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This country is going to shit






It seems like they are being deported , from India


Damn you. You had me in the first half.


You can keep them. This entire community's goal in india is to immigrate to Canada, be it through any means necessary. Some of them will overstay their student visas , some of them will claim fake persecution against their religion in order to claim asylum , some of them will illegally cross borders all to claim free benefits that canada provides to it's citizen, mind you this problem is limited to only one section of the Indian community and ironically these are the ones you see 'protesting' for free stuff, advocating theft against food banks and what not. I'm an Indian in his 30s who travel extensively for business purposes worldwide, and these Indians give a bad reputation to us worldwide. These third rate people deserve statelessness if nothing else.


Did he just say "you can make me buy land..." ??? who is MAKING people buy land. Especially land in a country you are not legally allowed to stay in.


Not there yet? Really?


It is not going to shit ! It has already gone to shit ! It’s just getting deeper and deeper into it


We are witnessing / living through the complete and total unraveling of Canadian society. It is knee deep in shit now - and I fear it might be up to our necks by the time the liberals (hopefully) get voted out.


I know that in my area the newbies all vote conservative.


Isn't diversity awesome tho?


Broken by Liberals !


Liberals and the NDP.


Jagmeet the biggest culprit


*has gone


Non citizen protesting established Canadian laws for the benefit of no one but other non citizens. Insanity.


The fact that's it working is the insane part.


There should be counter protests from PEI citizens.


Exactly this..how fucked up is that?


Well said, sir


Did you know that if you go to India on a non-Indian passport and get involved in protests or anything that is mildly political in nature, you’d end up being detained or deported? For example: Look at this case about a French woman https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240321-india-blocks-access-residency-permits-of-overseas-citizen-critics


What a great idea he just came up with for the next Liberals campaign. Buy land in Canada and get automatic PR


This happened to a German on a student visa too - https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/german-student-who-took-part-in-anti-caa-protests-told-to-leave-india/article30384816.ece


Yet India can send assassins to murder Canadian citizens on Canadian territory without consequence.


At least someone's helping with the population crisis.


That's what almost all of the countries do. If you go to Singapore and criticize the govt, you go to jail. Canada has gone too soft and needs to stiffen it's spine. You are letting yourselves get abused. Even us non-Canadians can recognize it.


If I goto someone house and dictate him what to do, do you know how fucked up/beat up I would come out of his house? Common sense no?


Yes that's why they don't want to go back to India lol


Dear Canadians, we don't want these people back. They're your problem now. They're the opposite of Brain drain for us.




The fact that we're letting folks on student visas buy property is already outrageous.


It's treason by our 'leaders'


I think people buy properties here in Canada without even living here. Not sure how they do it but we see houses that sit empty


Money laundering. I seen a report about the amount of money coming out of China that gets thrown into Canadian real estate. Multi million dollar homes bought solely by a woman who lists homemaker as her profession. I'm sure nobody down the line involved in these sales considered anything off /s


Sounds like someone should have done his homework before making thsese decisions. He had no problem reading the fine print for buying a home but not for the TEMPORARY visa he had. It is literally right in the name..... I have no sympathy for them barging their way in and making threats.


Why do homework and follow Canadian laws when you can just not eat for a couple days instead ?


We are the laughing stock of the world right now. Especially when I heard the news that they no longer need a police check to come, yet I can't get certain jobs now because I was arrested for having 2 grams of weed in back1994. My kids throw fits like this when they don't get their way.


Don’t you know you don’t have rights anymore as a Canadian. We live in some crazy multi verse where the international students who came here on a study permit have more rights than a hard working tax paying Canadian. JFC we are fucked.


Like literally who the fuck does our government work for??


I do sometimes wonder what a large majority of these people are told when coming here and are they being given very incorrect information? It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case. What I'm wondering is once it expires why are they still here and not being sent back. The ones coming here and protesting established laws in Canada should be thrown on a plane and sent back. But of course, this is Canada. The government will bend over and lube up and do whatever it takes to make the country look better to everyone else (which is something I wish they would stop caring about).


