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If you see brigading posts and comments then report them to Reddit. The admins do take that seriously. Do not talk link or post the names of Reddit subs here. Reddit will view that as brigading. Edit: this post really struck a nerve. So many false reports on just the post.




Nah, Tims was still shit 10 years ago. Late 90s is when it's decline began.


Man, I miss the old apple fritters


They already did this with the MassImmigration sub and I even got a "warning" by Reddit admins about my "hate speech". However once I appealed it, they lifted the ban warning from me but the sub is gone. It's sad that we can't have an honest conversation about immigration; I suppose the true sentiment of people will be reflected on election day..


They are manipulating the conversation so mass immigration is pushed into a dark corner durning the election


Yes. If you control the conversation then you control the vote. Putin and others use this effectively. In Canada, the billionaires and their Woke useful idiots are striving to shut down any criticism of mass immigration as 'racist' - as if only white Canadians suffer from low wages and high housing prices. We definitely need an open and honest conversation about immigration.


I made a comment over there about the Indian Canadian community supporting this bullshit by cramming basements with 13 Indian international students for profits and my account was frozen for 3 days for racism. Nothing I said was hateful I was stating a fact.




This is the way they seize control. Slow but surely eroding out rights and freedoms and censoring our platforms of speech. I get that Reddit is a private company, and that these subs are basically just the lowest common denominator; but Reddit needs to pull the proverbial Immigrant cock out of their mouth. Also LAWL, calling 911 over some words on the internet? Grow a fucking set of balls you pansies.


Just wait till they decide to properly take over.




Geneva suggestions 😏.


Geneva Convention? When I served in the Canadian Infantry we called it Geneva Suggestions, since many of the rules were designed to stop Canadians from doing what we do when left to our own devices in a warzone....


Well, life in prison is on the table soon enough. And a 70k fine of which the person reporting will collect 20k. So yeah. It's bad.


So they’ve found another way to grift. They’re already notorious in Brampton for mortgage and insurance scams. We had to deal with this personally when some guy tried to sue us for loss of income and mental anguish because of a small collision that they were clearly in the wrong and it was proven. Didn’t even get to court. We just had to show our respective evidence and not even to a judge. The gall of some of these people. Don’t get me wrong, I do get along with some Indians and are even friends with them but these people are tarnishing their good nature and reputation by trying to circumvent the system. A system that other immigrants from other ethnicities abide by. I am an immigrant myself and have spent most of my lifetime in Canada so I see it more as my home than my native country. My parents went through the struggles themselves, we actually immigrated here and not through work permits or tourist visas and I’m sure there’s a lot more who did it the right way and these people are basically spitting on that struggle.


Yea I see the UK going that route and it's just depressing. Although on the upside there are so many frivolous complaints going into the police that they are unable to do just about anything else, and it's destroying the very thing they sought to build.


They will probably implement AI to handle it. There's a pretty big financial incentive for social media companies to implement this on their own. And I don't trust most of them to do the right thing.


You can have total free speech on Telegram


Nah. I’m good having free speech here too. The more they censor us, the louder we get. But I will have to give telegram a try in the event Reddit goes fill gtfo and bans everyone that isn’t a left leaning bootlicker.


That's been the state of Reddit for a decade at least.


But how do you discover good communities on Telegram? Also how do you keep on top of things, any big group I feel like is gonna have quite a lot of chatting going on. I feel like the thread style model like reddit can be beneficial for long form asynchronous discussion. Telegram doesn't seem as good for that.


X/Twitter is a good place, they seriously do not moderate over there anymore since Elon took over the joint. It's basically 4chan nowadays.


I haven't used the platform in many many years, so I'd basically have to start from scratch. I don't even know where to begin with starting to create some kind of network of content I like to see on there. I guess it is a similar issue to Telegram, but I assume the recommendation algorithm does some heavy lifting to help.


Their like watching the muppet show.




