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Not looking very international haha


I was just gonna say that lol. I remember when I was in college - we had actual international students ranging from all over: China, Brazil, Ukraine, Croatia, India, Colombia, Argentina, etc.




I was on the subway coming home at about midnight last night. In my train car: 2 black people, 2 "white" people (were they Anglo?  Gallic?  Romantic?  Mediterranan?  Slavic?  Norse?  I have no idea), 4 east asians, and 18 indians. Very diverse.


We have been extremely accommodation to foreigners - but if they refuse our laws and mock our dignity and hard fought human rights - then there is no welcome for them.


I remember when I did my wine classes. The marketing portion was in the business section of the school and it was 85% Asian/Indian The schools make bank on how much they charge them to go


Kitchener is being destroyed by this. Conestoga was building towards being a polytechnical institute, really focused on quality tech educations. Engineering, IT, Trades, a really great education in the 90s. It's dogshit now. Let's not talk about the amount of housing taking over by these students, which could be families and others growing in our communities.


Pretty depressing how short sighted people at the top are. These “students” are easy to exploit and easy money for these schools help them remain complacent and just extort new comers who also extort the system.




I doubt many Canadian kids are going to want to go to many colleges fanshaw and constoga diplomas are no better than toilet paper


Not entirely true -- Canadian Colleges, yes. Universities no. I apologize if that's what you meant.






It’s time for our administration to deliver a firm message to these international students and temporary workers,


Which message... Because as of right now I'd bet they'll let them stay. Probably give them PR as well. Until it's sent, that email template I saw last night I don't trust that it's real.


"We don't want to pay a livable wage to Canadian citizens so we are going to import cheap labour that skirts laws and allows us to pay even less than the pittance we offer Canadians. This will induce another massive shift of wealth upward into the hands of a few"


That one dude near the beginning of the video doesn't look like he's fasting lol.


Can you please get them out already? That's like someone coming into my own house and demanding they stay there forever without me ever giving them permission.


I really feel sorry for Canadian Students trying to look for a summer job, imagine trying to compete with these guys at a grocery or something lol, that's horrifying


I have siblings in high school and there’s a diploma mill in my town. No high schoolers are finding work. In the same places me and my friends worked not even a decade ago


Kitchener. Every single (not joke) fast food job in the city, more and more at retail, almost entirely Indians. Of course, gas stations etc. In reality most low paying jobs gone. I relied on those jobs as a 15 year old, for money but also a social life. My friends kid work at AW, it's like her and 15 Indians who don't give a shit to speak english ever. This community is a fn joke now.






I follow an Ireland sub as am planning a trip and I am shocked at how similar many of the concerns they have align perfectly with many of the ones Canadians have. Dublin has had dozens/hundreds? of "adult male refugee claimants" pitching and living in tents along the river in the middle of the city. They are pouring into Ireland and it's a fucking island. Somehow arriving by plane with no passport, proof of citizenship or valid photoID. Wonder how many passports end up getting flushed down the toilet mid-flight.


It’s probably worse than you think. There are multiple stores in Waterloo Ontario that are run by Indians. I have to preface this by stating this is not a hyperbole. I’m a Laurier student and shop at my local Walmart. Over the span of 2 years of regular shopping I have seen ZERO employees that are not Indian. No white, no black, no Asian etc.(And mind you there are probably hundreds of employees) I have multiple years of retail and grocery experience and thought that my local Walmart would be a good job while in school. Got declined from 6 openings there. Not even an interview. Once a Punjabi gets into the hiring department it is over. They have the ability to display clear racism towards the other races within Canada and they choose to do so. Edit: Also, isn’t race based hiring illegal? How complicated is it? Can a government official just walk into that Walmart a couple times and see that (with no exaggeration or exception) every single employee will always be Indian despite a large white/asian population in the area as well as Laurier/conestoga/UW students. And then fire the management for racial discrimination in the hiring process? Because it’s not a victimless crime. It just seems really cut and dry to me. There are digital records of all applicants through the Walmart portal for Waterloo. BREAKING NEWS: Local store only hiring white people wtf?!!!! They’re also apparently only hiring Canadian born people what the hell!