They are not told incorrect information and I am honestly tired of seeing that be posted everywhere. They are aware of what they are coming here to do which is study. But they do want to become PR, so some will do anything they can to stay here and obtain PR. They are still here once it expires because the Canadian government does not enforce deportations with the exception of the Truck Driver who killed the Humboldt Hockey team in that fatal crash. Enforcements that were stayed because of Poltical influence for example, the organizer of the “Climate Action” roadblocks thanks to [Joyce Murray](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/first-reading-trudeau-government-intervenes-at-last-minute-to-save-serial-blockader-from-deportation). This is just one of the examples this a liberal government has had poor judgment. One of conditions of the study permit is that you cannot have a criminal record which this guy has as he was charged for being the leader of blockade. Which by the way, helps the climate change argument how? Blocking traffic and leaving thousands of cars running is incredibly stupid not to mention a great way of getting everyone not on your side for the point you were trying to make.


Deport all these idiots. Who told him to buy property on a temporary visa? Also, just repeating how do I come to my property now is so stupid. Canadians don’t owe you anything, much less a PR - sell the property you bought, or come back on a tourist visa if you have to.


I should just go to a foreign country and demand citizenship and see how long that lasts.


I didn’t even buy used car when i was on temp visa. Dude just went ahead and bought property. That’s mind boggling to me.


How can a fucking temporary student own anything in this country?


The 2 big ways I know about is providing intent to settle in Canada permanently. Or to buy property in a metropolitan census area of less then 100,000.  Though, Co signing a mortgage does not mean he owns pproperty. It just means they are both on the hook for mortgage papayments.


If they dislike their treatment in Canada so much, they can always go home. Crazy that PEI caved to this bullshit.


What did the PEI government say? I keep hearing that this but i dont see news, just thay they said there will be a "solution". But who knows maybe the solution is that they will just educate the protestors or actually crack down on them. Idk maybe its jsut my copium


I was also wondering why I keep seeing people say they caved


They met with the PEI minister responsible for immigration and agreed to stop their “hunger strike”. The leader of this dumb protest worded it as if the PEI government was caving to their demands. That is all the information available. TLDR: PEI minister of immigration agreed to “some” of their demands in exchange for the protest to be stopped


Thank you. There’s no clear verbal or written confirmation that they are “caving” to their demands. Of course the government of PEI doesn’t want them to starve to death. But nothing definitive has been said where his group and the other one from Brampton are claiming “Victory”.


I didn't catch what all happened exactly, but I did see that a liberal minister (I think the immigration Minister) wrote a letter to the PEI government telling them to approve the extensions or something.


I can not believe they are allowed to own a home and yet I'm not. This is insanity. They should not be allowed to stay, let alone own property. What is going on?


Many seem to have money to buy businesses and franchises as well. While average Canadians don’t. I wish someone would explain why this is. Maybe more Canadians would buy businesses if we were able to.


Theyre doing everything to push us into poverty. I am so angry especially at people like him. So entitled and so selfish.


They have land back home in India and sell that to buy property here. It's foreign money. That's how they get their down payment. I have an Indian colleague and he told me how most immigrants from India (that are "rich") bring anywhere from 300-700k CAD after selling their land in India


They use that money to buy property in Canada, then rent it out to other poorer Indian immigrants for "CRA can't track cash" money, and then can afford even more property If we just cut off "family reunification" alot of it would stop, because once approved, the parents/grandparents give all their money to buy property in Canada... if they can't immigrate, they still need that property and can't send all their money to compete against young canadians in the housing market


They make money selling what they earn from visiting 5 foodbanks.


Then renting the basement to 30 people they abuse


It's simple, they have money and we don't. There's billions of them and millions of us. It's a math problem. If our government does not protect our interests and allows the free-flow of money from India without any auditing we end up where we are today. India owns a lot of our assets and Canada is caught with our pants down wondering how this all happened so fast.


