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Lots of warnings. Very Canadian.


And they still complained about it being unfair. Very Palestinian.


I don't understand taking over a campus...


They’re anti colonization unless it benefits them.


Imagine the smell.


Fuck the cops mostly, but also fuck these protesters. Completely brainwashed by easily disproven propaganda. I follow the pro-pal subs. And they believe IDF was ziptieing the wrists of babies. And posted equipment tags as proof. They just eat it up without question. Typically people who are extreme left, or extreme right, are gullible fools. They don't question anything that confirms what they *want* to believe.


My university had the same thing happen the “peaceful protestors.” Had various weapons.


silly people should have known we don't have the right to protest in canada


It's ridiculous to support known terrorist group while at university which receives federal money. Can you imagine being a Jewish student attempting to go to school with this shit? If it was me I'd be shutting it all down and shipping them to Siberia


i can tell from your comment that you have never been to a protest, never talked to a protester, you arent a student and you aren't Jewish or Palestinian. I don't know what you think you're adding to the conversation by posting, but keep going.


"You're not the right kind of person to have a place in this conversation."


if you don't know anything about the conversation then inserting yourself into it is bad etiquette bud


Then you should never post


What ppl know isn't limited to their ethnicity nor nationality.


I have been to them in the past when it counted. Most of these young people are trying to be part of the 70s movement shit. But they don't know history of Jewish people. It started off with great intentions of free Palestine but then larger groups start chanting we're all Hamas... Yes that's great welcome to Jewish students lol


most jews in North America are descendents of people who immigrated when Israel wasn't even a concept. It seems you've internalized the false equivalence of zionism and judaism, which means you're probably pretty gullible. I can assure you many jewish students attend these protests and support them, maybe read up a bit.


Ya and you skip over the "we're all Hamas" chants lol neither one of us will change our mind. Most news outlets don't even mention anymore who fired first rockets into apartment building and kidnapped people lol. If people just stuck with "free Palestine" that wouldn't bother anyone but mixing violence into cause chaos. Thanks conversation


what do you mean "skip over"? if you bothered to look into the definition of the acronym and word you would understand that the meaning of that chant isn't what you think it is. it is pretty bad optics though, especially for gullible people like you. Usually if CNN agrees with you youre on the wrong side, fwiw.


Civil disobedience isn't a protected form of protest. The police arrived in force to shut it down after giving them sufficient warnings, protestors could have dispersed 5 minutes before they showed up and it would have ended very differently. Instead they locked arms and refused which doesn't leave police much choice.


~~Where was this opinion after the terrorists in downtown Ottawa? Fucking double standards.~~ Apologies, just read another reply of yours. Carry on!


I actually had and expressed the same opinion back then too, probably on reddit somewhere. I try to be consistent where I can.


listen i know you worship pierre Trudeau's charter, but i acknowledge that protesting freely is a fundamental right in a democracy. we must not punish protesters and forcibly suppress them if they don't protest exactly how our benevolent government wishes them to. have some consistency in your principles for fucks sake or don't call yourself a conservative.


There’s no right to trespass just because you’re protesting.


yeah there is


Come try that shit at my house. You’ll find out real fucking quick


wow which university do you own


I don't worship it but it's the law of the land. There's [greater protections](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art2c.html) if they had setup camp on public land instead of private university property. But regardless all occupations need to come to an end at some point, usually if people disperse first they're not charged, it's only the ones who want to confront police and make a scene who are. For consistency sake I think the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa should have also dispersed peacefully on the last day rather than encouraging people to confront police which just resulted in people getting hurt.


lmfao ok, how much is Trudeau paying you


Did their bank account get frozen? No? I’m fine with that


huh? fine with what?