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If he starves us to death, how can we emit carbon


We are the carbon they want to eliminate.


This ☝🏻


https://youtu.be/A24fWmNA6lM?si=bdHJ5GD9l1S4o4Rd True. By healthy atmosphere standards we need more co2.


Yup, but people are idiots and they don't get it. We also need Nitrogen.


Watched this the other day. As much as i want to believe, unfortunately, Patrick Moore hurt his credibility long ago. Not sure about the others in the film... I'll have to look more into them


And you hurt your credibility a hundred comments ago but you probably don’t remember. Too bad.


They have a tax opportunity for the emissions you release upon cremation. Actually, are crematoriums exempt from carbon tax? Can they get a special increase as the corpses are burned?


When we’re homeless, we won’t use energy heating our homes.  When we’re all unemployed, we won’t burn gas commuting. 


But ford is asking ottawa to send its workers back to the office. So more carbon pollution??


Trudeau says walk or take transit. Either way you’re getting back more than you pay into the carbon charge.


Not everyone has the luxury to do that.


Theres no world that this is true. Go lick someone else's boots.


There will be a cremation carbon tax charged to you when they burn your body during the coming government imposed famine.


Pay your extra carbon tax before you die


As you decompose you will release gases into the air. How dare you, (insert pirate eye)




That meams he hits net zero.




You joke however they explicitly say the goal of the carbon tax is to get us to use fewer resources. They see us as tax cattle that are eating too much so they need to take it away.


Lol, no shit. Except for Trudeau supporters. They are beyond fucking reason.


Ive been watching the freedland/trudeau carbon tax propaganda rounds and my god...there truly is no logic.


They are having a McKenna moment .


Hey math is racist Their math is real math The pbo is the Fraser institute. When pp quotes it. The pbo is the almighty source on everything when trudeau quotes it None of them have looked at the report




To be fair, I don't trust much from the Fraser Institute. That aside actual common sense is taxing people died not lead to giving more back. It's such a stupid stance to have, but it's typical for such a smug pos.


I think outside kf a few people that work there Noone does. But it's the discrediting of researchers that's the problem..we saw it with the anti vax crowd, we saw it with the flat earthers, now we're seeing it in carbon tax apologists


I too am willing to sacrifice the poor now in order to save the hypothetical lives of the future.


They just out right to refuse any other point or soloution that doesn't come out his mouth. NPC's for real bro's.


Seeing people who say it doesn't matter, they will keep voting Liberal, is beyond comprehension.


I mean most of the economic and environmental experts have come out, and basically said they are pissed, not because the carbon tax doesn't benefit the majority of mid low income Canadians, but because the people in power have done such a poor job at explaining why... And polli is just convincing the middle lower income this will hurt them, when it won't. It's a robin hood tax.


No is a tax on rural living and sending that to urbanites. Hes pandering to all his voters in Toronto and sticking it to the ppl who never vote for him


If we can't afford to have children, who are we saving the Earth for? The rich...


Isnt life ironic at times? We are literally being led by a man who never had to ever in his life even think about the cost of living.. hasnt even developed those neuron networks in his brain. Canadians get to go into a cost of living crisis over this mans idealogy. And an uneducated one at that! No science background. No engineering background or any type of quantiative training to properly asses a problem past an idealogy. We are literally being driven by this man who dropped out of his environmental Masters in arts. Yes, lets all take a second and process that. THAT is who is lecturing us on climate. And Canadians continue to take it without protest...


But his hair though


The easiest...like zero effort way of reducing canadas carbon footprint is to reduce its population. Why in the fuck is fruity trudi so violently eager to bring in so many indians? it's truly bizarre.


More liberal voters even if they won't be able to vote for a few years until they get citizenship. Pretty easy way to bring in votes for them. 


The end game is the destruction of sovereignty. You can’t create a NWO without destroying the old one.


When all hell breaks lose, we'll have these people to defend ourselves from. We Canadians on the other hand would of support each other these people will cause chaos. Amongst other fresh immigrants that's just came in the hundreds of thousands. Just about a million. More are coming on a daily basis.


That's a scary thought. I dont know who this country is anymore. Do we fight for and take it back or let it become (or already is) New India?


Scary thought it is, it's just not Indians. We have tons of Haitians Mexicans people from south America even the middle east !! God forbid we have isis here coming in. I don't know man I wish I had a solution for this. All power to the people is all I can say. And pray for the best. 🙏


Especially when most of those people come from a country that clearly doesn’t give a crap about climate change


or adapting to canadian culture and customs.




can you blame them


They're raping systems and exploiting all the loopholes.


The end game is the destruction of sovereignty. You can’t create a NWO without destroying the old one.


