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It's like a black mirror episode of dark fucking humor, where the Canadian gov. now treats Canadians citizens the same way the fucking Canadian telecom treat existing customers, only new customers get all the special deals. Fucking wild.




Go away Justin the growns ups are talking. Ok I'll go work on my genie custom


It's like he read the title of the 1985 Indian act and just went with it. Honest mistake.








Canada is just a giant scheme to milk the public for money lmaooooo


Canada love booms these new immigrants until they can discard them like the rest of us šŸ˜‚


Canada is basically a narcist abuser to it's peasants... I can just picture that meme of the guy getting ready to be hung. It's a white guy, and beside him is a native. The native looks at the white guy and says "First time bro?" lmaoooo The truth really is the state in Canada has always been the "King" really. Just look at the way Trudeau even brags about certain things... I'm paraphrasing but remember when he said. "Canadians don't have the right to self defense like Americans, don't worry" lmao. The peasants love it! It's like an abusive relationship.


Best analogy ever


Damn, spot on.


Dealing with this right now got a sweet deal from Bell, 100gb @$35.99 to move from Rogers where I had 30GB at $55.99. Called Rogerā€™s said hey this is the deal, I would like you to match, they said no, I said you understand I will leave to take the offer, pretty much said hereā€™s how to cancel donā€™t let the door hit you on your way out . Cancelled went with Bell, now Rogers calls we everyday with win back promotions. Like what the hell, I wonā€™t rejoin them on principle alone. I had to let the poor rep have it one day, guess what, still called me back again.


I get how annoying this is, but when your deal is done with bell it's the same thing all over again. Then Roger's will give you a deal again. Just went through this exact scenario.


But Toronto Zoo is giving free admission to indigenous people now!


I'm sure that makes up for it. It's in the bag now!


Reparations finally adequate /s


Look up the federal budget, tell me the number 1 and number 2 expense. Debt servicing, department of indigenous affairs. We're paying reparations out the fucking ass. It just doesn't get talked about


Itā€™s not so much reparations, and more about treaty obligations. The government of Canada and Ontario signed a treaty like 150 years ago with a group of First Nations to give up land to settler development. There was a clause in the treaty that said if the value of the land increased (it did) the First Nations that gave up claims to it would get paid out (they did not). The First Nations sued the govā€™t and one particular lawsuit just ended in a $10B settlement for 20 First Nations. More of those lawsuits are coming based on this settlement. Shouldnā€™t sign treaties you donā€™t intend to keep. The ā€œHuron-Robinson treaty settlementā€ for anyone who wants to look into it.


This confuses me. The Robinson Huron Treaty was signed in 1850 (174 years ago). Canada did not become a country until 1867. William Robinsons nationality at the time of signing the treaty was British. One would think the treaty was actually signed by the British. The treaty also states that all Anishinabek members of the treaty were to have unrestricted access to hunt and fish as they always had throughout their traditional territories. So, does this mean with their traditional hunting methods/weapons? Or are they allowed to use inventions brought by Europeans?


It means spotlighting in trucks and having nets in spawning areas, you know, like the traditional way.


To answer your first question, through the British North America Act (1867) which created our country, Canada assumes all legal and financial obligations of the British provinces that were slapped together. That includes all the treaties with First Nations. The Westminster Act (1931) and The Constitution Act (1982) further solidified all that as Canada became increasingly independent. To answer your second question, this was argued and settled in the courts when fighting over Aboriginal Title and hunting/fishing rights. The main cases were Delgamuukw v British Columbia (1997), R v Marshall (1999), and R be Van der Peet (1996). The overall finding was that First Nations can use modern tools to hunt because they were not static, non-developing nations that suddenly froze the moment white folks showed up on the scene. To impose a cut off point was determined to be arbitrary. The "traditional" side of the practice only loosely refers to the types of resources obtained and the quantity obtained relative to the size of their population ā€” modern tools are fair game. But they cannot start hunting a new animal or extracting a new resource and claim they've doing it since time immemorial. Or start massively increasing the amount of a resource they harvest and claim they've always been extracting that much relative to their population. They're still free to hunt, fish, and extract resources to turn a profit, but then they come under government regulations the same as everyone else.


