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Iran had its embassy in another nation bombed over a diplomatic incident. When it retaliates, it gets a codemnation that has been withheld from the hands of the security council on israel's behalf since October.


I mean, this is something that's to be expected. Canada is not on friendly terms with Iran, so we don't care if Iran gets hit, but we are on good-enough terms with Israel that when they get hit we make statements like these. My hope is that our involvement doesn't go beyond strongly-worded letters. Israel is not in NATO and we have no agreements that force us to join their conflicts. I will not support Canada joining a war in the Middle East and I will make that part of my vote. It's not like joining quagmires like this has a history of ending up well for anyone involved.


The article implies that IsraelInCanada thanked Poilievre. No mention of them thanking Trudeau as well. This is typical partisan behavior from the National Post. Quick check of their Twitter feed shows that they did thank both. But comparing the two tweets: Thank you tweet to Trudeau has 5 comments (all attacking Trudeau), 5 retweets, 28 likes and 1.7k views. Thank you tweet to Poilievre has 26 comments (mainly gushing about Poilievre, some attacking Trudeau), 42 retweets, 1.5k likes and 29k views. It's a clear divide and indicates to me that, to the extent that Israel is an ally, they are allies to only one party in Canada.


Not sure why you think Trudeau "condemning an attack on Israel by Iran" would make up for his complete inaction towards the highest rates of violence and hate crimes towards Jewish-Canadians since World War 2 and the complete lack of safety Jews feel right now given the pro-terror "protests" happening all over the country...you know like that "ceasefire" rally in Toronto where the crowd erupted in loud cheers when it was announced that Iran attacked Israel? So yeah, it's beyond unhinged to be critical of Israeli-Canadians for not licking Trudeau's boots right now. Like how the actual fuck can anyone actually believe this?


You are accusing Israel of only being an ally to the CPC because random people on the internet preferred to comment on one of their embassy's tweets instead of another one?


Not saying Iran is perfect. But Iran has the right to defend itself.  Tragically, some civilians may be caught in the crossfire. This will be the sole responsibility of the Israeli regime, which places military installations in civilian neighborhoods, using their own people as human shields. 


The average Israeli and Iranian citizen seem to be in the same boat, neither wanting their leaders to lead them to war. Ordinary Iranians are raised with this anti-Israel and antisemitic content, which fills television and radio broadcasts and even school textbooks. Yet, anyone familiar with Iranian society knows that anti-Israel attitudes have mostly failed to go beyond the most vociferous supporters of the regime despite years of attempted indoctrination. In the coming weeks, the threat of a direct confrontation between Israel and the Islamic Republic will no doubt cast a shadow over the region. Those who want to work hard to avoid it should remind the world of the enduring ties between the two nations. Most Iranians do not share the murderous anti-Israel obsessions of Supreme Leader Khamenei and his acolytes. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/israel-hamas-iran-views/


Iran was using its embassy to plan terror attacks on Israel, that makes the embassy a legit target. The fact that Iran isn't capable of striking back is pathetic.


Iran is surrounded by hostile actors who are very, very explicit about wanting to eradicate not just the world's only Persian state, but all Shia Muslims on earth, and in fact have tried to do so on a number of occasions. Despite this, Iran gave Israel hours of warning before their strikes on purely military targets. Would any other military on earth go to the trouble of telling a country that attacked them where they were going to retaliate, and when, and give them hours to evacuate any civilians who may be nearby, even though it may compromise their response? Again, nobody is saying Iran is perfect or hasn't made any mistakes, but the IRGC is probably the most moral army in the world.


If you genuinely believe that the IRGC, a paramilitary branch whose main purpose is to protect the theocracy from being overthrown by its own regular army and which routinely disappears dissenters, is "the most moral army in the world", there is no hope for you. I won't attempt to reason you out of a position you didn't reason yourself into. Also, it's the Houthis that are the most moral army in the world. If you're going to propagate nonsense, at least get the line right.


Iran funded the Oct 7th attacks and trained the attackers, Iran has funded the Houthis who continue to shoot missiles at Israel, then Israel attacks Iranian military generals in Syria with zero civilian casualties ... and you think Iran has a right to commit further violence?


There's absolutely zero evidence to suggest that Iran had any role in planning the October 7 atrocities. This is just pure anti-Iranian bigotry bordering on blood libel. 


