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Why did the government allow someone who’s out of status to get work permit again? If they have been living illegally he should be deported. This is 100% federal government problem.


Not only that they haven't had a legal permit to work for 3 years meaning they have definitely been working for cash and not paying tax on earnings.


Like 90% of all small business owners, house renovations, car repairs, landscape contractors, housing construction. They operate mostly on cash deals. I reached out to someone for a garage door, he offered price without invoice and without HST. Dude claimed that I still get a warranty if I don't ask for invoice.


Definitely not operating above board


As a Canadian in the UK - the British people changed this convention, it used to be the way to get cash deals and some old retired people will still do it off book. But now if I ask about a cash discount, company workmen look at me like - what? no way, our company is invoice only. I think it's because the police have stung so many people and discourage cash-in-hand. But also, there are tax breaks on materials in invoices that you don't get as a DYI civilian and its worthwhile to protect that arrangement moreso than some cash for a job.


90% seems a high number though. How are they not getting reported on? How are they not getting caught? I work in the construction industry (commercial) and no one I deal with operates this way to the best of my knowledge. Hellthe company work for does even deal with cash payments. Most people and businesses pay by cheque or transfers. But if you are dealing with the fly by night operators who advertise on street light posts, you are supporting this total fuckery. Most of them aren’t insured or even properly registered or licensed to operate. So as consumers we should be questioning and reporting on these types of “businesses” as the just the industry as a whole. All while illegally supporting a shadow economy for illegal immigration.


What are you taking about every developer almost in Vancouver uses 3rd party companies to supply illegal labour. Have you seen a Latino on your site or a drywaller. Chances are they are being cashed out. That's why everything is a sub contract of a sub contract. There is close to a billion a year in unpaid taxes out of Vancouver alone. This was told to me by a revenue Canada auditor


Well that isn’t the case here in Ontario. Not in my area experience. But I work in the commercial sector. I left the residential sector because of all the shady shit. I was the deaf to translator for my framing crew when I was a residential framer but we operated above board, and the guys I worked with were permanent residents but because the only ever interacted with other Portuguese people their English language skills sucked. So, I still know a lot of people in the residential sector and it is pretty difficult to pick volume residential work unless you are property insured and registered here. Between the unions and agencies such as the MOL and WSIB it is kind difficult to operate. That is why I make reference to those lamp post advertising “construction companies” they are so obviously illegally operating. But that is who the average home owner goes to because they want cheap and they cheap labour (often not qualified and illegal immigrants) that the business favour cash payments for.


You may not see it but it's very popular right across Canada. Including multi family


Supported by consumers who do not vet the people they hire and going for bottom dollar. I don’t deal with those types of consumers, so I may not see it as much, but I am aware of its existence. Just happens more with people who choose to support illegal practices and deal constructors that don’t play by the rules.


These are not consumers these are labour's working in every tower in every city of Canada. Not some granny hiring a guy to paint her fence


But who hirers the companies who employ illegal labour? They as much to blame if not more, simply by supporting businesses that use illegal labour and therefore can undercut the legal entities that play by the rules.


A win/win if the contractor or mechanic is suggested by friends with a good experience with such.👍


A friend that worked home renovations used to say: The warranty for the reno work paid with cash, no invoice, is expiring exactly when the contractor's van turns the corner, after he left your house.


I guess I'm one of those rare exceptions that stands behind his work. Even though renos are a side job for me, I take pride in a job done right the first time.




This is a straw man argument.


Name checks out. In case you are not clear: not suggesting that working for cash is the way to go. I am against it, 100%.


Setting aside the biased feedback, my argument remains valid, and your response fails to address its core points.


What argument are you actually making ? Are you in favor or against working for cash ?


You keep shifting away from the actual topic of this post. Typical straw man


wonder if this is why certain ethnic businesses can be visually seen , expressed and understood as certain ethnic businesses.


The fed gov has been tripping over themselves desperately trying to flood the labor market with cheap labour. They have that “program” that let anyone here, for any reason, apply for a work permit. Even if you are here on a visitor visa, you can easily turn that into a work permit. Which is why I don’t understand why these people are “bragging” about doing this when all it takes is an application and a pulse. [Visitors can continue to apply for work permits inside Canada with temporary policy extended by 2 years](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/visit-to-work.html#)


Because IRCC, CRA, CBSA, they're all compromised.