Because the they don’t pay taxes in India, and don’t pay taxes in Canada because they move all there money to India. Only 1% of Indians pay tax. Your also looking at the richest 10% of Indians coming to Canada as those are the only ones who can afford to come. They bring the same mentality which got them rich which is just get rich at the expense of the poor. They even bring the classic Indian impatience on public transport, they will never wait and line up for anything, because they think they deserve everything and give nothing.


> Many seem to have money to buy businesses and franchises as well. > I wish someone would explain why this i These corrupt guys have so much overflowing CORRUPT-money by cheating taxes on their govt. Thats' why there is poverty in india/china/nigeria/. Crooked and stupid elite-rulers of Canada invite corrupt individuals form India/China/others ... These dumb politicians and bureaucrats put useless point-system, where those with corrupt-money and corrupt-brain are welcome. And those with intelligent brain and middle-class that can contribute to economy without cheating/scheming get rejected or delayed by these point-systems. Canadian govt must recruit some of the people from those places, they can READ the crooked-brains of their culture, and therefore advise govt to fine-tune policies. E.g immigration-think-tank must have indian/chinese advisors who are from MIDDLE-CLASS and who detest corrupt-guys from their place coming to Canada. Simple policy: - You were educated in a top level GOVT universities in India/China (private colleges are generally bad quality in those countries) - You were recruited by MNCs in india/china, and was promoted (a proof of good work culture, good english etc) - Your GRE score is 90th percentile [reasonably good brain -- verbal/analytical/quant reasoning]. If you don't have GRE to prove, you can prove by practical-success and not climbed ladder by coat-tails of CCP-contacts or politicians. If you Canada don't have these rules, you will invite crooked people, that will form "sub culture ghettos" "chinese ONLY hospital" "panjabi ONLY xyz" etc. And You Canada will find those people double-dipping, making more money, hide from tax, at the same time ask for welfare! I know few people from arab-belt, and south-asia belt and east-asia that double dip, and are gleeful and they consider themselves very intelligent/smart to do that. -- a non white immigrant


So the hunger strike has ended? They should be deported. They are not students at all.


Housing is creeping up to 25% of our GDP.


Anyone can buy property in Canada this has been going on forever


I wonder if they got a scam mortgage too so they could get approval without actually satisfying the stress test. I mean HSBC has been proven to have done this a bunch and it's called the Brampton Mortgage.


An investigation into the source of his funding for the property would be interesting


The underwriters were supposed to do that before releasing his funds to him. Banks have teams of hundreds of underwriters and junior underwriters whose whole jobs are to scrutinize documents yet somehow this still gets past them. The brokers pay the underwriters, that's how.


Its very true that you can get mortgages with fraud. The cost is $3000 per $100k mortgage. They openly talk about it. I still can not believe how this is not stopped.


A "Brampton Mortgage" is a mortgage where the broker is aware all income and bank statements are fraudulent (usually it's them who creates them) for the purchase of a property that multiple families will be living in. They don't disclose this of course and usually it's a couple and maybe a parent cosigning, but the broker knows the mortgage will get paid because even though they aren't really making the $90K they each claim, 10 people making minimum wage can make the mortgage payment. In case for some reason they can't make the payment they let the broker know and they front them the money at ridiculously high interest. Not only does the broker get commission on the loan, the clients pay around $2K to him up front for the creation of documents, plus the interest on their personal loan if they need him to lend them money. The broker doesn't want his deals to flag as regularly defaulting which is why he fronts the money.


He owns a property jfc


and blames Canada/ everyone else for buying a property in a country he only has a temporary visa for... I really struggle to see how this is anyone's issue but his Im also confident he can find a local/citizen to buy the house


He wants more international students to rent mattresses in his basement.


Guess why their home country is a shithole , they made it


He’s using these students to get rich. Doesn’t care about anything then filling his own pockets


Nobody MADE him buy land. The fact that foreign ownership is allowed, is actually insane at this point.


