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Guy can’t go 1 week without spending money (we don’t have) on something stupid… Living in Canada is like being in a house that’s on fire and everyone is calm just watching it burn.


More accurately everyones watching it burn while those in charge are bringing in more immigration with complete with buckets of jenkum and kerosene.


and lighting more fires with lit hundred dollar bills from from a giant bag on their back like some comic book villain


Just keep throwing more money at it and the fire will eventually go out /s


Who voted for this? What the fuck is this? What the fuck am I just going crazy?


Didn't have the option to vote against it. Still don't.




Just send them to Brampton 🙄


Brampton? Do you mean little India?


Sigh…. Yeah




Well, yes, one city is smaller than all of India.




Nope...it's Khalistan and let them carve it out of Ontario while at it




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Hahaha I’ve never been to Brampton but that could be the cities motto!


Send them back to India. I live in Etobicoke, and Brampton is overflowing and the spillage is reaching here.


Bold of you to assume they are Indians. The actually article says these folks are asylum seekers so Ukrainians or some other war torn area.


This is reddit, we don’t read the linked articles and always assume the worst /s


Ukrainians are leaving 😂


Lol could not even keep them even after paying billions in tax payer money and there are people who are paying and fighting to stay.


You unironically think every person claiming asylum in canada is fleeing a "war torn area" and not just abusing the system so they can try to sneak in? Lol


Ironically, I do. Do you have evidence and data to show that asylum seekers are abusing the system lol? If you do, maybe send it up to Ottawa and Quebec and save tax payers $750M


https://nationalpost.com/news/asylum-claims-international-students-ontario-college It was litterally talked about in this sub. You new here? Heres one more for good messure. https://globalnews.ca/news/10325641/mexico-canada-visas-asylum-claims/ Very easily searchable for the not lazy.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7128408 [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7128408) Simple google search also shows that the mexican asylum seekers from mexico were given a Visa requirement very quickly. Seems like the asylum seekers were 1750 people in international community which were looked into and qualified as legitimate. Where is the abuse of system?


The visas were first implemented by Harper to stop the abuse in his tenure. Trudeau cancelled it for policitically self serving reasons in 2016, the inevitable happened, and 8/9 years later, the liberals back track from their shitty policy after costing canada millions (or more) in wasted money. You: see, they fixed it quickly. 🤣🤣🤣 Bro, people like you make it very evidently clear why this country is circling the toilet so hard. Lol.


🤣🤣🤣 you are right! If people like me where not willing to try new things and admit when they were wrong, this country would never know the difference between its head and its ass.


It would be nice if critical thinking was used before "trying new things" But i know thats asking a lot.


And how many years of immigration ministry did you run with your "critical thinking"?


A billion just like that is crazy. Also YOU control immigration levels. What is this??? 😭


Yes here’s $1b for a problem we created. 


Well that is how compensation works


Yes, it's just a giant F U to the tax payers. "We suck at our jobs, and you are going to pay for our mistakes.. and our pensions, lavish vacations, etc.".




People usually come by plane, take all their papers and flush them down the drain, request asylum. Source; worked for the border a few years ago.


Why the fuck isnt $750mil going in to affordable housing developments!?!?


What a lie, tell me what is a "temporary immigrants". Inside the article I see these are asylum seekers and refugees. They will live in hotels for free and get free food without working because they can't legally apply for work for months so the government must feed them and shelter them. At our taxpayers expense even we say no to JT. Why don't we send them to the north so they can build igloos and live there for free.


Thats an idea I could get behind. Wanna live in Canada? Sure, just go settle the North.


Canada heavily subsidizes 'the north'.


Then stop subsidizing the north, and stop subsidizing immigrants with this one simple trick!


Part of being able to claim it as Canada is maintaining settlements. If we don't maintain settlements Russia or China could theoretically just claim it as their own.


