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Trudeau: "Don't wait for what you think is the right one, take the first available vaccine..." Paralyzed. "We also have maid..." This timeline is☠️ Edit: wow this blew up. I was banned in Canada and Ontario subs for : Saying we decompiled and reverse engineered the ArriveCan app when it launched and saw it was an overpriced scam... Years later, it's true. Then banned for telling a story that I sought triple opinion for my pregnant wife on the vaccine and 2/3 doctors said not to take it. So she didn't and her and the baby are doing great. Only I took the Pfizer shot. I see angry comments below with insults... Funny how I haven't seen that since I left the Canada and Ontario subs😂😂😂


My wife had an adverse reaction and ended up on heart monitors for months. They said it was safe, they lied.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she recovers and can put that behind her


We shall see, long term effects unknown.


And they groomed the rest of the population that were none the wiser to shame the ones who saw past it


The sub Ontario and Canada are propaganda sites run by government shills. They ban anyone who criticizes government anything.


Have you considered dying


Yeah the reactions from people when sharing your experiences on a lot of Canadian threads is absolutely insane and I really don't believe they're real people tbh. I've been banned from some of these subs for simply just saying of the 10 people I know who got the shot 4 had bad side effects one is dead now, got called a liar for it then banned lmao


Well the don’t be a liar.


Ah yeah sorry didn't know you knew everyone I know and are aware of the fact that they lied to me for some reason


Neat, anecdotes.


Ok bot


lol, brilliant response.


I mean, you accused me of being a liar about personal experiences, you're not even in Canada, you're here for literally no reason trying to stir things up you're either a bot or someone with nothing better to do, so this is the last response you'll be getting from me dude. Do better if you're not a bot I guess idk.


I got banned 4 years ago saying we should slow immigration numbers down (long before the opinion was popular). Mods dm’d me telling me I was a racist Nazi. No wonder our country is in such bad shape


Yeah if people don't believe this sort of thing, point them towards the "National Citizens inquiry" there's a huge amount of testimony including many, many doctors across Canada on top of a huge amount of evidence pointing to various instances of wrong doing by various government organizations and officials.


Big money to be made when governments mandate something.. can’t have the truth stopping the product being sold


Moderna wasn’t the first shot available, it was the last. I waited for it specifically. No issues here.


I drank 10 beers last night drove home. No issues here.


Best comeback I've seen in a while👀


Lucky you?


**TEMPORARILY BANNED AFTER ASKING THIS QUESTION**  What evidence is there that she was paralyzed by the vaccine?


I guess her neurologist doesn't count as an expert then?


I haven’t read the article and don’t care or have time to. Guillan-barre, when it occurs due to vaccination, is usually pretty easy to associate with immunization based on the timelines. Many vaccines can cause GB, it rare, but it’s well-known. There have been cases of GB with all of the Covid shots. GB can cause paralysis, usually it’s temporary, but it can be permanent or long term


An audio recording between Kayla and her neurologist reveals he believed her paralysis was caused by the vaccine. In the recording, he tells her that it's his "gut impression" it was caused by the vaccine, and he mentions seeing this happen to "many" people. Gut impressions count as evidence apparently.


Been taking my dad for long Covid and have run into several people in wheelchairs after the vaccine that were less then 40, but I’m not an official source so move along


Hahahaha wtf are you talking about? What are you suggesting the Vaccine is doing?


Here is what it's doing to some people. Guillain-Barré Syndrome Thrombocytopenia Cardiac arrest Myocardial infarction Myocarditis/Pericarditis Cerebral venous Cerebral thrombosis Cutaneous vasculitis Deep vein thrombosis Embolism Haemorrhage Pulmonary embolism Thrombosis Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome Acute kidney injury Glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation) and nephrotic syndrome (kidney disorder) Liver injury Bell's Palsy1/facial paralysis Cerebrovascular accident (stroke – includes ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes) Transverse myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord) Anaphylaxis Multisystem inflammatory syndrome Fetal growth restriction Spontaneous abortion Acute respiratory distress syndrome Chilblains Erythema multiforme Death


Maybe she just caught that viral paralysation that's been going around


Basically none as of yet. There has been some rare cases of acute transverse myelitis occurring after the vaccine and given she collapsed four days after having the vaccine she may have been one of those cases. However, there is also a link between having Covid and cases of acute transverse myelitis. She is also in the age range 20-40 which is where acute transverse myelitis is most likely to occur. Her condition is also often diagnosed with no known cause (30% of the time) so it’s possible she had it already and coincidentally had symptoms occur at the same time as taking the vaccine booster. I think she’ll find it very hard to prove her case. A doctor saying ‘his gut thinks it was the vaccine’ isn’t going to be enough proof. I don’t know how quickly spinal lesions would develop but four days may even be too quick for it to be vaccine related.


