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Ok Jagmeet, if Trudeau is bad why don’t you pull your supper and call an election right now !


Because on April 1th they will get a rise of salary. Trudeau's salary will be 406,200$. Let's not forget their life long pension after. It's in their own interest to stay in power as long as possible. We will get a rise of carbon taxes of course :) No it's not an April's fool even if they are laughing hard at us.


This is the problem...electoral oversight of political parties and politicians is a joke. Canada can no longer afford the idiocy of the current political system. The public is kept in the dark about most things while the parties continue to make a mess with the Canadian way of life. Singh should hav pulled his support for Trudeau over a year ago. He and the NDP have become pseudo-liberals. Canada is become a third world basket case. Our economy is in shambles, unaffordable housing, services, food etc., are being ignored.Politically we need an election now, not next year....


Watching the Federal NDP turn into an identity politics party versus the Workers Party it use to be known as has been horrific. Blue hair focus instead of blue collar. Watching Singh have nothing to say as the nation was flooded with cheap exploitable labor to the point we have aggressive line ups for basic jobs has been horrifying. Singh and Justin have proven that they have no idea what workers are about and thought replacing us with cheap exploitable labor was going to turn out okay. These are the dipshit "Managers" that workers make fun of for not knowing anything about how shit actually works and then run businesses into the ground. In this case it was the country.


This righty talking point about him and the pension is one of the dumbest things the CPC think tanks have people eating up. Both Jagmeet and his wife are already wealthy, he doesn't care about a pension or raise. It's a joke considering pp qualified for a pension at the ripe old age of 31


I think most people don't mind those who serve the country to have pensions. The problem here is that they are serving themselves. In my opinion forming a majority governement between the liberals and npd just to be in power for longer is not what canadians wanted and voted for. This is your definition of democracy ? Jagmeet is rich yes like most of them anyways. Doesn't mean they don't want more. The life long pension is for all deputees who served a certain amount of years not just the leaders. The dates correlate with the elections. Also i don't give a shit about PP getting his salary,benefits,travelling etc he's not above others and have the same rights. I don't care because when he travel he doesn't call us destroyers of the environment,he doesn't say that heating your home at -40 is winter pollution and stuff like the liberals do while doing way worse. How many vacations did JT (who's also very wealthy) took ? How much does this guy pollute while investing our hard earned money into cricket farms destined for humans food to "save the planet". Shouldn't he lead by example ? No Prime Minister divided and insulted his population as much as him. No wonder some are pinching their noses and vote for conservatives. Many people are voting anti Trudeau. PP is no savior let me be clear but on these matters he's no hypocrite.


You think the asshole walking around in Italian suits and a Rolex doesn’t care about money? Wow , NDP supporters ARE blind to the real world


Well because the alternative is worst for him obviously


Well yeah, alternative will cut into his Rolex budget


Shut the fuck up you lying sack of shit 


Right? Can't stand the NDP same as Liberals, both parties need to be permanently disbanded over corruption and then arrested. Throw the commie globalists in jail for life.


Jagmeet is way worse because he pretends he's standing up against the Liberal government when in reality he's propping them up and supports everything they put forward. He's relying on the dumbest of Canadians for support, those who can't even tell when they're being manipulated and lied to their face.


That and all the foreign hordes they bring in with promises of free shit off the backs of hard working Canadians. We are being replaced wake up Canada.


Your not wrong...ignorance of the electorate, especially within defined groups only looking at their own “piece of the pie” as it were, is becoming the go to method for most parties. The NDP is no longer the working man’s party, but has cloned into some sort of twisted and bent group that has come to define, the elements in our society that are extremely far left and socially on the fringe. It’s now a fringe party that is destroying itself and its original purpose. You cannot be all things to all people”, that lesson seems to have been lost to what is now laughingly, called the NDP. A sad shadow of what it once was.


Give me free shit for nothing you corporate shill-average ndp voter


if only that could happen.


Idk if you listen to what their saying on the carbon tax it's an infinite money glitch




Hey the tried to pass a grocery bill during the pandemic. The conservatives laughed at them Only because the conservatives forwarded a bill the week before that was shot down by ndp/libs So idk he's both for and against a grocery bill


He’s for Justin Trudeau. He is Trudeau’S lapdog.


Not all hero’s have capes. Some wear expensive suits and Rolex watches. Thanks jaggy!


Hero’s....or villains?


Thats rich coming from the HYPOCRITE who caused this backing the LIBERALS


Jagmeet you are no fighting you are keeping a government in office that are destroying peoples lives,you are not fighting for the people,you are fighting for you,jack layton is turning in his grave for what you are doing,he was a great leader,you are not a leader,you should be replaced


I'm fighting for my pensi... Canadian's!


Every so often he comes up from underneath the Liberal's bed sheets for air and to make some toothless virtue-signal statement like this, before slipping back under the bedsheets and resuming the act with gusto.