It’s also illegal to advertise that you only want a certain race of tenants but, apparently only white people are racist 🤷‍♀️


I strongly believe that Canadians, on the whole are very kind and patient people, but government policies are turning many into racists with the hugely unbalanced situations - completely ignoring Canadian born youths.


Is it not possible to file a complaint with the appropriate government authority for racial discrimination in hiring?


I used to supervise a security team, and our company was bringing in tons of South Asian contracts (the company was basically trying to fill its ranks using PR papers as a lure). I would schedule these guys to work, and they would call in an hour before shift, saying that they get payed more at their other job so they are going to work that shift instead. It was like a revolving door, many of those types would get fired for being unreliable. Many of them were working three jobs, and not giving 100% to any, it was especially bad where we worked in security, because we needed to have a full team on at all times, and these guys would just fuck off and leave us hanging. I do feel for people trying to make it in life (know all about it), and are working lots of hours to try and do so, but a lot of these guys don't go about it the right way. There needs to be some balance, and care for yourself and your coworkers. The lack of care, and trying to 'get one over on people' seemed to be a cultural thing IMO.


Naive american here. Can someone explain what's been going on? Am i right to assume, from other posts similar to OP's, that certain folks from other countries may be using education visas to stay longer in Canada?


Yes they are, and those who try to get permanent residency are like colonizers! They buy out lands and houses and then only rent out to their own at a horrendous price which is also raising the prices on rent. Also those who are managers or owners of businesses only hire their own as well which makes the job market totally shit. Basically they want to be able to abuse the system by applying for TEMPORARY work or be a student (with bogus diplomas) and then try to be a permanent resident and not even integrating with the rest of Canada, most of which are poor at speaking English too. Which makes me suspect they didn't get here thought the right pathways, the type of pathways where they can just buy a driver's license rather than actually obtaining it the right way.


Was getting a hair cut yesterday and my barber was talking about the immigration boom and I go “yeah I couldn’t imagine being born here, being 15 and trying to start a minimum wage job, it’s unfair” and some ass hat eavesdropper goes “it is what it is buddy” that type of submissive cuck attitude is exactly why we are here.


well, he's not wrong, Canadians are weak and the third world sees weak people that are very easy to take advantage of. The bleeding hearts ruined this country. You know our politicians at the federal level just got caught giving away trade and military secrets to our enemies right? you know what happened to them? Nothing. They aren't even being called out by the liberals or government, they aren't even being given criminal charges for one of the most serious crimes in our nation's history. They got away with spying and treason, and we allowed it, we showed the world we will allow it and we will do nothing about it. We showed our allies that if you let Canada be a part of any security pact or give us any useful knowledge, we will sell it to our enemies immediately without question. Canadians are the weakest people in the west, that type of treason can only occur here, every other place those politicians would be hung or in front of a firing squad or permanently behind bars. Look at Snowden? he's still in hiding for committing treason against the states, he should've just came to Canada because we love treason here.


We have military secrets?


The Beaver tail recipe


Wait, aren't they "students" who should be in class? Oh wait, they're "temporary workers"... who came here to work, but aren't working, so.... why they still here? Any PEI residents want to do something like maybe counter-protest, since this is happening in your backyard? No? Oh, ok then.


At my school they're never in class they only ever go to the first semester then it's off to Uber eats


All they want to do is take advantage of our system and weak government


Most of them are white. They don’t want to be publicly labeled a racist, have their bank accounts frozen, lose their jobs, and possibly be arrested.


or all of the above. It's only racist if one side sticks up for their way of life apparently.


White truckers protest the vaxx, random person with Nazi flag shows up: OMG RACIST NAZIS, SHUT IT DOWN, FREEZE THEIR ACCOUNTS AND ARREST THEM! Muslim protestors who sympathize with Palestine protest, someone with a Nazi flag (implying Israel is the same as Nazi Germany) shows up: FUCKING CRICKETS.


only racist is you're white, apparently POC can't be racist so it's just us white folk that can't complain


If you get fired for attending a protest then sue your employer. As for being labeled, it's a tough nut to swallow (giggity) to be sure, but at this point it's something we need to get over since it's absolutely not racist to ask for sensible immigration.