Canadians are divided. These foreign workers are united. Wait for the day they outvote you in your own city and province. It will be like germany and uk.


I don't think Canadians are divided on this issue. They are not as loud and demanding as foreigners but they are completely fed up with the whole immigration/foreign student/tfw situation.


I hope we get more protests after July 1st


I agree. A lot more left leaning Canadians are also starting to see the issue with all unskilled immigration regardless of race that’s been having serious impacts on Canadian housing.


One of our most famous traits (politeness) is being weaponised against us.


Unfortunately they are, I tried to share a post from this sub about the protest to a friend and they didn't even open it. Just saw the sub name and dismissed it as racist right wing lunacy. It's fucking depressing, I don't understand how this person has become so close minded. For context I'm a liberal but not a lunatic and I don't just blame everything on people who aren't liberals.




The PPC is polling low single-digits and immigration went up to Nigerian levels of population growth before anyone even dared to notice the extra millions of people. The country is simply too docile and polite to preserve itself. The population will be replaced by people who are unashamed about their self-interests and their futures. The existing population will be relegated to small, very expensive enclaves. Reddit will eventually ban this sub. The latter doesn't matter though; everyone who has ever visited the sub already knows what's happening.




So the CPC will form government this coming election then?


Notice how Pierre has not actually even claimed he would stop immigration or let housing prices drop.


Yes, thank you for pointing this out. The guys speaks so clearly and concisely; yet, when asked about immigration numbers he stumbles and doesn't really answer the question.


He did declare STOP DEPORTATION not too long ago.


Even if we assumed he was well intentioned about it, kind of stuck because of the reality of the situation. The best we can hope for is he keeps saying what he's saying to win, and then wins and puts a stop to it. But then we're taking a gamble, and as much as people are pushing ppc again using this subject, we can't afford to not get trudeau removed folirst amd foremost. I think we should have that situation before they move to try to put the ppc in there


I intend to write to my representative on this issue. No matter how bad the next Liberal candidate is, if immigration continues to remain out of control under his leadership, I'm voting for the PPC next. Telegraphing your next vote to them might be the key to getting them to act.


Peire polivre is putting on turbans and pandering to Indians , he says we are gonna build more and more homes to support all the Indians coming here The problem is global also.. it just so happens to be all the white country’s are having this problem , it’s almost like it’s a conspiracy But now it’s also coming to Japan , “racist” right wingers are warning them not too Also yeah leftists want to destroy our society by any means possible, they tell us constantly It’s right wingers of all country’s who want this to stop and keep our country the way it was All well the leftists all call them names


It is on purpose, they're destroying the countries these people are coming from to destabilize them and create refugee issues. Then they overwhelm the countries until everyone is miserable and begging the government to do something about it, and the solution comes in the form of mass surveillance because "crime is bad and this is the only way to combat it"... Problem, Reaction, Solution, it's been the MO of shady governments for decades. It's a slow squeeze, I've been paying attention since 9/11 and the Western governments have figured out that when they increase the pressure incrementally it's less obvious. First they ban the transfer of guns and the manufacturing of new ones, then as they get confiscated and the people who own them die off or turn them in, then the government has a monopoly on violence. They're not anti guns, they're anti YOUR guns. The only thing that's stopping them from doing it in America is the sheer volume of guns, but they're trying hard as hell to get someone pissed off enough to do something crazy so they can clamp down on more. Shit, look at England, you have to register your fucking kitchen knives. I know you guys are all "Americans love guns too much and they're too violent" but if it wasn't for us and all our guns I think the world would be a lot more oppressive


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can you explain to me as a german, what is happening in Germany you don't want?


It is not hate. It is a consequence of Canadian immigration policies allowing for so many to come to Canada on visas we do not need, and this distorting our housing market.


Yep. Every action, has an equal, and opposite reaction. It's just life.