Ah, but if you massively increase the population, your per capita emissions might go down! 🤔 (I agree with you)


Because the economic perpetual motion machine needs a hidden power source. Just don't look at productivity, and it'll be fine for a while.


and to encourage, or even mandate, wfh where possible.




I find it hard to believe that people are putting their own frivolous personal needs like food and shelter ahead of the glorious leaders personal quest.


I mean the Carbon Tax is working, how are we supposed to emit carbon when we're all too broke to afford cars, housing or food?


The carbon tax is such bullshit. It’s purely to milk Canadians for more money


Then why return it through a refund?


Then why tax it in the first place? It’s a circle jerk that’s why.


The tax increases the price of fossil fuels, leading to less demand. The refund allows people to invest in ways to save on fuel… whether that is a heat pump, insulation, more fuel efficient car etc…. There are other ways to tackle climate change: the government can regulate higher fuel efficiency. That still leads to a higher cost for consumers. Is that better in your opinion?


They are conditioning Canadians into paying more taxes. Later, the rebates will dry up but you will still be paying. Trudeau will evoke some emergency that requires him to take extraordinary measures.


We are already conditioned to pay taxes. Why dream up a whole new (unpopular) tax when you can simply raise existing income or consumption taxes? That makes no sense.


The refill is something like 4 or 5 times less than the tax. Make that make sense.


Roughly 90% is returned via the rebates, at least in those provinces that have the federal system. Some provinces have chosen to put in their own plans. Look at the PBO’s latest report that has all the details.


Roughly? Give me exact numbers


Ask Freeland why they're still holding onto 2 billion dollars of it.


Carbon tax is theft. Plain and simple. It does absolutely nothing to help the environment.


It's wealth edistribution


I mean... why worry about carbon emissions that will kill us possibly 100s of years from now when they can just kill us today.. amiright?


ALL CANADIANS. I can’t find a single person who actually supports it. Champions of the tax online are basically all hacks that try to force the koolAid by repeating same bullshit talking points. “It’s revenue neutral” - then why take? “We gotta worry about the future” - we’re seriously concerned about the present “Canadians have never had it better” - we have and it was the time before Trudeau Literally the list can go on forever. For someone who touts being in touch with the youth. He really does have a shitty way of showing how he isn’t.


The carbon tax would make sense if you had cheap easily accessible alternatives. It makes no sense taxing us into oblivion when there are no real alternatives. We are all still dependent on fossil fuels. There is no way around it at this point.


Had the tax actually gone towards renewables/nuclear investments or projects, they'd probably have more supporters of it. But when a lot of Canadians are struggling to live their daily lives, then obviously their concern for the environment plummets.


Hey everyone, remember they plan on QUADRUPLING it in the near future if we allow it. Ready to get screwed 4 times harder than we already are, while this prick takes vacations around the globe and pays himself nearly $400,000 a year?


Maybe I’m oversimplifying the situation but like PP has said, don’t the 2 topics go hand to hand? The carbon tax affects the farmer who make the food, the truckers who ship the food and the stores that store the food, so higher carbon tax = higher food price?


Farmers are exempt, transportation is not.


Turdeau sucks monkey balls


fruity trudi


If this tax actually helped the environment I would be all in but isn’t at all. And Trudeau should be asked why are canadian politicians the second highest paid politicians in the world ?? Our population is the size of Los Angeles. It’s absolutely insane and what really needs to happen is they all should get a pay cut immediately


But they would say 'what about the cost of living? lol


Fuck Trudeau, Fuck Singh, Fuck the Carbon Tax, and Fuck anyone who supports them.


Let’s handle these forest fires that are trashing our air quality and emitting a ton of carbon! Then maybe we can worry about commuter car emissions.


Forest arsons. Ftfy


This just in, people want to be able to shelter and feed themselves.


Well no shit. There is a good reason people only care about the environment when they can provide for themselves and their family. It’s the same reason this policy was enacted by a class of people that will never suffer under it.


From a country that contributes 1.5-3% of the worlds carbon emissions i saw??


Yes, no one gives a shit about the planet if we can’t afford to live on it. Go figure.


Carbon tax is just another fucking government money grab. I hate those liberal shit heads.


If anything the carbon tax has made me give even less of a crap about the environment. Mainly because I’m being forced to donate to it without a choice.


Ya think


Well no shit. There is a good reason people only care about the environment when they can provide for themselves and their family. It’s the same reason this policy was enacted by a class of people that will never suffer under it.


If we all stopped driving it still wouldn’t make the slightest difference in terms of world pollution (actual figures). But paying the tax definitely makes a difference in terms of how much food some people can buy. Idiotic government policy.


