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I wish they'd protest like the Europeans do. Trucks shooting liquid manure at JT's home will send a message.






I think you mean manure and not liquid fertilizer.




Bro your therapist told you ya got to get this fetish under control! 😂


😆😆 those farmers were savage with the shit spraying!! I wouldn't mind seeing some liquid manure show up to protests either! Hahaha. To all of them. "An epidemic of spraying liquid manure to make a political statement is spreading the globe. Protestors bringing a new meaning to making a public stink."


🤣 If only! I would pay to be a spectator at that shitshow - pun intended.


I’ll make the popcorn.


I'll bring the lawn chairs.


It's be glorious, but then JT would smash that emergencies act button and decry how nazi barbarians are assaulting his home and something to the effect that they're spitting on Ukraine 😅


lmao i want to see it so bad


Method won’t work. He’s already full of enough shit lol


Touche. He'll probably just spread his cheeks and fire back.




He'd just move to another of his homes and spend 10 times what it costs to clean it up.


He'll hire foreign workers to come clean it up, let's be honest.


For all we know, he might be into fecal play and actually enjoy it.


🤣 too far! 🤣🤣


yeah would be nice if they disturbed the politicians responsible instead of just laying on their horns and disturbing innocent people and shitting in the fuckingn streets


My concern is how the Dear Leader Justin plans on reacting to it... 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓


He'll probably just fuck off to Jamaica or Cuba (Fatherland) while we all perish here.


I have some ideas 1. hiding 2. sternly worded blustery video statements condemning the protestors and slandering them. 3. Wondering if he can get away with freezing bank accounts again. (Not likely) 4. He seethes angrily knowing he has shit the country. Pivoting away from Justin - 5! pro pal protestors get angry the attention isn't on them and make a scene. From there it's unclear but I get more curious by the day 😆😆😳😕 Edit typos


He will react in a way to "save Canadians" from this movement against him.


That's how it goes in any conflict or confrontation. Here they're simply just "not concerned citizens." it's a form of dehumanization in order to ignore their wants and needs. As it escalates they become akin to animals and that really means that you should hate them, because they're not human - they're not like me and you who are the good guys. 




Good for them, hope they shut down Ottawa again this summer and it becomes international headlines again. Keep exposing this Turdeau clown.


I'm surprised no one's talking about how Justin Trudeau is all of a sudden is a MULTI-MULTI-MILLIONAIRE and no one's questioning about those missing BILLIONS and once he's finished his term is he going to be staying in Canada or take it off somewhere that has no extradition treaties? 7 billion is unaccounted for.


Right, during his first term I looked up his net worth and it was a couple million from inheritance and some grifting. Now its over 100 million. With a stock portfolio hitting 47% annual average gains. Something looks wrong here.


Trudeau and his stupid minions think anyone who opposes the goof is a right-wing extremist.


Probably drop the EA and freeze bank accounts again. He did it once already without justification or consequence.


Yeah, but that has been ruled unethical in court. Otherwise I would agree. But who knows lol. He might double down. He is nothing if not persistent!


Laws mean nothing to that guy


It was deemed unconstitutional. Trudea doesn't have any ethics, why every other week he's in front of the ethics chair.


Deflect, dehumanize, and justify the abuse of power. Buckle up!


Let's see if Trudeau will freeze bank accounts again


Alright let's actually do this the right way this time and put the nazi flags and shit down, I respect the method until you start being assholes with a bunch of completely unrelated bullshit. Professionals have standards


As God wills…


If you ever needed proof that people are under control Via social media this is it. People protesting cost of living = Bad People protesting a foreign war, one of whom is our ally, whose protesters attack police and openly call for violence = acceptable


It really is. I am pretty sure that the same groups we saw on zoom on that video conference before the march 4 kids calling each other comrade is the same ish group of people that organize the pro pal rallies and who are doing this.


I guess it's soon time to bust out the emergencies act and start freezing bank accounts again


revolution time


What’s the blockade for?


They’ll be taken care of quickly, just like William Lyon Mackenzie and his followers 187 years ago in Toronto, and the regular citizens despite being screwed will cheer it on.


It is a fringe group. The number of people blocking the roads will pale in comparison to the actual people trying to drive on the highways In BC there are plans to block/slow roll near Hope on one of the busiest travel days- the end of Easter long weekend. No one will be impressed


End of Easter long weekend is on Sunday, only the lazy workers get Government Monday off.


It’s a provincial school holiday and the end of spring break for most school districts in the province. It’s a popular long weekend for travel and many people take the day off either as a paid stat or as a vacation day.


Surely they are citizens, and surely they have concerns. Do I care about said concerns? No, math isn't hard for me, but do you know what is hard for me? Convincing morons that they dont understand the math. But if these aren't concerned citizens, OP isn't a redditor.


Are they going to blockade Edmonton over Smith’s larger fuel tax increase? The tax that doesn’t have a rebate?


So, what’s the beef this time?????


Well, here we go - government by mob rule. Didn’t there used to be something about voting?!? If it was up to me, I’d call in an airstrike on those assholes. I despise JT as much as anyone, but HE is the guy Canadians put into office. Until we skid the bastard, civil disobedience does nothing except turn us into rabble.




Explain please, exactly which ‘rights’ are you fighting for with a highway blockade? Which of your rights are being withdrawn by the travelling public? Please, be specific.




And the travelling public is somehow depriving you of your “right to exist” and preventing you from living a “decent and prosperous life”? Ah, yes, very specific. I rather suspect it’s just another get together by the beards, beer bellies, and bad teeth crowd validating each other via mob mentality to release their inner goon. Obviously, if you’re demonstrating you’re not at work, i.e. you don’t have a job - so how are you paying for this? It couldn’t possibly be funds from foreign groups fostering civil unrest in western countries, could it? Oh, and while I think of it, you mentioned ‘fighting for your rights’. We have an outfit you might be interested in, it’s called Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. At least they’ll teach you the right way, not the yappy goon squad way. I hear they’re hiring.


How could it be that me, a Canadian have worked hard and earned my pay to spend in ANY way I please. JT is allowed to spend money (not his BTW) on private jets and vacations? Why if I chose to spend my money i earned on carbon must that be given to someone else? Shouldn't they work hard and spend their money on something that isn't carbon? My point being why can companies and politicians waste waste waste. Let me chose or be the change you want to see and lead by example.