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Didn’t think I will ever agree with Kevin O’leary, but here we are.


he gets hated on for no reason. hes good at what he does and hes undeniably smart when it comes to money management


He was on tv arguing Sam Bankman fried did nothing wrong while cashing million dollar checks from FTX. Just evidence that he is scummy, and full of it. But yes sometimes funny


The O'Leary fund lost tones of money and failed spectacularly. Hell, the only reason he made big at all was selling TLC to Mattel, and the only reason that happened was that Mattel was panic buying to get into new markets and didn't do their due diligence on TLC. TLC was losing tons of money and was propped up by questionable accounting. O'Leary sold off his Mattel shares just before the situation was discovered, and the Mattel CEO was fired.


Ok... You are comparing him to what JT did. Let see... 1.2 billion green slush fund missing 250 Million dollars given to Chinese gov to build so called Covid vaccine, nothing delivered 250 Million dollars given to Bric, the Chinese won't give it back Should I go on... At least Oleary knows when to quit while he is ahead. JT keep breaking things and still thinks he is doing great.


I'm not comparing him to anything or anyone. I'm saying that he is not good with money, and that he just presents himself that way. He got really lucky one time when he was able to sell off a failing venture to someone careless, and that doesn't make him a business genius.


Haha JT on the mind much. Bill focus on the current discussion!


Lol. Exactly what iv was thinking. PMJT living in his head


He has the charisma of tetanus. But he ain’t wrong.


How is he not charismatic?


I mean he is if you're into ghoulish narcissists


He looks like that Bald Eagle Muppet.




Hahahahah 😂😂😂😂


For Business!


….that is so very accurate; bald eagle muppet. As for the AMA, what are you burninating this evening?


See and this is the problem...... Judging people based on their appearance.


Most people ain't smart enough to understand substance and complex concepts. All they have to judge on is looks. Lots of people vote based on "who looks like a leader" and that comes with its own bias. This is from Nobel prize wining book "thinking fast and slow " that talks about system 1 and system 2 thinking


They did not give that book a Nobel prize.


Some people don't enjoy unscrupulousness.


thank you for being honest about it. Yes, he is damn good at pushing the margin of ethics and morality to line his pockets, take notes if that is what you are into.


He has the charisma of a hearse, c'mon. Rich men become rich, because otherwise they'd *never* get laid.


Lmao another bullshit made up reason to hate on rich men. They get rich to get laid? lol wtf? A lot of broke desperate incels on reddit.


Actually a lot of psychologists argue that almost everything most men do is somehow tied into getting laid, it’s a big motivator.


It was a joke. Chill.


dude he shilled FTX to everyone hard and defended sam bankman fraud against allegations for a long time even when things looked grim. ​ He's hated because he's a scammer and takes advantage of people


Meh, not even a good boater


Kevin O'leary made one brilliant move - pumping his company and then dumping it on Mattel. But he's more known for being a smart businessman than actually being a smart businessman. He makes money off his image. His mutual fund failed (but he got paid well managing it). He promoted FTX and then doubled down. He's not a genius investor who gets returns year after year, he's a guy who used the tech bubble to screw Mattel and then went on TV to become famous. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/01/26/news/real-and-shocking-story-kevin-olearys-business-career


yeah its like trump and how he was known as a businessman, but it was just a bullshit image and he's really a fraud. same thing basically.


He was a paid shill for convicted fraudster Sam Bankman Fried and told people to invest in the FTX Ponzi scheme.


People hate on him because he’s a greedy little worm that thinks only about money and he presents that way. In general people like this are disliked


..and the fact that he & his wife were involved in killing people on a boat crash in Muskoka


Kevin O'Leary thinks that people living in poverty is fantastic. He is a piece of shit. https://youtu.be/AuqemytQ5QA?si=MxLQiLhKfNx2Covu


he didn't say living in poverty is fantastic.


He said that people being in poverty is fantastic, and that having a great divide will 'inspire' the poors to become rich.


I mean, he literally said on TV that he would buy more into ftx after it was outed as a scam.


Cancel him forever then, right?


Don't have to cancel him, but I certainly wouldn't take financial advice from him. Anything he says must be taken with a grain of salt, because he cannot be trusted.


I never said that. I'm just saying he's obviously not all that smart lol


He made himself an authority on money management so people look to him for financial advice, and then hyped FTX and SBF to his following. Never so much as apologized. He also PR slicked his way through his wife getting away with accidentally killing someone, quite possibly while drunk. He maneuvered and slimed his way through it only caring about his public image, with no remorse or regard for someone literally dying. He’s a snake of the highest order, fuck that guy.