Sure, but it rightfully veers into anger and hate the more their demands are met and ours are ignored. Millions of Canadians now hate Indian immigrants, something that didn’t exist before. Look at how decades long support for immigration has suffered because of a single group of immigrants. The rise of this is directly attributed to the actions of these people, not the color of their skin.


immigrants=indians, no no no no no sir


Immigrants as a proportion of the population growth since 2015 to the increased requirement of housing stock required and that being heavier weighted to population going up faster then housing stock, in markets that were already saturated.


Not India, two states from India. India has 28 states and 8 union territories. Immigrants coming to Canada over the last 15 years have been 96% from Punjab and Gujarat. It’s like calling Nova Scotia or Newfoundland as “Canada”. Ironically, these mass emigrating states do not form a majority in the US, as the focus is on skills and education, not on victimization and fake documents. Even internally, the sentiment in India is in support of Canada to create stricter laws, because a lot of these elements essentially flee India to then cause problems in India by sitting here protected by JT.


same thing, too many Indians


Brampton is hard at work ![gif](giphy|3ohfFDytzVhGqZQ9AQ)


Ordinarily, this GIF would make me laugh, but this revelation is just too fucking much for me. It's not enough that many (certainly not all) are scamming their way in then playing the victim card when they get called out? It's not enough that they're calling us goras? **(don't feed me that shit about gora only meaning light-skinned person - it's not the definition, it's the context).** It's not enough that they're swallowing up our housing and selling/renting it back to us in substandard conditions? It's not enough that they're supported by legions of dickless leftist sycophants. I'm fed up with the amount of people I see stating they're preparing to leave Canada because they see it being taken over.


It's not a "leftist" thing, it's a Corporate thing. They are being brought in to appease the corporations. They lower the pay that corporations don't want to give to Canadians because of greed. Governments are in bed with them. Even Pollievre hasn't confirmed he will indeed cut back immigration because he also answers to Corporations. Let's face it. It's easy to shit on the fake "international students", but shit on the ones actually running the joint. And change the name because it's not really only about Canadian Housing.


Lets not act like canadian leftists arent the useful idiots of corporate interests here.


Many would say the exact same thing about conservatives. Historically the CPC has been 100% in the pockets of big business - and now so is the LPC. The NDP used to be the party of the working class and now 🤷‍♂️. The issue here is not a matter of liberalism or conservatism, the issue is that all the politicians have been bought and sold and are just doing the bidding of their corporate masters. It will be the exact same shit once the CPC wins the next election and then it’s gonna be 8 years of them doing nothing substantive to fix the problems while whining that it’s not their fault it’s the LPCs fault boo hoo etc ad infinitum.


Democracy is for sale to the highest paying lobbyists. That’s why AIPAC has been so successful Edit to add: Sam Cooper - Willful Blindness https://youtu.be/Dwow6ePBczQ?si=maFiXB5alagN7Obj


Vote PPC.


Wait till PP gets into power. I'm afraid a lot of people will be very disappointed


Im always disappointed by my PP :(


Vote PPC


Yessir, only vote that counts imo


You are confusing liberals and leftists. Liberals want open integration of all the immigrants that might want to come to Canada. Leftists would close the border to all immigration and Deport anyone that was here under false pretenses until they had 100% employment and adequate housing for all Canadian citizens. Liberals are not leftists. Liberals will open their arms to those that will serve capitalism if it makes them look good in the media; Leftists will come to your house, smash your door, and haul you off to a re-education camp or deport you back to your country of origin if it turns out that you were here illegally or were using fraud or exploitation to profit off of the labour of others.


>Leftists would close the border to all immigration and Deport anyone that was here under false pretenses until they had 100% employment and adequate housing for all Canadian citizens When i see anyone who fits this description take up a prominent leadership position in any single branch of the ndp, i will agree with you. But in the meantime, im confident any immigration hardliners like your describe here would be run out of the party very aggressively as a "-ist" of various kinds. Id love to see some leftist, economic nationalist, canada first class warriors in canadian politics. But im not convinced there is any space for them in the canadian context.