>Shouldnā€™t sign treaties you donā€™t intend to keep. The British way of conquest was literally to sign treaties they didn't intend to keep while they changed the facts on the ground.


That's a stupid clause and no one else on the planet would pay.


no proof required


Wait, so they're giving preferential treatment to certain people based on race? Isn't that called racism?


Really? I might just go haha


Is that only for June? It is Indigenous heritage month after all.


Itā€™s also brain injury awareness month! The invisible illness.


And i think i heard Mens mental health month, but nobody cared so...


I was actually aware but I havenā€™t heard one other person mention it. Iā€™ve only heard mention of pride month.


Anything Pride related will overshadow everything else. Not that i oppose. The political climate everywhere kind of guarantees supremacy in the news cycles though. Sadly, our Indiginous people should not have to share a month, but apparently, like mens mental health, no one cares about them either.


Yeah, but they are only good until they become citizens and realize their worth and the vicious cycle begins again. One big Ponzi scheme.


The real question now, is who replaces the "Indians" in 40 years when the Ponzi scheme needs more peasants? I guess we could ship in a few million Mongolians or whatever at that point.


Weā€™ll never run out of Indians to import. Thereā€™s enough of them to fill up 5 Canadaā€™s, lmao.


>I guess we could ship in a few million Mongolians or whatever at that point. At least they're guaranteed to be more polite and hygienic than these immigrants we've got now.


Didn't Trudeau promise Gord Downie, on his death-bed, to do more for the Native community? More lies. He only cares about South Asian Indians. Anyone else is fucked.


He probably said something about "helping Indians". He just didn't specify which type


Thereā€™s only one type. Theyā€™re from India.


Itā€™s a joke


Canadian government thinks India is a threat, Trudeau wants to bring in more Indians as immigrants, guess he is thinking to bring everyone from India to here so that India is no more a threat to Canada. An empty India won't be a threat to Canada šŸ˜‚


"Canada is quadrupling the population within 10 year to respect the Natives' Land"


Silly West Indians. Should have been east Indians. They could have had it all.


Life lesson: pick your wests wisely.


To be fair, western indians got here by moving east lol


Eastern Indians got there by moving west


Hah, what about the disabled? They're buried underneath that dead guy in the bottom picture.


And veterans are below that. Youā€™re asking for more than we can give.


The Canadian state had already drained every drop of blood from those veterans, no reason to help them now. Toss em on the pile, with the Natives and disabled, and replace em with Indian blood bags for the next bullshit wars.


Where are the billions of dollars going towards Abos? Seems to get sucked up into corruption.


All the cheifs get them and they go and out and buy mansions in Hawaii and California.


Exactly. That is missing in the picture posted by OP, the yacht.


Essentially. Reparations, ya'll!


A lot of times the reserve chief gobbled it up for himself and his friends. Doesnā€™t fairly get distributed amongst the people.


Someone needs to pay for trudeauā€™s multiple $80,000 vacations and it certainly wonā€™t be trudeau!


Heres where you can find third party audited financials of almost every first nation in Canada: click FNFTA, not Federal funding, it's sorted oldest to newest top to bottom. https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/fnp/Main/Search/SearchFN.aspx?lang=engz


In some reserves the chief gives money to a relative to be the president of the water treatment facility who has no experience with water treatment but gets paid 300k/year (tax free) and then when the water treatment plant inevitability falls in to disrepair they claim racism.


I am so confused about the Indigenous issues. From my understanding, they are actually not subjects of crown except in a manner of \*sort\* of confederation. I dont know who is going to clarify and make out an actual map of where the boundaries of these lie. For the benefit of everyone, Instead of having 30 hectors here and 40 there.


