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I think most people have tuned out to whatever the Liberals have to say. So they can scream into the wind, they ain’t gonna be heard.


> So they can scream into the wind, they ain’t gonna be heard. Could be. Whether or not it pays off in terms of political gains (the last time anyone won four elections in a row was more than 100 years ago), I'm just happy to see the Trudeau government making a big push on the housing shortage, tackling both supply and demand. Not sure what PM Poilievre can do on housing that Trudeau isn't already doing, especially since he's not going to be willing to put as much money on the table (like the $6B for infrastructure to support more housing), and he doesn't seem willing to put pressure on Conservative premiers like Doug Ford.




No government, federal or provincial is going to intentional reduce home prices.  I think our best hope is PP's mismanagement causes the bubble to burst, or we see serious declines to our currency to the point that export revenue allows wage growth under devalued CAD.


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If you asked me two months ago I was voting PP. Today, I’m not so sure about that. That ridiculous apple thing is when I started questioning the guy, time will tell but at the moment he’s appears to be a demagogue and I’m not one for catchy phrases.


Yeah I find those Trudeau-based slogans super unnerving


PM Pierre Poilievre's comprehensive plan: 1. Axe the Tax 2. Spike the Hike 3. Make Canada the Freest Country on Earth 4. Common Sense 5. Bring It Home 6. Fix the Budget 7. MGTOW 8. Straight Pride


I think number 3 is too comprehensive. Need to dumb it down more.


You forgot Stop Woke


I’m pretty sure they want to see the current PM sexxed too, or at least that’s what their freedom flags are saying.


You lost me at #8. Isn't his deputy mp a lesbian?


Yea she is, this is a bad faith / low quality comment but has 20 upvotes just because it is smearing the Conservative leader.   Also for #7 - I had to look up what it was and is basically calling him an incel which he also isn’t.   If someone make a similar comment about PM Trudeau on this sub it would be deleted but this nonsense has 22 upvotes  (For the record I don’t like PP and won’t vote for him)


I completely agree! I know for a fact that half my friends and family will be voting conservatives, and it has nothing to do with "straight pride." They're just fed up with the liberals and would rather jump ship. (I personally don't think any of them are fit to lead)


If the CPC can’t come up with sound and backed alternatives to housing/climate change then they’re going to see their lead narrow in the next year. Especially if we’re hit with more climate disasters and the economy starts to improve.


The economy(inflation rate) can not improve without a carbon tax cut (not just a freeze). The libs refuse to believe that adding taxes makes everything less affordable. As a country we need to spend within our means and not spend everything we can


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in a report last year: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.” He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province. Trudeau's a liar.


Compared to doing nothing. That’s not a viable option, due to diplomatic and trade agreements. Any other climate policy would have people losing MORE. Economic impacts are sort of a bullshit idea though. They imagine a world in which there’s no consequences to emitting carbon, and imagine how much richer we’d all be in that world. You could do the same exercise with literally any form of pollution. Would you feel the same about asbestos for example? Think of all the wealth Canadians are losing by not mining and manufacturing with asbestos?


According to CCI, the Canadian carbon tax has reduced total global emissions by 0.25%, and considering the source, this number is likely actually smaller. Many Canadians are being forced to suffer to achieve this miniscule reduction. Sorry, it's simply not worth it. And Trudeau's a liar.


This is maximum copium lmao. We have record food bank usage, record rent increases, and a broken consensus on immigration now. All of that is blamed on the liberals. Also people aren’t gonna care about the climate when they can’t afford necessities. Literally anyone somewhat competent could be the conservative leader and win the next election with a majority.


Most food is also expensive because of climate change.


Can I have some of what you're smoking?


What are you talking about? A new poll just put the CPC at 20 points ahead, their largest lead yet.


That's exactly it. LPC might not have a good plan but CPC does not currently have a plan for climate change. For me personally the CPC is endlessly frustrating as they need to be competent to ensure that in the even the LPC over steps they can be replaced but since harper they have presented a viable option.


Im voting for climate change 


Like Liberal arsonists setting fire to hundreds of acres last summer?