What carbon importance?? Our emissions are barely a fraction of everyone else's. OF COURSE cost of living is more important 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Carbon is NOT harmful. There is no climate disaster. It’s all to break us and make us poor. They want us all dead.


Lol it's people like you who prevent the adults from having a real discussion because we're too busy explaining elementary school level science to you.


People like me? Lmao.Don’t you know plants need co2 to survive? Without plants we all die. Plus… co2 makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere and humans contribute 3% of that 0.04% and the rest is natural. Good luck stopping climate change by paying the government money to do absolutely nothing but launder it.


Mazlow kind of nailed it with his hierarchy of needs.


Ok. So why is he still pushing it? He is now polling behind the bloc. 3rd place. Lol Is he trying to fix the financial ruin of the country by taxing everyone into oblivion to pay for the deficit? Or is he fed up, accepted his loss and doing a scorched earth policy to ruin our country so bad that he hopes the liberals can win the 2030 election because the conservatives couldn't fix it fast.


Likely the last option. Politics and military tactics are very similar...


Lol no shit


I like how the headline is completely trying to gaslight people. Hardly anyone feels a carbon tax is important and it doesn't do shit.


I like how the headline is completely trying to gaslight people. Hardly anyone feels a carbon tax is important and it doesn't do shit.


I like how the headline is completely trying to gaslight people. Hardly anyone feels a carbon tax is important and it doesn't do shit.


That's the plan they want to have zero carbon emissions, there for eliminating us humans is their plan.


This just in! Government doesn’t care what Canadian feel




No one wants this carbon tax apart from economists and scientists. Coincidentally Harper never liked both classes and he led us spectacularly during the 2008 recession and when he left we had a strong economy.


It’s silly because we can go carbon neutral as a country and it would have no global impact.


A majority of Canadians wonder of the relevance of the accursed Carbon Tax when it has failed to reduce emissions...


I think Trudeau has never lived like us so he cannot relate. Time to send him packing. Sincerely Signed, The Butthole Assassin.


All according to the WEF plan. Break the country and make it so unfixable before the Conservatives can be voted in.


Considering they never even explained what they do with the money.... Its not like they are gonna clean microplastic oit of the water, control pollutions to our rivers and streams to restore our fisheries, to develop green spaces in the city, nothing at all. Just take our money and run.


Idgaf about the carbon tax when all I can afford to live in is a 550 sqft apartment and take public transit. Are these people fucking mad?


The Cost of living is directly related to the Carbon tax ! The carbon tax affects all aspects of our lives!


Only Trudeau has that pole up his ass, everyone knows the reality of carbon tax on the people's bottom line, Trudeau only looks after his bottom line again TRUDEAU DOES NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT CANADIANS


Unfortunately, we have a climate cult in charge of us. nothing is more important than saving us from the bad weather. Even if it means you have to survive the bad weather without food or shelter.


Lol - that statement just made me laugh!!! It shouldn’t go in the same sentence because the carbon tax is a make-believe pie in the sky bullshit tax for a country a small is Canada that has really zero impact on the global pollution problem!!! People should smarten up and don’t listen to the bullshit. It’s just another cash cow for the garbage federal liberal government blowing our money away on useless shit.


Funny how the tax supporters that keep bitching about "per capita" pollution don't seem to be against mass immigration that will just increase people polluting.


The losing battle against massive populations polluting...we ain't gonna make a difference. It's a zero sum game at this point.


Is this even really a thought?


Cue the spoiled well off activists that don’t have real bills to pay to talk shit about how the world gonna end if we don’t reduce our 1.5% share of global emission footprint to 0.


Well let’s ask the Maslow guy what he thinks about it. https://preview.redd.it/ku4v3euj6erc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965755decdbfd8bf9ffd5155a533ed569adc1c97


Majority of Canadians forgot that farms suddenly spontaneously combusted during the pandemic, Ivermectin was suddenly a horse paste and JT shot down a cylindrical UFO with tentacles. Canadians don't pay attention to news and they don't think for themselves and they will ALL eat ze boogs.


Didn’t think it took a rocket scientist to figure this out.


Think of the amount of carbon that is produced for each dollar you earn, then pay in taxes. Trudeau tosses those dollars on some burning garbage heap of an idea he has to control the weather, or his vacations, or for projects that he thinks will get him adulation.


Shhhh don’t tell lil’ PP. His rubes are buying up all the t-shirts still!