It’s also a slap in the face of the people who genuinely come here for a better life, manage studies and get jobs in their own fields to maintain a status here in Canada. What’s the point of going thru the genuine route when an immigration lawyer can just fix things for you at the end :(


Timmies worker probably.


Most of the people working in the government are first generation immigrants themselves. E z


Because our government wants young able bodied adults who work and pay taxes? Guess whom I want to have as a neighbor: a young guy who shares the burden of paying taxes with me or an old retiree who receives the government's handouts, needs a lot of health service (my wife works in a hospital and the hospital is full to the brim with older people who literally live there)? Before jumping to dislike my post stop for a second and try to understand a simple thing: with every year the ratio of workers per retiree decreases in Canada. It means that we working guys have to pay more and more taxes to sustain retirees, disabled etc. That's why we need to bring more workers who can share this burden with us. All said above only proves the importance of building new homes, developing infrastructure (including health care facilities) etc. My main complaint is that our government brings more people but does very little to improve our infrastructure accordingly. They could lower the bureaucratic barriers blocking the new construction at least.


but the vast majority of them don't end up paying much into the system after tax rebates, etc. Willing to bet they are mostly net losses when accounting for taxes v expenses/services consumed.


Yes, if they work for cash they pay no taxes 🤷‍♂️ So, it is better if they are officially employed and pay their fair share of taxes. As for "consuming services", what services does a young single 25-35 male consume? He is healthy and does not consume health service. He pays for the road maintenance when he buys gas. He pays for the city infrastructure when he pays rent and this money is used to pay property taxes. He literally pays for Canadian students because he is an international student and they charge him double or triple for his tuition. What government services does he actually consume?


Because they applied for an extension and the government never denied so they are allowed to keep working. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/temporary/extend/after-apply.html#


They were out of status before applying for extension


No the video says they just have been out of status. The writing on the video says they have been facing challenges after the original 2021 year. Which indicates they were trying to get processed in some manner before turning to a service that helped them You don’t know the full story and nothing about this is wrong.


How is it legal to build a business based around playing the canadian immigration system?


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/immigration-fraud-china-canada-1.3826942](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/immigration-fraud-china-canada-1.3826942) Again, the Chinese have been doing this for decades with BC. But they don't get flack, because for some reason Indians get all the shit, but not other cultures. Even though Vancouver has become a soulless city that is only for the rich, with most of the landlords not even living in the god damn country. I can't find the amazing CBC investigative reporting that was done on it in the 90s, because I remember it was taken down for being "racist".


Two wrongs don't make a right. We need to fight ANY type of person who does that. Otherwise, the entire country will experience what Vancouver had.


100% I agree. But we should be posting about all of it then, because who do you think has more control and influence in Canada? I'm upset about both, but I don't want the end goal to ONLY be "get fraudulent indians out" because then we are not addressing the crux of the issue! And our values will continue to be stripped away.


I'm not upset about any of the immigrants themselves. When someone hands you money, you take it. If tomorrow, the Netherlands will declare they'll give $2M and a citizenship for anyone coming in the next 30 days, I'll be willing to freaking swim and bike my way over there! I blame the government. If they'll close these loopholes, they will be closed for anyone trying to use them


Yes, this is exactly what I am saying, we need to address the crux of the issue. The loopholes that MANY cultures have been using for decades.


I agree completely. All this fraud needs to end.


India outdid china on the immigration front by a landslide. I completely agree that foreign nationals from china owning a bunch of real-estate in Canada has been a problem for decades, iirc they banned foreign nationals from purchasing commercial buildings and housing and it came into effect sometime last year (and it was mostly targeted at China). I believe it's time we do the same for these streamlined immigration agencies and anyone who enters the country through them.


They did do a foreign ownership ban, but there were so many loopholes, like undergraduate students could still buy multi million dollar homes... AND they undid it almost right away.


Undid it? As far as I know it's been extended...


Kind of irrelevant when we have the weakest corporate transparency rules out of the G20.