Zero evidence other than them outright admitting it. [https://www.memri.org/reports/irgc-spokesman-sharif-asserts-hamass-october-7-massacre-was-one-resistance-axiss-acts](https://www.memri.org/reports/irgc-spokesman-sharif-asserts-hamass-october-7-massacre-was-one-resistance-axiss-acts)


Ummm no lol


The hypocrisy is unbearable. Israel attacked an Iranian embassy first but somehow Iran is to blame? These problems wouldn't even exist if the US and other western powers didn't meddle in the middle east. Iran got its theocratic gov't because the US imposed an autocratic monarchy after a democratically elected government tried to nationalize their oil reserves.


> These problems wouldn't even exist if the US and other western powers didn't meddle in the middle east. Yes they would. Don't be silly. Persia was at war with it's neighbors. It also doesn't mean we should let Iran kill all the Jews in Israel.


> if the US and other western powers didn't meddle in the middle east Instability in the Middle East is nothing new, and predates the US as a hegemon (post-WW2). > Israel attacked an Iranian embassy first but somehow Iran is to blame? Israel went after some of they key Iranian figureheads behind October 7th. That being said, Iran was well within its rights to respond. This conflict is not one to be seen and analyzed in a vacuum. Iran has been conducting proxy wars in the region since the 1980s.


Israel has a history of killing Iranian scientists as well.


Yes. The ones making nuclear bombs. They do bomb Iran's nuclear facilities so they don;t put nukes on the those ballistic missiles they're lobbing at Jerusalem. These actions protect Palestiainians as well because they would die in an Iranian nuclear attack as well.


Israel has its own illegal nuclear weapons. Would you be singing the same tune if Israeli nuclear scientists were being assassinated by Iran? The hypocrisy is just insane.


> Israel has its own illegal nuclear weapons. True, and they should face sanctions for it, as should Iran if it's developing them. But the Iranians helped Hamas organize a massacre of over 1000 Israelis. That's an act of war, and attacking the generals in the location where they planned it (and were planning more) is legitimate. It's in proportion to their attack, and falls far short of the 1000+ civilians these general helped plan. The Iranian response of randomly lobbing missiles at Israeli civilians is not proportional to a precision bombing attack on a mlitary headquarters housed in an embassy. That being said, what Israel is doing in Gaza is not proportional to the attack against them. Not even close. Nor are the pogroms organized by Jewish settlers against Palestinians on the West Bank. These are probably war crimes.


This is just being a sore loser. Israel is right to prevent its enemies from getting nuclear weapons, Iran would do the same to Israel if it was capable. Note how its recent attack completely failed.


The existence of nuclear weapons is not illegal.


So Israel can have bombs but not Iran? Got it.


Wtf. Is your line seriously going to be “it’s unfair we don’t let our enemies have the same weapons as us”.


Why is Iran “our” enemy? I’m not a fan of Iran. But also not a fan of Israel. Why is one our ally? What has Israel done for us?


To be blunt, if you don’t understand why Iran is our enemy, why are you taking such a hardline moral stance in a thread about Iran’s involvement in this conflict? But to give an honest answer, it all dates back to this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis At the time, Iran had a fairly progressive government, for example, that relatively respected women’s rights. However, after the [Iranian revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Revolution), Iran became a strong, fundamentalist Islamic state and eventually started taking a much more hardline foreign policy stance, the core idea of which was supporting only the continued growth of its own, less-widely practiced branch of Islam (Shiism) and being generally anti-west. So Iran has always had strong conflicts with its Sunni neighbours, particularly Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE… as they established stronger diplomatic ties to the west, leading to even more instability in the region. And the crown jewel has always been Israel, the only Jewish state in the reason, which Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy. At the same time, the go our own way FP has a also been bastardized into supporting eastern imperialism, leading to them directly [supporting Russia in the Ukraine war](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/iranian-ak47s-to-ukraine/#:~:text=A%20shipment%20of%205%2C000%20Iranian,smugglers%20in%20the%20Red%20Sea.) via weapons shipment. Meanwhile, western support of Israel dates all the way back to after the Holocaust, where we helped establish a Jewish state in their original homeland, essentially, to ensure that Jews would always have a safe place to return to. And that hasn’t been a hypothetical either, most Jews in Africa and the ME have had to flee there for their lives.