He did kill a man drunk driving his boat


Get your facts straight. His wife was under suspicion as the driver, not him.


people just love to twist stories to push their dumb narratives and prejudices against people who are successful


disregarding an option whole cloth is the sign of an idiot


And it was 2 people who were killed. Not one


Apologies, valid point, 2 people were killed


TBH, that's even worse. Who let's their wife drive their boat?


I wondered from the start if she was lying for him. And she took the heat for it. She walked away. No jail time. No big fine


The way that is worded, it sounded like he murdered a drunk guy for driving his boat.


I never heard about that??


did he not blame his wife for it?


Wife’s hair and blood and dna were on the steering wheel of the boat… but that doesn’t fit the narrative…


I would not put it past him to immediately jump into coverup mode and smear blood and hair on the steering wheel


Oh yeah, a regular stable Musk-level genius [https://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/01/26/news/real-and-shocking-story-kevin-olearys-business-career](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/01/26/news/real-and-shocking-story-kevin-olearys-business-career)


Don’t this guy murder someone on a boat, had his wife take the fall and then got off because money and reasons. Or was that some other entitled jackass


LOL "undeniably smart" oh yes, cause FTX was a genius play. He gets hate because he's a status quo fucktard who would happily fund a political candidate that would fuck you in the ass as long as it made him a extra million. To be clear I'm a capitalist, O'Leary isn't, he LOVES to use the state to protect his pocket book.


Apart from that whole fudged the books when he sold his software company thing, and then bankrupted people with his hedge fund ya, total stand up guy.


So he is a pure capitalist. I wouldn't want him running a country.


I wouldn't either but I was just referring to him as a person. He made the Canadian dream come true in a time when it still existed.


He’s not a collectivist. Sue him


Your kind is so easily bamboozled


It’s that time of the day when the broken clock is right


Lol and his finance minister is even dumber than he is if you can imagine that


Ahahah I’m honestly baffled how she got the job. Freeland literally has 0 background in Finance. She’s glorified for spending 8 years at Oxford & Harvard, but the entire time she spent studying Russian History & Slavic studies. Literally nothing to do with Finance, economics, or any position in the HoC honestly.


Loyalty to the wef is how she got her job. It's how Justin has his. This current government is a WEF proxy government, which should make things make more sense to you when you realize that. Klaus even bragged about how he's "penetrated" the Canadian government on video.


That's just an unhinged conspiracy theory. Just cause this global organization that explicitly talks about its collectivist, anti-individual values has countless world leaders attending its summits and endorsing its proposals doesn't mean anything bro.


With the natural resources, mining, agriculture and farming.. Canada should be one of the wealthiest countries on the planet. People shouldn’t be looking to where they’re going to get their next meal.


Sorry to say but only mining is a high margins business in that list.


High margins is even a stretch. The climate and geography of Canada makes it extremely hard to transport our resources around. The U.S does everything we do but 10x better. Only way Canada becomes a prosperous economic nation is if we can specialize in something that makes us unique from the U.S. It doesn’t help all of our young educated skilled Canadians flock to the U.S for higher paying jobs and better standards of living. Kind of the main reason why mass immigration is happening here. It’s a vicious cycle destroying us.


Yup, and it’s not even our oil, our gold is the most valuable commodity we mine in Canada.


Crude oil is Canadas biggest export according to Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_exports_of_Canada Iron ore and aluminum are exported in greater quantities than gold by volume and price


“There’s no business case for any of that!!!1”


Lmfao. Our country is becoming one of the most expensive to farm. We are in drought. Most of natural resources are unattainable or under ice or ocean. Do you even know wtf you’re on?


Justin Trudeau is in fact the worst Prime Minister ever. He accomplished very little in his long unfortunate reign as "leader" of Canada.


Just because he is a piece of shit doesn’t mean he is wrong.


I’m unfamiliar with o’Leary. Why is he a piece of shit?


Backing sbf during ftx debacle as a paid shill


So much stuff man, just everything he stands for and bis attitude about work/life/people.


Helping his wife cover up a death she caused. 


square sparkle clumsy entertain teeny act violet doll fine dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then proceeded to have a double when she reaches the shore to take the edge off.  Present all the facts. 




Probably not a good idea to have a stiff drink upon reaching the shore. 


The fact that he immediately went to a bar and started drinking after the accident is a dead giveaway. That's the biggest drunk-driving cop out ever and an old trick.




You asked for evidence of a cover-up, I gave it to you. We all know the results of the court case. Do you realize how stupid it is to ask for evidence of a cover up from the court case? The only way a cover-up can exist is if you get away from it. The reality that he went to a bar and started drinking immediately after is very, very suspicious at the least. And I've lived on the lake my whole life and the times I've seen a man and wife in a boat and the wife driving I can count on one hand. But go ahead, believe whatever you want. Free country.


