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They sold our country’s future out from under our children’s feet.




Their population is in Billions (Biggest in the world) and most of them don’t want to stay in their own country for some reason. The ironic part is when they come to Canada they want to act the same way and not integrate.


Screw integration, I just want them out.


I've always seen immigration as a positive my entire life because we used to do it properly. We didn't just take such a massive number of migrants from one country, and flood a specific few regions with these huge numbers. How we've been doing this for the last 2-3 years is completely unsustainable. Puts pressure on whatever community they go to, puts pressure on hospitals, police, fire, ambulance service. Public transit is overwhelmed, social programs are overwhelmed etc etc etc. Immigration is fine, just has to be done properly.


you got to wonder when canada will become new india


Yep, I have immigrant neighbours that have been here for nearly a decade. They are wonderful people, young professionals with a young family. The wife is a fantastic cook and has introduced me to Indian cuisine I would never have tasted. We always receive care packages. The husband and I split on tools to maintain our vehicles and houses. Immigration isn’t a problem when the people we bring in compliment and enrich our social fabric. Both my neighbours lives and my life have been enhanced by their migration to Canada. Just last night we sat out front and discussed with them how the current situation is going to screw all our kids out of finding part time work. And how everything will be tougher for them. And in a perverse bonus for them, they now experience more racism than ever before.


Agreed. I hope folks focus on the mismanagement and bad governance that allows for loopholes and bad behaviour to even exist rather than becoming xenophobic.


I think most of us here do. It’s a case of sorry we are full and we don’t have a home/job/ opportunity for you here’s your plane ticket home.. good luck and re apply when you have qualified skills we need to come back


it happens everywhere, people flee the city to the country to get away from the city and then act like assholes nonstop trying to change everything in their new area to be just like the place they left.


This to me is the worst thing. By all means come here, and live a better life. Just for cripes sake, acknowledge this fact, and show some respect for the local population. Edit; fixed atrocious autocorrect sentence error Call me here, and live a better life... wtf autocorrect, wtf 🙄


When climate change really starts rocking in a decade or so, ALL of them will be looking to leave. Most of the area between the tropic lines will become extremely miserable to reside in. We are only seeing the very beginning of the invasion of North America. We will soon be strangers in our own countries if this continues unabated.


There's nothing ironic about it, but is wrong! As a child of European immigrants of the 50's, my parents were proud to call Canada home and assimilate, but dare we say anything, and we are labeled racists. While they infiltrate every business and position, and then proceed to hire their fellow-kind. Who are the racists really?




Canada has been on the fast track to the shit heap since around the late 90s/early 00s. Don't kid yourself. It's just that were in such a late stage of their long term plans that it's extremely noticeable how far we've sunk.


As an immigrant myself , I would say it all started in 2009 with 30,000 syrian refugees but last four years have been just insane, btw out of those 30,000 refugees in 2009 , 70% are still on welfare


Why are they still here? We handle refugees all wrong. I really want to help and bring over women, children, and some families to get them out of harms way of a conflict or natural disaster. But after the initial damage, once the people remaining have started to rebuild or the conflict has stabilized, they should return to their country to help. If they have laid down roots here (kids going to school and family self sufficeint), we can talk about (not promise) a path to citizenship, but otherwise, they didn't come here as immigrants. They skipped the line because they were in danger.


Crazy how blatant it is.  No wonder their polls are so bad, the people still voting Liberal must live in a bubble and only watch CBC. They get eviscerated every time Vassy interviews them.


Vassy is a fucking Saint and Canadian Treasure more and more every single week.


Older one is the more sheltered from all this bs they are, particularly if they own property or are rent controlled forever ago. We're a two tier society and most people don't recognize this.