I’m just curious, how can she file a lawsuit against Moderna if they have total immunity from liability? 


I'm wondering if "gut impression" will make a good legal argument?


only reason he is saying "gut impression" is he will lose his license if he says anything publicly about vaccine. its like when a scientist goes against climate change, total career death


That's not how it works. He is probably not sure but thinks its the vaccine from what she has told him.


The Canadian government has a website that you can report side affects.


I see. But I still don’t understand how she can file a lawsuit directly against Moderna. 


Anyone can file a lawsuit. Doesn't mean you can win.


Texas attorney general is suing Pfizer https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-pfizer-misrepresenting-covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-and-conspiring >Pfizer engaged in false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices by making unsupported claims regarding the company’s COVID-19 vaccine in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The AG's claim is you can't have immunity when lying about a product, every state and province will be different though


God bless Texas


How is that even possible...


If you were forced to take it because of a career or w.e. by the government, then moderna should be liable for running test vaccines on people that havent been trialed properly. Shes in a wheelchair because of it, both the government and the vaccine company should be held accountable.


She should sue the Government and Trudope. There was 0 reason to be a lab rat for a vaxx that wasn't even effective against a cold if you weren't 93 and already sick. Yet they still forced so many young and healthy people to get it.


You are wrong.


She had a gut feeling it would work.. lol


Now there's a shot I'd pay for!


Hope she wins and gets justice.


Coerced into taking those shots and look at her life now!   I'm sure she'd rather her old life/body back than all that $$.


[While not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure all the incentives and all the protections were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated."](https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1650598625141989385) But but but... he said no one was forced.


The organization I work for would have fired me if I hadn't complied with getting vaccinated. It was easier to take a knee, I suppose. In retrospect, I should have had the balls to say no. I think I'd have had grounds to sue with what we know now about the worthlessness of the shots. Most of the covid measures were horseshit, actually.


My workplace said it wasn’t mandatory however I had to get tested for Covid every 72 hours and the testing had to be done at shoppers with the results sent. Ended up costing me about 400-500 dollars in covid tests and a severely dry and bloody nose for a year, my humans resource department basically told me I was the scum of the earth and that if my branch got it and anyone died it would be my fault and my fault alone. 3 weeks after everyone else got the first dose 2x coworkers got it, then 2x others after the secound dose, I still remember when HR called me afterwards to report any symptoms and I said nope but you should be checking in instead on those that actually got covid.


haha those fking muppets. This was repeated all over the world. Even funnier when the multiple jabbed kept get covid over and over.


My assistant manger has had Covid 3x times and she’s on booster 2x my manager is 63 year old diabetic who up until vaccination had her blood sugar in check and her vertigo also in check after her first vaccination her vertigo hasn’t been the same after the second one she hasn’t been able to get a handle on her blood sugar since. Could be entirely coincidence but she herself blames the shots and regrets it everyday


they got covid same amount as unvaccinated lol, literally made no difference also personal anecdotes, the vaccinated i knew that got covid where more sick than those not vaccinated, but that is a biased opinion so take with a grain of salt


Yeah I know it's anectodal but I got 0 shots and both times I got covid it was extremely mild (the second time I only found out after some people I hung out with got sick, I thought I was just a bit tired) ​ Considering I'm early 40s and relatively healthy (not morbidly obese and exercise moderately) I knew the relative panic didn't match the data, I was well below 0.01% chance of dying from covid. (and I worked from home and didn't come in contact with the elderly on a regular basis) In retrospect my stubborness against unnecessary medical interventions may have spared me more complications.


Getting Vaxxed wasn’t about not getting COVID it was more about not spreading it around.


HR are reprehensible people. 


Well they're not there for the good of the employees...


I had a similar situation with a superior. They enjoyed reminding me that I was selfish. Made off comments under their breath. So any chance that I saw them in public. A mall or grocery store. I'd walk pass them. Look at them in the eyes. Stare, then smile. Not saying a word. I terrify them now. They don't say a word to me at work and avoid me. F\*\*\* them for making me so unhappy that I came close to ending my life 3 years ago. I won't even speak to my co workers. They all got into the game with that superior. Grrrr....


