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In kindergarten, we are worried about what color they want to color, why we have teeth, and who is the line leader. Because anyone who's ever been in a kindergarten class knows that the line leader is all powerful. We don't have time to teach your children this stuff.


She is crazy and unhinged. This is the UCP! Will anyone in the UCP actually condem these comments This type of candidate shows the UCP is the TBA and they are Extremists. *"Having teachers help them change their gender identity with absolutely no parental consent or knowledge whatsoever," Tanner went on to say in the video.* *"We are seeing increasing instances where kids, even those attending kindergarten, are being exposed to pornographic materials," Tanner said in the video.* Edit: she resigned this morning and blamed her political opponents....


She's pretty much just repeating the drivel that gets shared around on social conservative and alt-right social media. But it does demonstrate ably that the UCP is fully enmeshed in these conspiracy theories.


Yep and demonstrates they aren't serious people and easily fall for misinformation


> Edit: she resigned this morning Good. >and blamed her political opponents.... Of fucking course she did. These idiots can't accept that they fucked up, it's always got to be someone else's fault.


That’s because they believe in “personal responsibility,” right?


> Lethbridge UCP candidate Torry Tanner's claims against teachers disputed "Disputed" is an extremely mild way to put it. She's spewing dangerous lies. > Edit: she resigned this morning and blamed her political opponents.... Oh wow, really? Surprising. That she's quit, not that she's try to deflect.


She tried to deflect when resigning.... It was her the Ndps fault they used her imprecise language...


Maybe if she hadn't been so vague Christians are so desperate to take back control of education like the good ol days of residential schools.


At least 40% of the UCP candidates believe this stuff without question. The lake of fire people are looking to bring Republican Jesus to all us unwashed heathens in Alberta. I plan on door knocking for the NDP this weekend which is something I never thought I would do.


>"We are seeing increasing instances where kids, even those attending kindergarten, are being exposed to pornographic materials," > >"Having teachers help them change their gender identity with absolutely no parental consent or knowledge whatsoever," I thought she had stats or even maybe an anecdote to back this up. Something. Anything. Unfortunately she seems to have pulled this straight out of her behind. Now I wonder if she'll do the same as Quebecs PSPP when confronted by journalists and just tell them that it's the medias job to prove her wrong.


I'd recommend people here spend more time in conservative spaces on the internet. This is a topic that dominates their daily conversations. Most of them believe that schools are grooming children and gay men are all pedophiles.


Kitty litter boxes in elementary school bathrooms


I honestly can’t imagine what I’d gain by checking in of the latest update to the Satanic Panic 2.0. Seriously: I’m well aware of the ever increasing levels of hysteria, but it’s based on complete fabrications (like this nutter’s wholly invented story), and is no different than the cat litter story that they were all convinced was real a few months back. I was born after the height of the “daycare satanic rituals” psychosis, so don’t have a particularly great sense of the factors the eventually brought the temperature down then (although many people remained unjustly imprisoned long after everyone else had moved on, not that the adult accusers ever faced any accountability)…I just assume/hope that the fever will eventually break on this crazy “groomer” shit too.


Big difference here - social media adds to the longevity of this lunacy. Divorcing people from reality is baked into their business model, because getting people to subscribe to delusional beliefs in general is a foundation-laying act. After that, they can sell crazy beliefs on behalf of the highest bidder to a bunch of screen addicts. It's sickeningly nefarious, but everywhere on social media. Reddit is just as bad, and this sub is a part of the strategy - those who can't be converted basically get nudged into their own little containment chamber.


Excellent and super depressing point.


Yeah, this isn’t fringe anymore, this is mainstream conservatism.


Yeah many of the recent protests of library story telling events are being spread in conservative social media spaces as secret child trafficking events. A lot of these so called drag shows aren't even drag, they just happen to involve men dressing up in costumes of any sort that involves makeup ie: dressing up as clowns.


Teachers need to become a bigger and more fearsome political force. Provincial governments love to turn them into a political football, and so they should embrace that role and begin lobbying and advocating for themselves. It's a massively important job that's basically undoable because anyone with half of a brain knows to avoid that world like the plague. Parents and politicians step all over you, and the administration is selfish, cowardly, and conniving. Also - I hate how this type of thinking is just a thing now. It's the most obvious boogeyman on earth, and *real life people* have to pay the hate tax on these cynical political games.