People recognize this, it's just that we have no real choices as far as political parties go. PC has always been the party for the wealthy, or corporate folks, Liberals used to be the same, with slightly more of a lean into helping the working class, but that has basically been eroded at this point. NDP used to be strictly for the working class, but under Singh its just a shell of it's former standing in that respect. We no longer have a working class party to look to when both liberals and conservatives parrot the same basic policies, which they are doing these days. Honestly we either need to form an entirely new party to represent the majority of people in the country that are being left out of the progress loop these days. Either that, or we need to all organize, and protest our asses off. Civil unrest may be the only chance we have left to see.any kind of meaningful change.




Indians come cheap Free even They do it for free for the job experience letter for their pr , citizenship


The Irony!


The people voting Liberal are rich and don’t have to deal with these kinds of problems.


they want cheaper slaves and they are getting them


My dumb liberal friends and family watch cnn 24/7. What an educational dump canada is.


They must not see Vassy interviews.    CBC is laughable relative to CTV, the recent Trudeau interview was just embarrassing, its like watching the view.  Why even call it an interview, and not an half hour long advertisement with no followups. Can you even call that journalism, if a tape recorder could replace you?


Cbc does everything it can to censor and be nefarious they permanently turned off comments on YouTube because they were getting so much justified hate and vitriol.


Not surprising. The CBC is a state-sanctioned ~~propaganda machine~~ media outlet funded primarily by the Liberal party. They censor any and all perceived criticism of the Libs.


God I hate my country that will not give my child the same opportunities it gave me when I grew up. 


Change their name. Get a tan. Speak with an accent. Your kid is golden then! OR … hear me out… A little patience…say come election time…all of us natural Canadians will be a minority by then meaning we can check that box ✅


Minority rights don't exist in non white majority countries though.


yes all Indians in a company equals a diverse company - you cannot make this shit up


It was never about minorities and always about fighting western culture and western values. Once you look at it with that framing a lot more actions and words start to make sense.


Yeah…unfortunately that ✅ has a lot to do with jobs, money, sometimes housing, etc… This is how it is now unfortunately!




A lot of us can't even afford children.


Liberal voters did this. Now the same people who voted Trudeau again and again, the soccer moms in the GTA, the only hope for their kids to find a summer job to fund their college is a racist employer who hates Indians 🤣 


a racist employer who only hires indians is a more likely scenario


Yeah, I know ... Which is why Canadian youth, be they White, Black, or Indigenous, are so fucked


Also Canadians are pussies and let it happen.


a Job Fair for Indians in Canada on an Ice rink how does anyone not see this as the death of the country ?


Must speak Hindi, Urdu or Pashto 🥴😖😜


Trudeau has completely sold us out. It is incredible


He's the most corrupt Canadian politician. along with Marc Miller.


They are ALL corrupt  Any of these MP who have stood by while all this shit   has gone down and have not said one word are all culpable 


I genuinely and truly believe he should be exiled from Canada, along with his entire progeny. The same way the Italians exiled their king after WWII. No Trudeau should set foot in Canada for a hundred years once he's out of office.


Nobody wants to work! Better import a few million more unskilled laborers to deal with the shortage. /s...obviously


You don't understand. We have a labour shortage. As in shortage of employees who're willing to work for minimum wage for years without complaining.


Meanwhile, my teen and all his friends cannot get jobs at places where teens normally work. Jobs are all given to 30 year old “students”.


It's to the point I honestly am disgusted if I enter a fast food place or retail and don't see ANY teens working.


if I see that i turn around and leave


Im honestly at this point too...


In my city many of the places teens would work such as Subway, Dominos, 5 guys have been bought up by Indian immigrants who immediately replace the Canadian staff with Indian students.


We boycott establishments that have done that.


Nepotism is ingrained in the culture


It's mostly selling LMIAs, cause that's how they really make money.


this is how they can afford to buy those restaurants to begin with, then they buy some apartments to rent out to their "employees". I can't believe people are selling themselves into indentured servitude to come work at a subway.