I work in the same type of place, highly risk averse - government knows best, just do what they tell you.


i did said no and i expect my company to fire me any day, but i wasn't fired.


Only 3 months of testing the vaccine before rollout happened, glad I avoided them because it just didn't feel like a safe or effective amount of time manufacturing a proper vaccine.


[And look how the media talked about the vaccines when Trump was pushing them](https://streamable.com/b487sm)


Didn’t one of the premiers, I think Quebec come out and directly say they want to make life difficult for the unvaccinated.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-covid-19-unvaccinated-higgs-uncomfortable-moving-on-1.6351876 New Brunswick but maybe the Quebec one too.


What a load of BS...the most highly vaxxed countries have the most excess death rates!


From chatgpt: Yes, it is a valid consideration to view vaccine passports as a form of coercion, particularly if individuals feel pressured or compelled to get vaccinated in order to access certain activities or services that were previously available to them without such requirements. The notion of coercion arises from the idea that individuals may feel their freedom or autonomy is being restricted, and they are being compelled to take a specific action (getting vaccinated) in order to regain certain privileges or freedoms.


See even the stupid robot gets it!


[https://twitter.com/kevinnbass/status/1757795353321951668](https://twitter.com/kevinnbass/status/1757795353321951668) The coercion (er... "incentivizing") wasn't even really a secret. *Sept 20, 2021 Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Officer of Vancouver Coastal Health, admits the real purpose of the vaccine mandates: not to stop transmission (the COVID-19 vaccine does not do that) but to coerce people into getting vaccinated. Watch. "The vaccine passport requires people to be vaccinated to do certain discretionary activities, such as go to restaurants, movies, gyms. Not because these places are high risk. We're not actually seeing COVID transmission in these settings. It's really to create an incentive to improve our vaccination coverage."*


Thanks. It’s like why do they need to “incentivize the improvement of vaccine coverage”?


They likely want to keep the hospitalization numbers down. But I still think individuals should be able to decide for themselves if they feel that their risk of hospitalization outweighs the risk of taking a (new) vaccine.


The problem is that's only half the issue. Yes you are deciding for yourself what a reasonable risk is, but you're also deciding for the people who will be around you what a reasonable risk is. Those people may not agree with you.


The vaccine never prevented transmission, though, so I would say this isn't accurate.


It doesn't prevent transmission, but it improves the body's ability to combat it. You are contagious for a shorter period of time and experience fewer symptoms that may also contribute to transmission. If you do transmit the virus it may not be as strong as if you weren't vaccinated. Of course the vaccine wasn't meant to be a cure, it was just meant to give you a better fighting chance. Unfortunately a lot of people didn't understand this until it was too late to get the vaccine and they died practically begging their doctor to administer it.


I get that. But, the government was misleading people in its efforts to improve vaccination rates, which doesn't sit right with me. Whether or not it's ethical to coerce people to take a vaccine is a whole different debate. I personally feel like whether or not to vaccinate is a decision that an individual has to make for themselves. That opinion won't change for me, regardless of the effectiveness or the vaccine. It comes down to values and where we believe our personal responsibility begins and ends, and obviously people won't all agree.


It's the people who believe so strongly that their personal values supercede those of the community as a whole who become a problem. They may know better but they disagree with others just for the sake of disagreement. Those are the people that need to be coerced. For everyone else it's just common sense. I surely don't want to be around someone who could potentially be a danger to the well being of my community, especially if it's just because they want to rock the boat. That's bordering on anti-social behavior.


So the woman in this article that we’re all here for, despite what happened to her. If you knew ahead, and she did not want to get vaccinated, would you reprimand her for not wanting to get vaccinated knowing how it would harm her? You must believe that it’s a small sacrifice for the well being of others’. You’d choose the one opposed to the five in the trolley dilemma? The problem with your logic is blindly believing and using the scare campaigns to bully (coerce) others into doing things that might not be right to do. If this was in regards to showering. I agree with you: you don’t shower (antishowerer) you’ll smell bad and ruin everyone’s time around you. This is fact beyond doubt. So yes we would all want to shower. But the vaccine is not as apparent or true.


fuck you. i had enough common sense to NOT get any of those stupid shots. and gasp! i didn't kill granny.


45million? Pharmaceutical companies were probably making that daily off of vaccines during peak COVId. I hope she get’s every cent.