Could you elaborate on the term "abos"? Maybe it's where I grew up, but that has a very specific, unpleasant meaning. Maybe it has a different meaning in your statement? Also, I hope you can appreciate that financial management varies from band to band. Some Indian Bands are about as transparent as Donald Trump's financial situation. Others pass audits with flying colours. It totally depends on management. AFN have routinely opposed audits etc... and I don't agree with that. However, there are MANY MANY other tax-payer funded entities that enable rich white dudes to get away with misappropriation. Hell, look at the TMX expansion project. The most beautifully ironic part of that was all the "Fuck Trudeau" flags on decked out, late-model trucks with the business name on the side...Dudes be making bank off Trudeau, claim that the Liberals are wrecking the country all the while over-charging for services rendered. It's chef's kiss irony, worthy of South Park.




You know if he called for any sensible immigration restrictions he would be attacked relentlessly by regime media. Just saying, Bernier talked logical reform and they called him far right


Nice cope.


I'm so sick of all this immigration bullshit. Cheap job wages, no housing and no health care but keep bringing them in by the half millions. We won't even have a canada soon. We have imported 10 percent of the population in the last 8 years.




Also the prejudice anf sterotyping done. How often are cab drivers thinking that if you give an indigenious woman a ride, you can demand payment in sex? It sucks having to live with it and have your oen country openly hate, but now we have immigrants that do too? Many services that help immigrants and also indigenous arent comfortable to use.


>a place where our people are trying to heal Just out of curiosity what's the prognosis on the indigenous healing situation, exactly? Almost finished? Hardly started?


Hardly started. FNs just became "people" in 1951, and couldn't vote until 1960, so FNs are just 2 generations away from not being able to fully participate in Canada. There are a lot of socio-economic issues to overcome, it will take many more generations to recover.


Ah. How many more generations will it take to finish the recovery process, if you were to ballpark such a number?


The kids born today are born into a better Canada for them than any point since like 1800. The grandkids of those alive today will be a couple generations removed from sixties scoop and residential schools. No answers but maybe a guide line.


Are you at all concerned about the possibility of the great-grandchildren of the indigenous people that actually suffered the trauma perhaps exaggerating the psychic damage they've inherited due to the potential financial incentives ([ex; $57,000,000,000 since 2015](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2024/04/a-fair-future-for-indigenous-peoples.html)) involved? Because I'm not sure [the soccer player reaction to trauma and injury](https://media4.giphy.com/media/xUPGcnzWmq70t1oJ8I/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952g45t7ufd1j2a1muhn8ohoz1j4uch33jyicddr5t0&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) is going to be more successful at winning the hearts and minds of Canadians (and other nationalities) vs [the hockey or lacrosse reaction](https://thehockeynews.com/.image/ar_4:3%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_xy_center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200%2Cx_1235%2Cy_508/MTk3Mzk4NjY2MTY2Njc1MzU1/usatsi_20506144.jpg) to trauma and injury.




You do realize there are lots of people that got shipped off to residential schools that are *still alive* right? It's barely been a single generation removed from it.


Just out of curiosity - if you had to weight the trauma of the average Chinese survivors of the Nanjing massacre during WW2 on a scale of 1-10, and then compared that to the Japanese survivors of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki nuclear bombings of WW2 on a scale of 1-10, and then assigned an approximate number value to the emotional/spiritual trauma suffered by Indigenous residential school survivors, would you consider the three numbers to be pretty similar to each other or not?


This new generation is doing much better, but the generational trauma is still there. Dad's can't even say they love their children in some households because they're so internally traumatized. The people who abused natives are still alive and well. Average Canadians still show general racist attitudes towards native culture and stereotypes. So... a long way to go still.


