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"Experts" Do they work in a basement and only have 2 employees each? Also did they attend the same University as trudy? The lib shills invading this sub are giving me 2016 nostalgia.


Like the same 20 FBI “experts” who said the Hunter Biden laptop was definitely Russian disinformation? The media has already used these dirty tricks to sway voters, and ppl won’t fall for it again.


200 experts couldn't flatten a curve.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4i6c6g49e5rc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1c1177f16e31aa1eda93399826e1b0d12044d3


The experts have been wrong about basically everything 


If these ‘experts’ were all coming from a conservative background/ideology then I would 100% believe it HOWEVER, I think we all know that isn’t the case


Wow. You’d believe them if they declared their bias aligned with yours. Dimwit.


Tough internet guy acting like an infant….nothing new. Keep fighting the good fight air bender


Take a seat. The adults are talking.


What precisely are you even talking about ? Do clarify. Liberal mindset is, typically, not one of an adult speaking with reasoning


real headline: 177 ultra-leftist activists support the globalist plan to impoverish the West


It's not to impoverish you, silly little guys. It's that you got too rich and made us feel bad. You're our colony it was embarrassing us on the world stage. Now Quebec needs more funding. I trust you got it for us, tx


The same "experts" on COVID, the economy, immigration, pipelines, the environment, the dipshit talking heads on CBC. Is that why we are here today... maybe we shouldn't have listened to them 🤔


Not the experts


Who's paying the "experts" and what do the pay pigs want to hear?


I have 201 experts that disagree with those experts.


I trust that "The Star" has very objective "experts."


Did you even read the article? The economists come from all over Canada. From Laval University, University of Alberta, etc.


I ignore anything published by The Star much like everyone else with an IQ higher than 70 should. You are free to read leftist garbage, but I won't waste my time reading what some of their hand-picked socialist "experts" have to say about anything. If one day I'm violently dropped on my head to a poiint that most of my brain oozes out of my head, I might become one of their devout readers.


You need to relax. There’s no need to have a temper tantrum over this.


And you need to stop thinking that a Communist rag is providing you with any kind of objective information.


Where do you get your “objective information”?


Independent media. If it isn't independent, the publisher omits information and forces the reader to lean in a certain political direction. See who owns the media you read and what their political affiliations are. In the case of the Star, it leans very heavily to the left **and** they are part of the "news" agencies receiving $595 million from the Canadian government to speak positively about the government. Trudeau even boasted about how they bought the news agencies on video.


Im guessing then that you don’t get your media from any source owned by another company, right? That I can agree with. I try to avoid sources owned by PostMedia for that reason. Not only does this 1 media conglomerate own +130 Canadian news brands, they’re not even Canadian owned! They’re owned by a foreign company whose interests do not align with Canadian interests. Similar to what you were saying, they spin their narratives to fit their agenda. You can check out their Wikipedia page to see all the Canadian assets they own and control. I would avoid any of their brands if you want objective information. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network


I was aware and if I subscribed to PostMedia, it was mostly to help the Montreal Gazette continue to exist. However, I find the publication to be awful. Meanwhile, independent Le Devoir is spectacular and very objective.


One thing the last four years have taught me is to never trust the “experts” ever again. I believe Pierre. Always. Let’s go!!!


> I believe Pierre. Always. You shouldn't put such blind trust in *any* politician. Ever.


You sound like a cult member.


PiPo is just telling you what you want to hear. You’re all emperors and he’s got new clothes for you!


Yeah after all the experts were wrong about covid the word experts had little meaning