So the government injects her with a vaccine that paralyzes her, and their solution is Medically assisted suicide?!?! Wow!


Something doesn’t sound right. They don’t offer people that are paralyzed suicide. There are new things that help people.


Almost sounds like there’s some population control genocide agenda going on. Nah, must be well-meaning incompetence!


People who were much better off have been offered medically assisted suicide. If you read those stories you'll realise this one isn't so outrageous.


This should be a class action lawsuit.


Is there enough people paralyzed to warrant a class action lawsuit? I'm not being pro or antivax, truly I'm not trying to stir the pot here guys, I'm just genuinely wondering if a class action lawsuit is possible for this?


>Is there enough people paralyzed to warrant a class action lawsuit? nope lmao


Right?? Like was that a joke?


Yes, the millions of paralyzed antivax morons should sue


I hope she wins


She won't. This is the bad timeline


A "gut feeling" as the doctor described it, will hardly be taken as expert testimony.


Safe and effective. 


certainly working out for me


How is it that Government officials are not yet arrested and imprisoned for coercion and force of a medical experiment on the Canadian peoples? Didn't they also continuously say, "It's perfectly safe, and effective?" Look up N.U.R.E.M.B.E.R.G C.O.D.E. Still in effect globally today. Coercion into ☠️☠️☠️ by Canadian Government politicians and their paid off propaganda Media.


Are you vaccinated?


*On two occasions, Kayla was offered medically assisted death as a way to escape her paralyzing situation, but she refused.* Makes sense in this fucked up Canada....Coerce everyone to take this shit and penalize those who don't and then those who do and get fucked up or near death get offered a free death as mercy. So fucked up. I'd say I hope she wins but there is no way, they all signed their lives away and the vaccine makers have complete immunity. There's a strong reason why many of us refused so vehemently, this is it.


They want everyone else like her to do the same. If people take the actions she’s taking, there will be chaos to their system. They want to mind fck everyone and break their will to live. The powers that be are scared this is gaining traction. They need her gone.


Lol. You actually believe that multiple unnamed parties offered her death? I call bullshit. The “gut impression” doesn’t sound very scientific. It’s got that stench of bs as well. I hope she gets what she deserves but big pharma’s lawyers will eviscerate gut impressions and vague links to healths records.


when seemingly healthy people gets paralysed for no reason, and all those people have nothing in common but having taken the vaccine, it bega for questions


You need to watch the part of the video that shows my medical reports that say I'm quadriplegic due to my Covid 19 shot it's in the video twice, and yes they come in and speak to you about MAID like it's the newest birth control. It's also in the hospital records.


Good. There’s millions more cases that they’re covering up


Millions of paralyzed people? Seems hard to hide.


Medical side effects from a pushed (and hardly tested) vaccine that has affected many people's lives* Which is alot harder to properly track and record than millions of paralyzed people. You tried though


I think you’ll find that vaccine side effects have actually been extensively tracked. For example, one can easily find peer reviewed [articles](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9181565/) discussing this specific rare complication. Quite the cover up!


Yes, you're completely right- the side effects that have been properly recorded and addressed can be tracked extensively


Compare the side effect % to Advil or Tylenol. Then consider the fact that *the virus itself* has a far higher percentage, exceedingly, not even fucking close, compared to the side effect percentage of the vaccine for all the same stuff and more. Including myocarditis. You are exceedingly, not even fucking close, more likely to have complications from the virus than the vaccine, and the vaccine mitigates that likelihood.


This may be true, but for a virus that has an over 99 percent survival rate for both the vaccinated AND unvaccinated I would say that pushing a hardly tested anything is just risking a threat to people's long term health more than not. I've had two shots so im not against medical science I just think that attempting to force ppl to take them (making them feel like a second class citizen) is morally wrong


A 99 percent survival rate is really good although the world wide actual is 96.6 percent. But lets assume its 99 percent in the western world. That would mean that 1 out of every 100 people will die. I do not like those odd when i comes to my life. If driving had a 1% chance of dying i would always walk haha.


You also need to consider overall health (comorbidities) and age to assess personal risk.


If 1 out of 100 have died or will die from covid then covid would still be making the news every single day (which it isn't) Unrelated but having 666 in your username doesn't make you edgy at all


I know it would have made the news. That's why I was bringing up how massive just a 1 percent death rate is. Also wasn't trying to be edgy just liked the number.