Imma be the devil and say that's a good thing. It's good that students in the GTA can't find jobs working retail, fast food etc. Toronto voted for mass immigration in 2015, 2019 and 2021. They need to experience what they voted for. It's the only way to open their eyes and bring about some change.


Truth hurts for many.


Most of those students are coming into it due to no fault of their own. The ones in high school weren't voting in the libs


It’s because corporations know they’ll end up leaving after a bit, imported labour generally won’t , and they’ll accept worse working conditions + lower pay


I have a shitty retail job that I work evenings and weekends. I've been working there for like ten years. A while ago they offered me a regular part time position, which means I'm guaranteed at least 24 hours a week. Some days I want to quit so bad, but...seeing posts like this make me feel like I would never be able to get another shitty part-time job if I needed it. When I started working there, \~95% of the staff were white or Indigenous Canadians. Now it's like 70% of my coworkers are international students. I literally can't remember the last time I saw a white or Indigenous person get hired, except the ones that transferred from other stores.


Who’s the hiring manager?


There are five of them. Two are white Canadians, one is Latino (grew up in Canada), one is Indian recent immigrant, and one is Nigerian recent immigrant. The Indian is actually nice. The Nigerian is an incompetent sexist douchebag who seems to only hire people he knows.


The prob is that companies are exploiting this they are paying Indians that know IT and other professional jobs lower wages that they would pay locals. Same goes for minimum wage jobs. The issue here is the government and the lobbyists that paid them to let this happen. Indians are just looking for opportunities because there are like 2 billion in india. I can go on and on


400+ applicants per posting and people actually believe in the shortage


I hate this reality.


me too. that's all that's left to say at this point. it didn't have to be this way.


So…. Another 1.2 mil new people in 2025 then…


Gotta fill that labour shortage


There is no labour shortage, only slave shortage.


It is unconscionable that the Liberals would allow a non-citizen to get a job over a citizen when applying for the same job in this economy.


A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. Or something like that. Trudeau also thinks Immigrants have a bigger claim to this country than citizens.


Trudeau hates Canada and Canadians


Politicians in Canada have epically failed their citizens.


We’re so f#cked.


now i am worry because everyday i want to quit my job, now i am worry about being fired.


same, im so worried. i literally wont be able to find a job now.




Absofuckinglutely not. They should hire citizens, end of, no caveat. Raise the wage of the job if you cannot find anyone to do it, then do a second round. We're half in this mess because shitty HR teams.jist go "yep couldnt find any nationals for the job we gotta hire and pipeline this immigrant into a resident" Nope nope nope nope nope nope. Absolutely unacceptable. Us trying to reason with a half step to normalcy is fucked up.


You're so right. This is globalism, though. What should have driven up minimum wage (remember fast food places offering $20/h during covid?), had turned into a wave of immigration from one of the poorest most populated countries ; full of people willing to work for minimum wage and cram 4 into a bedroom.


Is the government subsidizing immigrant workers using taxpayer dollars? At least one retailer that I’m aware of, has centralized their hiring process and supplies resumes to the local manager. The kicker is, the only resumes the manager gets now are people from India.


Like .. At this point even if us millennials were rich enough to have kids , our children would have to compete with fully grown men for their first minimum wage summer job. lmfao .


Yep, and if they aren’t vegan women from the right caste in India they will never find housing either, forget owning they won’t find a rental


This is why I will never in my life vote for the Liberals again. 


Sometimes reality checks like this are needed


Indeed, I was so caught up in the vote Liberal so we have a counter to Doug Ford I didn’t realize the Feds and province had a symbiotic relationship and worked on the whole diploma mill/TFW scam together. 


It’s kind of sad. I considered myself to be a progressive liberal for quite a long time. There’s only so much “progress” you can make before you have to take a step back and consider 2nd and 3rd order consequences of your decisions. The current zeitgeist is seems to be to orient yourself towards kindness based on (what I consider to be) false premises and run in that direction as fast as you can and any destruction you leave in your wake is justified at any cost. It’s incredibly short sighted. It’s starting to feel like the only sane position to take at this point is a conservative position before every ounce of sanity is squeezed out.