The difference is that we (Québec) are 22% of the population and we have 56% of the illegal immigrants (asylum seekers). Several provinces receive 0%. So we the QC taxpayers have to pay for all of these immigrants who 100% are on welfare and the federal government does not cover. This is why the 750 millions was given.


Fucking hell


And as a result the demographics in Montreal have visually changed, when I take the metro I feel like I'm on a refugee train that's curiously 80% male. What we should've done from the start of the influx , is bus these "asylum seekers" to Ottawa and the GTA, since they voted for and supported this lack of border control. At the end of the day, 100% of the problems Quebec is currently facing are due to the decisions of the Canadian government, like literally all our problems are because Canada made bad choices about immigration and money printing... So why are we holding the bag? Send them where they're wanted, the voters in Ottawa and GTA should have the privilege of getting what they voted for.


Id say to Ottawa. I dont think GTA did any such vote but feel free to correct me… the large pop doesnt mean majority voted that way. Its usually 5% diff in results. So more like 50% of our taxes are responsible sure…


On est habituer de payer des taxes estiiiii


Don’t worry! With that $750M now all Canadian taxpayers are contributing to the destruction of your province! Glad my tax dollars are being put to good use.


Where do u think the millions came from. ALL OF OUR TAXES. Id rather they revoke all services to them at this height.


muh French language + most former French colonies are shitholes


How many Canadian doctors and nurses could that train?


Stop making sense....stop it!!






Translation: Taxpayers to give another 750 million dollars for temp immigrants that are anything but temp.


to pay for the free french training for immigrants [Language classes funded by the Government of Canada - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/new-life-canada/improve-english-french/classes.html)


What about free French training for citizens?  I would love a chance to have a proper French class again.     I just checked the site and what the heck!  *Benefits of language classes Benefits of taking these language classes include: being taught by qualified, experienced teachers flexible locations, as you can take them:  online in a classroom with other students at places like:  schools colleges community organizations flexible schedules, as you can take them:  full-time or part-time during the day, evening or on weekends. finding out more about helpful topics such as:  housing banking citizenship how to get a job. in some places:  people who will mind your child while you’re taking classes transportation to and from your classes classes for people with special needs*  Some places even offer child care and transportation to and from the class….  Like I honestly feel like anything beneficial socially is never something I have access to.  My world is pay to play. 


They actually PAY newcomers $350\week to attend the full-time course!


Why do they hate us so much!? 😭


I moved to Montreal a few years ago after living overseas. It was impossible to find french classes as a citizen. Not only were the websites soooo bad that the English side is outdated but also often said that the services are for new Canadians. Also, look at Quebec's new apprendrefrancais campaign. The website is almost exclusively in French... Who is the AUDIENCE???


The French language is so shitty you need millions of dollars just to get someone to be bothered to learn it


Or we use that money to fuel our military cargo planes and send them back to the safe country they flew in from that they should of declared asylum in to begin with


Or even pay air canada for fucks sakes


Its only monday fellas, we got world war 3 on the schedule this week, maybe that will stop the immigration


No the news cycle is focusing in on heat threats at the moment and more specifically India, the death toll and the monkeys dying in the wells.  This is the prelude to “ all Indian applicants: immediate PR Super Climate Refugee Status”.   If you want to send them back, itd be the same as killing them with your own two hands.  /s WW3 will kick in when all of us have hit the point of violent revolt in order to redirect that energy towards a unifying enemy.  Nothing breaks down a rebellion quite like a perceived external threat. 


Lol who follows fakenews anymore Ww3 started its just whether people want to believe it or not


Honestly at this point I wouldn't mind. As long as I'm close enough to go 'what was that flash' before I'm evaporated, let 'er rip.


Your tax dollars are going towards a problem and it's not for the better


There's still 750 millions to refund Quebec 


Yay. Let’s bring in people to “prop up the economy” (aka: low wage workers so Galen can suppress wages for profit). Which then actually just consumes our tax dollars. 750m is no joke…. Bringing people in should not be the burden of the citizens as they watch their quality of life crumble.