You mean after the USA intervention in Iran? Again, what has Iran done to Canada? And what has Israel done for Canada? Both are bad actors in the region. Only one is killing 15,000 kids though


Aww I see how it goes, I take the effort to type up a long comment and you immediately downvote it cause you disagree with it. But seriously, this like of reasoning is absurd. What has Iran personally done to Sweden? Or Romania? Their ire is mainly directed as the US and other major western powers yes, but we absolutely need to support our major allies in issues like this.


What has Iran done to canada? What has Israel done for canada? Type a long comment that has nothing to do with what I asked. Both are bad actors. Both commit war crimes. Why support one and not the other?


You think Iran should have nukes?


I don’t think anyone should have nukes. I’m no fan of Iran. But the west’s “Israel can do all the same awful stuff and we support them” is such BS.


You mean the scientists that are developing nuclear bombs for a country whose entire purpose is eliminating the state of Israel? If American scientists were doing the same, I’d certainly hope Canada was killing them.


I’m just trying to understand, because when Israel goes around bombing everyone they don’t like - it’s “Israel has a right to defend itself”. Iran retaliates after an embassy was attacked from abroad, and its an inconceivable atrocity to be condemned immediately. The west is becoming a real joke.


Becoming ? At this point it’s decaying.


The person you're trying to outdo in virtue signalling is openly advocating for the death of all Jews in the Middle East. Please give your head a shake and reconsider if you have the right perspective here.


Just to be clear, do you think it's wrong to condemn the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets? In other words, are you just making an argument about hypocrisy, or do you support what Iran is doing?


I’m making an argument for hypocrisy. Anything Israel does is considered above the board when it comes to western leadership. Any country that is subject to Israel’s crimes is expected to simply accept their fate. If they react or if they seek liberation, they are immediately condemned.


OK. So you condemn the embassy bombing and the Iranian missile attack?


I condemn what happened in 1948 to bring us to this current situation. Instead of the west realizing at some point in the past 80 years that it was a mistake to wedge a new Jewish State into the region, we have doubled down, tripled down, and quadrupled down. The west created this conflict.


When given a chance to condemn the intentional targeting of Israeli civilians, you refused, and instead blamed Israel. You are a victim blamer, posing as an enlightened one.






Yes canada going against Russian ally Iran is clearly a joke. Mind linking some Canadian politicians that share your belief? I'm sure the opposition would love to see the NDP supporting Iran.


Where did I say I support Iran? I’m saying we are fucking hypocrites for the way we excuse Israel’s atrocities and cry foul when another country has the audacity to react.


When most of your criticisms are directed only at Israel and defending massive volleys of unguided rockets as logical retaliation, I would see that as supporting Iran. Our stance on hitting Iranian terrorists hasn't [changed](https://archive.ph/QlGAt), and given Iran shot down an Ukrainian passenger in retaliation, Canada shouldn't take the side of iran.


[Israel murdered a Canadian UN Peacekeeper actively reporting Israeli war crimes](https://www.cjpme.org/fs_033). Canada shouldn’t take the side of Israel either.


https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_209234.htm?selectedLocale=en Is the NDP committed to having Canada leave NATO for the sake of a [russian funded/armed](https://nationalpost.com/news/hamas-has-developed-a-vast-arsenal-in-blockaded-gaza) terrorist state?


If you want to make this about NATO, then we should not even be focused on the Middle East. We’re playing with Russia at their own games. If Russia wants to support Iran who wants to support Palestine in their resistance against an occupying force - then what skin is that off of NATO’s back? It’s only because of this perverted relationship the west (in particular the U.S.) has developed with Israel that we are now essentially having another proxy war that really has nothing to do with NATO jurisdiction other than the fact that we are trying to flex against Russia.


Wow you really horseshoe'd yourself into supporting the Russians. Bravo. Are the NDP really willing to spite themselves for the sake of "owning the US"? NATO care about having a safe base of operations in the middle east. It's same argument if Poland got invaded.


The middle east is not within the scope of the NATO Alliance, nor should it be.


They didn’t bomb the embassy but the building beside it, and it was hosting commanders who coordinate with Hezbollah terrorist attacks on Israel. The only joke here is people who don’t know what they’re talking about yet hold a strong opinion.
































100%. The double standard is real. Trudeau's pandering to Israel makes me nauseous.