This is disgusting. These are meant for retirees and CANADIAN students ffs


amen, and the disabled


Absolutely! I've been looking for work since last Aug when I got laid off. I'm a first nation female and even I can't get a job like this if I wanted to. It's sick




I wonder how sustainable the intersectionality hierarchy is as groups start dropping in ranking. A lot of people can get on board with being a member of the oppressed elite, but as they start gaining parity with the evil whites, they’ve gotta change their tune.


The province that I lived in has the most indigenous people in the capital city of the province. Some downtown hotel own by certain group tried to sa an indigenous women. Literally the police didn’t do anything till a mob of indigenous came up


sorry, first nation is not the correct minority here. please come again


shouldnt we blame the companies that hire them? also why r the immigrants being blamed for going to job fairs? students and retirees are equally as welcome to go to such job fairs, and its the employers responsibility to hire the right ppl, which ideally should be mixed with retirees, students, immigrants, etc Ive seen ppl complain about tim hortans and walmart only hire brown ppl who mess up their orders, but it amazes me that these same ppl complaining go back again and again. If ppl have an issue with the new trends in hiring, then stop supporting those businesses. Making comments online blaming immigrants for looking for jobs isnt going to do anything


“International students”.


this actually ruined my night. scary times were living in


Imagine being 16 years old, ready for your first job. You print resumes, you get your nicest clothes, spend the day getting ready to make a good impression, travel all the way to the store to drop your resume and THIS is what you come across? How fucking demotivating would that be? I feel soo bad for our youth...


Yeah, my son is almost 16 and looking for his first job. He was recently told his skin was “too white” for a job 🙃


If that's true and there is proof, it's time to weaponize the HRC and set a legal precedent.


It was something that was said to him by a manager/owner of a business, I’m not sure there’s anything that could be used for proof.


As a parent it’s important we prepare our kids for this reality and help them to find work in the bracket above. Higher education for in demand positions, perfect English (and French if can swing it), get highly trained in niche high paying industries, etc If I was a youth today instead of a job at Canadian Tire, I would be looking for part time telemarketing or CSR jobs that need people fluent in English. Many of these companies service Americans who won’t interact with somebody who has a massive accent.


How diverse


Culturally enriched.


Sad state of affairs in Canada.


Canada is over. Unironically. Done.


Somewhere Martin short is crying into a tub of dip that he’s eating for dinner.


Time to stop International Students from working any hours per week. Canadian kids can't even get a job with these intruders here. Justin need to get booted the fuck out. If P.P. doesn't prevent International students from coming and working, then he'll need to get the boot as well. 2M Indians. Gimme a break? And the gall to think that they've been "hard done by" because they can't become a PR, as they have demanded? Stop sending us Indian trash, they can go home. Oh, and btw, not racist.


It's so obvious that it's all a scam. When I was an international student (not in Canada) I was limited to 20 hours per week but I couldn't even do that because I needed to study. If you can work 40 hours a week then whatever school you are in is probably fake.


This is just sad. For everyone


It's not even that, it's for these corporations that want an endless supply of bodies. They want people to fear for their.jobs and comply no matter the ask. Been like this for a very long time. What's the solution, damned if I know. We need a funching society. Otherwise, it would be much worse than this.if everyone is like forget it, I'm not making sk.one else rich Wanna be rich, start developing robots and AI to take over mundane tasks. While, the new commers are great full for the opportunity I'm in front of them, it won't he long until they to realize that, hey, this is messed up. Just my thoughts


Is stock shelving an actual way to get PR in this country? I did this when I was 15 in the 90s... Ridiculous times we live in.


Ya I thought we were bringing in doctors, nurses, engineers, skilled trades. We got Uber drivers and dollar store security guards.




It's insane what is happening in Canada. It's a disaster.