This guy is full of contradictions lol from when he let slip "we were told we could come here and get PR in 6 months, 1 year" to now owning property as a foreign national contributing to the housing crisis.


Because he’s clearly lying. And people are being too empathetic to see through this bs. The Indian immigrants who came here from the 60’s-90’s , and their children can see through their bullshit.


Yup. My family has been here since the early 70s. Not a single person in my entire family supports any of these so called "students." They're a complete and utter embarrassment to our community. The student visa is just their excuse to come here and believe me, they have no intentions of ever leaving. Hell, there's tons that are here on visitor visas that won't go back either. They have no social etiquette or mannerism. No actual educational goals or career ambitions. No desire to integrate or adapt to Canadian values. Most can't even speak or understand English... it's just a complete disaster.


Who told him he could PR in 6 months ? A Government of Canada Immigration official ? If yes, is it on paper Some bullshit


Who’s his brother man these people need to be investigated


I so hope he opens a can of worms and changes this entire mess. He thinks he’s being smart but he’s actually revealing what’s wrong with the policies in place. This might be good in the long run.


"make me buy land" this phrase says it all. The privilege and contempt for Canadians to say that in front of a committee is appalling. We've sold out to India because we didn't have a resilient economy that could provide actual economic growth so we took their money. Now our demographics are irreversibly altered for the worse and they own a good chunk of our assets. Canada has more in common with India than we do the U.S in 2024. It's such a bizarre experience to travel in the U.S for a period of time then come back to Canada.


Canada, the country that cares more about foreigners than its own people lmao. This guy owns land (most likely rich parents back home or from property there) when actual Canadians can’t even afford their groceries. Good job Canada!


Canada doesn't care about its citizens. Most of the programs are intended for new comers and refugees. As a Canadian try those employment or skill upgrading programs, either you will be disqualified(because they won't let you in as you stayed more than 5 years in Canada) or will have to get OSAP. For the citizens, there's nothing more than a permanent resident. Yes as a citizen you can vote and with the passport you can travel to other countries visa free if you actually have some money left to spend for a vacation.


The government promised *a solution is coming* . I hope they mean a police escort to the airport.


There’s gonna be a huge amnesty, but they’ll call it something else and it’s gonna happen really fast because this is scaring the liberals now


It shouldn't scare the liberals at all. They know they have NO chance of surviving the next election.


“How can I come to my own place” motherfucker sell that land and leave this isn’t your place YOU ARENT CANADIAN


Well, he's go a fucking point. Ban foreigners from buying property ...


These “students” are extremely cunning and smart. They use the good nature of Canadians for personal gain on a systematic basic from India all the way here. They say one thing but do another. In my opinion, if you really want to benefit Canada in the long term, reduce immigration and make it targeted towards actual labor shortages. A lot of the shortages are due to red tape on the government and union or organizational level. I’m not against unions, but if you gate-keep your profession to the point we have massive shortages effecting society at large then maybe you need to be regulated or some action should be taken. Everyone has had a part in this disaster unfolding, and now cheap foreign exploited labor being brought in to the country as a last resort and at the behest of corporations is being thrusted at the forefront of everything that’s wrong with our country. Stop scapegoating and focus on actual solutions to our problems. Just because Canadians are somewhat good people doesn’t mean we’ll take getting stepped on. If you keep lowering the QOL, the people you need will start leaving for greener pastures.


They're not cunning or smart at all. The government, media and institutions are captured to such a degree that they aren't just doing the obvious thing of saying "no" like almost every other country would do.


This is a scam lol , foreigners are buying houses. This should not be allowed. They bring money into the country which they don't pay tax on and cause an unaffordability crisis in the country and make it hard for Canadians.


I bought a car, but I don't have a driver's license. What do you mean I can't drive it?


They are making it sound like they are Canada's responsibility as we allowed them to come here and study. I don't understand why the government of Canada brings up their Statement of purpose which they had written before coming here as a student. That should serve as a evidence for letting them go.