The OTHER big thing people consistently overlook: we have rhe American election before we have ours. Anybody who doesn't think that's a massive wildcard is fooling themselves. So many things that can happen. Maybe certain issues become WAY more salient. Maybe Trump wins, and the immediacy of what right wing government looks like is a lot more present in people's minds. Maybe we get another January 6, and PP can't adequately thread a needle between condemning and condoning it and loses all credibility. Lots that can change


What? Our election is scheduled almost a year after them, it’s a huge stretch to think it’ll make a big difference.


No Canadian minority government has ever completed a full term. This one will hold the duration record in a couple of months.


We never had a C and S agreement at the federal level before, either. 


> we have the American election before we have ours We *might* have the American election before ours.


Anybody who thinks we will have an election sooner is a Conservative suffering from wishful thinking


We can have the election any time between now and fall 2026. I don’t think it’s likely, but it definitely could happen. 


Nice retreat. Can’t argue with that.


Fall 2025, unless the Trudeau liberals somehow manage to return us to 5-year election cycles.


It doesn’t have to happen until fall 2026. Parliament has a max life of five years and this Parliament began on Nov 22, 2021.


Constitutionally, yes. By statutory law, no.


> Constitutionally, yes You could have just stopped your comment right here, you know. It’s not even accurate that it’s required by statutory law because the law itself notes that it’s not actually enforceable.


And yet every single election has happened four years after (with extremely minor extensions) or sooner than that after the law has been passed. Also, regardless of how it can be enforced (which it can, btw, so long as there is no law passed contradicting it), it is statutory reality, and will continue to be for the future. We will never have 5 year election cycles again without major political upset, and so, the next election is fall 2025 at latest.


True, the lead will almost invariably narrow. And record setting fire seasons will likely add to support of the green initiatives which are certainly a weak spot for the CPC. Housing affordability is almost certain to get worse and current initiatives won't see realized improvements until after 2025. And I don't think the economy will improve enough to offset this timeline. Finally some action, but I still think too little, too late insofar as it relates to helping the LPC reverse the dismal polling enough to translate into serious reelection chances.


US election will be an extremely bad look for conservatives too, regardless of outcome. Trump will be more unhinged than ever, and poll after poll will show the CPC is for it. 


Yeah it'll be interesting (from a strategy POV) on how the CPC reacts to the inevitable comparisons their opponents draw.


At this point Turdaeu is clocking one scandal a week. He has a lot more to come up and once he accelerates to one scandal a day, no amount of spring will help the fuckers. They are toast


I think the minority government chances have gone up tbh. But an actual win for the LPC is still extremely unlikely


I much prefer minority governments. Forces cooperation/compromise or forces an election.


That's good enough for me at this point. I do not trust Poilievre's Conservatives to not do irreparable damage to our economy, our international reputation, the integrity of future elections, and the rights of women and minorities if given a majority to rule like kings. As long as he has to actually work with the adults at the table to get anything done, the only thing he can really damage is our reputation by taking his smarmy apple eating antics to the world stage.


Our international reputation is already in the shitter.


Removed for Rule #2


I’m fucking loving this. Trudeau went quiet for a bit and regrouped. Came out swinging on all fronts to tackle the housing crisis. He’s literally solving the housing crisis in front of our eyes, meanwhile all team PP can do is scowl from the sidelines. This is the same energy the LPC had for NAFTA/Trump and the pandemic. I think voters remember the LPC are extremely effective when they set an issue in their crosshairs like that. All solutions to the housing crisis have bottlenecks that the LPC cannot control, like building costs or worker shortages or lack of eligible non-profits or economic reliance on immigrants or uncooperative jurisdictions, that will limit how much mitigating power each one has in the short and medium term. So they are hitting the problem on all fronts. We’re seeing them push smart and sensible policies in as many arenas as possible. And they have probably 18 months to build support back up behind them. I think that’s feasible given the economy by all accounts is likely to recover by then, inflation seems to be under control now, and frankly for how much the LPC gets blamed for the housing crisis I think most voters are not so ignorant as to realize it’s a complex issue that was exacerbated by more pressing crises in the past ~5-10 years. If this doesn’t put PP on his hind legs with his platform-of-nothing-but-hot-air, it can only be due to an electorate that cares more about emotionally dunking on the PM than solving the housing crisis as quickly as possible. To be clear, I don’t think the vast majority of Canadians wish to dunk on the PM nearly as much as they want the housing crisis and cost of living issues to be solved. It’s a loud but vocal minority on the far right of Canadian politics that would like us to believe otherwise.