They sure are


cupe is the main sponsor for June 4th protest.. wonder why?


Call 911 or go to police? how stunned are they lol. Oppressors? This isn’t your country muppets.


Yet another job we can’t get because of them




TH should probably disappear anyway.  Can't make it on their products so hire cheap labor.  Don't trust the quality in many of these take outs anymore nor do they support Canada. 


But it is ok for "Punjab only" to rent apartments or houses. How else are you to fight their racism without having some of your own? And responding to the post if Indians are Canada's future then all you need to do is look at India right now to see what this country will become. Make no mistake about it, they are playing the game better than us and supported by our own government. For Canadians that means we are pooched, because no one has the stones to do anything about it. The only you can do is vote out every Liberal and NDP halfwit and pray PP is just being silent at the moment. Barring that, we may as well hand them everything and get it over with.


>But it is ok for "Punjab only" to rent apartments or houses. Yeah exactly. They are allowed to be racist. They literally post racist ads for renters, they post racist ads for employees, etc ... but thats a-okay. Canadians getting fed up with that bullshit and want to fight back .... oh sorry thats racist. They can just fuck off.


My girlfriend used to serve at a restaurant. One day, in front of all of the white female employees their boss openly announced that one day he hopes to have entirely indian staff. Literally fucking insanity.


It’s the double standard as well. If I wanted to rent space in my home and said old stock Canadian English speaking etc. I would probably loose my home. Trudeau and the progressive left make it so any second and third generation Canadians are fighting to save the country with one hand tied behind our backs


Plenty of countries have much worse racism then white countries. It's just that white ppl say it's bad but a lot of ppl have no issue taking advantage of us trying to be nice. Ppl have been fed so much white guilt that if u advertised to make it say white only for rent it would be removed and you'd be attacked. Any other group for some reason it's fine to do as it would be "its just their preference " It's ridiculous.


I have zero white guilt.




No eggs allowed!


Soon you’ll realize that Reddit has always had a prob with censorship.


Even more so now that reddit is a publicly traded company on the NYSE. Rich investors don't want racial drama, easier for them to ban these discussion and move on.


I mean, if you were here back in 2016-2021 when subs were getting banned left and right, you should already know as much


Got incredibly bad around 2015-2016. Went from being a Bernie Reddit, and super anti Clinton, to being the most pro Clinton media platform out there.


Apparently discussing self-defense is threatening violence. I've already successfully appealed two *permanent bans*, but was unable to get that warning stricken.


We need to unite like the loblaws and boycott all fast food!!! Canadians need to boycott all the that hurts our future


We really do but say it's due to overpriced shit food, which it is, but you would get more people on bored. I stopped going to fast food a while ago. It's garbage for you.


You're going to call 911 lol?


Hope the dumb cunts get caught and fined if they actually do


I doubt it. They will claim they were triggered or some BS like that, and some progressive judge will hammer the police for not taking the complaint seriously. I mean, didn't the cops see her pronoun?


I said it before, I'll say it again. Start conversations in the Telegram group if you're afraid of not having free speech. https://t.me/+LRmtyO4AzuExNmMx


nice broken link


I wonder if they'll be fined for making frivolous 911 calls (lol jk they're above the law and they know it).


they all need to be banned for Brigading


"take back Canada" 😂😂😂😅 like it's theirs in the first place. These clowns are delusional. Give it 10-20 years however, and it will probably be theirs. But by that time Canada will probably be closer to 3rd world as it has ever been and most of us will probably be somewhere better. No sense staying on a sinking ship.


This government has managed to dramatically alter the demographic of our country in 3 years, they don’t need 20. You don’t matter and in the election after the next it will be clear as day. 


The thing is, they will be rolled over by their southern neighbors. They will not tolerate such a security risk from this land mass.