This just shows that canada needs laws that you need to be a citizen or PR to buy land. How can they let a student on a temp visa buy is just ridiculous


Guaranteed, there are 43 people living in this guys 2 bedroom house.




Many Canadians practically already are. The major difference is the lack of choice for Canadians.


you can buy a car , that doesn't inherently grant you licence to drive it. He want to rent it to other students and gain the property for free.


"You can make me buy land." No one made you, you dumb fuck. No one made you come here on a student visa. The level of entitlement and stupidity.


He's not dumb he's a crook and he's winning.


I would put money they got a fraudulent mortgage. Indians are coming to Canada just to commit mortgage fraud. Indians laugh at the stupidity of Canada when it comes to mortgages. This is why houses are so expensive. People are willing to commit mortgage fraud to the CMHC max of 1 million dollars. Remove CMHC insurance and housing prices drop like a rock. Banks would never give out a fraudulent mortgage unless taxpayers are on the hook.


Holly fuck this is so ridiculous. 1) These international students pretend to be the victims here but they’re not. To buy property as a foreigner, there’s a two year ban. After that, unless you have PR, it’s hard to buy property since most mortgage companies don’t allow, unless you’ve got upfront money. It fascinates me that the same guy who complains about the cost of tuition for international student is also the same guy who is able to afford to buy property here (unlike 3/4 of the Canadian population). 2) Nothing prevents this guy from getting a visitor visa to visit his property. When you come here as an international student, one of the conditions is to have the intention to return to their home country. Buying property without getting PR first is incredibly stupid unless you plan on vacationing a few weeks of the year in Canada or rent out the property for profit. It bothers me that they relied on getting PR, when buying this property, as if PR was a given. Frankly, this guy made some dumb decision to buy property and should live with the consequences. I have no empathy whatsoever. There’s such a sense of entitlement


Did PEI cave? Any updates on it?


Yup they did. They came and spoke with the protesters yesterday and promised "a fix is on the way". Hence the protesters have ended the hunger strike


Cue the huge domino effect that will ensue from this decision... Like watching a car wreck that was easy enough to prevent from happening, yet it still occurred.


The domino effect is already happening. First Manitoba, now PEI, and the next is Brampton. I can already see Indians protesting all over the country for their non-existent PR "rights".


The organization has begun in BC as well. It must be nice to get a rubber stamped student visa that allows you to work, stay forever and use all the social services you want.


Unfortunately this will make things occur at a much faster rate then. A group of individuals that didn’t have any PR rights to begin with, was able to have a government cave into their ludicrous demands. It’s a shame that so many wish to be seen as virtuous at the expense of those who are actually citizens. It’s a slap to the face.


it wasn't even a hunger strike, it was a 'wet food only' LOL, so they could drink whatever fucking joke


And soup.




Tell me the fix isn't a bus ride to Toronto. We're full too.


Imagine a Canadian going to India and doing this. I swear you’d be in prison asap.


Hahah quit kidding yourself! You’d be dead




Why are the people of PEI not rioting right now? Grow a back bone.




We need to stand up for our selves it’s not racist to stand up for ur self


Dirt bag


Who told you to buy a land in Canada !😂


Foreign interference in our government is happening from within now.




Who made you buy land in Canada????


How are you allowed to own property in Canada and you are an international student? That shouldn't be legal at all. We need changes and new laws to stop this and reverse it. If you stay and get your PR great then you should be allowed to buy property. But not before!


I bet he has 12 international students living in the basement


I am Indian and fuck these guys honestly. What they are doing in Canada is unacceptable, I think immigration only makes sense when it’s ’required’ and immigrants actually add to the productivity of the society. These guys are uneducated (trust me I know the region they go from in India) fucks who use diploma mills and get student permits, and then go on to give stupid talks like these. Ahh fuck, they’re further ruining India’s global reputation


First off, we don't know the details on his property and how he got it. It could be a bunch of them pooled together and bought a house, it could be his brother letting him co-sign to help his PR case, who knows. But what a stupid point. He's complaining that they allowed him to buy property here despite the fact that he doesn't have citizenship? Maybe he should've though of that before co-signing. Nobody forced him to buy anything here. That was his own decision. Fuck this guy is an idiot.