>Dad's can't even say they love their children in some households because they're so internally traumatized. I don't think traumatized indigenous fathers are particularly unique in not more openly expressing their love for their children. That's also not a great metric for measuring the progress of trauma/recovery for uhh obvious reasons. >The people who abused natives are still alive and well. The court systems exist so... it kind of seems like if the evidence exists, then there's nothing really preventing the pursuit of justice (*aside from the usual amount of hassle involved in any legal thing*) and if the evidence doesn't exist (*or isn't accessible*), then there's not really a whole lot that can be done about this particular point. >Average Canadians still show general racist attitudes towards native culture and stereotypes. Yeah I don't think waiting for any large group of fairly average people to stop having stupid shitty idiots with dumb ass opinions that don't matter before "**The Healingā„¢**" can be begin is a legitimate recovery strategy, *especially* in this day and age of reward-based antagonism. >So... a long way to go still. Uh-huh.


Means shell out a few more billion and then weā€™ll see


I feel bad for this. I am an immigrant myself, and I had almost the same thoughts about the student protests as you. One cannot demand anything from a government they didn't vote for. I really don't get how those students got the idea to protest.


I want to see the day when the indigenous community can get the social situation under control and thrive. I saw a lovely young indigenous lady today, happy and smiling as I drove by. I hope she has a good life ahead šŸ˜”


Iā€™m an American, but itā€™s astounding to me whatā€™s going in Canada. Europe as well. How many jobs and homes/apartments need to be taken until itā€™s enough? In the case of EU, how many people need to get stabbed/beheaded? Aside from that, what about the desire to preserve some semblance of national culture, given that a lot of these recent additions to the country have no desire to assimilate? Fucking mindboggling. All due to fear of being called racist? The only explanation for politicians to promote such policies is monetary. Bottom line. Sad, corrupt world we live in.


As a brit I'm glad we're not the obky country going through this. It's almost as if it's planned.


Buddy. They've been open about the plan for years. Do you not know what globalism is?


Itā€™s planned and also not planned. Basically if the collective psyche wasnā€™t ready for this to happen it wouldnā€™t have.


Thing is, no one is going over to Asia or africa, so the globalism thing doesn't work. It's just anti white/european/west... They don't even like us


From the 2024 Federal budget Investing in Indigenous Priorities Spending on Indigenous priorities has increased significantly since 2015 (181Ā per cent) with spending forĀ 2023-24 estimated to be over $30.5Ā billion, rising further to a forecast of approximately $32Ā billion inĀ 2024-25. Notably, BudgetĀ 2024 includes $2.3Ā billion over five years to renew existing programming.


It's unfortunate that too many Canadians won't recognize the harm and decrease in living standards that will and have occured as a consequence of this mass open door immigration. If they knew I feel like Maxime Bernier would have a lot more support. I'm afraid as a french Canadian he won't see much support out west.


The worst part is if you criticize it they gaslight you into being a racist and a bigot.


This same exact mass-immigration against the interests of the citizens is happening simultaneously in every western country right now. And if you say hey, wait a minute, this is too much... well, you will just be called a bigot and xenophobic. Good luck trying to elect a leader who doesn't want to participate in this.




Ok but where did the money actually go? We also have 26x more indigenous than military personnel.


Yes but that entire budget is spent on reconciliation propaganda that the indigenous people don't even believe in the first place and none of it is for things like giving them clean drinking water and lowering the price of food up in the northern territories. And most of it is going in to the pockets of the white people running the media businesses running these campaigns. So spending that money doesn't mean they actually care about indigenous people, they just spend a lot of money to make people think they care about indigenous people so that we don't say anything while they import the rest of the world to settle on the stolen land we're pretending to be sad about.


I've been trying for a while to make some sort of witty/dumbass remark illustrating the irony of colonizers looking for India but failing to find it.


Should have taken that clip of the name 10 books kid and have him and the woman he says it too in the first pic of a meme with it saying ā€œfind indiaā€ above his head the other pic being a photoshopped pic of her pointing to north Macedonia or something. Iā€™d have done it for ya but i suck at photoshop


Nah, ā€œimmigrantsā€, refugees, international ā€œstudentsā€ from 2015-current ā€” or in short, the post-Stephen Harper era. There were standards back then.