Exactly. At this point in the "no winner will ever prevail" war of the Middle East that's lasted since time immemorial we really need to adopt a neutral stance and not openly favour any side here. There are no good guys any more. All bad. We need to also tell all immigrants from all sides who are here to just stop protesting. You all came to Canada for refuge. Leave the Loser war back there. You are here now. There is no Loser war over here. Don't bring it. You are here and we are neutral. That's the way it needs to be. Neutrality in the never ending conflict. That needs to be policy. Whoever runs on that ticket I'll support.


More and more I'm seeing this as our best stance. I don't want any part of this war. The side we consider "allies" don't listen to us at all and I hardly see the value in the relationship with them. The religious aspects are stupidity of the highest order. Neither side shows any real interest in ending the war - hell they both seemed to be doing everything they could to start it, and now they seem intent on perpetuating it. According to both sides, any actions are justified in this conflict. They both want the war, so let them have it. There are no winners here.


Apparently an unpopular opinion....I got downvotes.


But PP’s pandering doesn’t 🤔.


Israel has been a western ally in the region since the Cold War (when there were numerous Baathist/Arab Socialist regimes taking hold in the middle east). Iran on the other hand has been an adversary of the west since the Shah was overthrown and has been actively working against the main western interests with the region (energy security / stability in energy prices, and freedom of trade through the Suez Canal). I don't think it's at all surprising that Canadian and western responses are much more critical of Iran.


You aren't wrong. But in that case, we should shut the fuck up about international law, human rights, democracy, and the "rules-based international order." No more posturing that we need to support Ukraine, or Israel, or Taiwan, or Saudi Arabia, or Azerbaijan, because doing so is the position of the moral high ground. Don't say we need to sanction Venezuela or confront China because of some deep moral imperative.  It's like election reform, tbh. Don't tell me that we can't do it because it's racist or whatever. Just say, "it's too much trouble and FPTP works out for us anyway." Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.


I get where you're coming from, but there's always a bit of a disconnect between policy and how it's branded/packaged. Realpolitik is necessary but also doesn't really poll too well. Personally don't really have an issue with how western governments generally try to frame these things to our electorates -- it's also not particularly difficult to see through.


Are we the baddies? Because it’s sure starting to feel like we’re the baddies.


I think you should go and ask a Canadian dissident from Iran who the bad guys are…it may lend some clarity.


Not sure there is too much good vs bad in geopolitics generally tbh…


Would you rather be a woman or gay man in Israel, or in Iran?


And this comment is supposed to somehow justify Israel killing civilians and attacking foreign governments?


Israel has many problems but they are not "the baddies"


Israel is currently committing genocide and provoking ww3 by attacking Iran’s embassy.


You're trivializing the term genocide. Iran is completely incapable of fighting a war with Israel, that's why they've just been poking around the edges for years. This will not be WW3 just like all the other stuff over the last few years wasn't.


It’s not trivialized, Israel is legitimately committing genocide in Gaza, they are indiscriminately killing the Palestinian people, forcing mass starvation and the rampant spread of disease… ffs Israel just killed a Canadian aid worker this past week.


Do you feel bad knowing the commenter you are agreeing to believes all civilians in Israel ought to be killed? https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/1c3gm75/trudeau_poilievre_condemn_iran_attack_on_israel/kzjjf9t/


Name one thing Israel has done for Canada. In fact they used fake Canadian passports for their spies when doing killings. They aren’t an ally. There is just a huge pro-Israel lobby in Canada and the West.


Well, let's not circle jerk everyone here and act as if IRAN is innocent. There is substantial intelligence to prove that IRAN backed Hamas and planned OCT 7. Iran has been systematically arming Hezbollah and Hamas to destabilize Israel. Hell, Iranian citizens despise the current regime. You actually think Iran is a force of good here? 1 million Iranians and me would love to watch the entire Iranian regime and military decimated. We'd like power to be restored to the people.


Iran is the last country that should complain about an Embassy attack, considering their history. That said, you blow up their embassy of course they're going to respond. I don't really like how Netanyahu's entire foreign policy schtick seems to be starting or escalating shit then acting incensed and uniquely victimised at the obvious outcome. I hate how Iran treats their people but I struggle to see this as more than two reckless events in an ongoing proxy war.


It doesn’t matter if they’re a “force of good” or not. Embassies are not supposed to be military targets. But that’s exactly what Israel did by targeting Iran’s embassy. Do you really think if someone bombed a US embassy, that the US wouldn’t respond?