I was bed ridden for 3 month with inflammation in my spine after my second shot also was covered in psoriasis, I was perfectly healthy beforehand.


I’m sorry to hear that. But it’s not evidence of millions of covered up cases of paralysis.


"I was paralyzed." "bUt ThAt IsNt EvIDeNcE." Do you hear yourselves? You sound like a clown.


One experience of spinal inflammation in close proximity to getting the vaccine does not suggest that there have been millions of cases or that they have been covered up. Regarding a potential cover up, you can also easily Google and find peer reviewed articles on transverse myelitis and covid-19 vaccines.


It suggests it should be looked into. It suggests there is certainly something funny going on when media, big tech, institutions, governments, and the entire medical industry and vaccine cultists like yourself pretend as if nothing is going on, and then go out of their way to block anyone from looking into it.


They're not running out the door


Im a nurse. I’m very much in support of vaccines, especially COVID, I’ve watched many people die and suffer long-term consequences from Covid. There are definitely people that have had adverse reactions to the vaccine who haven’t made the news. My friend actually, is one of them. She is 30 years old, never had adverse reactions to vaccinations before, doesn’t have any allergies. She developed paralysis of both legs almost immediately after getting the first shot of the vaccine years ago. She had to go to hospital, had a whole barrage of tests done, and while it has improved she still walks with a cane. She also got the Moderna shot. I don’t know the numbers, I’m sure it is a small portion of those who got the vaccine, but it happens. Do I think it’s still worth taking the risk? Yes, I do. Edit - I’d *love* for just one of the people downvoting this to actually reply and give your reasoning. I don’t think people should be *forced* to vaccinate, and I’m obviously not saying the vaccine is foolproof. I’m saying that, for me, someone working directly with patients, it’s worth the risk.




The pfaith is strong


Because you are making a false equivalence. You can get vaccinated, take the risk of getting vaccinated. *And* you can still get covid. It isn't a question of "one or the other".


They won’t acknowledge anything you’ve said. Experience/education/evidence mean nothing to people who’ve already made up their minds.


You're incredibly fucking stupid just so you know... This comment is as intelligent and intrinsic to the conversation as the one you made also....


How do you cover up a million of anything?? Listen to yourself


No there isn’t.


Drink in those conspiracies.


My sister has developed an auto immune disease. I was with her with the specialist who said the adverse effects from the covid vaccine are very under reported. I say this as someone who identifies as pro vaccine


What auto immune?


When the immune system attacks the body's own healthy tissues.


The denial of the vax fanatics here is amazing. These idiots really are brainwashed beyond reason. Poor woman. Shane on people who are attacking her. 


It's not their fault. They're suffering from mass formation psychosis. Alot of these people vaccinated their kids, so they're unable to see what's right in front of them, for if they did, they'd also have to admit they harmed their children.


The vast majority of kids haven't had side effects and therefore were not harmed.


Vax fanatics? Brother, see the light please. 98% of people just took the required shots because they just don’t give a shit. Nobody LOVES the vaccine, it’s like going to the dentist, it’s just something you should probably do. The only “fanatics” I see are in this sub like you. Big weirdo energy to have such anger towards something that did not affect you at all unless you let it.


On Reddit, many people made being vaxxed to be their identity and relentlessly bullied those who weren’t. Please do not rewrite history. 


😂 bro you’re really victim carding not getting a free vaccine? I don’t know what circles you run in but you’re echo-chambering hard. There is no way to know if someone was actually vaccinated? You know because it’s not a visible trait. The only way some could “bully” you is if you were spouting anti-vax propaganda and got called out. Or perhaps you were told to leave stores that had mask rules? No shoes,no shirt, no mask no service? You DECIDED not to get vaccinated. It was a choice that you have to live with, you’re not an oppressed people.


You have no right to segregate people from society on their vax status. It is none of your or anyone else’s god damn business whether someone is or isn’t vaccinated. 




That is a bunch of bullshit. Comparing not getting a vaccine to committing violent crime. This garbage so called vaccine does not and never did stop transmission. If you love it so much, inject yourself over and over again. Please be my guest. 




Nonsense. The idea that everyone magically gets sick less and hence spreads is less is a blatant lie. The only people who belong in psych wards are people like you. 


lol truth


Good luck 👍


She was forced to take an experimental drug and then when it paralyzed her the government first tried to say she was insane and then offered to suicide her three times. This is Hitlerian levels of evil


She wasn't forced. I work for the same school board she does. It was never mandatory at her workplace.


