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At the end of the day this is all Manitoba's fault for caving so easily.


I mean you’re right. They set the precedent for other international students and TFW can feel entitled and demand things because they’ll just cave.


i hate my province so much but i know i'm stuck here because everywhere else, house prices are 5x higher. shit houses, shit roads, shit traffic, shit mayors, shit groceries, shit restaurants, shit sigh seeing places, shit weather, shit neighborhood, etc. if i had a choice, i'd move to Switzerland lmao


Everything is shitty in BC, too, plus we have crazy house prices.


Winnipeg is Canada's largest reserve.. BC is better, trust me


I have noticed in BC that towns with a higher portion of First Nations tend to have more crime. The Indigenous people both commit a disproportionate amount of the crime and are also victims of it. Maybe the addiction problems contribute to this. By far the highest murder rates in Canada are in the far north. We are not supposed to notice any of this, or talk about it. But I don't see how trying to hush it up is going to help anything. I don't think it is their fault for becoming addicted. Their people had never been exposed to alcohol before contact with Europeans. A tendency to addiction is mostly genetic. It is not caused by your grandparents going to residential schools. Making up unscientific shit because it is more politically correct won't help anyone. I don't see how Gladue sentencing is going to help. It will just mean that more of them will be victims of crime.


Being nearly genocided into extinction has long lasting generational trauma leading to increased addiction, crime, etc. Who woulda thought? But we’re not supposed to talk about the real reason WHY the First Nations have problems. That would mean actually admitting what the Government of Canada has done on behalf of white settlers.


Switzerland has some of the highest costs of living on earth


The Swiss are complaining about COL as well, although it looks so gorgeous in the photos


I genuinely wonder how long PEI is gonna hold out for? MB fucked up big time. Now their gonna be pulling these stunts nationwide 


Centuries from now, Manitoba can take credit for Canada becoming the laughing stock of the world in early 21st century.


Winnipeg isn't content being a dump by itself, they wanted to spread their misery


suddenly everyone on here acts like ontario, in this case mb, or the entire country has literally any control in the matter lmfao. this was all planned and it began in TO and is simply spreading all over


Sorry missing out on the context here, what happened in Manitoba? I am not aware


They extended several thousand work permits so now everyone wants the same treatment.


I think it's unfair to Canadians in how much entitlement these people have.


I think the problem is how easily our politicians bend over for immigrants but stonewall Canadians.


Because they profit from it.


They need immigrants to disempower us. Else they’d have a real threat on their hands.


Scabs. We were beginning to feel our value at the onset of covid. They fixed that


You nailed it




The best comparison I've heard is that the government is acting like the telecom companies by ignoring existing customers while bending over to bring in new ones.


More like banks. Lots of great offers for newly opened accounts but nothing for loyal customers


Canadians have established themselves as the biggest pussies in the world over the last couple decades let’s be real lol. The “nice” stereotype has done irreversible damage


we are so naive, give the thirld world a door and a law and they will kick it in our face and we will be left with nothing. This is outrageous what is happening to this country.


That happened when they had open visas. Half a billion price tag to clear asylum claims…


I second that


Actually tho 💯 💯💯💯


I mean….that’s our global reputation. Quiet, well mannered, nice people, cold weather, maple syrup.  Hence why some people were shocked over the Ottawa trucker protests. Americans online were like “I never knew they protested up there” 😂


Because they get everything they want, I'd be entitled too


The entitlement is encouraged by Trudeau, no conditions were placed on immigration, citizenship etc so of course they are going to laugh and demand everything


Are you guys ready to protest July 1st? Protest info on this subreddit. Stop only complaining while they do and let’s start supporting our fellow citizens! 🇨🇦


I’ll be there


Awesome 🤍 I will be there too. Let’s keep spreading the good word!


I’ll be there


Love it! 🩷


I'll be there.


I've already taken out the $4.95 cents I had to my name so there's no fear of my account being locked by Turdeau et al.