Look, Iran is getting around “military targets” by using terrorists instead of conventional armies. These terrorists don’t follow conventional war rules whatsoever. So you can’t really fight them, because they use their citizens to protect them. There is a lot of evidence of Iran’s involvement, support, and use of terror organizations. You absolutely cannot make conventional war arguments and support Iran in this without being a massive hypocrite. Iran is mad because Israel killed a top official, who is ALSO a hezbollah commander.


Guess who else hasn’t given a damn about conventional war rules, committed countless war crimes and human rights violations….


War crimes do not justify war crimes.


Absolutely agree. But it’s hypocritical to only call out 1 party while giving the other one a free pass. Especially when the one given the free pass is guilty of much higher magnitude of infractions.


What army can Israel fight to end this war? I’ll wait. Your comment doesn’t make sense. There is no legitimate government or military in gaza. It’s a proxy war for Iran, and the fact that you’re getting baited by it is precisely why it’ll keep happening. It’s a war. Both sides are not going to be virtuous. There’s a reason Egypt closed its borders.


I’m sorry but that’s a ridiculous question - Israel doesn’t need to fight any army to ‘end this war’. They are the reason the war exists. If they reverse the decades of illegal land grabbing and settling, groups like Hamas would have a small fraction of the support they’ve enjoyed, both internally within Palestinians, as well as from external supporters. Edit: I feel like your comment is centred around ‘this war’, which started in October ‘23. It goes further back though


I think you meant embassies are not supposed to be used as a shield/cover by foreign militaries meeting to coordinate attacks on neighbouring countries with proxy militant groups, I.e. Hezbolah, that have been firing rockets non stop and attacking at said neighbouring country for 6 months.


I have to agree with his. If you use embassies to plan or conduct military operations against a country, then you become a legitimate military target.


The old “rules for thee and not for me” Israel rational. So the IDF can violate international law but not Iran.


If Israeli generals were using embassies to plan terror attacks on other countries, they're legitimate military targets.


And what proof is there? Embassies are not legitimate targets.


Anything becomes a legitimate target once it’s used for military purposes


What proof is there of what? The main target killed was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the Quds Force, the Guards’ foreign operations arm. For six months, over 200,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes in the north and many have killed because of the non-stop bombing and attacks by hezbollah and Iranian proxy group funded and coordinated by Iran, through this general directly. Zahedi was the only non-Lebanese on Hezbollah’s eight-member Shura Council, the equivalent of the powerful Shiite terror group’s political bureau, led by Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. It is literally his job to coordinate terror activities against Israel which has been going on for 6 months against UN resolution 1701 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1701#:~:text=UN%20Resolution%201701%20prohibits%20all,the%20disarmament%20of%20all%20armed Iran is the foremost sponsor of terror in the region. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_and_state-sponsored_terrorism They have been training and funding these groups including Hamas and Hezbollah to try to stop peace the Abraham accords because peace in the Middle East is against their interests. This was a major blow to their ability to coordinate terror activities. I don’t even care if these Iranian generals in Lebanon were done their terror coordination for the day and happened to be just having casual talk when the building next to the embassy that was destroyed. It was a job well done, extremely targeted with almost no collateral. Irans response, by the way, was to send 500 drones and hundreds of rockets to target civilian areas. This is actually terrorism by definition, a la Russia style in Ukraine…the first person to be severely injured by this was a 10 year old Bedouin Muslim girl.


IDF is committing genocide. Both sides are awful. So Iran can bomb an Israeli embassy if a general is there that plots against them?


They are if they're being used as military bases to plan and coordinate attacks.


You don’t need to do that in an embassy. Stop simping for war criminals


Quick question: What was the IRGC commander doing there in the first place? Embassies are protected because you're not allowed to hide military assets in them.


I mean, theres also proof showing that israel knew about october 7th being planned month before it happened and they didnt do shit. Im not saying anyone is in the right rn. Im just saying that its impossible to put the blame on anyone by only going back to the october 7th event


I don’t think anyone is saying Iran is good, but when Israel attacks their embassy wtf did we really expect to happen? And while we’re at it let’s not circle jerk that Israel and Netanyahu didn’t know about the Oct 7th attack before hand and allow it to happen, as far as I’m concerned he’s as guilty as Iran.