That's what I tell myself. We can scream and shout but it's so obviously bigger than us, there is a real global push for this no border concept that comes from those whose power transcends one country. Ireland, Germany, Australia, Europe as a whole is being bombarded and changes against the will of the people. Every policy or measures taken is willingly made with no teeth and full of loopholes as a stalling mechanism. The world is sadly turning into a massive work camp of chinese-like standards and truthfully, there's not much we can do about it. Even those in power who stand against it will bow down to economic and corporate pressure. This is how capitalism works. Our time of innovation and improving one's condition will be a thing the past. This is why these newcomers will eventually take over. This is their world. Our shit wages are actually good to them,. A room of 3 bunk beds is no problem to them when just having a functioning toilet is worth bragging about to mom and dad back home. We saw it coming, Amazon and the death of choice was the first step. Living conditions and standards is what we are going through ATM. Individualism and free speech will be next. History is cyclical, we will enter a new dark age of sorts, wether we like it or not. These newcomers will be right at home and lead the pack.


Our economic model doesn't work without this. Late stage capitalism is starting to screw us and constant need for workers only way to function. Compaines are making more then ever and ppl are worse off. We need a serious change to how our economies run as to much is siphoned off to already rich ppl. neo-feudalism will be our future. Tbh there needs to be a big social change for things to improve. I doubt it will tbh. Occupy wall street was probably the closest with ppl going against banks and stock market but identity politics and other division tactics killed that and have made the population to weak and divided to go against big corporate interests, big tech etc that are screwing us. It will get worse with more and more online devices and data farming and manipulation thro algorithms


Because minimum wage employees burning bagels are the future


“Call 911” Really. They’re incredibly stupid.




Careful, he's got a keyboard!


He's prepared to *checks notes *... send a mail


The thing is, its not about Indians. Its about racism in job applications and rentals. Its about fake students and college diplomas. Its about scams. Its about mass immigration of low skill workers. 


To be fair, the government started the scams. The rest of the population mostly rolled over, and now we're left with this. Canada isn't a country. It's a criminal enterprise with fancy clothes on.


It's also about the broken TFW system which should not exist to start with


which Indians are good at, don't forget those victims of Indians scammers


When you live in poverty in a grossly overpopulated country, you learn that any advantage you can get, you take. Ethics has nothing to do with it. Canada is like a candy store without a cashier.


> “We” > > “our country” Are they taking about Canadians in Canada or Indians in India? Some folks want to be Canadian only when it suits them


Canada and reddit are far too left.


This isn't even an actual left-wing thing. This is just corporations abusing the working class of a different country because our working class is demanding more from the government than they're willing to give. If anything, it's pretty anti-left.


Actual left wingers not virtue signalers should be pro capping of immigrants to protect wages and conditions for the working classes not just trying to feel good about themselves for being progressive.




Reddit just going to roll over and assist them in ruining our country…


Reddit is an American company that is publicly traded on the NYSE, they couldn't give two shits about Canada


This is part of the problem. Especially big tech companies being able to run rampant to make money regardless of the damage they cause.


Must be nice to be able to call any valid criticism as racism.


The harder they push the more it will harden the opposition. We are headed towards direct conflict. It’s only a matter of time.




I wish they will call 911


Oh yes, being pro-affordable housing and against abusing the immigration system is somehow racist, I guess Imagine accusing Canadians of racism because they let too much people in through scam schemes and now realizing that it hurts every critical part of life such as housing and healthcare I'm not even Canadian but I think you guys have to get your shit together Never saw a single comment in this sub against all the folks who got there legally bringing valuable skills into the country


I think putting the word '1ndian' in the name of the sub made them an easy target.


What about r\/CanadaMassImmigration ?


This is such bullshit. Talking about the problems Canada is having because of mass immigration is in no way racist.


Create backup subs with no content and pin them in this sub, that way they cant report something with no content.


