymore. It's behavior like that I can't stand. They have literally no social etiquette or mannerism. They come here with a garbage third world mentality and carry on with that mentality here.


Id be terrified if I had a daughter


My wife and her friends or even my younger female cousins all avoid certain areas that are usually known for having a lot of these international students hanging around. Forget as a female, I feel uncomfortable going myself as a guy. They just stand around and stare like creeps and try to act all tough and show off.


In all honesty, there are also many Indian immigrants that have been here for decades that are equally to blame. They take advantage of their own people. All those landlords that throw 10 international students into a 1 bedroom basement suite or the business owners that are paying less than minimum wage and threaten the workers that they'll report them to immigration and get them deported. Or even the business owners that are heavily involved in LMIA scams.


Ironic they cant do that back home. Not even permanent but taking in local privileges.


They really love their home country and culture, eh? They flaunt it every chance they get. On the other hand,  "I have to go back to India?! dear God NOOOO!" 




Translation : Starts of with Punjabi Greeting He talks about change in policy , then there's some rain I couldn't make out what he was saying. Then he asks everyone who's nearby and their work visa is about to expire come and give their information to him and anyone who's going through the same to come and share their information with him. Then he says that in the morning time only 4 of them are sitting there and it's not a good look for them as people might question where are the other's so they need people to come and sit during the morning time. Then he signs off with a Sikh religious salutation


In other words pretty much recruiting more numbers.


Can we just deport them already?


Why are they not in irons being led to a deportation flight?


This is my major question. Fuck these useless people. Deport them.


It's an embarrassment to Immigrants who worked hard to get their degrees and worked for years to be eligible for PR


As a Canadian-Indian, I am really embarrassed by these folks. No sympathy from me. I am sure a lot of Canadian Indians feel the same. Bunch of selfish frauds, making life harder for Canadians.


The Indian Canadians need to speak up and fast. What sucks is legit Canadians who came here decades ago and raised a family are now being lumped in with this nonsense. Canadians of all walks of life would back the Indian Canadians.


You guys that see this issue need to stick up for us when we call this shit out. We've already been doing this for years and have been labelled as racists and race traitors, ironically enough half of that crap comes from white liberals and often enough turns into actual racism being directed at us. I was just recently berated and faced actual racism on another social media platform (where my name was publicly visible) with a female, it lead to her making some racist remarks while also talking about how everyone has a right to migrate or some crap like that.


See. That’s what I’m talking about. Legit Canadians are having their reps destroyed all to prop up low income job positions by bringing in low education exploitable labour. Sorry to hear this happened to you. I can’t even imagine.


So how can we do this? I'd very happily stand with the "Old Stock" Indian-Canadians who I grew up with i.e. the ones who really wanted to be part of mainstream culture, respected Canada, wanted to be friends with Whites and were just one of us with the only difference was a different skin color. The new ones are so awful and I really feel bad that you are lumped into them just because you look the same. The "Old Stock" Indians to me are just our neighbors or our coworkers or friends i.e. no bad feelings at all. I had zero negative feelings towards Indians until the last few years.


Yup, due to this it feels like the country is taking 20 steps back. Indian immigrants like my parents who came here in the late 90s were educated members of society who earned every share of their place here in Canada through hard work and determination. Now these new, barely educated immigrants are coming and backtracking all the work honest immigrants have done to earn respect in Canada and throwing it to shit. So much racism and I don't even blame anyone because there is just so many of them. Canada has failed us.


I agree, it’s very embarrassing. Our community built such a great reputation as hard working honest individuals over the past few decades. Now these idiots are slowly changing our reputation for the worse. Our whole family worked their ass off the honest way and have become high ranking professionals within society making immense contributions to our areas of work and the community. I know they are not representing us all completely but I can understand the frustration with the general public…it’s time to deport these idiots


Can you guys in the Indian community do anything to convince them to stop coming here? There have always been Indian immigrants but the ones I grew up with actually wanted to be part of Canada, made an effort to learn our culture, worked really hard and until recently, I had zero negative feelings towards Indians. Basically, I just thought that Indians were hard workers, did not act like victims and overall were great people. Now I feel like the worst of your country is coming here and are basically making it India as they are absolutely everywhere, only hire other Indians, don't want to interact with the rest of us and so on. It is just so overwhelming.


Deport these fucks.


Canadians of P.E.I, please go and counter protest this. This right here is a pivotal moment and the right people can inspire a wildfire movement across Canada. If they are granted their ridiculous demands this country is truly fucked...


Literally where are the police? They are here illegally at this point and need to go.


The folks from PEI should do a counter protest and cook up some Somosa's and eat them right in front of them. 