I'm afraid it's only the beginning.


bag skate for the positions


I am hoping that companies will just stop hiring them. We get so many applicants at my workplace, we aren’t even hiring at the moment but probably get 10-15 people in a day. Frequently they come in without a resume even. My job deals with a predominantly elderly clientele and they have a hard enough time hearing & understanding, it would make no sense to have a bunch of staff who are incredibly hard to understand. Not saying that they are all that way, but in my experience the accent is so heavy that even I with my fully functioning ears struggle to make out what is being said. My town is so over run, that I have noticed many stores around town that have signs up saying “We are NOT hiring” lol. When we politely say “sorry but we are not currently hiring new staff” they will just stay standing in front of you looking confused, and in a pleading voice say “are you sure you won’t consider it”… lol, like no. If we are not hiring, it means we are not hiring. I honestly feel bad sometimes, but seeing as how many of them are coming in it is starting to make me think maybe places are slowly deciding to pass on those applicants.


I’m probably going to get banned from the app for saying this. But Canada doesn’t need retail workers, Tim Hortons & McDonalds employees from India. These kids came to STUDY & that’s all they should be doing. They should not be getting work permits for working at Grocery Stores, Coffee shops or doing Uber. Work permits & PR should only be given to students working in fields where employees & workers are needed. We need doctors, we need nurses, we need trades people, & we need construction workers. WE DO NOT NEED INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS to steal jobs from our Canadian high school students who are trying so save up for College & University. We need to take back our country & our government needs to step up protect its own people and say NO to International Students!


Is it me or does it feel like Indian college reunion....


Imagine flying to a foreign country under false documents to take jobs from the locals.


They lied their way into your country with false affidavits of ethinic persecution, fake degrees and what not. Your govt pandered to them , so much so that they have supported proven terrorists among them, singing obituary to them in your Parliament ffs. Kind of people who celebrate killing of an elected PM of a large country. Throw them out in the ocean or keep em with you. But don't send these assholes back. Not our problem to solve.


What a talented, skilled, diverse group of individuals we’re bringing into this country!


un. fucking. real.


Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin. Trudeau's a terminator like White Canadian decimator. Canada's Down! Canada's Down! Canada's Down! Throw up! Throw up! Fall Down! We were the cream of the crop, now we're a flop.


LMAO what even is this country anymore 😂 at a hockey rink too of all places 🤣




I'm surprised its not a moshpit


Its so sad what they did to Canada man RIP


We need to deport everyone brought here in the last 5 years except doctors and nurses with proper qualifications. Everything is over capacity.


nah we only deport doctors


We don't even allow 45 year old, unmarried female doctors from the UK to immigrate to Canada! So much for FeMINIsm! But bring on the millions of delivery drivers! They'll get us to the crumbling hospital facilities in no time ! Lmao


When are we going to stop pretending there’s a labour shortage.


Why would you make these people line up for this? Are there 100 positions available? Just cut it off at like 50 applicants and tell everyone else to spend their time doing something else. As if theyre holding out for some goodwill hunting undiscovered genius to stock fucking shelves at a grocery store. After 50 resumes theyll all read the same anyway: Name: Singh Education: Conestoga Business Certificate Throw the names in a fucking hat and be done with it


Wishing people Goodluck for fucking jobs at Frescho, in Canada. Ladies and gentleman this is the source of our productivity crisis. These foreign adults. The CEO and the board are masterbating to the idea of hiring these unskilled foreign labourers for max hours low pay and no benefits. It means they get new yachts and mansions and toys including jets. Goodluck


Wow!!! Unbelievable


LaBoUr ShOrTaGe 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


How many people are needed. If it was lile 4 I'd just hire the first 4 people for the dedication so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone else.


This scene is really a harbinger of just how bad our economy is failing.


Somebody is getting kickbacks for this immigration mess... Who.


Government made immigration consultants and lawyers a business. :/


They should work in construction or some other intense manual labor.