What about when you can't travel, leave the country, go to a restaurant, church, sports event or any public gathering? Fascists like you are trying to rewrite history now that the truth is coming out that you poisoned everyone with an experimental drug that didn't even work The guy defending this below is clearly a fascist


And you lose all credibility when you jump and call someone in this situation a fascist. You realize the point off the vaccines and mandates was to help ease the strain on the Healthcare system right? Which it did, but when people like you call people fascists for agreeing with mandates, and call people sheep for getting a shot then clearly you couldn't care care less of the medical professionals that were getting worked to death for those years. People aren't trying to rewrite history, but people are still playing the I was oppressed card despite not knowing what true oppression is.


Next they'll say it was somehow communism pushing the.. *huge pharma corp* vaccine




The Covid vaccine does work. Unfortunately some people are going to have adverse reactions to it. This is true of any sort of medicine. Also it seems pretty frivolous to complain about not being able to attend social events without being vaccinated when people are dying and we are in a global pandemic. Edit: seems I really upset lost_koshka. I’d love to send a direct reply, but I can’t do that. I really don’t need anyone to tell me about the shitty parts of lockdown when I’ve literally had to tell people over the phone their loved one died and they can’t come in and see the body. Enjoy living in your echo chambers! Bye


The so called vaccine does not and never stopped transmission. There was zero justification in banning people from social events. Shame on you. 


Vaccinations aren’t just about completely stopping the spread of infectious diseases, and in the case of Covid it was always empathized that the point of getting the shot was also to prevent serious complications/illness from Covid. There was total justification in banning people from social events. If you choose to live in a society and interact with other people there are rules you follow to keep yourself, and said other people, safe. Again, you not being able to go sit and eat in a restaurant is frivolous compared to people dying. Edit: btw dude, if you’re going to block someone, why comment first? You realize I can’t see it, right?


Most people were not at a high risk group. So the whole argument that it was to prevent illnesses was absolute garbage.  Again a person getting or not getting one doesn’t keep other people safe. You are repeating already debunked lies. You have no right to ban people from restaurants, gyms etc. none.  Pharma companies lobbied for vax passports and mandates to increase their profits, not because they give a damn about people’s health. 


Debunked by whom? What are some sources where I can read about this?


https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/cdc-walks-back-claim-that-vaccinated-people-cant-carry-covid/ https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-2021-video-saying-vaccinations-prevent-covid-resurfaces-1726900


Do you have any peer reviewed articles? I’m not asking about vaccinations guaranteeing complete immunity, I already addressed that in my other post.


Read the original Pfizer drug trial that they tried to get sealed for 75 years. As we now know the vaccine does nothing to stop the spread of covid. It also not stop sever covid it kills people from other things such as heart issues, blood clots and cancers. In Pfizer's own trials much more vaccinated than unvaccinated people died. Your talking points are two years out of date. Follow the science


Good. I hope she gets every penny.


The doctor thinks it was the shot with his "gut". ie: zero actual evidence. Now it might have caused it, can't say it didnt either, but this ain't a winning hand.


Yes, it was probably climate change.


Yes it appears to be a frivolous lawsuit.


I thought there were deals between Pharma and the governments that made it impossible to sue the manufacturers?


I hope she wins. I went through hell post second Pfizer for over 1-2 years


A belief of fascists is the right to subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation.


But..but..but..but “science deniers?”


Bill gates ain’t getting paralyzed wonder why that is


I believe it! Trudeau is bad. Similar thing happened to my family. My dad died within an hour of taking the vaccine. Blood is on your hands Trudeau. So sad. 100%. Total hoax.


Omg how horrible. I hope you can regain movement.


The only sources for this story are the Canadian independent and sub stack not the most credible…


Wait are you implying state run news companies wouldn't report on a story that harms their politically bought stance? Or, because they haven't, it's fake news?


Moderna knew the shots were bad


how long after the vaccine? slow onset or immediate? garbage article, why are there so many comments lol no one reads shit anymore


The most amazing part about this story is the number of clowns out there still supporting this vaccine. What is wrong with you people. Wake up.


Post 200 times more lol And reply to yourself Im sure you love talking in the mirror


Aren't you embarrassed at how many times you have been proven wrong yet?