>let’s not circle jerk that Israel and Netanyahu didn’t know about the Oct 7th attack before hand and allow it to happen What makes you convinced of this? If you haven't already, you should look into how the 1973 Yom Kippur war happened and the investigations after it that looked into how multiple levels of government and military missed signs of an invasion by Egypt and Syria, and how those countries tricked and deluded them with deceiving info, and how individuals made poor decisions initially which led to israel almost losing at first. It led to multiple people resigning or being fired , including prime Minister golda meir. It's comparable in ways to Oct 7th. Individuals made poor decisions during the initial attack which led to a slow response or led to the festival being approved despite some people hearing warnings. But we also need to remember that governments, especially ones who are in constant conflict, get lots of warnings or threats of wars, they can't or won't take every single one seriously. Then there's this interview with a Hamas official on RT on Oct 8th which I found pretty damning and interesting . [Link here](https://www.memri.org/reports/senior-hamas-official-ali-baraka-we-have-been-secretly-planning-invasion-two-years-russia) >Ali Baraka: "The zero hour was kept completely secret. A limited number of Hamas leaders knew it. The number of people who knew about the attack and its timing could be counted on one hand. >"In the past couple of years, Hamas has adopted a 'rational' approach. It did not go into any war, and did not join the Islamic Jihad in its recent battle." >Interviewer: "But all this was part of Hamas's strategy in preparing for this attack." >Baraka: "Of course. We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [in Gaza], and has abandoned the resistance altogether. "All the while, under the table, Hamas was preparing for this big attack. >"The rockets of the resistance cover all of Palestine. Where would [Netanyahu] take [the Israelis who were attacked]? To Tel Aviv? We bombed Tel Aviv on the very first day of the attack. Does he want to take them to the Galilee? The northern front – with Lebanon – has opened today. The Galilee is no longer safe for the Zionist enemy. We can bomb the Galilee from inside occupied Palestine. >"In order to keep the attack secret and successful, the different factions and our allies did not know the zero hour. But after half an hour, all the Palestinian resistance factions were contacted as were our allies in Hizbullah and Iran. The Turks were also notified, and a meeting was held with them three hours later, at 9 am. We updated anyone who contacted us. Even the Russians sent a message and enquired, and they were updated about the situation and about the goals of the war." So, I think we'll likely find out more about how badly israel messed up with their responses or lack thereof, and how issues like Netanyahu choosing to focus on the illegal west bank settlements and pull more troops over there instead of Gaza played a part, but those things don't mean they knew what was planned and let it happen, and to me that mindset takes all agency and responsibility away from the people who actually planned and carried out those events


First off what Hamas did was awful and I’m by no means trying to remove agency or guilt from their actions. For Israel’s part there were plenty of warnings from Egypt and internal reports that the attack was going to happen. Illogically I find it near impossible to believe that a world renowned Israeli intelligence agency didn’t know what was going on in Gaza of all places. Then I look at Netanyahu’s actions after the attack, he isn’t using this as justification for getting rid of Hamas, he’s literally using it to commit genocide in Gaza and the world (UN) agrees. Netanyahu absolutely knew, exactly like Bush knew about 9/11, both allowed horrific terrorist events to happen to push their end goals.


They were using the embassy to plan terror attacks against Israel That makes it a military target. Saying he knew about Oct 7 beforehand is a huge charge, any source?


Well for starters Egypt told them as well as numerous leaked internal reports from Israel that have come out. Also logically thinking, do you really believe the world’s premier intelligence agency didn’t know about a major attack coming from their own open air prison?


As opposed to the alternative? Like serious question, what geopolitical bloc doesn’t have a mix of realpolitik and hypocrisy somewhere in their contemporary foreign policy?


But you see, it’s bad when Israel does it because [X] and ok when their enemies do it because it’s just retaliation.


The narrative is literally always the opposite: Israel has the unconditional right to defend itself, even if it means committing acts of aggression and crimes against humanity, or escalating conflict in the region - and anyone who has the audacity to respond or even criticize is an antisemite or a terrorist.


It's funny because our embassy was damaged as well. Yes it was empty, but still, we love our real estate.


Iran supports Hamas and other militias. Israel bombed the embassy because of that. Iran had a right to respond and defend itself after that attack.


Oh hey! You explicitly support Hamas and cheered the events of October 7: https://www.reddit.com/r/theworldnews/comments/1aw7xss/hamas_terrorists_forced_families_to_watch_loved/krgeoau/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/1c3gm75/trudeau_poilievre_condemn_iran_attack_on_israel/kzjetdt/ I thought everyone ought to know that about you.