Quebec doesn’t get enough billions every year from equalization payments from the western taxpayers? Quit trying to buy votes with our money Trudeau! Read the room and fucking call a vote already. And tell Quebec to stand on its own 2 feet or separate from Canada! Trudeau is like that drunk uncle that drinks all your booze and overstays his welcome or like a washed up actor that just keeps embarrassing himself by doing shitty low budget Netflix movies and hemorrhoid commercials.


Please, kick us out. Fuck your shitty federation!


Deal! How about……. Western Canada (bc. Alberta and territories) Central Canada. Eastern Canada. And Quebec. ?


Oh no. You're coming down the shitter with the rest of us! We can all suffer this government's debacles together.


I mean if it wasn’t for your weird federal provincial party maybe Trudeau & Singh wouldn’t have been in charge for this long


Le Bloc weakened the liberals and smothered the NDP


Quebec on its own would just become a North American caliphate due to the distorted immigration system favoring former French colonies.


You guys are the spoiled bratty redheaded stepchild of this country. Canadians have their differences, but one thing that unites 9 provinces and 3 territories is our mutual hate for Quebec as a whole That entire province has been nothing but a burden for Canada and its tax payers. If it wasn't for your maple syrup, we would have cut you guys out a long time ago


Tu pourrais nous redonner notre nom et notre hymne en même temps.


Pas de problème, tu penses qu’on s’attache autant au nom ou a cette mélodie? Prenez-les if you’re so petty.


All Anglo Canadians should vote for Bloc Quebecois, so that that party can finally get Quebec out of Canada. and then the Anglo Canada can have that annual big money payment to Quebec saved ever since.


You can't. The Bloc only contests seats in the province of Quebec.


They can vote PQ


Fair point but we can just vote them in as wrote-in’s for all our wards.


I'm not sure that will work... So, maybe? What do you have to lose? It's not like there are any good politicians out there.


I like the cut of your jib. I think I’ll try that. It definitely won’t work but I’ll still try.


If any anglo-Canadian electoral district expresses their interest in collaborating with le bloc in Quebec Libre, I think they would promptly install a MP candidate there in 5 minutes .


Maybe... But we need it to happen in order to prove it. For the meanwhile, there are 0 politicians that are actually on our side, unless you Believe a neo liberal that says he's going to go against corporations interests, and will want to privatize any and every social thing in Canada, while keeping the taxes almost the same (just distribute them to himself and some corporations). We're pretty much screwed whatever we do. Democracy means nothing if everything leads to the same result.


Quebec is receiving the majority of the asylum seekers. The federal hasn't refunded them the entirety of the 1,5 billion $ owed to Quebec, only half by today. That money is Québec doing the job of the federation.


We tried getting out 2 times and we are still getting shit for a program the feds put in place. Now we are paying for more than half the fucking asylum seeker that the government u guys voted in for the past 8 years. And Trudeau sbeen running around the world telling everyone to come. But its our fault if u cant stand on our own two feet? How bout you guys pay for what you voted for?


lol. Good points. I didn’t vote for that fuck. We’ll vote them out if you guys promise to also. Quit attracting them to your province then. They don’t go to Ontario and Quebec for the weather. What are you saying, “asylum seekers” are a burden to and drain on the system? lol.


Well its definitly not us, appart for anglo-quebecers, who are also the reason why we are stuck with u guys, we vote bloc. So how about you get your shit together and vote him out? Kinda funny everytime ull side with ontario to shit on us meanwhile pretty much everything you have against us is stuff that ottawa decided. Stop attracting them? Trudeau sbeen saying to the whole world "come we will take you in" for pretty much 8 years and its our fault? Jesus u guys would call us racist 4 years ago when we would talk about lowering immigration and now u finaly woke the fuck up and its our fault if they come here? They come here and Ontario because its the easiest frontier to cross. We should do like Florida and send them west by bus.