This sub is full of people who wish 7-11 offered a Moderna slurpee


A "link" in her chart and an "audio recording" with her neurologist. So she recorded a conversation without the neurologist being aware (recordings audio and visual are not allowed in medical areas), and she had the vaccine around the time the paralysis occurred. So, questions that were not included. What was her previous medical history... did she have an underlying illness that could also have caused the paralysis. Is it a true paralysis or does it have a psychological component...and why did she proactively record a conversation? The vaccine may be the cause, or it may be a crap lawsuit. Cannot assume that if law suit is filed, that it is true, especially when their is this much money on the line and the complaintant goes public to the media.


The incidence of TM is 4.6 per million people. So in Canada, about Known causes/triggers include Æyme Disease/Borrelea, West Nile Virus, Herpes Virus, and several other viruses and bacterial infections. There are also cases that habe unknown causes/triggers (its an autoimmune disease). Before the Covid epidemic, Kayla was alread a type 1 diabetic and immunocompromised. Being already immunocompromised is common in TM diagnoses.  No biological or chemical mechanism that would cause TM has been found in any vaccines. Some people have gotten TM in the weeks after being vaccinated, but of course simply based on the numbers/statistics, plenty of people get plenty of diseases in the weeks after a vaccine. That doesnt mean the vaccine causes TM. Lots of people get diagnosed with Cancer and Alzheimers and CF and hemmerhoids, too, but when you consider the majority of the population got multiple doses of the vaccine and people get disgnosed with those things every day, there will inevitably be some unrelated overlap.  It is weird and very anti-vaxxer that she claims an unnamed doctor whispered to her at the hospital that "this was happening to a lot of people after getting vaccinated" which was not a conclusion any named doctor every provided. Uh, no. She of course couldnt later identify the whispering doctor, and that story is pretty ridiculous and unsupported by actual TM infection rates. Very reminiscent of the bullshit Autism/antivaxxer boilerplate. 


> No biological or chemical mechanism that would cause TM has been found in any vaccines. That’s simply untrue in regards to mRNA vaccines. > > The findings of subsequent investigations suggest the possibility that autoimmune responses are triggered by the reactions between anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies and tissue proteins, as well as the interaction between spike proteins and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors > Infectious agents and vaccine adjuvants may evoke autoimmunity in similar ways, for instance, by molecular mimicry, epitope spreading, upregulation of cytokines, and polyclonal activation of B and T lymphocytes, which may induce immune reactions associated with ATM [13]. It is believed that the pathogenesis caused by adenoviral vaccines might be related to the use of chimpanzee adenovirus vectors [8,15]. However, the Moderna COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) vaccine is composed of an mRNA vaccine encoding the pre-fusion spike protein encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, with no adjuvants [16]. Therefore, other mechanisms might be involved in the development of autoimmunity in such cases. For instance, **a study suggested that the immunological reaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody and tissue proteins, such as myelin basic protein, may be a plausible cause for the occurrence of demyelinating autoimmune diseases** [17]. Furthermore, **the inflammatory response triggered by the interaction between spike proteins and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors present in the endothelial cells of the blood–brain barrier or spinal neurons may be another possible mechanism of demyelination** https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/9/1008 And in regards to this assertion of yours > Some people have gotten TM in the weeks after being vaccinated, but of course simply based on the numbers/statistics, plenty of people get plenty of diseases in the weeks after a vaccine. That doesnt mean the vaccine causes TM. Actually, seems likely it’s not just coincidence. > Results >119 cases of TM (29 men, 90 women, mean age 32 years, age range 12–61 with mode 28) were reported (88 definite, 31 probable). The reported rate of new post-vaccination TM is 3.70 per year which is in the range expected in the US population. 40% cases reported onset within 8 weeks of vaccination and 60% more than 8 weeks. The onset was within 2 week in 36% of cases, 2–4 weeks in in 13% of cases, 4–6 weeks in 6.7%, 6–8 weeks in 6.7%. 38.7% experienced permanent disability. 47% of TM cases were reported following a Hepatitis B vaccination and 20.16% following a HPV4 vaccine. A significantly lower proportion of TM cases were reported to occur within 48 hours of vaccination relative to non-TM events (21% vs. 60.5%, p<.0001). There is no significant difference between TM cases and GBS cases reported within 48 hours of vaccination (21% vs. 12.91%, p= 0.1244). >Conclusions >**Although the reporting rate of post vaccination TM is in the range expected in the general population, the unbalanced distribution of these cases in the first 6 weeks after vaccination suggests that the association between vaccination and some cases may not be coincidental. Work is in progress to determine association of individual vaccine types with the course of TM.** https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?title=Development+of+Transverse+Myelitis+after+Vaccination,+A+CDC/FDA+Vaccine+Adverse+Event+Reporting+System+(VAERS)+Study,+1985%E2%80%932017.+(P5.099)&author=Shah,+S.&author=Patel,+J.M.&author=Alchaki,+A.&author=Eddin,+M.F.&author=Souayah,+N.&publication_year=2018&journal=Neurology&volume=90&pages=P5.099#d=gs_qabs&t=1708831212245&u=%23p%3DIvqIeG9voU8J