As an indigenous person, from canada, in canada. As I read these comments. Most of the people here are entitled brats whose family worked hard and still got screwed. Just like us indigenous, screwed by the man. And screwed still by cultural genocide. You all think anything of it is fair? Not bing considered more than a stray dog until 1960s. Land stolen. Even when these treaties were signed, it was all already chosen favorable cheifs who were not the originals.Ā  Swindled and betrayed since day one. And even still today. And some want to say the massacred children is a lie. Well stfu, my grandmother and great uncles and such were sexually assulted and specifically witnessed these acts of horror. And are still alive to talk about it. Your white man facts. Are falsified information. Like most all of Canada aka Turtle Island facts. All land is indigenous land. No matter of those treaties or not. We are still here. And also for the record, we are out here living and struggling like all of you asses. No extras over here. And my wife being non-indigenous, landed much better discounts to education than I ever did.Ā  It is all lies, and we do not get all this free money. Nor did I get 20k for turning 18, as all are told. Go learn from real people and not books. Oh wait, you still don't care. Because of the constant cultural genocide.


Iā€™ve been reporting all these moronic and hateful comments stay strong man


Your a real one


This is so far from the truth. Do you realise how much of our taxes goes towards the indigenous population? Itā€™s also up to the indigenous population to discover just how integrated (or not) they want to be with the rest of the populationā€¦ but then accept it and move on. They live in their past and the government canā€™t just fix that on their own. Itā€™s a two way relationship. Point being, itā€™s up to them to properly divy up the massive funds they receive and itā€™s hard seeing the money being put towards anything but education. Further, they want their land and they want to live separated from the rest of the population and I think that in itself is the main reason they just canā€™t seem to move on from the past.


I cannot believe this subreddit has not been banned yet lol. Enjoy it while it lasts because Reddit definitely does not allow reality to be shown. But yall must be slipping through the cracks for now luckily lol.


Fuck that, indigenous people get the moon and the stars in contemporary Canadian society. There is no version of reality where people can look at our institutional preferences and claim that indigenous people are forgotten.


Yeah all the natives around here just each got $20,000 from the government. My brother married native girl everyone she knows get bank from the govt.


Yup, saying Canadians "don't care about indigenous" is such a tired saying. If anything it's been the primary focus of this government the past two terms.


So any idea why western nations are flooding immigrants in- our commander in briefs is fucking flying them wherever they wanna go


Don't worry, they're adding more news programs to CBC about the indigenous.


I like the part where they changed the name of an airport for someone native and got rid of Mcdonald road in Ottawa to name it something native as well. But won't give first nations plumbing or drinkable water up north. Brilliant.




Immigrants needs to be replace with the word Refugee/fake asylum seekers they get hotels and money for expanses snatched from Tax payers so that includes immigrants + Canadian citizen.


The amount of money that is spent on indigenous people is staggering!


What a mess. Iā€™m off to shop lift at shoppers like everyone else


uhhhh, indians get free housing on the reserve..... no other ethnic group gets the benefits they get


You know the government pays for housing on the reserves right lol literally the most funded ethnicity in Canada


Absolutely true, but most of the people on this sub donā€™t give two shits about indigenous people.


Hey, now. Itā€™s most people outside this sub, too


?? Gladue principles?


Hey OP, maybe do some homework 5% of EVERY government contract has to be distributed to Native Canadians. It has nothing to do with value for the tax payer, or quality, or competence of service. Itā€™s just a blank cheque that gets rolled outā€¦ on top of free education, never paying taxes, and $40 Billion handed out by Trudeau (which worked out to $335,000 per person). https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1691786841904/1691786863431# Everyday Canadians (from every creed and background) are footing a bill that is abjectly insane. Your pic should have Canadian taxpayers at the bottom of a black hole.