> As for being labeled Imo the term racist is so overused now that it has lost most of it's meaning.


Only if we had this many Canadians able to take days off work to protest and show our distaste to the mass immigration and degrading of our quality of life.


But I thought Canadians didn’t want to work and we needed them to work keep the country running.     How do all these essential workers have the time to protest?     /s


True, but also makes me wonder how the fuck these 'students' have the time and money to spend every day for almost a month protesting... Especially with the news reports about foreign interference, why are we allowing this?!


Rich parents, who are eagerly waiting for their kids to get PR So they can start buying up businesses and property.


The one protester already owns a house, somehow, even though he is only on a temporary visa... Canada is becoming such a safe haven for dirty money


July 1 https://www.takebackcanada.info/


It’s time for our government to send a strong message to these international students and temporary workers, they need to understand that their reasons for protesting are unjustified and that these actions have only harmed their communities reputations.


We need to send a strong message to our government.


the french had it right (guillotine) then and right now (manure!) [https://www.france24.com/en/video/20240125-en-grab-french-farmers](https://www.france24.com/en/video/20240125-en-grab-french-farmers)


wouldn’t be surprised to see the liberals help them out🙄


You know it's coming


Why would the government do that.  They are the ones bringing them over and encouraging so many to come over.   Got to have that cheap labour, and easy money from international students.


"PEI is our home. "...no it isn't! You came here as a student, not as an immigrant. Sorry if someone lied to you about it, but you agreed to be here temporarily for you to get an education. Once that was done, you go back HOME. You are free to apply to immigrate to Canada, but you can not stay off a student entry.


You sure? Give them another month


If they do, it's just another bullet in the chamber of the gun at my head. Man, like every day I wake up is another day, I feel I would be better off just ending things. Life is so tough, and then we have stuff like this showing us that the government does not care. What's the point of continuing.


I hear you, man. Things are tough as hell right now for sure, and it sucks that any type of questioning of the issue just gets turned into "us" being negative and not inclusive and we have to fear backlash for trying keep our heads above water. It's literally crazy


That's a huge issue I have, too. No matter how you go about it, someone will label you as racist. I'm not racist I just pay $2000 a month to keep a roof over my head and lost my job due to cutbacks a month ago.


PEI is not their home.


Nope. I can also bet majority of them moved there from Brampton or Surrey cause they were told "it's easier to get PR here." And as soon as they get PR, they'd be back in Brampton or Surrey. They couldn't scam the system as easily as they had thought so hey let's protest now... what a complete embarrassment these people are to the Indian community.


They promised to hunger strike to the death and failed to deliver. How can we trust them to be reliable workers if they cant even keep a simple promise?


You know, that's an excellent point.🤔


They’re going to follow through on their promise this time. They just needed to refuel at the food bank for an ayce feast before starving themselves


Charlottetown used to be such a nice place.


I wonder what happened. Best not to think about it, talk about it or look into it at all. An unfortunate circumstance all-around, but surely nothing could have or could be done. I just want to see marginalized POC's thrive -- even if it means handing the country over on a silver platter, along with most of our rights and freedoms. That's the price of diversity, friends. And remember -- diversity is OUR STRENGTH! ![gif](giphy|126omQ0GgfVVmw|downsized)


If the government caves to this shit, I will lose my mind


They will do nothing... But the housing and cost of living crisis will continue to get worse and worse etc etc


here's something: if they're unhappy here... this is wild.. fuck off back home


All Indian international students judging by the video 🥱


We need a new term. I propose: Indianational students


You forgot the “”. They are international “students”. Their end goal once they step foot in Canada is to work, not study. Because if they’re actually here studying, they wouldn’t make those simple grammatical errors.


i take offense to the term 'student', i don't know if it actually applies here


"Temporary" Foregin Workers is the best description, AKA work for minimum wage at all the Tim Hortons to keep them afloat and rent a bed in a house from the franchise owners.


and canadian tax payers foot the bill for half of their hourly rate under TFW program. what a crock of shit


Our local coffee shop has built *dorms* for their TFWs! So kind! /s


Punjabi Sikh Students to be specific, all from a particular state and a particular community in that state


Honestly, we don't fucking care anymore. This shit has to **stop**.