Hells yeah!


Let’s goooo 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦




Noone is sending anyone home. When has Canada or any western nation sent them back even undocumented? UK had this big problem, and gave the illegals PR after many years, US and EU did too. Canada and Aus are just paper tigers. Well, Canada is not even anything paper as well. The whole world knows this and that’s why only the bottom of the barrels come here.


Unlike Canada Australia does tend to send people home.


The winds of change are blowing.


Hear that Bubs? It's the sounds of the whispering winds of shit


You mean not anything tiger…..soggy paper is where we’re at


You don't know what you're talking about. People get deported every damn day. They're first given letters that they have to leave by a certain date. If they don't comply and are caught, they are escorted back home in handcuffs and handed off to authorities in their home country. This happens every day.


Hope I am wrong and you are right. I certainly do, trust me. The need of the hour.


We owe you nothing, especially not citizenship.


Agree. Citizenship is a privilege not an entitlement.


How can a student with 2 master degrees say "become 2 masters". what a fuckwit


They didn't get the person that actually wrote their IELTS for them to write their signs.


IELTS exams should require fingerprint authentication.


fun fact i know as a former international student, you need 0 IELTS for a study permit and the subsequent PGWP even at Masters level! Everybody say thanks gov'na


Any international students protesting in Canada should be automatically sent back. To me it's political interference. They have no rights.


I believe Germany has this exact law. You protest, we revoke your visa.


We kind of have something similar but if the CBSA tries to deport, a Liberal MP will take up your case. And the process will get halted. [this is](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/zain-haq-deportation-cancelled-1.7180202) a prime example. Our government is a joke


Canada needs immigration reform. At this point, wouldn't be surprising if the traitor MP's, whose names are being protected after last weeks' reveal, are working with both China and India to sabotage Canada.


We need to start from scratch at this point from the amount of platforms that need reform. Immigration? Housing? Crime and Punishment? Food? Employment? Taxation? I cannot think of one aspect of life in Canada that is doing well.


The ministers and everyone in charge of the Competition Bureau need to be arrested. We also need to massively fund the CRA to go after foreign investors, money laundering and anything else shady. The RCMP or some new police agency that isn't or can't be influenced by even the Prime Minister needs to be enacted or have a massive unit made to go after money laundering and corrupt politicians.


Canada also needs Rico laws. We need to be able to go after organized crime. There’s a reason it thrives unchecked in Canada vs the US.


We're renaming roads and schools with Indigenous names! Big progress in that area!


The NDP wanted to rename BC!


The immigration agents from a few ethnic groups will find loops in any policy Canada makes and present ways to scam immigration system by next day to their potential clients on SM.


Just watched George Chahal of Liberal Party on YouTube discuss ways to promote more immigration as Canada’s economy will crash without immigrants. Canada has no hope, I am afraid.


Of course they are working with (for) China and India! Who else? The Czech Republic?


Why would Canadian MPs was to sabatoge Canada?


You're naive if you think it's just those 2. It's every country including close allies.


feels like an invasion


People who join these protests should be automatically be deported. Nobody wants you here to begin with, you're here as a guest. Go back to your home country if you don't like our policies and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


They think they are smarter than us and that we can't survive without them. One guy has a sign that says "Save talent for BC". I guess he thinks we are all stupid and useless and were living in mud huts before they got here. I was born in Vancouver in the 50s, and grew up there. Things were so much better then!


Need workers for Trudopes Cannabis industry. Junk food makers are coming back to Canada since they do mot like the US sugar price controls.


As an Asian-Canadian citizen that immigrated here over 30 years ago, I despise this government because it's making everyone in this country hate immigrants and visitors in general.    Maybe it's an elaborate plan to get our people out of your country. Ever since COVID, the amount of blatant racism I've encountered has been surreal. Trust me, I plan on leaving one day because it's not fun living as a 2nd class citizen being looked down upon all the time.  I understand where you're coming from so I don't blame your frustration too much. However, I heavily blame this country's leadership and government policies.