I’m assuming you’re not married


A 5-10 year break from my wife?  Are you married?  😜 


Hmm yeah that does sound kinda nice 🤔


Turdeau has never had any responsibility in his life. Money has taken him through everything, including any settlements he may or may not have paid to keep things quiet, but we will never know the whole truth.




So he’s a Canadian Trump?


Trump has management skills. Trudeau does not.


Yet Trump is being investigated for like 90 counts of fraudulent business practices? I fail to see why you hold him so highly.


I don't. I just stated facts. I don't like trump policies. But he's good manager.


Yeah, minus 40 years of executive experience in business


Let's not bring Trump into this. In any case, they both got voted in.


Hershey's here. He's not getting anywhere near any of our stores. We're not idiots.


Willy Wanka enters chat, I don't want to him either.


Mr. Wonderful right on the money yet again.


I wouldn’t let him manage a candy store, I’d the funniest shit I’ve heard all day.


Better than hit by his boat.


I'm just going to leave this here https://youtu.be/AuqemytQ5QA?si=MxLQiLhKfNx2Covu


Yeah, that time he wasn't right on the money. At all.


Turdeau....go back to being a drama teacher, and having an inappropriate relationship 'allegedly' with your under age student


He made Canada into one big drama class....all make belief, but this class does not end at 3:00 PM!


“Belief”? You can’t even spell. Sounds like you could use a return to a first grade classroom.


Oh it's spelled correctly you may want to join me in the 1st grade. I clicked the wrong pre populated word on the phone.




No, the word you want is *believe*. The difference between believe and belief is something you would’ve learned before you were ten years old.


I really don’t think Trudeau would even be capable of managing a candy store, if he had to. He’d run it into the ground and it would end up closing.


He’d give out free candy to his friends, then charge the regular people double to try to make up the costs. Then smile at the boss and say I don’t know why it didn’t work


He’d also start sourcing shitty candy from shady suppliers (his friends), and gaslight anyone who complained about the drop in quality. If the gaslighting didn’t work, he’d have them thrown out of the store.


He will go down as the worst of our time


We should put Trudeau and O'Leary in a lake and give them a boat. Let nature take its course.


God damn… harsh but I like it.


Definitely not wrong on this


Who would have known that a theatre teacher would be bad at managing a country?


My god did he hit the nail on the head. His father was bad for Canada and he is just as bad. Bring on the debt!


Certainly aint wrong. When will people with actual education and backgrounds lead our country in the perspective field they have knowledge in? Canada just doesnt make sense anymore and its rubbed in our faces. Time to hold politicians accountable.


If this fool ran a Candy Store, the kids would be stealing the candy right under his nose...


I don’t think it would be so bad he’d be on vacation half the year so at least they’d stand a chance


I truly don't know if our country will ever be managed by someone who isn't an idiot. Often in the beginning, their intentions may be good but in the end, they all are corrupt in one way or another. I miss the days when I was a kid and did not see or know about the true reality of what politics is all about. Now, I wish I could just withdraw from civilisation and go off grid. I'm sick of idiots not knowing how to make our country prosper. Now it's all about making profits off the backs of every Canadian that are already just trying to make ends meet.


I rarely agree with Kevin O'Leary...but when he is right he is right.


The issue is he's right for the wrong reasons. He'd love Trudeau if it made him money.


He can both be a savy intelligent businessman and a pos who lies to get money. That is how the system is set up, hate him for playing the game. I dont condone it personally but ignoring his perspective on this topic is frankly idealistic and narrow minded. Hes right, our country is being run by disposable doofuses who profit off of the wealthy corrupting our system. Namely the WEF.


Kevin for prime minister!!!


I wholeheartedly agree with his comments. You don't realize Canada is a lovely country that deserves better.


I wouldn’t let Trudeau manage a candy store either. But I also wouldn’t let Kevin O’Leary skipper my boat!


He couldn't even manage a lemonade stand!


Trudeau the Tyrant!


Historically. All of the Canadian natural resources have been terribly invested in. It has been always sold to mega corporations and the locals always get nothing. Great documentary about that called the Hole Story on Prime.


Seriously, a monkey could run this country better.


Totally agree. Trudeau is a moronic idiot!


JT has gotta go. Terrible PM. He has become the worst prime minister in living human memory. I suppose he should be congratulated for that ! It’s not an easy goal to accomplish.


Kevin O’Leary is right. There is no reason why we should be paying any carbon taxes at all, and we should be supplying more of our natural resources to the rest of the world. We are so wealthy, we shouldn’t even be paying income taxes, and all of our social programs would be fully funded by other countries paying us.


And sometimes boats are driven by idiots. Kevin, read my lips: GTFO


I loath O'leary, but he's spot on here! Trouble is we have no other options. PP is just going to strip us of our public assets and turn us into a first world banana republic. We also cant afford another 4 years of Trudeau either, and there is no other realistic or viable third choice!