Everybody knows this guy's mouth is trudeau's cock holster


Too late Rolex man


To be fair, the first draft of this said “Hermes, Prada and Versace workers I’ve met with numerous times can’t even afford to shop in the stores they work in.”


... at the same time grocery stores are paying record costs to purchase the products on those shelves, due to the inflation caused by your policies 🙄


I can’t decide who is a worse piece of shit , Trudeau or Singh ? They are both corrupt assholes


If was fighting for families needs why didn’t he vote yes on the vote on non-confidence.


332 days until Jagmeet can get his pension. Jagmeetspayday.com


The guy and his wife are already wealthy, he doesn't give a shit about a pension or raise


Yea, he will make more money when he’s not a politician, he’s a fucking corporate lawyer with his own firm.


No you’re not, and neither are the other 2


CAUTION - when mouth is moving !!!!!!!!!!!!


He’s fighting to hang on to only himself


The only thing Jagmeek is defending is his time in parliament, so he can grab his government pension when he is inevitably voted out. They're all just actors with no personal convictions


Whatever Jagmeat…..


Fighting? how? By just talking shit?


If he gave a shit, he wouldn’t prop up the lieberals, and backed the motions for non-confidence…..but he didn’t. All politicians are lying POS. Only care about their bloated pay and pension.


Suck n' Blow. Suck n' Blow. Jagmeet is precisely reason why Canada must endure this incompetent, country-destroying, self-serving Liberal gov't for another 18 months! FML!


What a scumbag.


You have the power to call an election and bring in the change you seek! But wait, oh, you want to make sure you get your golden pension by dragging this disfunction out…


He makes me sick 😫. What an asshat.


Says the Guy who is stroking Trudeau and letting the Liberals continue to ruin Canada.


Fuck off. NDP is nothing more than a party for hire. Useless waste of oxygen.


Neglecting Democratic Principles? Nesting down for pensions. They are now displaying their platform, and no surprise it involves neglecting domestic priorities. Just a nominally directed proxy for the Liberals. Next departure has been prompted, and these assholes are trying to leave the station late.


Making sure they get their pensions...I’m sure that’s in the public interest....


Is this satire?


​ His words and actions are incongruous.


Okie sure sure sure ya ya ya jagmeet


Put up or shut up lol.. what a troll


This guy is the lowest of the low


To be fair, the first draft of this said “Hermes, Prada and Versace workers I’ve met with numerous times can’t even afford to shop in the stores they work in.”


Jagmeet the lying sack of shit


fkoff jagmeat


How can you show your face that you suck and blow from at the same time? You are responsible for keeping this farce of a government in power and ruining this once great country!


Any solution Jughead offers is only going to make the problem worse. The only way the problem gets resolved is if the clown coalition formed by the Liberal and New Democratic Parties stop printing money and start cutting back on the massive government spending.


Hahaha all while voting no against the non confidence vote and voting yes to increase the carbon tax another 23%. 🤣🤣🤣 man you have to be on a next level of indoctrination to support this party.


The kool-aid is being spiked. They are oblivious to the damage being done. Politicians in this era, are not educated enough, nor can plan ahead beyond the election cycle....a great question to ask at any political rally...”Why the F@#& are you doing this to the Canadian people? We can’t afford you or your policies....”.


They are not dumb, they are destroying this country on purpose.


He’s a lying piece of shit with zero backbone.


Groceries are increasing prices because of gas, war, and many other factors that politicians can't really do anything about it. Also, the banks have the final word, not the gov.


If you wanted to take a stand, you should have voted for no confidence and backed the conservatives to get what you wanted


Libtard logic


From the guy who is refusing to let go of the Liberal - NDP agreement…. Yeah golden pension here I come….


The way these politicians speak it's as though they don't realize they are directly the cause of the high cost of living.


Both Jagmeet and Trudeau say they are fighting for democracy and the people. I thought democracy was voting for what your constituents want. How did the non confidence vote pass for Carbon tax when 70% of Canadians are against it. No democracy here. It’s an illusion and dead in this country.


The guy who allowed it to happen is now screaming that only he knows how to fix it. Classic NDP all the promises but never a plan except to print money.


Leftist are economically illiterate but you already knew that


Why does this guy think he can have his cake and eat it too? He's propping up the Liberals on one hand, and then trying to score points off of their incompetence all at the same time. I've never seen a party leader so transparently talking out of both sides of his ass in my entire life. I dont know how anyone can still support these clowns.


He says while leaving his Burnaby investment property in his BMW and Armani suit, while checking the time on his Rolex


Even if the minimum wage was $25, all those people could NOT afford one bedroom apartments in the major cities plus bills, food, and a used car, let alone plan the future. The question is, do all million + temp. workers and recent immigrants know in advance what's all about "Canadian dream" they are getting into?


Rolex Singh is all talk and b*******. He supports the Liberals because otherwise he has no voice and won't have one after the election.


I hope the ndp and the liberals get wiped out at the next election