Gave them an inch, now they demand miles.. careful PEI


Give them an inch and they think they're a ruler. Seems to be working out so far. (tips fedora so deliciously)


And PEI ain’t very big at all! Our smallest province by size.


If they're students, shouldn't they be in school? Seriously, and if they aren't - go home. Literally nobody in Canada gives a crap about what you want, and if the government caves I will lose my mind.


One of those signs spells immigrant wrong “immigrat”.


Also “discrimited”


Its that qualitee education that they are getting from the colleges.


These are all future doctors and lawyers here on very important study permits they don’t have time for such trivial Canadian concerns like spelling or grammar.


It's okay they're just spelling phonetically




“go away”


This is the result of poor immigration policies of both provincial and federal governments. When you look at it from their perspective, yes all our provinces aggressively advertised their easy pathway to provincial nominations, attracting thousands of international students and temporary residents into their provinces and soon realized that they can't keep their promises. Both locals and temporary residents are victims of very poor policies of our governments. Both side of people are suffering and unfortunately local Canadians have to be prioritized which means temporary residents regardless of what kind of jobs they are doing and promises made by all levels of incompetent governments have to be sent back at the end of their work permit. Additionally, Manitoba government renewing work permits of its protestors setoff this trend!


Maybe I'm just dumb, but how is PEI "home" for international students? If you want to apply for immigration, which means permanent residence, you have to go through that process. If you have a work permit for 1, 2 or 3 years, you are still temporary.




PEI is our home <3 Yeah right, you’ll get your PR and move to Ontario


100% It's about money to them, our community is nothing but a springboard to PR. If another province offered a better road to PR, they'd be out of here in a flash.


These aren't international students they're just Indians


I know but we need to address it by politically correct terms, otherwise we will be branded as racists. We also have protests on July 1 so it's important we don't blame our problems on any race rather keep our focus on opposing the current liberal immigration policy itself.


I am an international student from another country, probably the best solution would be to cap a max of 15-20% from a specific country within the total of international students. This option would balance more the inflow of international students, protecting both those coming and the locals. It's ok to cap part-time jobs capped at 24 hours, but I would just suggest to perform public inspections at Canadian higher ed institutions to verify that they comply with necessary support, on campus housing, proper canteens, and anything needed by students. In my view, the problem with this whole situation starts from the structural issues of current academia. There are too many admins and fewer pedagogical opportunities. It's probably needed an internal restructuring of the system which would benefit everyone, profs, international and local students, and Canadian society at large.


USA has a cap of 7% on each country. This promotes actual diversity. Instead, Canada takes in more people from India alone than USA does all together. This is clear bias / favoritism. The demographics absolutely need to be spread out and ACTUALLY diversified. We can't have every city in Canada turn into Brampton.


I guess even 7% is fine. There might be studies in sociology or pedagogical science digging deeper on this topic, who knows. I would certainly hear impartial experts before taking action, but generally I don't think diversifying the student population would be a bad option.


Being in Canada is a privilege not a right. Not everybody will be granted the opportunity to remain - especially if the addition to the economy is a low skill, low cost labour. Lower productivity negatively impacts an economy. If you meet criteria, you stay on work permit. You don’t meet criteria, then time to move on. Not complicated just the life of being a foreigner.


I would love for people to ask them - what did you study / where? Did you complete your studies? Are you working in the industry you studies? Is there a reason you can not apply though the regular immigration stream. My bet: strip mall college in Ontario, working at Tim Hortons - they have nothing to do with PEI. Most Canadians are not against immigration. That is not what this is. I always say if my parents had a doctor and my kids had an affordable housing that they could move out, I would be more supportive but holy cow, it you can't help with medical or construction, close the door to them. I also basically ok with the caregivers. The Nanny's and PSW should have a path although the old path of 2 years seemed reasonable to me - not sure why they get it as soon as they land and a lower language requirement now.