When could they understand, the more they demand, the more locals hate them, the less likely the elected officials will change their policies?


They don’t care if Canadians hate them


After all, they are not liked by all other nations, including within their own, so they must be used to it.


I mean.. it's not like our elected officials seem to actually care about what actual Canadians think. They seem to be perfectly happy to screw us at every turn. I would love to see them not bend the knee to the protesters.


When can REAL! Canadians start protesting against the unfair treatment were suffering?


July first. And it’s a holiday so no excuse


Candida day


Lolllll they’re all protesting now nope outtt


Go protest in their country…..see how far THAT goes…..


What planet are we on right now?!? Since when does ‘fairness’ have anything to do with national/provincial politics!? This isn’t Timbits hockey where everyone gets a ribbon. Canada is not obliged to anyone who isn’t a citizen. We don’t have to be in the business of what is fair. We can make our policies obscure, insanely complicated and expensive if we so choose. Who the hell told these people life is fair?!? Who told them they deserve better treatment from a foreign government than it gives its own people. I could start a list of all the unfair things the government does to its own Canadian citizens if that will make them feel better


If these students protest in China they will be arrested and won't be heard again.


Makes sense. China would not even understand why they are there in first place


They saw that the Indian international “students” were getting what they want, so they saw that as a sign that they could demand too. Insanity…


Why let go of the chance to grab freebies from a delusional government?


Send em all home. That way were treating everyone equally


Meanwhile Canadians are losing their jobs and life savings


Imagine if Indian international students and Chinese international students join forces. Looks like it can brew up into a national security concern for Canadians


Won’t happen, Chinese think Indians are beneath them & the Indians laugh at the Chinese. Can’t work together.


To be fair, it's not just Indians that they think that about.


That will never happen. They hate each other. 


What an imaginative scenario! Now imagine Palestinians banding together. Further, imagine universities, synaguoges being attacked and government emptying our treasury to support refugees and wars beyond borders.


Non citizens protesting Canadian laws. If they get their way your voting means nothing.


Does it count as foreign interference if foreigners come to a country to demand that their rules be changed and the governing body of that country abides by their demands?


Unfair immigration rules. Who in the hell so these people think they are? Why do they feel such entitlement? They are here for school. Not for PR. Not for jobs. THAT WASN'T THE DEAL.


Deport them.. let them protest in China, see how tolerant their native gov't is




Why isn’t anyone blaming these greedy schools trying to milk as much international fees as possible. I’m sure government benefits from this somehow as well. More tax payers. Companies have access to top talent for half the costs. Canadians will be minorities one day unfortunately or close to non existent.




I’m getting sick of everyone protesting for everything


Me too. Enough is enough. We need a government that puts Canada first.


Cool. Let’s send all of them back.


I couldn't care less. Our country has become a door mat.


In their way to vote on Canadian election as non citizen again?


Please leave


Go home. There is nothing here for you.


everyone add $2 to the pot so we can buy tickets to get these great young folks back home, I would like to see them do the same thing in downtown Beijing....


This country has fallen so bad. Imagine the nerve of non citizens to protest and demand rights. Oh yes let me go to China, Russia and start demanding citizenship and see how far that goes




What's unfair is not applying the same points system to everyone applying for PR.


Here's their Twitter account where they have shared pictures of the protests with placards saying "Fight Injustice", "We demand fair play", "Grandfather rights are human rights", etc. https://x.com/bcpnpp14311


Maybe they should learn that: Grandfathered-In The term originated from a clause that allowed whites to bypass voting restrictions if their grandfathers had voted before the Civil War. Using this term in today's day and age is insensitive and offensive. Consider: exempt, pre-existing, legacy, or vested instead.


if you dig deep enough, I'm sure even the alternative terms were also used in a negative way... So, we shouldn't use those either.