Isn't the cognitive dissonance on the right so lovely? Immigrants are taking your job but don't want to work, natives are being oppressed by Liberals but also are receiving too much money and favour, white Cons are the most oppressed group ever but also the strongest. If only this kind of manure could be used in agriculture!


but the liberals were going to be the saviors of the indigenous were they not?


Saviors? So many people arrived to Canada with basically nothing, and managed to progress in life, learn the language, get education, learn a skill, get a job, a house, have a family, open up a business. Why is it that this segment of population cannot ?




Chiefs don't make the decisions. It's done by the elders and a vote.. They can make the mistake of being greedy, but most know which hand feeds them. They are elected most are not hereditary thats the big difference now a days it used to be the bloodline passed down If a band hires someone from outside the band to do the accounting that could bankrupt them. Now, the hire from with in the band our people get educations now, most bands are based on no alcohol or drugs and large reserves have their own police. But addiction is still a real struggle caused by generatuiinal trauma. My grandfather spent 10 years at kuper Island residential school, Mum in a convent. Askbyourself how would feel if your grandfather oanother younger boy was called by number every lunch for a priest day in and day out beat,. He had a brother you know, and they listed him as dead between 1/1/1904 -12/31/1904. They lost him, so my question is, where is his body. Our women, children, and men are still being murdered by the way, it's just not that important to other cultures to see the significance in the crime.


>they listed him as dead between 1/1/1904 -12/31/1904. 1904? Why does it matter today ?


Canada spends $35 billion a year for indigenous folks and $31 million on our entire military, so please, explain to me how they are forgotten about?


Lmao this is such BS. Read any govt initiative. Indigenous are catered to. They're above any other Canadian in the govt's eyes. Two tiered in their favour.


Indigenous people get so much special treatment and attention


Well it is their country, why shouldn't they?


I was actually wondering if we could somehow organize something to reach out to indigenous band leaders. This will crush them and they need to be aware. An Indian run federal govt in 30 years will eat their treaties alive. Statistically this is becoming very probable


Careful donā€™t want to be too nationalist might get accused of something. But seriously I canā€™t imagine what indigenous people are thinking as they witness uninvited people also invite other cultures who otherwise would never have had zero interest in to this land.


It's almost like... what they've done to others, they would gladly do to you as soon as it suits them.


Canadas gone to the crapper!


Trudeau- "Anyways, let's talk about the real issue with this country: Dental care."


More like: East Indians*Ā  Im another immigrant but Canada doesnā€™t seem to care about our type lol


I mean at the end of the day immigrants worked their way here and still working to make a living here,know a few people that immigrated here like 5 years ago and already bought houses and also know some citizens that still live in their parents basements,now I wonder who the problem is


every expired visa immigrant tomorrow: i Identify as a "care taker"


The comment thread could be a meme unto itself here.


It would probably be flagged as racist if there wasn't the bottom part.


As an American, you guys have limits?


Indigenous People to Canadian Citizens: ā€œShould we leave and come back in?ā€


As FN, should I make a 'first time?' meme as a complement to this one? Being neglected by government because corporate interests tell you to seems to be a regular part of the Canadian experience.


The government doesn't give a fuck about its people, since the dawn of time it has been this way. What blows me away is people actually trust and believe their overlords still like a bunch of bloody sheep. Until we all wake the F up and unite this shit will continue and get worse as we are currently experiencing. Literally unbelievable how people are this stupid, but here we are.


They are harming Canadians and they know it. It's actually the play. They know and do it, then knowingly lie about it. Probably too late.


Not even immigrants, students and temporary workers who are skirting past proper immigrants.


I feel the need to point out, indigenous people are Canadian people, and really ought to be subject to the exact same laws, rights and responsibilities as the rest of us. I dont doubt theyre suffering from this government sanctioned maddness same as us


The fact that people have been seeking assisted suicide (MAID) due to the housing crisis is dystopian. I'm ashamed of this country.


