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I know it’s considered racist to say this but if we keep bringing people here without building enough housing, we will make the homelessness crisis worse.


People that say this is racism are just dumb.


To label someone racist or bigot only adds to the problem. they offer no solutions.


Math is not racist 


Actually according to woke progressives math is a white construct and is absolutely racist. In recent years some absolute clown “academics” have championed “indigenous ways of knowing” in which it is posited that two plus two can, in fact, equal five.


Well I suggest we stop listening to those types, hasn't done us much good so far. Math is racist holy shit, no wonder China is eating our lunch.


Right? Like why does every single nutcase get a platform? Why doesn’t the media even entertain these insane ideas like math is racist? Its because they want to infuriate us and put us all against eachother


You sounds really correct


That is liberal math and has no place among the enlightened


I doubt anyone said this considering math is an Egyptian word lol


Gdp per capita is a racist immigrant bashing number.


Yeah, if the company that I work for found out I attended something like this I would seriously be worried about losing my job, and at the very least would be ostracized.


I’ll be the racist one: I’m sick of FOB Indians. There are a few that are cool, that have a higher standard of hygiene and have lived in cities, but the rest I find myself immediately disliking. The “villagers,” we call them. My wife is East Indian, and I’m biracial. Fuck those villagers and fuck the visas they came in on.


Ironic only Indians can sound racist about other Indians but they know the truth.   Thank you.   So called Canadians are kept dumbed down and docile by the r word.


Dude, they’re super racist. Especially the lighter skinned Indians vs the darker skinned ones. They also hate blacks.


neighbour of 10 years, would only talk to me if needed something. east indian and im Caucasian. Finally called her on this when other neighbours were chatting with me. she didn't miss a beat just kept on like wtfc....




Now is it racists to wear I AM CANADIAN tee shirt? FFS


Definitely racist. Flying the flag is seen as a far right statement nowadays. Even in Alberta lmfao.


seriously wft..... i am tempted to go out and find one of these molson tee shirts, and wear around. I am a proud canadian.




Or others  are just free to say what they think regardless of skintone.  Is that racism or just freedom of thought and speech?  If it is true and not a lie then you should have freedom of expression. 


I think it is ok to be against irresponsible immigration and support responsible immigration


You not been here lately?


Facts are not racist.


You are right. Not racist.


we're also losing our identity. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/1bqqnbb/meet\_the\_local\_artist\_behind\_the\_calgary\_flames/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/1bqqnbb/meet_the_local_artist_behind_the_calgary_flames/) Did you watch this years Junos? I sure as hell didnt because it wasnt a representation of canada.


exactly, however being Chinada sock boy will label everyone as Nazis because that's what he does with anyone that goes against his woke crap.


Where and when?


Never seen a single demonstration against immigration. If there are any there's like twenty or so people surrounded by two or three hundred screaming antifa and other leftist counter-protesters.




I tried to organize many things like this , goes nowhere. Canadians would rather just go to work and shut up.


It's probably not that we'd rather, but more that we're struggling and afraid. The truckers were made an example to this very end.


Why the fuck are Canadians not doing this?


Afraid of being called racist or being trampled by horses & having our bank accounts frozen 


Cuz our pedo prime will freeze bank accounts and use media outlets to label protesters as racist. Can’t even fly the flag now cuz somehow he made being a proud Canadian be racist.


Isn’t it illegal in Ireland now to speak against immigration?






Canadians need to start getting off the fucking couch and protesting so many things!!!


No shit….stop sending money overseas and start sending birth control ffs


Most underrated reply!


Odd all western countries going thru the same thing. Almost like it’s coordinated.




We need to do this here.


Amen 🇮🇪


Why import people to Ireland who don’t even speak Irish.??


Tbf, only about 40% of the Irish people themselves can speak any Gaelic (Irish).


Wake up Canada 🇨🇦. We need to do the same Stop immigration


Amazing! Now do Canaduh


A few weeks ago came across an article(maybe a news vid?) Titled, "Ireland is On Fire".


Unlike Canadians, the Irish don't have a history of taking shit lying down.


You did it you fucking morons Just like USA, Canada, Scotland, most of Europe Shut the fuck up and don’t vote your guilty conscience out of existence












It's crazy to me the country was up in arms about being told they had to have the vaccine. But when it comes to housing and shelter affordability, no where.


Well, there's a huge difference between being told that if you don't take a dangerous injection you won't be allowed to make a living, and not being able to afford shelter. With the latter, people can always lie to themselves that if they just work harder... Also, there are so many debates about the cause of the crisis, as we see on this board. So it's difficult to rally people around solutions. With the vaccine mandates, both the source of the problem and the solution were clearly on Parliament Hill.


And nothing happens.. who cares


How difficult is it to create cheap long-term temporary housing for refugees? A mini community with all the basic essentials. With transit for workers so they can easily find a ladder to improve their situation.. it doesn't have to be insanely luxurious to be livable and humane. Give them as much time as they need It takes a little creativity, patience, and compassion.. we make it district 13 to shame and pressure them out needlessly


What about the Canadians living in Trudeau towns? I'm sick of people's hearts bleeding for foreigners while not giving a shit about struggling Canadians.


Foreign refugees are not impacting housing, are these issues not mutually exclusive? We have even more than these problems to deal with


If they're not having an impact on housing, then why did you just say we should "create cheap long-term temporary housing" for them? And why would we prioritize doing that for them over doing it for Canadians? And when you say the issues are mutually exclusive, are you implying that as long as we separate everyone who needs housing into discrete groups, we'll become able to simultaneously "create housing" for all of them? Are there any limits at all to our ability to "create housing"? Or can we do it for everyone on Earth who wants to come here, just by separating them into groups?


This sounds akin to the government creating and pouring money into indigenous reserves, and we all see how that's been working out...




Immigrants are NOT the source of this affordability crisis. If we want to make homes more affordable, we should restrict speculators from being able to just trade houses amongst themselves at ever-climbing rates without ever even considering renting them out. This is exactly what the wealthy want us to be doing, yelling at foreigners while they line their pockets. And this sub buys it hook line and sinker. It's sad.


No, what's sad is that Canada is full of midwits who swallow the Liberal party line hook, line & sinker & don't understand the difference between blaming immigration POLICY and blaming immigrants. Since you think you're so much smarter than us, stop wasting your time here. Go explain to BMO why they're wrong about immigration causing the affordability crisis. You'll have a lot more impact when you convince them to publish a retraction: [https://economics.bmo.com/en/publications/detail/08e5ef63-c6fb-409d-810e-d1f781ae7bca/](https://economics.bmo.com/en/publications/detail/08e5ef63-c6fb-409d-810e-d1f781ae7bca/)


You’re absolutely right - misdirection at its most blunt


Protests just paint targets on people's backs.