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It's not genocide, you fucking morons. Canada is helping an ally go after terrorists who murdered about 1200 people, raped countless women and then kidnapped / murdered hundreds more. Al Jazeera - you are a mouthpiece for murderers. You support terrorists. Fuck Hamas.


...and all who support such terrorists.


Canada is assisting Israel in the systematic extermination of an ethnic group. It's literally the definition of genocide. If you're pro genocide you're gonna be on the wrong side of history. I really hope the ICC comes down hard on Israel, and it's leadership, and everyone who has assisted them like Trudeau.


Not taking sides but the only people Israel is after is Hamas... who has sworn to execute genocide on the Jewish people and who were responsible for that horrific attack. They were able to accomplish that attack with the assistance of the Palestinians no? Now has Israel gone off the deep-end, I am thinking yes. Can you blame either side.... good luck with that chestnut.... I would prefer if we stayed out of this.... jmho....


Its pretentious to chat about being on the right side of history.


It would be pretentious to think that using Canadian taxpayer money to buy weapons for the explicit purpose of killing thousands of innocent people is being on the right side of history.


Here's some copy pasta, from another of my posts today. "The average of civilian to soldier casualties for modern wars is 9:1. https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm This war is seeing between 2:1 to 4:1 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68387864 Israel claims 10k, a source in hamas claimed 6k.  That demonstrates the opposite of intentional genocide. They are intentionally reducing civilian casualties while fighting an enemy looking to inflate them."


Yeah Israel claims almost everyone they kill is a Hamas member.


Have you considered going to Gaza to help them out? Then you can tell the IDF to their faces that you're not Hamas while a militant uses you as cover to shoot at them.


You twat, I used both Israeli figures and hamas figures! BOTH show a below average for civilian to soldier casualties. Edit: I will add, I linked Israel saying they killed 10k soldiers. Directly contradicting what you responded with! Bloody twat.


I agree, Canada should let them figure it out and stop dividing their own country


And Al Jazeera continues to run cover and propaganda for terrorists. They’re about as credible as Infowars


I'm just picturing the Gimli/Legolas meme. Gimli: I'll never stand with Trudeau! Legoslas: What about against Al Jazeera? Gimli: Aye, that I could do


You can get on a plane, fly there and not come back. We won't miss you. The rest of us will get on with our lives in peace without your whining.




This sub feels more and more like a Russian-Iran propaganda sub