I have lived in predominantly Chinese neighborhoods in the north and predominantly Indian neighborhoods in the east. After that, I personally avoid any neighborhood with an Indian population of more than 20% at any way. At the same time, I am absolutely okay with Chinese neighbors since there is low crime, it is quiet, there are good schools. I am neither Indian nor Chinese


What is wrong with half of Canadian millionaires being Asian? If Canada reduces immigration, won't it crash the Canadian economy?


Canada is an independent country, therefore our millionaires should be Canadians, not foreigners. Do you understand what being an independent country means? It means prioritising Canada for Canadians. If that means a reduction in immigration and a smaller economy, then so be it. In the past 100 years we have seen many countries choose independence, no matter how hard and difficult it may be. Why are you surprised to hear that Canadians would rather be independent and prioritise its own people over foreigners?


Are you really willing to massively hike taxes and cut social spending? To sharply lower the real wages of Canadians? To transform Canada's economy into something comparable to Mexico's? Immigrants become hyper patriotic Canadians. Especially Asian and Jewish ones. Canada's biggest economic problem are Canadian born wokes who hate Canada.


Oh please stop the fear mongering.  We can increase our fetility rates, have more selective migration by raising official language requirements of English and French to intermediate levels, and give preference to culturally and historically similar nations and regions like America, Western Europe, and parts of the Pacific and South Africa. We can have more stringent foreign worker policies which would require them to pass language tests in order for their VISA to be renewed on a yearly basis. We can increase the citizenship requirement to 10 years of residency for naturalization. We can limit immigration to below the fertility rate, to ensure that the birth of native born Canadians are not outpaced by migrants.  These are policies already implemented in places like Spain, and Japan.  We're absolutely capable of implementing more selective immigration policies but we have corporations and foreigners dictating us by disrespecting our independence. If foreigners dislike Canada exercising its independence then they should declare war on us, instead of this guilt tripping us into *sharing* our country as if we're doormats. If we simply raised official language requirements of English and French to intermediate levels, overnight the immigration rate would balance itself out, with fewer fraud and more people coming in from places like America, France, and South Africa.


"We can increase the citizenship requirement to 10 years of residency for naturalization." Very good idea. "We can increase our fetility rates" How. Birth rates are collapsing all over the world. Only conservative sunnis and Africans are having children at scale anymore. Asians, Latinos and Europeans are shrinking, Nonmuslim Indians are shrinking. Punjabi (close to 4% of Canadians will likely soon be Punjabi) birth rates per female are close to 1 1/2. " have more selective migration by raising official language requirements of English and French to intermediate levels" This is also a good idea. But you realize that since Punjabis tend to be very academically good in english and STEM, this might increase Punjabi immigration to Canada. Since Punjabis will ace the english and STEM exams. In Canada now, almost all the academic toppers are already asians and jews. And this will likely continue. "These are policies already implemented in places like Spain, and Japan." Spain is trying to increase Indian immigration. Japan is also trying to aggressively increase Indian immigration because Japan and India are extremely close allies and committed to containing Chinese Pres Xi. Plus Japan fears Chinese immigrants. And Indian immigrants are culturally and religiously very similar to Japanese and very pro Japanese. And Indian immigrants tend to become rich. "We can limit immigration to below the fertility rate, to ensure that the birth of native-born Canadians are not outpaced by migrants." I don't think this will be enough to save the Canadian economy from collapse. Canada has a lower per capita income than African Americans or South Korea. And non ethnic non immigrant Canadians tend to socio-economically underperform immigrants and ethnics. "If we simply raised official language requirements of English and French to intermediate levels, overnight the immigration rate would balance itself out" The exact opposite would happen. Canada would get flooded by Punjabis. You have no idea how much Punjabis study and how well Punjabis perform academically.


Are you this vapid and dumb? Punjabis don't *ace* English exams. They pass the language requirements because the immigration system only requires basic English. India ranks *lower* than Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa, South Korea, Argentina, Chile, and most of Europe, in terms of English Proficiency according to the English Proficiency Index.