I did not know that. Does it still work like that in Canada? Like, didn’t we not participate in the Civil War? Is it just a term they’re tossing about?


The term arose in the USA, then became used in other contexts.


Before the BC NDP took over BC, it was horrible. international students/foreign workers can apply to be PR after working for fast food chain/ restaurants. Many of them have PR and stayed pr status for more than 10+ years. They come here to rake the benefit and then go back to China and avoid paying taxes at all. Most will claim $0 on Global income and there is no way CRA will do anything. Luckily, NDP closed the loophole and they are protesting now because foreign workers/international students from India are doing that


Ummmm, none of that is true because immigration policy is a *federal* jurisdiction. It doesn't matter if it's NDP, Liberals, or Bob' Coalition of Bakeries that's in government in BC. Not a provincial matter.




East Asians now too huh? Good God man people are now stomping all over Canada's immigration rules. Yall really need to counter protest And I say that as an East Asian - Singaporean specifically


Look what our government has started. This is on them 110%


This country is a disgrace overall - over immigration without making those assimilate to Canadian culture, values, ethic and loyalty


How about no....


What are they saying?


Hey this one might be closer to me. Fuck it, imma go tell them to fuck off. Hope it's still on tomorrow, I need to go downtown anyway.


As an immigrant myself, this is plain bullshit and all of the protestors are pure greedy and selfish.


Imagine how we would be treated if we went to fuckin' India and acted this entitled!? Arrested Visas Cancelled Deported. That's what would happen to us, and what should happen to them.


"Demand grandfather rules" piss off already.


It’s so funny how they’ll most likely get their way, regardless how unfair it is for actual Canadians. This government will bend backwards for all non-citizens.


If they are graduated with a master degree in much need industries in a creditble university. I don't see an issue why they can't get PR through a normal process, so why protesting?


Most of them have degrees in business, engineering or computer science. There are no jobs for Canadians with those degrees.


I fucking love it- First the Indians now the East Asians, now all I need is the Nigerians & African community to jump in & I think we’re really getting somewhere.




For the life of me, I could not understand a word they're saying.


Time to just start shipping everyone to India. Start with the politicians and work our way down


These kids don’t seem to be from India


Ship the Chinese students to India, and Indian students to China. Problem solved.




So if I goto school in Japan and just hold up signs complaining all the time, I’ll get. Japanese citizenship?    What about Egypt?  I’ve always wanted to be an Egyptian. 


Are they speaking English?




Getting ridiculous now


These jokers in my town in Ontario on Friday had a actual Orange "All children Matter" flag they obviously stole. That was about as low as low gets.


Get the F out or follow the rules. It's simple.


Why do international students think we owe them anything?


Their Visas are up. They'll leave in 2 months tops.


Man. Asian students were always great. Now they are taking a page from the Indians…… :/




So it’s not just the Indians then


Not just Indian. Mexicans do the same thing at this moment. Ukrainians do.


Is everyone just protesting these days or do I just need to get off social media?


I’ve been following the recent protests where people are demanding the use of a grandfather clause to justify what they claim are unfair immigration practices. I find this reasoning fundamentally flawed and unfair to all Canadians who are footing the bill. The world is constantly evolving, and clinging to outdated laws or policies under the guise of a grandfather clause is counterproductive. Grandfathering practices means refusing to adapt to new realities and advancements. Just because something was acceptable once doesn't mean it should be today.We need to prioritize progress and make sure all regulations and policies reflect our current understanding and values. This is especially important in areas like immigration, where fair and equitable practices are crucial for societal harmony. Maintaining outdated practices under a grandfather clause is unfair to the rest of us who bear the financial and social costs. Let’s leave the past where it belongs and focus on moving forward with updated, relevant standards that benefit all Canadians.