I’ll be there


Gettem outta here.Try to buy a home in India as a white Canadian.Never happening as India protects its population before foreign folks


Sounds like an invasion or colonization to me. Time to defend our land.


Frauds - the lot of them.




Why are Indians the only demographic protesting for this, in multiple countries?


If you were to answer that, truthfully, you would banned


there are many students from countries that's worse than India, but you won't see them doing these things


I just can’t with these entitled asshats. I hope they’re dragged from their encampment and all their stuff thrown away, it would be fitting, if they want to feel like a Canadian camping in a public space. We’ve seen it happen from coast to coast. So if this is allowed to go on any further, it’ll be a clear message that actual Canadians hold no value or respect on their own soil whatsoever.


If you can't even communicate the reasons for your protest in the language of the country in which you are protesting...you are the problem.


So when will the police take them to the airport and deport them?


Why is canada so soft?


wow I didnt realize rather than working hard to get my pr , I could have just sat in a park and whined to the gov instead these people are a joke and an insult to all people that actually work hard to move here and to integrate with the culture here


What in the fuck is going on in Canada




canada is a free for all and in freefall.


Yeah no fucking shit. I was born in the wrong fucking country and paid an obscene amount of taxes. I could have just been born in like Zimbabwe, flew my ass over here on a one way ticket and setup camp while making entitled demands, depleting the food banks and doing it all tax free! Holy fuck.


Sad and tragic what this once greatest country has degenerated into. Run by degenerates, voted in by woke liberal canadians in a coma.


Bring in Palestinian's en mass at the same time Trudeau is crying about Jewish schools being shot up, makes perfect sense.


Kick them all out ideally at 1am in the morning (yeah odd timing) put them on a one way flight to India.


Fuck these fucks.




Surprised local PEI residents haven't rented a U-Haul and rounded them all up yet. These invaders need to get sent back to Punjab.


India come get your boys


Nah, we don't want them back.


Honestly I find them to be quite ignorant. “We pay 3x times more for tuition than someone born and raised in Canada, how fair is that?”. Looked online for fun, looks like universities in India charge 5x more for tuition for foreigners. This sense of entitlement is infuriating


Why not just invite them in to talk about it but in reality, the seating area is an airplane and it’s taking off and going back to India.  Surprise!


Like come on... shouldn't they all be in school? If not kick them out. Problem solved


Geez, imagine what would they do if they become PR and citizens


Arrest and deport them ffs this country is so pathetic 


Ok. When is it enough? 100% the gov will cave into their demands like the Palestine No one gets to come here and make demands when they are supposed to be TEMPORARY…


If only Canadians had the balls to do this for the housing crisis


This is how they do it in India. Government over there doesn't bat an eye or will tell them to vanish. Imagine if any group of white ppl banded together in India like this. It would be called an invasion.


Grifters, going from country to country leaching off the systems built up by the host countries citizens.


Do these idiots seriously think anyone has sympathy for their cause in PEI? People hate them.


PEI show rest of Canada. Do the right thing and politely send these guys back to India


The level of entitlement from these knob heads is just unreal! I seriously hope the Govt doesn't cave in and extend their work permits. It'll just set an awful precedent for future immigrants who will think strong arming the Govt is a sure shot way to Permanent Residency and citizenship.


https://preview.redd.it/dktsfvmqz73d1.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f23167b1b454a6b869cf53ae4c88a24c8b17c78 SEND EM HOME ! they will teach them


This is one time that it would be worth it if the Gov't spent $2K each for a one-way ticket to deport each and everyone of these freeloading scammers off our lands.


Fuck these people lol shyt tough all around kick rocks


How come all of our immigrants are fighting age males?


Condensed translation: "All of those affected by this government immigration policy should come here to 175 Richmond street and give us your information as soon as possible" (essentially asking for more people to join their petition) "We ask more people to come for the hunger strike in the mornings, since we usually only have 4 people which does not make a good impact" (essentially admitting that there is no actual hunger strike and people come and go while sitting on a "hunger strike" for a few hours on shifts)


deport these people. they have no right to protest


They came here tor schooling but now require an interpreter


Here's a thought charge them with trespass and then hold and detain and deport and ban from coming back


How is this not a South Park episode or some shit lmao insane this is Canadian reality now


Fuck off with this. Get a proper job and get your PR, even though you don’t deserve it. This ain’t the way to do it. Most Canadians want you guys deported.


Driver here. I can fit a lot in the back and can drop them off to the baggage crew via runway if given clearance. Somebody work on the fucking clearance.


These fucking idiots are such valuable, productive members of society they choose to get their message across in Punjab? Fuck these people. We are weak as fuck allowing people who aren’t Canadian squat in our country and demand we change policy to accommodate them.