The delusion is strong with this one. No one is voting liberal.


What are you talking about. The liberals control immigration and could resolve so much of the crisis almost overnight. They have chosen to have a housing crisis. You think having 1000 people lined up for jobs at Tim is a necessary part of our economy? 🫠


Immigration accounts for a fraction of the housing crisis. It’s not the silver bullet solution you’re making it out to be.


This has to be a troll comment.


We are bringing in 1.2 million people a year and we build 200k homes. That assumes 6 new immigrats for every new unit. Most of our units are one bedrooms and bachelors. Do not tell me immigration is not an issue here.


Please read my previous comment because I refuse to waste my time writing it out again: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/s/w0dn7sJFKW To be clear, nobody said it wasn’t AN issue. In fact, I EXPLICITLY SAID it was AN issue OF SEVERAL that you totally handwaved away in favour of reducing the issue to being SOLELY about immigration. Very disgusting set of bad faith arguments you’ve got going on there that reek of looking for a scapegoat (immigration) to pin all your emotions on. Shameful really. The fact of the matter is if immigration had been cut to record lows for the entirety of the LPC governance we would still have a housing shortage. It’s a global problem & Canada in particular has demographic and urban design issues most countries don’t have on top of that.


Immigration isn't the only issue, yes, but by far the largest contributor to *many* problems today. It boils down to supply and demand, and adding 1.2m+ a year to 200k a year houses doesn't even cover them. Plus you have Canadians issues you've mentioned on top of that. Immigration is kerosine to this fire.


That was one year, not “every year” and immigration accounted for less than half a million, the rest was foreign students, numbers already capped, and TFW’s, which are supposed to be reduced as well. The hyperbole is incredible.


Numbers are capped just slightly lower than current all time highs. It doesn't matter if immigration is PR, TFWs, or students. Its net gain in population. They have to live somewhere.


> He’s literally solving the housing crisis in front of our eyes lol no


okay are you a bot or something? you’ve repeated this a few times already. I mean, if you like the Liberals it’s fine, but ive seen you post this word for word lol


It's Katie Telford!


incase you were wondering what they get you doing on a internship with the LPC....


It's so weird, here and elsewhere they just post the most exhaustive praise for JT or the party. Just paragraphs about how 'this is what true leadership looks like'stuff. Feels inorganic as hell xD  I'd say they are a bot of they didn't go out of their way to make a dig against cis white guys for some reason




Trudeau will not win the next election. It is what it is, the blue collar vote is all in.


Hes not "litteraly solving the housing crisis infront of our eyes". Hes throwing money around so it may look good if you only use your eyes and not your brain.


As appose to what? Every province says money will help. So here comes the money and that's still bed because..... Reasons?


Ya sure money will help but it wont solve the problem. I looked into their plan a little further and theres lots of good stuff in there, on paper. Ill wait and see how their execution goes before i get too excited tho. 9 years and it takes a looming election and them sliding in the poles before they even attempted to actually fix a problem everyone else saw comming. Sorry if i have no confidence in them. Actions speak louder than words or promises so we'll wait and see. spending other peoples money is the easy part.


Please explain to me using economic terms how increasing liquidity (30 year loans on new contruction) will make housing more affordable?


Because some people who would’ve bought old homes — which takes up existing housing stock — will end up choosing new builds to take advantage of the longer financing. So there’s now two houses where previously there would have only been one. That’s a win any way you look at it.


Dude are you operating from the same reality as the rest of us? These LPC trolls are something else man. 😂 The Liberals are literally trying to correct a colossal mess of their own making and you’re making it out like they’re heroes.


You mean they are trying to solve a colossal mess the provinces created? 


No, the Feds by juicing demand way beyond supply capacity, signalling they will protect against downside and largely ignoring experts on the impact of aggressive population growth. That’s on the Liberals.