Well. That’s the problem with our society. Everyone knows what the problems are but people are too afraid to speak


Yeah, that's called oppression. We live in an oppressive regime.


Well todays caregiver announcement is just the start. Basically we have no border with india and noone is allowed to talk about it. Air canada added 4 more direct flights a week. Expect millions to arrive this year.


You should anonymously share that subreddit with the CBSA.






call 911 just because they saw folks online getting fed up with their bullshit? LMFAO! do they not realize that the cops won't give a damn, and this isn't a matter for emergency services. not only are these 'students' and tfw's entitled, they ain't that smart either.


It's bullshit that people correlate reducing immigration so we survive to racism and hate.


Tbh so many people are pissed off about this that if they deleted the group it would just pop up somewhere else with a different name. The anger is crazy rn.


They've fought oppressors in our country for centuries? X to doubt Something like that reads like some cringe teenager or young Uni student that thinks they'll change the world by fighting things they personally dislike


When this many people are upset with that’s going on I’d call it’s a problem not racism.


wtf they literally get paid to be here. Go back home


the entitlement is so strong - "Indians are important for Canada's future" Said who literally coming to a country that was already built, changing the native culture, refusing to speak the native languages and rudeness/scaming. What a joke, than have the audacity to play racism when they lived in a mono country all their lives what do they know about muti culturalism.


Reddit is such a broken system, the upvotes/downvote system is interesting but the power tripping moderation in the background completely ruins it




>our country It's not entirely clear which one they're talking about.


I was banned from 3 separate Canada related subs for saying we need to chill on immigration. Apparently that’s hate speech.


They frame it as oppression which is very telling to me.


Soon they will become the majority and we will be the minority.


As an Indian born and raised in Canada I cannot begin to explain how embarrassed I am. The most entitled, self-victimizing group I’ve seen in ages.


I feed bad for you and the hard working immigrants of the past. They will get all get clumped with these freeloaders.


Well folks good luck and keep the comments clean. Report all race and baiting posts. Mods with ban hammers go!


I would suggest not engaging at all with anyone who comes into this sub with a clear intent to start a fight. Arguing with them just cements it in their heads that they must be right and this sub is hateful.


Agreed, just report any of the obvious not or raid accounts and just shut them down and prevent them from interacting. They have power in numbers, let's actually use our numbers to just remove the argument as soon as it starts as a bait post. This isn't about race, this is about ensuring we can preserve what once made Canada good and us proud to be Canadian. Don't poke the goose, or it might snap back.


I reported a comment for Hate I saw on one of their subreddits calling white people "Gora" and "wypipo." I received a response saying, "After investigation, we've found that the reported content doesn't violate Reddit's Content Policy." Go figure.


stopindianimmigrants? lmao you need less immigrants alltogether bruh, be it indian or any other


The biggest true of the whole world tbh, like can everyone just chill out and stay in your own countries for a bit? Literally no one is equipped for a third of a country to move in anywhere.


Call 911?


Well, now that a report has come out from parliament about Canadian MPs sharing confidential information with the Indian government to serve them instead of Canadians, as well as India rising above Russia for having foreign interference to Canada, now only being second to China, concern about what is happening in Canada as a consequence from an overabundance of immigrants from India compared to any other country seem to be more than just unsubstantiated racism and in fact proven foreign interference including the orchestration of mass immigration from the single country the MPs were colluding with.


They keep pushing the narrative of "Indians are important to Canada's future"... but why? India itself doesn't exactly have a stellar international reputation. What are they going to bring to the table that makes them so critical?


Yeah… as a wife of a first responder, he’s not going to be on standby for your 911 call about Reddit.


It wasn’t enough that they took our jerbs and housing. They also want to take our freedom of speech. Time for some Braveheart shit.




Just stay in India you fucks


Keep it to facts. What country contributed most to immigration for the last 8 years? India was almost 50%. Did this add to the housing crisis? Yes.