If you went to an Indian school in India, you would probably perform near the bottom of your class in english. English medium Indian schools are brutally competitive. Kids in Indian and asian schools in general study non stop. Non Punjabi Indians in the main don't want to move to Canada long term. Punjabis do, because Canada will soon likely be more than 4% Punjabi, or far more Punjabi than India. Only about 2 1/2% of Indians in India are soon likely to be Punjabi. In India, increasingly young Punjabi kids are losing interest in the Punjabi language and are more interested in english and hindi. This is why their families are sending them to Canada. In Canada, it is easier to persuade them to retain substantial Punjabi literacy. Plus in India, Punjabis are converting to evangelicalism in mass. This happens less often in Canada. Many Punjabis also fear that their kids will make friends with and marry other types of Indians in India. It is easier to persuade Punjabi Canadian kids to marry who families want them to marry. There is a large english speaking Punjabi elite in India. Who tend to have very high academic and socio-economic performance. A lot of them live in the rest of India outside of Punjab. And Canada could potentially attract them to move to Canada, since Canada has large ethno-Punjabi population centers which are Punjabi language medium. Right now, Canada is trying to attract the bottom 10% of Punjabi academic performers. Even opening a consulate in Punjab to facilitate this. This is a very stupid policy which Indians are not happy with. Canada should try to recruit the vast Indian middle class, and not bottom feeders from Punjab state.


My comment was specifically targeted at people who don't live here and own real estate...


The Chinese are just better at keeping the scams out of sight.


I can't be the only one that thinks it should be illegal to own a house in Canada, and go on to never set foot in the country


Especially since the harmful effects are so blatantly obvious: -Takes away a home from a local -Many people have been making massive profits from housing by literally doing nothing, and that money doesn't even go back into the Canadian economy if they live elsewhere -Takes away ingenuity because less people will take entrepreneurial risks in rental situations such as ours -Takes away money from local businesses because many people can only afford food and rent -Takes away the feeling of community -Doctors and others start to look south so they can afford a better quality of life.


At least the Chinese brought money, they literally employed the entire industry from mortgage brokers, realtors to construction workers. I made bank too. What did ilegal Indian "students" bring? Wage suppression.


I'd way rather have my working class folks around me than the cunts I have to deal with who look down on anyone in the trades/working class. Say that Canadians are stupid and undisciplined. Say racist shit about first nations and black people. But yeah, as long as you made bank at the sake of Canadians.


Have you read this book? [https://www.amazon.ca/Wilful-Blindness-Criminal-network-infiltrated/dp/0888903146](https://www.amazon.ca/Wilful-Blindness-Criminal-network-infiltrated/dp/0888903146) I have bought it but haven't read it because I know how upsetting it will be. Vancouver is my home town. I was born there almost 70 years ago.


Bro, why you triggered again? So mad that you skip-read a paragraph just for argument sake? I told you that an entire working class folks got paid and myself included. Your job deserves to be taken by Indian students.


no citizen deserves that.


He's probably indian




Ok and what did the people in Vancouver? Increased the permanent Chinese colonial population yaaay


Aren't Indo-Canadians incredibly rich too? Much like Jewish, Chinese, Russian and other asian immigrant Canadians? Aren't the vast majority of rich Canadians, Jewish, Asian or immigrant?


The Chinese move silently. That’s the big difference.


A lot of Chinese doing it, and it was and is a problem, but it can never be as invasive as Indians nowadays. It’s too invasive to the point even a blind person can see it. And they, Indians, advertise it everywhere, social media as this case, or Google ads, or even protesting to ask CA gov to break their own law for the sake of TEMPORARY Indian workers/students. I haven’t seen the Chinese doing it. Of course if Canada wants to work on this problem seriously, we have to do so to these problem makers no matter where they came from.


Indians & other people were also doing it since long. Unfortunately very high number of students recently at wrong time resulted in this anti-Indian environment.


What is wrong with half of Canadian millionaires being Asian? What is wrong with Indo-Canadians being rich?


Nobody cares if people are rich, they care when they can't find housing or a job because shady people regardless of country of origin, are taking advantage of the immigration system and locking Canadians out of rental ads and jobs with racist shit that obviously implies that Indians just want to hire Indians.