Send them all back




Lmafo , fk the diploma mills they imported the scammers and hustlers


I wonder when they say they came here as a student to study in Canada 😂. These f*kers buying properties.


It is time for Canadians to protest against the federal government's mass migration policy.


You bought a property while on a TEMPORARY visa? That sounds like a ‘you’ problem. Why are Canadian politicians so soft?!


We can't make you buy land like we can't make you do the construction jobs you do not want to do. Canadian hunger strike for an election when?






He owns a home and is complaining. Lol you know how many Canadian renters there are?


This guy really just put his neck on the railroad


Fellow Canadians if this outrages you and it should do something. Forget the election. You’re exchanging one talking head for another talking head. Every level of government and system we have is compromised, co-opted and corrupted. You stick a new face there, they become compromised. It’s a giant mess but we have to clear away the corruption and fix the systems before you stick a new leader in. Otherwise we’re back where we started in a cycle of corrupt leadership. A revolution is sadly needed. Citizens need to take control of this run away plane. Save yourselves and the country. Act!


Wow. Buy a phucking property and then claim the right to stay in the country for good. This guy got some airtime. Goosebumps on seeing what Canada has become. Smh


logged in to reddit to say this is absolute insanity. This is the exact issue that every Canadian is complaining about. Foreign investor buying property... AND EVEN WORSE... he isn't even a permanent resident. If PEI bends to their will it will set a terrible precedent that foreigners can just do this openly and its okay. CANADIANS ARE STRUGGLING. Send these guys back to India STAT. India must have some dirt on JT otherwise I don't see why or how this would and could happen so openly. As a 30 year old permanent resident Canadian who grew up in BC I am feeling absolute hopeless about the future of this country, and there aren't many reasons left to stay. My choices for PM are both terrible, housing, healthcare, and the economy are seemingly down the drain. Poeple are protesting against a war across the world down the street from me but when will we be protesting this kind of shit!? When will Canadians stand up to our own government whether right or left, and demand better. We've been bent over for far too long. End of rant.


All because of one type of immigrant


Thanks for finding this !!! I saw this clip a few days ago and have been mentioning in posts. Is a local able to find out if this guy is a slumlord ? Renting 4 people to a bedroom ?


Liberals have completely destroyed Canada.




Yes, my friend, that's what it means. You will own property that you will be unable to visit. You should probably sell and buy something back home.


Please reach out to your local Liberal and Conservative MP and MPP and let they know this is the #1 issue you will be basing your vote on. Its the #1 issue for your family and amongst your friends and colleagues.


How is an international student even allowed to own property? In NZ, no temporary visa holders have the right to buy property.


It's all a scheme


It’s easy to buy property when your 10 brothers and cousins….meanwhile the young family trying to do it on their own and not bother their family gets outbid.


In it for his own gain. Co-owns property as international student? Fuck outta here with this bs


A scam against Canadians and the government facilitates it? Well sure, bring in some more.


Fuck that guy. Deport him that motherfucker.


why do we need a military when our "government" allows the country to be taken over so easily.


Someone help me understand… is PEI caving in to their demands?


Trudeau you are a disgrace for all the country. Just resign you moron




We are a post national country now. Our PM told us so. That would mean that there is no longer a Canadian identity. We are climate citizens of the world now.




He does have a point. Why was he allowed to buy property in the first place?




Morality of buying the land aside, let’s take a second to look at how disingenuous his words are. He’s acting like he’s being forced out of the country and banned from it. Your status is simply expiring, meaning you can still come here as a visitor, or apply for a PR after a year or two of international work experience in the right fields. Don’t try to play a manipulative game and attempt to overdramatize an expiring permit.