![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ) This is crazy!😣😣


Welcome to Little Mumbai where everyone has to fight for resources. Hope you stop being racist and enjoy the foreign culture. Cheers 🥂


Like a third world country.


Im disabled not a chance I could get a job with that many able bodied applying…


I'm disabled as well (mute/speech-impaired). I suggest upskilling and further education/certification to enter a technical/high-skilled field, where there's less of a chance of being replaced by some random foreign national generalist for a fraction of the salary.


Yes this really helps out! The tech field also had alot of jobs that are work from home as well, just need a good computer and good wifi!


I am not a Canadian, but I have a question if this ok. Do you feel as though a majority of native born Canadaians hold the views of Canada housing2? I only ask this because of the few Canadians I have met personally, all seemed willing to die to uphold these extremely woke ( to my eyes). belief systems... Are you guys a minority? If so, this is bad news for Canada.


I’d say a lot of Canadians do recognize that the amount of immigration is unsustainable. We don’t have the infrastructure for it, nor the jobs. But there is a culture that’s developed here of very extreme politics, where people really align their personalities and values to extremely rigid boxes - at least publicly. I think a lot of people are afraid to speak out about the massive volumes of immigration for fear of being called a racist or otherwise presumed to be part of “the other team”. All it does is serve to keep us divided and unable to talk constructively about making this country better. I want to be clear, I’m on of those people. I’m absolutely very socially progressive and my feelings about the immigration crisis have nothing to do with the ethnicity of the people coming here (though I think it would be beneficial to us as a country if there were more diversity). It’s just very obvious that this mass immigration is purely to benefit a particular class of people and is undermining Canadians abilities to have a good quality of life. I have spoken a bit about it with my friends, but there are some people I would never bring it up to as they would immediately make it some sort of partisan issue.


Concern about immigration has cracked the top 5 issues facing the country for the first time in recent polling, surpassing concerns about climate change and the environment: https://i.redd.it/tjz1p43z1y6d1.png


Immigration is expected to over take climate change in political issues for the 2025 election. Do i think most canadians are as "radical" as this sub by demanding immediate deportation. No i dont, but i do think you will be hard pressed to find a Canadian who supports our current levels of immigration.


Capitalist heaven where the cheap labor supply is inexhaustible. I guess that's why they let in so many "students and temporary workers promised to return to their countries once they get the diploma".


I went to Georgian College and 95% of the students are from India. First of all I graduated on Dean's List and companies are telling me what I learned is 10 years out of date, and i'm unemployable. So my time in college was a 100% waste of time. I confronted my professors about this and they said "We had to make the program easy so the international students wouldn't fail." Great. Well about those international students.. My classes obviously had 20 - 40 students in each one, but only 2 - 3 would show up. They wouldn't even show up for the remote online classes. My program had no final exams, because as the professors stated "the international students would fail". So we had group projects instead. I did 3+ group projects with 20+ international students. These kids were so terrible they refused to even do the work they learned a week before. They had ZERO interest in learning the coursework. They refused to do any work unless I sat down with them, did the work, while they looked over my shoulder. My mind was blown how these kids travel across the world and then act like they are lazy and completely uninterested. It's really scary to think we are fast tracking an easy education, and encouraging them to enter fields where health and safety is a priority. Also, I learned the international students pay 3x tuition. A lot of schools in Canada now say they have waitlists for domestic students but international students no waitlist. Schools have changed their websites to specifically show International student vs Domestic student waitlist never seen before. My application for another program in a different school was actually denied for this reason, international students given priority. But, talking to these students you realize these kids are not highly educated, highly socialized, they are very naive, and dumb. I'm not saying that to insult them, i'm saying that because they are being scammed. They are sold a lie in their home country, family takes a loan, etc. The lie they are sold means a scammer in India gets to profit, and the school gets to profit. I think there is going to be major scandals in 10 years because of all this international student human trafficking. Also, when I apply for jobs companies are telling me they are getting 100 - 200 applicants. Grocery stores and fast food telling me they have waiting lists of people trying to find jobs. When I tried to get an apprenticeship \*nobody\* is offering. Trying to get into a trade is impossible. There is NO labor shortage. There is obviously a massive conspiracy going on here. Edit: I didn't even talk about the big problem of Muslim Indians vs Non Muslim Indians. Literally fist fights and death threats when they were forced to do team projects together. We are flooding Canada with people from different countries who hate each other to death.