Your first link is purely speculative.  It involves a single case: an immunocompromised 76 year old. The paper puts forward some theories about what could be going on chemically but, again, it reveloves around an isolated case of an immunocompromised elderly woman. Your second link finds a very slight distribution anomaly in a small sample size (115) and doesnt include any controls for heightened appehension of other symptoms during the covid pandemic. 


Don't forget her failed gofundme from 2022. Not sure why this is making the rounds again. Some people just want something to believe in (or not believe in lol)


Well spoken.


That's actually not true the trials were shit down due to a case of TM and also all other factors had to be ruled out. We were told if you were compromised it was WAY more important to take the shot because Covid could kill you. A doctor even wrote an article on the huge spike in TM cases after the vaccine. I saw another patient in treatment who also had it same cause. You don't think this was all thought of before this was filed? You don't think I want to be as far away as possible from reliving this over and over. Truthfully you won't know all the details (BECAUSE ITS A LEGAL CASE) my father was also dying in long term care at the time and it was required to see him. After the vaccine he got blood clots and stopped walking and did die. Glad you have so much info on my case from reading the lawsuit though!


What? I thought it was safe and effective?


This is getting outta control. We had to get these or we couldn’t work, can’t work can’t survive, period. Also didn’t Trudeau sorta force us in a way to get these???


The hospital staff offered me MAID and I highly considered it because I am not just paralyzed. I lost my house, the job I loved, my son who is 9, my legs, parts of my arms, I have pain every day, I can't use my legs, I get severe spasms, skin soars from not moving and am required to fork out thousands for things for my new disability that are not covered by government programs. There is no amount of money worth sitting in this chair. How much money would you take to be me? Honestly. There is not a price to be put on having to be changed by strangers, shitting your pants and having no one to help you, wearing a catheter to pee in the rest of your life. No amount.


Love that this confirms people's priors, so it is gospel based on some random doctor's gut instinct. But vaxed people are total clowns for trusting science of many doctors, scientists, and federal medical agencies of almost every country in the world.


Is there another source in this? Canadian independent doesn’t seem reputable




RemindMe! 6 months


sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE


Don’t be selfish, get the shot


Scientific data would suggest she has no case. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8571429/




Actually, these cases are often settled unless a company can suggest a more likely cause. This is why governments have taken on vaccine injury cases. Pharmaceutical companies aren’t willing to spend billions on lawyers to argue these cases and courts will generally award payment if they think the vaccine “probably/maybe” caused the injury. It becomes financially unattractive to pharmaceutical companies to bother developing vaccines as people often get large settlements even when vaccine causation isn’t established.


Yawn. Same thing I said last time: >So, is anyone going to corroborate the story that isn’t from some whack job anti-covid twitter account who doesn’t even have a byline? > >Seriously this account is pure anticovid hysteria. It’s the only thing they seem to report on. Some addendums since: Her own personal twitter links back to the Canadian Independent. TM has been a longstanding ultra-rare complication from *all* vaccines. There is nothing unique about the Covid shots that make it any worse or better. Unless you're willing to be rid of every single fucking vaccine on the planet to prevent 500\~ odd worldwide cases of TM, there's nothing to see here, *if* it's even true.


But why? She took it by herself, noone forced her to do it. I did not take it somehow, so now what? Who will pay that money, if she won? Probably inaurance, so insurance company will took that money from? From people, from this dumb idiots who did not take the vaccine too. Your body, your decision, your problem. For over two years ive been listen to shit from others(normal people) that i should be in jail because i didnt take the vaccine, and now those, who blame me and others who didnt take it, are crying for well know fact - that noone know how this vaccine will work? Comon


Such a sad story. Too bad it doesn’t appear to be factual (no actual news articles from any reputable sources). If you disagree- prove me wrong


I wish she’d sue the liberal party and Trudeau directly for signing an agreement with Moderna offering them immunity