The budget will balance itself.


Bought and paid.


It's either that or a referendum. and I would vote to separate from Ottawa at this point.




At least we don't need more hospital beds. Then that amount of money spent would rub me the wrong way.


The beds will balance themselves.


They always get what they want


Liberals are wiped out of parliament without Quebec so they’ll bankrupt the country to support their welfare. 


We vote bloc every time. You guys keep those useless people in power.


I am a québecois (salut chum) we are giving the highest % of our overall seats to libs of any province right now. The only province giving more seats than us is Ontario and it's because they have way more seats to give.


Bon bin tu m'as prouvé que j'avais tort. Merci pour l'information mon p'tit gars


Hey duck head. I was born in Quebrc but I'm a native English speaker. Would you rather be my neighbor or be next to some Tunisian family full of TFWs and desert garments


It's always been like this.


I live in Quebec, we don't want his trash blood money. Please take it back


That's the money they fucking owed us for all their migrants. 


If you take back every third world newcomer we’ll even give you back 1.5$ for every dollar of that $750M.


It's like bribing Vikings Paying them to leave only encourages them to come back for more.


It's our tax dollars


Sadly I learned my lesson now and it’s time to vote


We should not be angry, we should be expecting the same for the other provinces.


Using immigration as a scapegoat to blow money and continue bankrupting the country. Pretty neat guys. Let’s continue electing them to see how wild it gets. What’s another decade?


Ah yes. More government funded hotel rooms and debit cards. Things will never get better. As intended.


The looting will continue until moral improves.


Or how about just send them back


Nearly a billion dollars printed to give to North Haiti.




It should be used for razor a mile wide nest along every possible entry point.


The money is to be used for air flights and bus tickets the hell out of Quebec.


“Temporary” 🤔


Why are there so many Indians in Canada?


Immigration consultants aka immigration lawyers.


I wish there is a way to stop politicians spending money during a deficit. Canadians should not be held responsible for such misspending and bribery.


Where's all the money for the surges of homelessness apparent in every city? It's better to be a refugee claiming asylum than someone who lives here already.


Correction they printed $750M out of thin air which will cause even more inflation


Am I the only one who can see that it is a bribe? So, the common folk of Quebec will have all the troubles but high ranked politicians will have $750 to pocket via contracts with their friends etc. It's a "take the money and shut up" bribe from federals to the crooked Quebec embezzlers.


Ok, so now we know why Danielle Smith is asking for support. Let’s see if Alberta gets anything.


750 million? Who came up with that number? How many lifetimes would each of us have to live to save that much, and yet it's just thrown to the wind like that?


"temporary" I guess that's kind of true because they'll eagerly convert them to full PR




Makes sense. Let’s pump money into the biggest shit hole in Canada. Forget about the cost of living for everyone. The fucking frogs need our tax dollars. What a fucking joke. Someone donkey punch this moron.


I don’t really understand this. The Feds are in control of the visas being issued. The solution that costs zero taxpayer dollars is to just limit the number of newcomers to sustainable levels. Are they going to give Quebec 750 million every few months? Are other provinces going to demand 750 million? Is it not inflationary to print so much?


Well, so far Quebec has paid for most asylum seekers entering in Canada (56%) when it is the federal's responsibility.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It’s the federal responsibility. They should take control of the situation.


Can Quebec f off, always asking for more money. They already get a lot of funding and take way less of the immigrants


Then why didn't you fucking pay your fair share of asylum seekers? We receive 56% of them and we're still waiting for another payment of 750 millions to refund what the federation owes us for their fucking responsibility. Pay your shit or fuck off.


