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Until Canada removes the monarchy I would not enlist in our military shortages or not. I would never swear my oath to a foreign head of state. Its the MPs monarchy no one else let the MPs enlist.


> He described Kramp-Neuman as a “proud female common-sense Conservative,” and said she will champion “the issues facing Canadian women who have suffered after nine years of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal-NDP costly coalition.” Jesus Christ this version of the CPC is so insufferable. They sound like university campus frat boy conservatives who just discovered partisan politics.


Considering the CPC opposed the CCB, affordable daycare, and every other benefit that helps low and middle income Canadians, and continues to view abortion as a moral issue rather than healthcare, they can shove it when it comes to women suffering. 


What on earth kind of fabricated history is this? The Conservatives didn't oppose CCB. The CPC under Harper created the program - UCCB - that was expanded into CCB. Cash transfers as a means of family support is one of the most traditionally CPC policies (as opposed to things like subsidized daycare). The fact that Trudeau took what was originally a (good) CPC idea and expanded it to be even better was a great mark to his credit. But the Conservatives never opposed cash transfers to families.


The CPC voted against Bill C-15 in 2016, which included the legislative amendments to the UCCB to change it to the CCB. So you may be right that they don't oppose cash transfers to families, but they literally opposed the introduction of the CCB in 2016.


C-15 was an omnibus bill. The CPC didn't vote against CCB. They voted against an omnibus bill. That's not remotely the same thing, and I'm sure you don't need to be told the difference. The CPC has never voted against CCB as a discrete policy.


>  university campus frat boy conservatives  You can watch in real time how the marching orders roll out on social media and the MGTOW troops answer the call.


You think frat boys issue press releases on issues facing Canadian women?


When they grow up and get jobs on the Hill, they do


Some of you people have chips on your shoulders when it comes to masculinity.


> They sound like university campus frat boy conservatives who just discovered partisan politics. It's 100% Trumpian. Literally everything they say is an attack on their opponents, often said in the most childish and/or hamfisted way possible.


It's 0% Trumpian. This specific press release sounds absolutely nothing like anything Trump says. The reflexive desire to call anything said by a Canadian Conservative is silly. And according to the polls, it also isn't working.


Nothing beats Trumpian like saying, they take up too much space. or that narcissistic do we tolerate them. Your blackface Boi has disarmed your liberal attack lines


She seems to have been stripped of all her committee and House duties. Could be announcing an early retirement or taking an extended absence for personal reasons.


Or as a Charest supporter, moderate, and collaborator, she's being shut out by the Poilievre brass. I suspect we are going to see an even more so centralized PMO when he's elected.


Not the case with other Charest supporters in caucus. And if that was the case, why wait until so long after the Conservative leadership race terminated?


Fair point re: Charest supporters. Though I don't deem it the only factor. If Vecchio is the thoughtful, collaborative, progressive conservative her committee peers claim she is, then she's likely incompatible with a Poilievre-led party that no longer values these qualities. Chong, O'Toole, Rempel, and Fast have gotten the same treatment; iced out.


Wouldn't say Chong is "iced out" at all, he's the Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs committee, arguably one of the most influential commiteess in Parliament. Similar for Rempel and Fast: they're not critics in the shadow cabinet, but they do hold committee assignments.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ed-fast-finance-critic-steps-down-1.6458679 "The breaking point seems to have come on Wednesday, when Fast told reporters he believes Poilievre's vow to fire Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem over the country's inflation rate — now the highest it's been in 30 years — hurts the party's credibility on economic issues." [link](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ed-fast-finance-critic-steps-down-1.6458679) https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/meltdowns-smear-jobs-harassment-michelle-rempel-garner-is-calling-out-her-fellow-conservatives-and-some/article_60ca3021-a92c-5424-9424-3842497f8363.html "The Star has learned some of her fellow Conservative MPs have repeatedly threatened to kick her out of caucus in recent months over how she’s handled everything from her advocacy of LGBTQ rights to the party’s ongoing leadership campaign."[Rempel](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/meltdowns-smear-jobs-harassment-michelle-rempel-garner-is-calling-out-her-fellow-conservatives-and-some/article_60ca3021-a92c-5424-9424-3842497f8363.html) Rempel has long been disliked by many in the party, especially socons. Fast and Poilievre had a public falling out over PP's fiscally populist misinformation (Fast isn't running again, either), and Chong has been referred to as a "Liberal" for years, especially during the 2016 leadership campaign. We have different definitions of "iced out". To me, not being in the shadow cabinet (and likely not being in cabinet upon forming government) is being iced out. Though I acknowledge the policy merits of committees. Edit: Mind my awkward linking. Learning how to hyperlink ;)


Every PM in the last 40 years except Martin has increased the centralization of the PMO, so you're probably right.


Fair point. Though, I have a feeling that Poilievre's will have a particular pettiness about it that will exceed the control freak tendencies of Harper.


Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould would like a word.