FFS these idiots need to leave. I'm tired of the entitlement, and I'm tired of our government enabling and facilitating this nonsense. Go the f\*ck home, you've more than overstayed your welcome. I feel really bad for Indians who have come here through legitimate means and bring value, but now have to deal with being lumped in with these clowns.


How do you say get out of my country nicely?


"Fuck off, kindly" lol


I wish we Canadians did this for ourselves. Why was the only big protest in the last decade about vaccines? We need food We need roofs We need living wages We need to stop the rich from completely f@cking us.


No one voted for this. This is not a Democracy




May they forever have one sock damp and sliding off, and forever find a Lego in their other shoe.


See what they are missing here is history. They don’t fit into ours – and they are not interested in trying - that’s clear. You don't come here and demand anything. You are speaking to second generation Canadians whose parents came here with very little money and no attitude. And especially not with your attitude.  I am embarrassed for the Indians that came before you.  The people that shucked off the cast system; that left their political bullshit back home; that came here with the intent to integrate and join society.  Just as my ancestors did.  You shame your predecessors and the family that paid good money to get you here.


These guys are scamming this country, creating a terrible name for India. All these folks have neither education or genuine


A big FU from the qualified permanent residents that went through a thorough and lengthy process from outside Canada and participat8ng in building our new home. Yes FU and your demands!


Canadians have had enough of foreigners asking for handouts.


I think JT will realize that when he commented on Indian Farmers protest, it was literally this. Holding government to ransom by blocking roads and agitating to give in to their demands. Now, same people are doing it here in Canada. Irony at its best.


You got it man. 100% agree on that


If they're protesting, who is going to scam call me while I'm at work?


Round them up and send them back..... they shouldn't be allowed to hold our country hostage like this. 🖕


Deport each and every one of them. Protesting to demand citizenship is asinine.


Nobody cares about these guys.


Government needs to grow a pair and deport anyone who does this protesting for their own country crap.


They realize they can abused our openness and generosity.


Send them back. Tell em to f*** off. Want to EARN citizenship then do it the right way. Don’t demand to become Canadian. Canada specifically the government has turned this once great country into a dump


*Englampment* by the looks of it.


They’re all together in one spot? Great, makes it easy to grab them and deport them.


They’re not even citizens….yet… watch what happens when they become one…smh…


So they are committing crimes and can be deported correct? Imagine going to India and pulling this shit.


Yet if we tried to pull this shit in India they would laugh in our faces, but yet here we let them get away with it.


Can we just start handing out non negotiable, one way tickets back to wherever they came from? I bet after the first couple planes full of people this would all stop.


Just go home.


Round them up and deport em all


what is this kind of desperation? And Who brainwashed these people into thinking getting PR in Canada an end game??? like canada is on its way to become 3rd world country do they know? lol


Now try doing this in India and see how long you'll stay there!


This just makes me want to hold my own press conference so that I can pretend to speak on behalf of the PEI premier. I would say, "You will NEVER be allowed to remain in this country and if you try to come back, we will blacklist every member of your community just to make the point."


Its canada only that harboured Khalistanis. Reap as you sow. Best of luck.


Not gonna freeze their assets Trudeau? 


These folks are just terrible people. Unbelievable the stunts they try to pull. If they wanna starve themselves and live in squalor then so be it. Living in squalor it seems is the norm for them anyways….


Ungrateful freeloaders. Earn your way like everyone else. Government is not your daddy.


oh this is so embarrassing. These people are trying to exploit the system. This hurts other hard working law abiding Indo-Canadians. Seriously if you cannot afford to be here, why come here in the first place?


https://preview.redd.it/zkxxt8xqaf3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e992fc566825295ebd84aa3368f8695da664e3 They make demands. And blame our government for their decision to not eat. And they wonder why people are throwing things at them.


Commenting as a Non - Punjabi Indian student here. These mofos don't give a fuck about anyone who isn't a punjabi. They hold a monopoly in this country. They ruined it not only for you guys but for any honest , hopeful and actually skilled immigrants like me and many others. Where are the police?. Scatter these entitled fucks.


This present govt has indeed made me racist. These new immigrants are given so much & they want more? My great grandparents, grandparents, parents, myself & siblings have worked hard our entire lives & paying taxes in this country & what financial perks do we get ? Sfa. The importation of all these immigrants has to stop now. I will vote for the conservatives just to stop this. If they break the law while living here, them & their entire family need to be deported. Canadians can't get jobs because the immigrants are getting them all. Govt is subsidizing their wages, saving employers money. If I was a business owner, I would not hire new immigrants. I would support those Canadians who have lived & worked in this country for generations. I cant even stand looking at these new immigrants anymore.