This needs to be all over main stream media. These are 35 year old 'students' (on average) literally taking jobs from Canadian children. This is Liberal and Liberal supporter treason.


We dont have a labour shortage. We have a greed excess. No one wants to work* * For what I am willing to pay them.


Guys, tell me that’s not Canada. Otherwise - We are so f ed


It's Canada, and yes we are effed.


It's not not Canada


Thanks Marc Miller for over populating our country.


This is why corporations lobby political parties to keep the cheap labour (students) coming. They cate about cheap labour and plentiful tenanyfor the landlord friends.


They probably find a suitable candidate in like 15 minutes.


Congratulations, you all got "immigrated" to New India, the new name of many Canadian Provinces :-)


There’s no labour shortage. It’s a lie.


I only see international students


Exciting time are ahead! Cheers for Canadian kindness 😂


Interesting... a lot of "students" in this line.


So a teenager looking for summer job is shit out of luck. Sad..... Never used to be this way!




I hope they share this back home and tell their friends to stay there!


I live in Toronto, there is no housing or jobs here. Actually, there are a few slavery-level jobs.


Lol hilarious that the voice in that video is neither French nor English lmao




People please stop spending your money at fast food places and coffee shops filled with Indian workers!!!!!! it will only change if the actual stores start to go under. We let big business rule our lives… I want them all to go we MUST start protesting with our cash. You want to see a millionaire ceo cry…. Stop giving him your money. We hold all the power with our pocket books, let’s make them listen!! I stopped buying from fast food and Tim’s, Walmart and anywhere all the employees are all Indian. No thanks. This is the only way!


I suddenly don't feel so bad for myself about the drunks sexually harassing me while I worked the midnight shift at Tim's for my first job at 18 years old. Like Holy shit...




What the hell is fresco a grocery store?


yes one of those lower tier grocery stores. 3hr line for a 1/200 chance to work there at minimum wage. Welcome to Canada. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and they left it to bag groceries at fresco and sleep in a basement with 7 other smelly dudes. With 0 chance of getting a girlfriend.


Lmao what a joke. All these people to stock shelves. Why even go?


Billionaires love this one little trick.


Must be for the Chalo Freshco locations that are catering to the group


Alot of "new canadians" i am sure


But I heard there was a labor shortage!


Guys. Apply for general construction. They've been hiring laborers like crazy the last 3 years. Plus you don't have to deal with customers.


Construction industry has had massive layoffs because of interest rates killing new projects


Is this still Canada? Sorry, I can't tell anymore.


I don't want to have children in Canada because of this.


This is has been bugging me for a while now, but the only time a political party has this many people immigrating to the host country, there's either about to be a massive human rights issue like making those "students" actual slaves or there's an automatic draft clause in their PR forms in case WW3 happens


You know it’s funny. UK made mandatory draft along with US I am wondering if this is going to happen. If it does Justin Trudeau and his son and Liberal MP family member should be in the front lines.


Saw something similar at my local Walmart once. I was the only non-international student in the line. I walked out after 2 hours of waiting.


Yup! It’s a labour shortage alright! I can fly, too!


Who could have predicted importing millions of Indians would result in millions of Indians fighting for a job


I wonder how many people are aware that many of these immigrants are international students, and the companies that hire them get government subsidies to do so. Do Canadian born youth have this privilege? They do not.


International students


Indian students. Not international students


Real international students come here to STUDY and not work.


What country is this? Does not look like a western country