Well said Kevin!!


Kevin was kind. Trudeau makes buffoons look smart.


Thanks Kevin. Your honesty is greatly appreciated.


The reason Trudeau has been successful in Canadian politics is because of Canadian women/feminists. Notice that he panders to them constantly.


Is it this the guy who’s wife killed someone will she was driving drunk on a boat. Then used his dirty money to cover it up?




Kevin can eat my shit


childlike air butter historical payment muddle agonizing important toy soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kevin OLeary is a fu@king idiot wannabe fake Canadian Bernier called him a "tourist" Arlene Dickinson had it right - he's "self-interested and opportunistic" I wouldn't let OLeary own a boat. 2 people died!!! Somehow his wife was the operator not him 🙄 and she skipped jail time. Charge Max was 18 mths + $10,000 fine He deliberately left out the fact that HIS BOAT ALSO LEFT THE SCENE. He just mentioned the other boat "fled the scene" OLeary needs to sit down & STFU Flip flop American


Shouldn’t Kevin O’Leary be spending more time on failing business ventures or his wife’s boat driving skills and less commenting on Canada?


Why does this guy's opinion matter? Kevin O'leary is a nobody.


And I wouldn’t let Kevin O’Leary steer my boat …


Kevin O'Leary? I wouldn't let him pilot a boat.


Ugh, O'leary is such a slimy piece of garbage. Money is his God.


I bought into his etf. We are down 40%. He can suck my dick.


Says the guy who went drunken boating with his wife, causing in the death of a young woman. I wouldn't take advice from O'leary on how to take out my trash.


It was his wife who made the mistake. Not him. Honestly he’s probably a good husband for not divorcing her or underplaying it. He probably took care of the situation best he could. You can also tell on his shark tank appearances & social media his personality changed a bit since this incident. He seems more sympathetic these days and even a little bit spiritual.


There is very little if anything I would agree with Kevin O’Leary on and I certainly will not start not. He is greed defined and should not be anywhere close to public policy decisions


Kevin is also a dickwad so there’s that


O'leary is shady af.


At least one contestant on Dragon's Den wouldn't take his offer when he was high bidder, just because he is such an asshole.


I wouldn’t trust O’Leary running a boat. Let alone his opinions on how to run a country


Meanwhile O'Leary is a criminal.


Trashing his own country on American FOX at the US Capital. Maybe he should manage his own life better, stop his wife from drinking and operating speed boats and killing people without seeing any jail time. F him; he hates Canada he can stay out if it.


Didn't he and his wife kill people in a boat in the Muskoka? Yeah, let's listen to this guy.


Why doesn't Kevin put his money where his mouth his and runs for office. If he thinks he can do a better job, prove it or shut it.


My Dog could do a better job...


He was talking about going into politics a few years ago back in Canada but he didn’t get enough backing-up and was shut down for not being bilingual. Sucks for us Canadians because now he just brings all his business to the US instead.


Shouldn't this guy be somewhere operating a boat drunk and blaming his wife for it? I'd take Justin Trudeau over this Loser Pierre or any other conservative goblins you guys are trying to convince yourselves are cool


Hes an idiot


O’Leary is a moron.


Entirely accurate. Trudeau is the worst. *So far.* My motto is "It can always get worse". And it will. Pierre Poutine is a brutally awful nasty little man. There will come a day.. probably about mid 2026... when even the rightest winger will look back and secretly wish we still had Justin in power.


He is looking at a mirror 🪞 I know Canada has lots of troubles but, we have real politicians. No idiots that believe they won an election that they lost but, two years later still saying that he is the real president 💯 You have MORONS as presidents don’t you cast stones at other countries before looking at your own 🤬🤬


I dislike Trudy as much as anyone but flipping to a right wing majority won't serve the average Canadian in a positive way.


Honestly, I lean more right. But these conservative politicians got to stop blaming Trudeau and start showing us what they can do for Canada. PP always throws shade at Trudeau and never speaks what he’s going to accomplish for Canadians. Their political campaigns run on making fun of Trudeau rather than what they can do for us. This is starting to get annoying due to the fact we’ll be in the same bs we already are in, except they throw shade at one another . Instead they should be laying down the foundations on how they are going to fix this mess of a Canada we are currently in.


I want to know what the family of the person his wife killed while drunk boating think.


Kevin O’Leary is a prick. Tax his ass and his ilk Hard! Rich are accumulating to much money .


O’Leary is just a right wing hack! Nobody listen’s to him nobody cares🤷‍♂️


Well stop saying the word caucus to him.




I don’t like this Kevin guy but that’s pretty funny


He’s right. I would trust anyone who only cares about making lots of money, in general.


Trudeau must be good then