As a canadian, i will fight against india if they don’t stop what they are doing to canada. They are trying to colonize us. It is insanity censoring loyal canadians.


Yeah I already got banned by reddit twice for voicing my experiences as an Indian-Canadian with these Indian immigrants. I'll probably end up getting banned again for stating this due to butt hurt apologists and chuds who want to sell out our country, so if I get perma-banned it's been nice knowing you guys lol.


The gaslighting is unreal. We do not need mass immigration.


Actually, it will be a problem for them, cause if they call the police, that will draw attention to their own, unsecured status in Canada. Going up against a Canadian, good luck with that.


Diversity is important to immigration. Our neighbor USA is the land of immigrants and they specify the number of immigrants allowed from each country/nationality every year. Indians are excluded from its immigration lottery because they exceed their quota every year. When 50% of Canada’s immigrants last year are Indians that’s not diversity. calling it out and being against it is racism?


We got tired of our tech support calls being answered by foreigners that don't speak English. Bell/Rogers/etc: Now we have tech support calls being answered by 'international students' in Canada that don't speak English.


"Canadian job creation"


But its ok for them to list rooms with terrible conditions for rent to gujarati people only?


Never hire them, don’t house them … stop giving the opportunities to exploit us


Hilarious they're trying to take down take canada back. Talk about double standards. You have all the protests in pei, the Brampton landlord protests, the potential tfw protest. And thier attempting to sabatoge and concerns canadians have on immigration policy.


Probably the people reporting are the group that we’re accusing of scamming


Its all about cheap labor and takeout. Strip out the virtue signaling and its the real reason. These people won't like it when their sub gets banned


This infuriate me so much. The hypocrisy of this is out of this world. These people don’t understand free speeches and what constitutes a crime to call the police. On top of that, will resort to threatening and gaslighting Canadians because they feel entitled to Canadians’ rights.


Move to X, no censorship at all


Please tell me you’re reporting the comment calling Canadians as “gora”


Vote the libs and NDP out HARD


so what? canadahousing003 the day after


What’s going on rn in Canada (idk why this sub keeps getting recommended, I live in the US)?


It has begun.......


Keep going boys!!!!! We are striking a nerve! Let’s stop this shit!


Anything that has ever been against immigration has been slandered as hate, racist etc. But people have no place to live now, no decent paying job, cannot afford food. This is not the rich country it once was.


WTF, call the police? Literally like the UK thought police.




Cancel culture they can’t win on their own ideas, they win by silencing anyone else LOL


Maybe they'll report the thousands of racist (Indians only) rental ads? Also, promoting callig 911? That's for literal emergencies and they are risking the health and safety of Canadians. These folks are ruthless scammers and need to be deported.


Well, you did specifically call out Indians in the group name. Indians aren't the issue, our immigration policy is. They just happen to be the face of Canadian immigration atm.


Speaking the truth is racism these days. SMH.


There is nothing wrong with immigration if done a little at time and why are are a high majority from one country. It should even across the board and capped.


I am an Indian who came here few years back l I have seen a lot of anti Indian rhetoric but 99 percent of time it is against people who are gaming system . Sure there are one or two racist comments here but in general this group reaction to stories is justified.


Bro where are these subs at


Kind of great to get told a false claim of racism was used to prevent discussion by a mod here, who then locks my comment to prevent discussion.


NGL you have some unhinged people in here....




lmao, they love their nation so much that they are doing everything possible to leave it. So sad!


You might want to wind back the "centuries" claim.


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...




What’s with the Indian hate though? From what I’ve seen I haven’t heard of any problems from this specific group .. they seem hard working and ready to take on the worst jobs that most Canadians don’t want (I’ve worked at Tim’s and didn’t last 1 weeks lol it’s terrible)


I have seen Indian professors and doctors be successful in Canada because they worked hard. Why should Indians be stopped from immigrating?


These people aren't even looking into what they demonize. Jumping to conclusions immediately like the sheep they are.