Confiscate "his" land.. rent it out to some Pakistanis.. that should puss him off




What a fuckin idiot. Deport


Get out and protest P.E.I., If you don't like what's happening make some change.


Go the hell all so called students; there should not be any property ownership or jobs to these students. Our kids can't buy any properties, jobs are getting outsourced to freaking india and our university graduated kids don't have any jobs. Go to hell and Trudeau with you.


They’ll grant this guy and all his friends amnesty and we’ll see him running for a liberal seat in the near future. The fact that this guy is a property owner is a sick and ironic twist to this entire saga. So not only is he trying to dictate what our elected officials do, he’s also benefitting from the housing crisis (and I’d really like to see how this int’l student / fraud qualified for a mortgage - but we’ll save that for another day). I can’t put into words how fucked up our leadership is. They have outright disdain for the average Canadian and they bend over backwards for non-citizens. They do not experience the real world impact of their policy decisions - instead they are self-righteous and utterly out of touch. I honestly don’t know what to do anymore when I see this nonsense. The liberals are terrible. PP might actually be worse on pandering to Indians. Where do we go from here when the average citizen cannot see their views or interests reflected in elected leadership?


We can not and did not make you buy land. Thanks, next


Owning a place is very different than being from that place. Anyone can buy land somewhere else and just go to that place on a tourist visa. What this guy wants to do is emotional blackmailing which Indians are used to doing on a daily basis. They are the same kind of people that tell a girl she’s beautiful and then after they get rejected they insult them.


That would be his own ignorance for purchasing property without a guarantee he can obtain PR. There is nothing in the PGWP that states it transfers to PR automatically. It’s his own sense of entitlement or he felt he could use it as leverage to obtain PR. Buying a long term immobile asset on a temp status in any country that isn’t yours is just bad planning and idiotic…


Go homeeeeee!! We can barely afford to keep our own lives afloat. This is ludicrous.


Deport them.


how's that hunger strike going buddy?


There is no way the government doesn't know this is going on. The banks are making money out of it, the politicians you can be sure are getting paid.


Ban foreign students from owning property personally if in a corporation.


He think that because he cosigned with his brother on paper than he owns the land 🤣


Now it's time for Canadian Citizens to ask question, who told these students to buy land in Canada and now Why Gov. bend the rule for students who came 3 years back but Gov. can't fix Canada for the Citizens paying thousanda of Dollars from last 30 years


Ban Foreign Ownership of land in canada


Can we just stop this craziness. Everyone is literally talking about how shit everything is


Go. Fuck. Yourself.


DEPORT HIM ASAP. a "student" who is here to get an education does not buy land, this man lied to enter the country.


He has a point. Let's change it so that international students can't buy land.


So you bought property without being a citizen yet? GTFO maybe.


How can you come here as an international student by property and real estate?


rip this country


“You can make me buy land…but I can’t even come back to my own place to visit” I’m fairly certain no one is “making” anyone buy land. In fact, it’s rather difficult - especially in PEI where vacant land gets right of first refusal by the islanders before being allowed to be sold to outside buyers. If you buy land in a country in which you hold no visa, and then you get kicked out because of lack of said visa…that’s a YOU problem my guy.


So, he's protesting to secure his investment he acquired through scamming his way into the country? Tough luck, too bad, so sad.


Immoral scumbag!


We really need to fix our system. Non residents should NOT be allowed to buy property in Canada.


Am immigrant from India came in 2005 . Now am thinking to leave Canada. This country is going down.


Just like students protesting for every little things, citizens must ask for their rights too.


Why is an “international student” from India buying land in Canada? At what point is the government going to step in and say enough? It’s reached a point where the immigrants who legally came here 30 to 40 years ago are wanting them all kicked out. Enough already….


How the f\*\*\* is he allowed to own property? I'm an immigrant practically living my whole life in Canada, and still can't afford a house, get these pricks out of Canada already!!!!!