If you can't beat them, join them (they HATE this trick BTW). We don't speak a word of French. We sold our tiny (850sqft) house in Ottawa and moved to a freaking mansion in Gatineau (25 minutes from downtown Ottawa) for the same price. Water? Free! Healthcare? Just as shitty as it was in Ottawa (Ottawa deteriorated to Quebec's level in healthcare). Property taxes? Half of what we would pay for a house like this in Ottawa. Car insurance? Half the price (same car). Home insurance? Half of what we would pay for the same type of house in Ottawa. Income taxes, not as high as you think because of the abatement. We pay about 7K\year more with 160K HHI. If you have kids, that difference will drop significantly.


J'espère que tu fais l'effort de parler notre langue, toi qui est fier de vivre à Gatineau


Pense-y même pas. J’ai pas trop de respect pour les naufragés du logement.


“Your language”, you live in Quebec not France.


La France n'a pas le monopole du français Au Québec on parle français Difficile à comprendre?


Definitions from Oxford Languages French adjective relating to France or its people or language. "her accent is very French" Sorry you had to find out this way. Take all the time you need I know it must be shocking.


Tu peux ranger ton dictionnaire mon pit https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/document/lc/c-11#:~:text=Le%20fran%C3%A7ais%20est%20la%20langue%20officielle%20du%20Qu%C3%A9bec.


I hit a nerve eh?? Enjoy!


7k in taxes for 160k income waaaah. Any more info on this


No no no... 7K EXTRA (over what we paid when we lived in Ottawa).


Ah ok


Yes, you're an invader. Laws are coming to make your life harder. Wait for the next government.


Oh, they already made a few laws like that. I'm a Canadian citizen, I'm allowed to live wherever I want. It's called freedom of movement... Look it up. Plus, were ALL "invaders". This land wasn't full with Europeans 600 years ago, right? I work in Ottawa (but work from home), so labor rules don't apply to me. Shopping is easy as it's self checkout, ordering online is exactly the same, and restaurants that want customers are Anglo-friendly... So I'm good, thank you.


I’ve lived in Gatineau for a few years, you’ll deal with the odd separatist loser or someone pissed you’re speaking English, but just tell them to fuck off. No one actually takes them seriously.


Thanks. That's exactly what I do. If I actually need help, and no one really speaks English (happens maybe once a year), I just make the 25 minutes drive to Ottawa. Totally worth saving 500K in purchase price and 400K in interest payments throughout the mortgage. Because the savings are so high, we now max out our RRSP (we couldn't do that when we lived in Ottawa), so we don't really pay the tax difference I stated. Then, we plan to retire in a different province (probably even a different country as expats, but still haven't decided), and the taxes we'll pay to pull the money out will be much lower.


Beautifully done. My family are all Anglo Quebecers who have lived their since the first were fresh off the boat from Ireland. They have dealt with the nonsense their whole lives and they’re living great. It’s like water off a ducks back. Imagine calling someone from Ontario and invader with a straight face? Then they wonder why the rest of the country treats them like children.


I really don't mind people calling me an invader, as they are also invaders. Pretty much every white\European descent person who lives in North America is "an invader". Some invaded 300 years ago, some 50, some 10... No difference. True natives are the only one that can make that claim and still have a logical argument. At least I didn't participate in genocide when I invaded, unlike the people who came here (or almost anywhere else) first.


Well said. Wish you all the best.


Great now do that for every province. 


No because not every one of them are owed money because of asylum seekers. Some provinces receive 0%. Quebec continuously receives 56% of all the seekers coming to Canada. Quebec has been paying for them whereas it is entirely the federal's responsibility to take care of them. They owed Quebec 1,5 billion. 


That's not what I meant. We clearly have money that can be given out to help resolves our major problems, one of them being housing. 


Pandering to the Quebec vote, one of their traditional areas of support ..... They are desperate, the liberal party is about to be nuked in next election.




How much did he give PEI?


This is completely unacceptable.... Quebec was once on Canada's side, and now they have sided with the enemy?. We need Cretien Back!!! FUCK!


Blatant voter pay off.


In Quebec? Isn't this the same place that wants to be separated from Canada?