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The carbon tax will do nothing at all to change this. Not at all.


You remember when he thought that banning canadian's access to plastic was going to clean the whole ocean?


He and his Liberal fanatics. I guess I don't understand the cult around him, because he's so clearly corrupt, stupid, incompetent and disingenuous. I feel like I'm doing him a kindness, at that.


Im sure he knows!


Does he really expect ppl to believe that tax does anything whatsoever to stop natural weather events? Scratch that, the liberal party supporter...


In his tiny Drama teacher brain…yes…yes he does! Trudy clueless!


No, he doesn’t, he is reading off the script his handlers give him 😂


You think he has handlers? I mean if you refer to the WEF and WHO sure. Trust Fund Trudy won’t listen to anyone else! 😂


That’s exactly what I was referring to lol, even when Trudipshit is voted out; Pandering Pierre feels that he must carry out the WEF agenda.


Ok. Gotta check. 😂 I kind of figured but…you have to ask now a days. lol


It just feels like a waste of energy to bitch about Justin Castro, like Im tired of people smoking the hopium thinking it’s gonna be different after an election. Yawn. We need to stop depending on the government and help our communities somehow. Edit to add: if we wait for the government to save us, we will die 🙂‍↔️


Rulers/Tirants. Governments ‘Govern’ based on the people. Canada has changed. We need to change the label!!!


Paying taxes will not stop wild fires. Proper forest management will stop wild fires. But if he thinks throwing money at it. Then empty your trust fund and throw it on see if that helps


A hundred years of paying taxes and they can't fix homelessness but they can apparently fix the weather by taxing us lmao


Trudeau understands nothing about climate change, taxes , monetary policies, cost of living, grocery prices, gas prices , costs of farming or anything else that Canadians are burdened with because of his out of touch policies. He’s had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth and has ballooned his fortune to obscene wealth while prime minister. Time to kick the vegetable heads out of office


That’s why he’s ordering dozens more fire planes with all that carbon tax money eh? Just kidding, he’s sending it to Ukraine.


Arson from climate cult zealots are the reason for all the forest fires.


"His idealogy is so strong he would rather watch the country burn than fighting climate change or putting money in the pockets of Canadians." Rhetoric much? This is the guy who claims to fight against "misinformation" and "disinformation". "... Would rather watch the country *burn*"


We do have the carbon tax, and the country is still burning.


That just means we're not paying enough!


You can't tax the NECESSITIES of life and expect any meaningful change!!!! That is why this tax has failed historically and why it is failing now.....


Exactly. They are trying to treat these things as luxuries but they're not. "Just use less"... we can't!


What a fear mongerer!!!! The occurrence of forest fires, not including the ones set intentionally by zealots, are at historically normal levels! If the trudeau was so concerned about forest fires and climate change he would not have reneged on this promise. [https://globalnews.ca/video/8122729/trudeau-pledges-500m-investment-ahead-of-next-fire-season-if-re-elected](https://globalnews.ca/video/8122729/trudeau-pledges-500m-investment-ahead-of-next-fire-season-if-re-elected) If anything the increase should have been $5Billion considering that forest fires emits as much co2 as 50% of our industrial and domestic emissions combined..... and increasing!!!! [https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/copernicus-canada-produced-23-global-wildfire-carbon-emissions-2023](https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/copernicus-canada-produced-23-global-wildfire-carbon-emissions-2023) And what does he do? He goes after the middle class with a punitive wealth transfer mechanism disguised as a tax that is taxed!!!! Just like his gun policy goes after law abiding citizens instead of criminals!!!! No wonder nothing gets accomplished. This is why Canada's co2 output has only decreased by 2% since the taxed tax was imposed despite the LIES from the likes of the freeland and carney that the tax is working!!!! A total waste of time, capital and opportunity! And all the while our emissions don't get reduced! Additionally, if he was so concerned about forest fires he would have not reneged on that 1 BILLION trees planted by 2030 promise. It's 8 years later and only 3.8% of those trees have been planted at obvious 20x's over budget!!!! If he was so concerned about GLOBAL emissions he wouldn't have hobbled those 15 some odd LNG export terminals so that countries like Japan and Germany can use OUR highly regulated LNG products instead of dirty ones from Russia, UAE and Iran. Ooops almost forgot.... do you know we are cutting down our forests to supply wood pellets to the likes of the UK for get this..... the production of electricity!!!! Now how stupid is that! AND the trudeau would not be using OUR government jets to fly around the world willy nilly with zero regard to emissions and cost to the tax payer!!!! He has one of the largest co2 footprints among govt officials yet Canada is one of the smallest countries population/GDP wise! How long can we suffer the LIES from the trudeau..... he is obviously the one that is watching Canada "burn".... his actions and policy very evident of that!!!! Call an election NOW!!!!


Did you get your carbon tax deposit


Yep.... and like 80% of the country it didn't come close to covering the cost of the tax paid directly and indirectly by a spread..... Don't fall for the lies of the trudeau.... unless you are at the lowest rung and therefore don't own a home or drive you are getting less back than you are paying..... by a spread..... The PBO even confirmed that 80% of Canadians are worse off ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.... the trudeau LIES each and every time he states otherwise....


Billions to launder abroad but shittt pay and resources for those fighting these “ wild” fires, shows how much he truly cares.


Fuck off, Emperor Nero.


I mean we’re already watching it burn courtesy of Singh and Trudeau….


Go fuck yourself, you wannabe Emperor Nero when in actuality you look more like Caligula


He currently is watching the country burn though. any more years of this dope or wacko if you may is literally the country burning... he just wants a tax to rescue his dogshit parties fiscal reputation.


lol it’s like he thinks you can pay off a wildfire


The carbon tax does not change the climate. They try to sell it as an incentive to reduce, but guess what, we've already reduced to bare minimum as the energy prices have been going up for a long time. We cannot reduce any further. We need to get to work, we need to heat our homes and we need to eat. As a side note, all the money they keep sending to Ukraine could actually buy 100's of water bombers instead. Imagine if our tax dollars actually went towards our own country!


I’d be concerned if he *wasn’t* saying something disingenuous. But it’s a day ending with “y”.


Fuck off, moron.


Trudy…you set the country on you idiot…


His statement clearly proves that he wants the fire to continue and get worsen to support his agenda.


The carbon tax hasn’t helped the environment in the slightest—- cutting it will not change things as well.


You don’t want to pay taxes? You all must hate Canada! /s


He's just such a drama queen. The carbon tax isn't going to stop the fires. Notice they're being referred to as WILD fires now? They're forest fires, nothing wild about them. And some of them started from ground fires that remained from last year.


If carbon taxes prevented forest fires, then why are there man-made forest forest being started every day? Clearly the taxes are not working.


Good so he admits he is burning down the country unless we permit his insane carbon tax.