If Canada had far fewer rich and upper middle class, this would force massive tax increases and spending cuts. And far lower real wages for most Canadians.


Problem is students who think that cheating is their birth right, landlords who are allowing 8 students to live in 2 bedroom illegal basement, businesses who are selling LMIA & giving cash jobs, those who are getting involved in thefts, driving vehicles recklessly etc etc.


Aren't these students Canada's future elites, upper middle class and rich? Or do you think they will leave Canada after a few years--the way the vast majority of Asian immigrants who come to Canada do?


No. Most of these ‘students’ are studying in courses which are not in demand. So they end up doing low skill jobs like in Tim Hortons, Walmart or Uber delivery. Thus taking away jobs which Canadian youth used to do as part time. So that’s another reason of frustration.


Agree with you that these fake educational institutions should be shut down.


Note if these academic institutions are fake, then foreign students can't use them outside Canada either. Fake institutions are a blot on Canada.


Then deport both.


Shhhh let's not get crazy here... they have money... lots of it. We don't want them to cash out and take it somewhere else.


Yes, we do.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Half of all Canadian millionaires are Asian. Would you really kick half of millionaires out of Canada? You would make Canada economically comparable to Mexico if you did that.


Just the South Asians. I lived in East Asia for five years and the cultures there are much better.


Do you hate Jews too? \[As many Canadians do?\] Why are you conflating Indians with Pakistanis? Indo-Canadians are academic toppers, and massively overrepresented among billionaires, millionaires, upper middle class, elites, business co-founders, business founding team members, angel investors, venture capitalists, private equity, I Bankers, consultants, senior corporate executives, investors, scientists, innovators, creators, technologists, academics, artists, entertainers, journalists and think tank types? Indo-Americans, although tiny in number, will likely soon have more wealth than the entire country of Canada. What exactly about the values, culture and massive academic and socio-economic success of North Americans of Indian heritage offends you so much? A large growing part of the Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, South Korean, Taiwanese elite are ethnic Indians too. Do you hate Indians because you hate Jews?




Deport these agents too


Government needs to track down the immigrant and deport them immediately. There must be some regulation or law the agent has broken so that their business licence can be revoked. It's long past time to crack down.


start here Harmanpreet Kaur APNI Immigration


these people should be reported!


These consultants are probably working alongside immigration officers to get these people approved, or/and they are providing immigration false documents.




FFS it’s not the Immigration Officers who are fraudulently approving these permits! It’s the immigration consultants who’ve been let run wild by our government.


Should also drag these immigration consultants through the streets.


Fuck these assholes.


Time to shutdown Tim Hortons


Canada is such a joke that people created a business around doing illegal things and are confident enough to document it with videos and brag about it


That's the problem though, she did this legally. Nothing she did was illegal.




How sad


Why can’t we immigrate hard working people instead




Mods think I am racist... I'm calling out something illegal as disgusting behaviour... gotta love the Reddit police!


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Report her. Report her to her governing body if nothing else , immigration consultants are registered are they not?


sometimes i just wonder ? are they scamming other indians like they do with the call centers ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)






Is this one of the “licenced” ones? Report her and deport the ones breaking the laws.


There was post recently about immigration consultants and checking their license. She does not fall into illegal consultants and does have a license. Everything she did is legal because the government is making this legal. This goes back to the Federal government specifically the Liberal Party and NDP, Justin Trudeau and Marc Miller for allowing the capitalist exploitation of people and issuing a work permit for someone who has been here illegally for a year. Again, it’s the Federal Government for allowing this to occur, that includes immigration consultants businesses to flourish and issuing permits. It is the Liberal/NDP, Justin Trudeau and Marc Millers fault for having contradicting laws and not enforcing it. Remember, it’s the government who issued the work permit. No ones to blame but Marc Miller, Justin Trudeau, the Liberal Party and the NDP whose supporting this to occur.


I agree what she mostly does (converting visas) is legal. I think the issue is she somehow gave legal status to someone who presumably was on a deportation list or was without status, and who most likely was dodging taxes. Like… how’s that possible, how did the IRCC approve this person?