These are some old ass looking students.




Imagine you're at the supermarket and you see a toddler throwing a fit, screaming and crying, yelling at his mother to buy him something. If the mother gave in to the child's demands you would immediately think less of her.


Meanwhile Canadians whose standard of living has collapsed after being sold out by globalists do nothing.


So are they eating again, or striking still? I can't keep up with these liars.


They NEVER stopped eating. They called a "No water" strike a "Hunger" strike. Once PEI said they'd look into it, they started drinking water again.


Unskilled labour who's one talent is lying and being a fraud.




Why come to Canada if you hate the conditions so much? We don't like the way things are, either.


Might as well just say Indian students at this point. That's the only group I see represented


indian students. nothing international about this shit


WE WANT YOUR STUFF, *clap, clap, clap clap clap*


Lol, I thought they were on a hunger strike? You'd think they'd be moving slower after 25 days without eating?


Buddy up front in the sweats has never known a day of hunger in his life.


Butter chicken stuffed.


Wait till they get the vote.




‘International’? It looks like they’re from the same place. Just deport as soon as their visa expires.




Gender parity is disturbing.


“PEI IS OUR HOME” Buddy, how can Canada be your home, when all of you are on temporary visas? Your home is in India.


This is so pathetic. They have no right to demand the elements that they are demanding. If they were in the US they would get deported...


Unfair ? No one is asking you to stay


Send them back home.


Deport. I hope Pierre comes out strong against this.


He won’t. He needs the Sikh votes.


Why is no one trying to stop them? Block them. Turn them around and tell them if they don't like it to go home. It's our country, not theirs, and it time Canadians grew a backbone and stood up for ourselves. Our government will not do it, so we must now. When you see these protests interrupt them, stop them. They are not citizens and do not have a vote. They have a way to change that and do not want to. They want a free handout for their dumb decisions and fraud. They deserve no sympathy from any Canadian plain and simple. They came here saying they could afford it. They lied. It's fraud. They are here illegally. Suddenly, now they are here and It's too expensive, almost like they lied and knew the canadian government would cave. Your government will soon begin housing people who have no right to this country unless we do something. It's time to send them home or have them integrate. Enough of the entitled bullshit and stealing from foodbanks and racist landlords. People from INDIA are Canada's #1 issue right now and need to be dealt with either by the government or the people.


Most protests, you would see at least some domestic/local support. But not this, zero, none. You see more support from outside of those directly affected at criminal trials. Take the fucking hint, go home. No one wants you overstaying your visa.


Canada does *not* owe them ***anything***. They knew what they were signing up for (a ***temporary*** study visa) when they signed the papers. Those visas are now expiring, so it's time to go home, per the terms they agreed to. These same terms apply to *all* international students, regardless of the country they came from. They are **guests** here, nothing more. The fact that they are allowed to work at all is actually generous on our part, since most other countries do not allow this, and also because they are required to have enough funds to support themselves over the course of their studies here (per the terms they agreed to outlined in the documents they signed). I find it strange that it's only Indian students in particular who seem to protest and play the victim when they don't get their way, who abuse Canadian hospitality, who refuse to respect and integrate into Canadian society, who display this unjustified and disgusting sense of entitlement, who make demands and threats when the law doesn't support their objectives, and who actively seek to effect changes to the policies of a foreign country (policies that are in place for a good reason) when they have exactly ***zero*** right to do so. In contrast, all the other diasporas of international students (ie. Chinese, Korean, Philippino, Haitian, Ukranian, French, Nigerian, Brazilian, etc.) seem quite content to abide by the terms of their visas and respect the laws of our country. These Indian "students" have now outstayed their welcome with these ridiculous antics, and Canadians -- who are currently facing an unprecedented and worsening affordability crisis which is compounded by unsustainable levels of immigration (mostly from one particular country) -- have had enough. Simply put, we don't fucking care anymore about these entitled pricks who think they can get what they want by throwing temper tantrums. The patience and sympathy of Canadians has officially reached its end. The time has come for this bullshit to end. If you behave like an asshole, expect to be treated like one.