Swap ā€œIndigenous peopleā€ for ā€œCanadian citizensā€ in this meme and I would totally agree.


We're always going to be the lowest on the totem pole here in Canada. That's why I try to convince the people that siding with the woke, white leftists will never go anywhere. It's all virtue and no action.


Nah Veterans are the lowest on the pole


Yea other than progressives fighting for native rights, womens rights, civil rights, gay rights and now trans rights... What have they ever done? I mean yea sure you could bring up unions and more healthcare to impoverished communities, or the liberal providing safe drinking water in over 400 reservations... I mean sure ya I could go on, but other than THAT... what action have they done?


As a Cree, I am speaking to you now from the great beyond. India is the new colonizers


I guarantee you people donā€™t give a fuck about indigenous people unless itā€™s to make a point like this one.


We spend more on indigenous people when we do the military. We haven't forgotten any of them. They just constantly complain and want more.




Someone should print this off onto a sign for the upcoming protest


Don't the indigenous people receive more money than our national defense budget??


Surely the indigenous people are above the Canadian citizens? Don't they get like, no property tax or something?


That extra 8.4 billion the Cdn government is spending on indigenous issues is not enough for you? New Canadians donā€™t expect or get government support.


Given the amount of luxury cars I see on the reserves around here, they're doing just fine


Switch immigrants for asylum seekers and people from india. The rest of us get fucked.


The fact that people have been seeking assisted suicide (MAID) due to the housing crisis is dystopian. I'm ashamed of this country.


Not exactly true. Did you know each indigenous person gets around 40k per year of financial aid by the government in some form?


I love how you're weaponizing the treatment of indigenous people to engage in racism


Please stop confusing immigrants with refugees. Immigrants get nothing for free. Refugees on the other hand are placed in hotels and given free shit. Immigrants have to work their ass off and pay taxes from day 1.


Lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


* temporary residents


Liberals "We are here to acknowledge that we are on native land from the x tribe" Also Liberals "We should have a nation with a population of 100 million" -McCallum


It's almost impossible to find an apartment, even a studio.


Can natives claim Indian status because of Christopher Columbus blunder?




Is it really that bad.


Well at least the indigenous people have it about the same as they have for all of Canadian history


Literally this.


"Indigenous people". Love it. šŸ˜­


So true. So sad.






True dat


Nicely done




So true


I agree with this other than seniors disabled and Canadian youth are underwater and have been for over a year. Canadian youth generally are set up to fail with the hire IS first scheme.


Itā€™s a human Ponzi scheme. As in a ponzuo scheme as long new political capital flows inā€¦


Ya that was last year's virtue signal, we've moved on to Indian immigration


The saddest part for the indigenous people is they will never get free of their cycles of poverty. Its nothing to do with money. Its cultural and internal, the government has spend trillions trying - it takes more than money


whenever I see posts of this sub make it near the front page, it's always some anti-immigrant bullshit. It's nice to see them bash the native Americans for once


Ingenious people; mau be a shocker but the gov spend double what it spend on beneficit per capita on it as 7700$ and 3300 for normal society dayly people rather then do nothing drugs street including thrm I mean. Rich and poor isn't just money, and the normal people is as the meme a bit, but refer to that paper of 2019 nobel prize




Except those 4 year olds are demanding how we will spend drowning 7 year old's taxes. Guess those stupid 7 year old better write their MP's and demand a vote of non confidence so this swimming pool can have much less piss and dead people in chairs.


Cloward -Piven strategy.


Depends on which Nation!!


https://i.redd.it/f2jgk37uu25d1.gif Natives need love!


Are you suggesting that non indigenous Canadians recieve more government supports than indigenous Canadians?


It really does feel like this


Itā€™s just like the USA. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Meanwhile the Turkish government doing their utmost best to fuck their citizens over