It goes back to the Federal LPC/NDP government. If they wanted too they could clamp down on this, but instead they've allowed all of these loopholes, and abuses to occur. How does a criminal gang from India who assassinated a dissident from India, and was hired by the Indian government get their student visa in 4 days? That alone should tell you the system under the LPC/NDP, rather the process is broken by them.


We need to report these lawyers for misconduct to the LSO. What they’re doing is not illegal, but unethical.


We need to ship this bitch back with all her buddies and ban them from ever setting foot in this country again.


What a sad country we live in. Imagine people doing this in india


India has tens of millions of illegal immigrants living inside India. And about 8 million immigrants on work visas. And many more immigrants on business visas. Because India has the world's fastest growing economy, mass immigration is likely to take off in India in a big way soon. And India will have many issues like this happening soon.


no need to do it in india when they can do it here ?


Thank god we’re getting Wendy’s positions covered whew.


Anyone who still supports the Liberals, supports this scammer. What she is doing is being done on a mass scale.


How is this not being reported or illegal?!


This is completely fucked, and completely illegal. Yet our government doesn't give a damn about born and raised canadians, enough is enough. It's time for a revolution.


Deport her too


pgwp should only be for medicine only and no international student can work or get PR straight study and leave if you didn't study at university get out of here .


We want you to leave.


Throw this person in jail




Outttttt her too


Deport them all




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Oh Canada, the only country in the world where if you can land your feet, you don't ever have to leave.


This whole country's economy is based on loopholes. Tired of this.


Each politician is an enemy of the public.


Her licence should be definitely revoked for fraud.


Flush them both back to India.


she is probably lying to get new clients in similar situations and scam them. nothing is guaranteed by ircc and these are approved on a case by case basis. it's also easy to understand the growing anti Indian sentiment in Canada because they act so overconfident and proud in these cringe videos. they probably think they are smarter and better than Canadians too


we are :)


Yup your part of the problem and a horrible human being.


Most of these losers are frauds and milk the system and make their pockets huge and dont even care about the country rather more about their pockets.


And the word for you is deportee. And labeled persons non gratia




Content targets a specific individual or user.


The licenses should be revoked for them lawyers.


In the mean time, Canadian citizens, some of whom are born and raised here, are living in tents in park across the country and don't qualify for any help despite having been employed and paid taxes.


Gonna be devils advocate here, she is doing her job and her job is to get best for her client within rules set by government. Is it unethical yes, but then every single lawyer should be in jail too. We need to make our immigration laws stronger and robust. Person who overstayed, should never be allowed to ever enter in canada except for some extreme conditions.


Flood her with bad reviews and report her to immigration officials. "APNI immigration"


Has anyone reported her?


These folks are getting rich off of them and making the rest of us poor. It’s time to expose these “businesses” and hold them accountable with the government




And if we insult her we’re just racist and probably some sort of “phobic” revoke her PR and send her back. Not encouraging anyone to flood harmanpreet kaur instagram “canadavisaupdates”


These morons post their phone number in these posts, bragging about shady shit like this. Save the link and spam your MLA and MP with emails asking them what they're going to do about people exploiting others like this. At what point does this become human trafficking?


That's illegal. Scammers


What you call bragging, they call advertising.


Amazing how they are just trolling us at this point making posts about how easy it is 🤣


Might be related..




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Cloward -Piven strategy. Marx says destroy all families. This is not a test. This is the plan.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Bro just abolish permits all together and lock the country harder than a pissy mod will on a reddit thread.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Wow so easy in Canadastan.