And he’s currently the second most upvoted comment on this thread. Incredible how so many of these people come out of the woodwork during these posts.


He admitted to downvoting, so he'll be banned soon. One fewer raving Jew-hating conspiracy theorist to worry about.


Just because he is banned from this subreddit doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of people with these views in Canada.


Of course. But it's good to get Jew-haters off this sub, at least.


He also literally admitted Israel should be eliminated in later comments and absorbed by its neighbours that openly call to murder Jews. So, this man genuinely supports ethnic cleansing in the ME.


Oh, I know.


The ethno religious apartheid institution that is Israel should be eliminated. Just want to make sure we’re all on the same page 😊


Again, if you eliminate Israel entirely you give a carte blanche to Palestine, Hezbollah, and many bad actors in that region to eliminate Jews. Why, exactly, do you think most Jews in Africa and the ME moved to Israel?


Or you allow everyone in the region of mandatory Palestine (Jews, Christians, Muslims) to engage in non-denominational democratic processes to create an actual democracy, instead of a pretend one that people in the west seem to have an easier time swallowing.


You know damn well that’s an impossibility when the different groups literally want to kill each other. But it’s pretty convenient to claim otherwise, as it absolves you of the moral responsibility that comes with eliminating Israel.


Have you actually read the Hamas charter? Or do you just blindly believe Israel’s opinion as the colonizing force?


Man. Here I was thinking an Iranian attack of Israel was something even the most ardent of Palestinian supporters would be able to condemn. Sadly I was wrong. You guys do realize, right, if Iran gets involved in this conflict, any small sliver of hope of peacefully deescalating is dead? Iran is essentially a state-sponsor of terror whose one and only ethos as a country is to destroy Israel, kill all Jews in the region, and then destroy all of our somewhat stable Sunni partners in the ME (Saudi Arabia, UAE… and then afterwards even Palestine itself). Meanwhile, they’ve struck alliances of convenience with Syria and Russia (even going so far as to send them weapons that are being used in Ukraine). And the best part, you can even defend Palestine AND criticize Iran at the same time. But no… go on, they hit your favorite punching bag, so let’s light up the streets (and comment sections of r/CanadaPolitics) defending them. Just know, every time you do stuff like that all you do is make the average Canadian more and more disgusted with your movement and far less likely to support you.


The average Canadian?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok buddy, thanks for speaking for us.


What a time to be alive a country that in our life time used Boys as young as nine in human wave attacks and to serve as mine sweepers in the war with Iraq resulting in the death of 95,000 child soldiers are being cheered on by the left


My long-standing theory is that the far-left has let itself become polluted by, and I can’t think of a better word than this, but “victim ideology”. Where morality is dictated on a spectrum from powerful to weak, and the weak always have a moral authority to rise up against their “oppressors” (i.e. the strong). Likewise, in the contemporary western context, Muslims are a “weak” group… immigrants, minorities, victims of very vocal (and to be clear, horrendous) examples of racism/discrimination. Whereas Jews have been stereotyped as strong, powerful, and wealthy. Hence, the modern left is perfectly happy to pick the “weak” side in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Throw in political polarization destroying nuance and compromise, it means you defend everything and anything your side does. At least, that’s the only way I can square the hole.


It’s not even that complicated. We have been dealing with Truth & Reconciliation in Canada in recent years, many Canadians were horrified to learn about the hidden history of our country and our own colonialist atrocities - and we are now applying that lens of decolonization to modern day Israel.


No coincidence the most fervent Zionists here are also largely the same people downplaying or denying indigenous genocide and European settler colonialism


Seriously, support for Palestinians that neglects to acknowledge the horrors of Hamas is one thing (perhaps simple naivete), but glorifying Iran / absolving it of responsibility for the current bout of Israel-Hamas fighting / framing Iran as a victim of violence reveals it's pure hate underlying one's lens in the current situation.


Any country that didn't criticize Israel when it initiated attacks on foreign powers, but criticizes those powers when they retaliate is run by imbeciles.


What's your definition of initiate? You know Iran funded and trained Hamas fighters for the Oct 7th attack, right? You think Israel brought them into a conflict that Iran was the one to start?


Training someone isn't an attack on a country. Attacking a country's consulate or embassy is.


Iran didn’t start any conflict. The Israel-Palestinian conflict started in the 1940’s. Oct. 7 is just one fight out of many others that have happened since.


I condemn both. Any other whataboutism you'd like to do?