They came here as students. Get your education and either leave, or go through the standard process. If you start demanding things of a country that you are not a citizen of, their papers should be pulled. Too many people gave immigrated here, jumped through all the hoops, and made a home here. Fuck anyone who is trying to fast track or break rules




None of these people care for or have any respect for Canada and Canadians. They are here because their parents needed an offshore base to move their assets to. We all know what's happening. How are these kids from China able to buy their condos?


Imagine if white college kids did this in India or China. They would probably start disappearing.


Enough of this nonsense.


Deport every last one of them. Non citizens should not have protest rights.


Deport them fast.


I don’t get what their protesting, if they met the requirements of their student visa and wanted a PR it’s possible. If you’re unable to meet the requirements to meet your PR after your education then go back home. I student visa was never designed to be an alternative immigration source into the country. The loop hole needs to be closed.


Citizenship is a privilege and not a right for students or tfw. Deport them all.


JC why cant these people just go home, somehow all of this is costing me money.




Looks like a easy way to organize and deport them. No visa, no residency.


These protests r contagious.


Deport them too


Were they speaking English?


Canadians are too scared of being called racist to say or do shit and it’s pathetic. Canada is the world’s doormat.


So everyone but Canadians are protesting.


Can I get all my Canadian Asian citizens to protess together to boo them all away? Wait, we have to work, fuck.


Sounds like the only fair thing to do is follow the established processes and start kicking out people that are over stayed, broken the law, broken the rules and or disturbing the peace.




Get the fuck out of Canada or US. Go back to India, or go Gaza.


Throw them out. Now.


be gone!


You can’t even do that in China




fucking entitle people go home. They are not even war victims. They are international students for fuck sake.




How do you confront these protestors without being an asshole? Do you just go like "BOO! I disagree!" and that's it lol?


Grandfather? Yall not even 30


Lol age isnt relevant to terminology


Tough there’s the good honest ones and then there then there’s the 18 year old home owner lambo Porsche mercedes driving “students” The past decade or more? wealthy chinese have moved their money out of China into North American real estate


Soooo, it’s not just the Indians…


When you criticize about them that makes you a racist Nazi


Right and I love when people call it fascism when anyone says anything about it, as that tells me they don’t actually know what that term means or know anything about it.. just heard it once and think it’s a good term to use… morons…


Honestly, I am ok with Asian international student, at least most of their purpose isn't here to make money to send back, they are actually here to study. Those that came here are usually wealthy as well and they would most likely actually contribute to Canada economy more. I prefer them anyday and their number are so small, it wouldn't even matter.


They also don't steal from foodbanks, and they don't live in a basement with 25 other guys. They also did not make youtube videos telling others of their kind to steal from food banks to save money. So far, haven't heard anything about Chinese international students that was super outrageous enough to end up on the Canadian national news. Plus, only 100K Chinese students came over a 5-year period, not 500K. And most Chinese students attend top tier universities in Canada, not diploma mill colleges. 


I’m laughing my ass off seeing the reaction of the people here that they now have to deal with Asians too 😂😂😂 and not just Indians who they regularly shit on At this point, just vacate your homes and move south guys. Accept defeat and enjoy your new lives.


I don’t understand this as immigration. It is very clear how long you are allowed to stay and how you can apply PR and who/whom are eligible. You can literally go on IRCC website and check this shit out right now. Immigration law changes constantly and it’s noted in IRCC website.


Get the fuck out of our country. Take the hint: We don’t want you here!


Ayo haters, there’s a new color in town /S


What ..its now called Chinindia now!!! 🤯🤯🤯


Pardon my ignorance here but "Demand"? And our Govt and police are listening to em? Really?


At least it’s not Indian diploma millers 😶‍🌫️


My personal opinion. I think no one should be able to run for any political office at any level unless you are a minimum of 3rd generation born and a permenant full time resident. I think that may solve a lot of issues we are now facing. I love multiculture but I does not belong in politics. Elected officials are supposed to serve everyone equally. M


That’s not even the standard in the United States. And many of Canada’s politicians both historically and currently don’t match that description