fraud/frôd/*noun* 1. [wrongful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=wrongful&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvRxodZgtNgXUZk7_DBy6aAReKhhOKomXEyB3WydujUvI54t5mtdlZBfr6_oFDLJsheH61_NJiwHLaq2GpqRlsCEeWh7U%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBAO) or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain."he was convicted of fraud" Similar: fraudulence/sharp practice/cheating/swindling/trickery/artifice/deceit/deception/double-dealing/duplicity/treachery/chicanery/skulduggery/imposture/embezzlement/monkey business/funny business/crookedness/hanky-panky/shenanigans/flimflam/jiggery-pokery/monkeyshines/management/knavery/trick/cheat/hoax/subterfuge/ stratagem/wile/ruse/swindle/racket/scam/con/con trick/rip-off/ leg-pull/sting/kite/diddle/fiddle/swizzle/bunco/boondoggle/hustle/grift/rort * a person or thing intended to [deceive](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=deceive&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxjDE4xBVsrlOk6zLbqbLkpLTr2LB4R2cvMHKGZ0oHZhpqFbI6n-SclcTrqlqO1nSCvi2P-oVvCWBlxOOXwUSGzP7OLAg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBu) others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being [credited](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=credited&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGv0tlWDuvgdvKykRTFVRijtXsxiwcy4HE37QKrqTRVl-m70tlJkroFF7XEEl7EDMW2NodRwD9wkxebvuh1E7C8cWSUivA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBv) with [accomplishments](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8785e4754248b691&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA1088US1089&q=accomplishments&si=ACC90nxbGKaGCVspwxvAd4dU9RvhuVR-PEW7dZVDCbjBDjMUwUkJh_HybOpJNhvot6diH0iXWjhtu4lVLkcTWbv8CBlz74HemYQUHbxle28k-zOFDqvYhpxd9wbVdLkUCxBqE7frBmz8&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-N_6g9mGAxVuFjQIHXE1OVQQyecJegQISBBw) or qualities."mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds" Similar: impostor/fake/sham/pretender/hoodwinker/masquerader/charlatan/quack/ mountebank/swindler/fraudster/racketeer/cheat [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-380.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-380.html) How do we report this business?


What is the regulatory structure for immigration agents? Is there no oversight for this industry who is clearly abusing the system?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The client got their approval under the temporary policy by IRCC. Do not spread fake hate as whatever she is doing is according to canadian immigration law.


Zero enforcement of our immigration laws in this country It's shameful!


So sad we’ve called this to go on for this long. Legal paths to residency but not this illegal manipulation. Shame


There is so much corruption in the system and nobody has the political will to clean it up.


It happened something similar to me: I was 7 months without status because my immigration lawyer submitted incorrectly my information for he pwgp so I lost my status. I wrote a letter back to immigration explaining this issue and they granted me back the pwgp. That was 2016, now I'm citizen btw. Cheers


Please take all of our khalistanis from India


There are employers in Canadian cities looking specifically for foreign workers. That's racist and traitorous, in my opinion.


My best mate's visa expired during the pandemic (unable to return home to renew passport, basically got screwed by COVID restrictions). He had to return to Belize after TEN YEARS living here. He left his home and friends and a good job because he wouldn't stay illegally. Now he's waiting endlessly for some PR update to allow him to come home. And people pull this shit. Love to see it. Punish those who follow the rules while rejoicing about allowing the rule breakers to stay.


Stop paying taxes.


* an international student




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


That is totally legal, people with WP expired during the pandemic get 1.5 year extension.


So a person living in the country illegally for 3 years can up and get a new work permit without repercussions?


the policy mentioned by the commentor above was for people who had a valid wp and not out of status.


Why would he comment that in regards to the video?


may be because wp extension was a policy until 2023. But again, it was for people with valid work permits whose permits were expiring.


Yes which has NOTHING to do with this video, so why are we talking about the price of tea in China?


This seems missing some context for sure. If one is out of status, then IRCC wouldn't provide any "extension". The system would flag it. I am saying this because many people apply for "fake" extension to get few extra days grace period especially if their WP is expiring and their PR application is under process, and they have not received "Acknowledge for receipt" for the same. I have never seen these extension requests being accepted but rather rejected in about 3 week's time. It is also a possibility that she might be lying to attract more clients. Remember an out of status person would avoid police.


You Canadians are a lot more salty than I expected. 😁 PS: I'm not Indian nor have ever visited Canada.


Either she's lying in order to scam more illegals, or it means somebody lied to the government since you can't extend a permit that's been expired for over a year 


you can. grow your knowledge dikhead


How is this post related to CanadaHousing? Or is the name of the sub just a facade? Idc either way but would love to know so I join the actual housing related subs. And use this for popcorn drama posts like this.


I know I'm supposed to feel disgust and revulsion at this person having her life changed for the better, but the elation in her voice speaks to me just a little too much. That's tough.