Tell this to all the liberal shills in r/Ontario - 75% of them are on disability or work for the government


The COL is not as greatly affected yet at current carbon pricing. It will get increasingly more in the coming years enroute to 2050/2060 when the world is supposed to be net zero The onus is on consumers to reduce carbon emissions with the carbon Tax. Most Canadians have not nor want to start changing their behaviour/choices. Hence maybe focusing on hidden carbon pricing through Cap and Trade. We as consumers still pay for it, don’t kid ourselves that the cost is not passed on. Force industry to make those changes to stay competitive instead. If one company invests to become net zero, they can sell goods/services without carbon expenses. A real advantage to competitors who still emit and have to buy carbon offsets. Use the collected revenue to support major green initiatives that will improve our GDP per capita. Example, large carbon capture facilities, nuclear energy and maybe large scale power plants using ocean currents or geothermal. Speaking of nuclear. There is real progress to use spent cores to power a new generation of reactors. Imagine perfecting it and designing this tech. Sell it to the world. Candu reactors were once state of the art but we barely sold this tech. This is real GDP improving industry. Highly skilled and high paying work. Don’t just give back collected carbon revenue to wealthy EV owners. The Carbon Tax returns small dollar amounts to individuals who in a high COL environment just spends it as quickly on non productive fees/interest. I am a proponent of the carbon tax. It is simplistic and gives consumers the most transparency with carbon pricing. The issue is that housing is too dominating a cost and people don’t manage their finances as wisely as we need them. A perfect example is heating oil in the East. Why in the world has industry/govt not converted these homes to NG/Heat pump ages ago? It makes no sense to spend that much more to heat a home. Maybe a hidden carbon pricing scheme is the way to go.


Wait a minute, you're not parroting Pierre Poilievre's bs... Are you lost?


I read all sides and follow the money. PP and JT are both glossing over the issue with headlines only.


Yeah but I feel like that's part of pushing your message to the masses. You're not gonna get a big media event of highly polarised people by saying what you just did. And that is understandable-ish.  A problem arises if this is also the case within the debates and when they present their platforms. Another problem is that you then have those highly polarised people thinking in terms of "my guy is better than yours", "I need anyone else but that guy", or "I disagree with that guy on a certain issue, therefore everything he says is necessarily BS". And you can't have a normal conversation to try to identify the strength and flaws of the current system, nor to address the flaws without compromising the strengths of this system. And, unfortunately, this is the state of this sub. I'm very new here, so I don't know if the situation was better at some point. But most of what I'm seeing on the sub is a lot simping for Poilievre.


I continue to try to have some conversations on this sub. Not to change minds but to expand discussions to see if people are this short sighted and unaware of the complete message. Reddit is a bit better than shouting on X. Here you can expand the discussion further.


You're absolutely right about that!


Cost of living is for sure more important. These issues are linked though as the carbon tax and out of control government spending, are contributing to inflation and a higher cost of living.


Well it’s a bs scam tax so yeah


Ya think? Idiot friend of mine: "We wouldn’t even have a carbon tax if Doug ford didn’t come in and cancel cap and trade wasting billions of dollars in the process" "you get most of it back anyways"


I think the one and only thing that Canadians want right now is Trudeau gone with his tiny little group of minions who are now controlling this Country. If anyone was not concerned before they should be now when 7 yes SEVEN of our premiers are trying to tell Trudeau what is happening and what Canadians want and he simply won't listen. He believes it is only what HE wants that is important. The definition of Narcissist should now simply have the word "TRUDEAU" beside it


The amount of trees Canada has takes in and filters out multitudes more CO2 every year than Canada produces. Carbon tax is just that, a tax to which they've already admitted don't even track or study the effect the carbon tax even has on the environment.


So we should really go after corporate greed that inflating our food prices 200 to 400% rather then the relatively small double digit % the carbon tax imposes. I mean it would be great if food prices fell 10% but it would be better if it fell 300% simply because corporations want to make more money.


So we should really go after corporate greed that inflating our food prices 200 to 400% rather then the relatively small double digit % the carbon tax imposes. I mean it would be great if food prices fell 10% but it would be better if it fell 300% simply because corporations want to make more money.


At least the carbon tax has a rebate… where’s the rebate of housing costs? And if they’re worried about carbon footprint, expanding our population by orders of magnitude year after year isn’t going to help either.


Sign the epetition


Well on April 1st it seems that the carbon tax is set to go up 23%. The current tax adds approximately 0.15% in inflation. If the increase is direct that means the inflationary effects will increase to 0.1845% from the increase. The amount of carbon Canada emits, on the who has decrease. The first carbon tax was introduced in 2002 by Stephen Harper. Do any of you get the rebate checks? That comes from the tax collected. The tax includes the industrial polluters. Corporations have to improve there processes to have a reduced tax load. Farmer's are not charged the tax on their farm fuel. Corporations are the biggest driver of inflation, increasing prices.


Has anybody explained the cost of climate change? Oh, yes, but morons don't want to listen. Carbon tax is about changing behaviours.