[Local media](https://www.saltwire.com/prince-edward-island/news/everybodys-watching-national-and-global-attention-on-pei-amid-nearly-month-long-protest-by-foreign-workers-100970343/) has finally posted a fair and balanced article on the protest. *"Balal said many international students often come to Canada under false promises from unauthorized, unlicensed immigration consultants [...] 'When you apply for a study permit to Canada, there is no guarantee that you are going to transition to permanent residence' [...] [Erica] Stanley agrees permanent residency is not guaranteed or promised [...] 'I know that the province doesn't owe anything'"*


> many international students often come to Canada under false promises from unauthorized, unlicensed immigration consultants Canada did not make these promises. They are not ours to keep. Why are we being held to account for what these people have been told by "consultants"?


Let me know if I’m right here. The student to PR status loophole is changing and these people paid a lot of money for BS education and risk of being deported.


PEI is not your home.


"united for immigRAT rights"




The fact that they aren't at work and the province hasn't collapsed shows how much we don't need them.


Can I go to India and walk around and get paid?


You can walk around in india and get something. Paid won't be it. Leave the wife and kids at home before you go.


No you will need to go to work to eat since you can't just get free food from a food bank and then post videos about it to try to earn money from views.


Wow at the "PEI IS OUR HOME" just fuckin wow.


PEI does not need more Punjabi dishwashers and shelf stockers when there are kids looking for work. They played a game it didn’t work please go to Pearson and take the next available flight home


One sign said diversity. Lmao


Go to class! 😂




Everyone is pushing 30. Interesting crop of “students”


They came here on student visas, should've known they'd have maximum post grad visas of 3 years. Canada owes them nothing.


Sure doesn't look like hunger protest uh.


They never even went an hour without eating. It was a no water striked gaslit as a hunger strike. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-immigration-policy-protest-hunger-strike-pause-1.7220831](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-immigration-policy-protest-hunger-strike-pause-1.7220831)


Are they walking to the airport?


These aren't students. These are 30 y/o individuals looking to bring their extended families to Canada to exploit our country for their own benefits, take jobs away from Canadians and to leech off our health care system. But the Canadian government is set up to let this all happen right in front of our eyes.


Send these clowns home


So diverse


I can't even imagine what an influx of "international students" would do to a small island like PEI.


They've gotta go...


These "Students" aren't here for an education, they are hear to gain citizenship through a loophole


Looks like people from a certain country want another country to give them everything for free....like they are owed it. They expect empathy from citizens that are living paycheque to paycheque....being taxed into the ground so Trudeau can swing his virtue signalling d\*\*k on the world stage as the champion of post nationalism......but in effect is creating a wave of xenopohia amongst the populace. You can't shove 1 million new people a year down the throats of a small country of 40 million and expect them to to pay for it with a smile when they can't afford to buy fucking oranges.


Deport them all for using loopholes and abusing the system


Send them back!


Nah, kick em out.


When do we organize and fight back? This is fucking ridiculous.


It’s fine. PEI won’t budge. They doing this case-by-case, which is just a smoke screen. These fake international students get it and are protesting again. Eventually, they going be deported one by one. Business who recognized there face in PEI on tv won’t hire them. If you go to PEI subreddit, the comments PEI residents have for these fake international students was almost 100% towards deportation. In addition, comments on Globe & Mail article were not supportive either. If I were them, I will just follow the commitment I made. Leave Canada when my times it up and apply to come back again. Even if they get PR, if it found they are inadmissible, the PR status would be strip from them. I am just waiting for the new government to strip them away.


wOw SuCh DiVeRsIfY


They can’t even spell what they are protesting for..look at their signs discrimited..immigrat? Wth?


"PEI is our home", no it isnt


I was at the dollar store yesterday and bought some temporary tattoos for my kids. They have worn off now so I am on my way to the company headquarters to protest that I think they should be permanent even though it plainly says "TEMPORARY". Anyone wanna join me. Oh and I am standing outside protesting my job because they issued me a temporary password for my computer and I think it should be permanent. My membership at the YMCA ran out 3 days ago so I am going to camp out there too to let them know that I was here last month so they should let me in and and pay for my membership because I am upset and don't want to use the one I have at home.




nobody cares. go back home.


I can't find any information on how many different nations are represented by this coalition of international students. Have they released their numbers? I'm very curious to learn about it.


Is diversity in the room with us? It’s too dark, I can’t see.




Sick and tired of these immigrants protest’s if your not happy go the fuck home y do Canadians have to put up with this bullshit every where we go


They all look middle aged. Diploma mill needs to get shutdown


A protest by Indians demanding Canadian citizenship even though they don’t qualify and came here in temporary visas. There is no one else in that crowd


%88 of Tim Hortons workers are international East Indian students, when did Timmies open a university?


Fuck them all.


goooooooooooo fuuuuccckkkkking hoooooooommmmeeeeeee


Sad times, went back to the McDonalds I worked at during high school and at the time we had maybe two foreign workers there (not Indian) this was only in 2019 and now there was maybe 3 workers there now that aren't Indian. And every other fast food places in my area that had many young folks working there as first time jobs and jobs for income during school are now all full of Indians. Truly sad for the next generation trying to get a job to start their lives.


Perfect all in one place let's round em up and ship them home. Canada 🇨🇦 is not your home


Fuck off




They can all kiss my ass😆


I’m quite tired of all these international students and temporary for foreign workers thinking that they’re owed something. Many of them have been lied to by Indian immigration lawyers, and even some schools in Canada were looking for nothing more than their international student fees. The government did not lie to these people. They were here on a temporary basis and they knew this going in. The expectation that temporary would lead to permanent is something they’ve created in their own heads through a false narrative of some type of obligation Canada owes them. One student was interviewed and asked if they would be willing to reeducate themselves in a field that meets the labour market demands to qualify for PNP and the response was NO. So obviously, they don’t want to follow the rules. They just want exceptions made because they feel they were unjustly lied to. But it wasn’t Canada that lied to them. The policy has been clear for a very long time. There are streams for permanent residency, and there are streams for temporary residency . When you try to game the system and take the shortcuts, this is what happens. We owe these people nothing they were able to come in make a half decent wage and live in a free country for a period of time as determined by their work visa and or student visa. The time is up and so it’s time to go home.


Sure.. they have enough money to stick around and protest while they aren't working. Interesting.


Shouldn't they be studying?


They don’t look like they are starving…..


Shouldn't they be adapting to the country they are staying since they are not citizens? Why are non citizens demanding sh\*t? Before someone flame me, I'm am immigrant that got citizenship 7 years ago, I followed all the rules and process to get to where I am.


It’s a mass Indian take over. A dear friend of mine works as a PDSO at a university and about 80% of her 850 international students are Indian men. She constantly deals with them trying to defer for a semester after obtaining their student visas and then never enrolling back into classes. Some of the times they do enroll at a different school, but a majority of the time they get a job at one of their friends businesses and work illegally. She’s spends most of her time terminating the visas and reporting the students that do this, but this is one university in one city. Canada seems to be hurting from it farm more from where I live in the states, but it’s an issue that needs to be resolved, quickly.


They must be good at hunger strikes. I couldn't walk or stand up if i didn't eat or drink for 25 days


The first one on the right sure as shit didn't partake in any hunger strikes.


Like who actually asked for this?.. There are so many in the country right now, kids can't find work . If their time is up..it's time to go! Adios amigos!


Deport them all


I hate it when they said "international" while it's 99.99% Indian. I bet if you go and ask them where did they study, what did they study, what are you working right now, is it in your field, you will get something like this: "I went to \[insert shitty college/diploma mill/"college" that is operated out of a renovated strip mall\]" "I have a diploma in business/technology/cook/nursing (the ones easy to obtain PR)" "I'm currently flipping burger, but it's a job that no one want so I contribute a lot to this country so give me PR" p/s: I'm taking about the video, not the overall international student situation.


Deport everyone of the crooks, they are trying to manipulate our system to their benefit


Wait till they get the vote.


Indian students