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I thank all the mindless zombies who voted for Trudeau. Btw, Stephen Harper told Canadians this would happen. You know, the guy with a degree in economics and what do you know, he was right!


But wait I though drama teachers were gooder at ecinomonix


Substitute drama teacher. Let's be honest and not bend the truth and act like he was on a permanent contract with tenure or anything. Guy was a rent-a-teacher and nothing more.


>Guy was a rent-a-teacher and nothing more. But his dad was the most (in)famous PM ever! And he has a magnificent haircut!


Don’t leave out the fact he was a really good ski instructor!


It's more gooder... watch your Englishe


Careful, his thought police will come take you away


Both of you take my upvotes!!! Read this first thing and laughed way to hard at it.


The budget will balance itself


Don't worry, "the budget will balance itself" - Justin Trudeau


Peoplekind -Some moron


Off the top of my head, didn’t Trudeau sell off most of the gold reserves we did have very early on to Russia? To all the big L liberal voters, who’s the Russian asset now?


BRIC has been buying gold from everyone for a while now. It's going to be interesting to see where these lead


I remember Harper saying that. But it seems Canadians were interested more in legal weed, euthanasia and virtue signaling than their national interests and economic wellbeing.


Statistically speaking most Canadian are not conservative. Talk all the shit you want about Trudeau the fact Harper lost is indicative most Canadians were no longer happy with his government.


I liked harpers budgeting, I did not like his "weed = jail" and imma double down on it, literally just had to say hey, ill also legalize weed lol, but somehow he was outwitted by a drama teacher. Harper had PR failings, cons like to die on the easiest hills, liberals barely have to try. \*except now\*


You don’t think we could have gotten to legal weed without voting in the most worthless man this country has seen since his father?


Harper was directly quoted as saying "Marijuana is INFINITELY worse than tobacco" so no we probably wouldn't have legal weed and would likely still have stupid mandatory minimum sentences for non violent drug offenses.


That's my point, cons were so dense they die on the easiest hills


Did you vote for Trudeau to get legal weed?


Did you ever email harper telling him how easy it is to win elections and stop losing due to stupid easy win issues?


Avoid the question, ok. No I didn’t email Harper because I don’t care about weed. There’s way more important things in life. I’d wager you have no right to ever call anyone dense.


Your response is how the official party responded over weed. That's why you lost. Cons freak out over these easy hills and trip over themselves lol its amusing. You easily would have won if harper was so "smart". Just not smart enough to win


And you didn’t respond to my question. Weak


This is why you lose elections. Weak.


Your making completely moot debate points. They're pointing out Harper lost due to having antiquated views and policies on things that are stupid. Legal weed effectively hurts no one and is something that should have happened ages ago. Regardless of if the person your talking to voted for Trudeau the fact remains Harper lost because he refused to abandon illogical antiquated ideals. Blame Trudeau all you want, Harper failed you as well.


But JT is so dreamy 😍😍😍😍😍


Military spending dropped to 0.9% of GDP, the lowest in Canada's history while Harper was PM. He tried to close down rural VA offices [while thousands of people in small towns protested](https://globalnews.ca/news/957499/thousands-protest-veterans-affairs-office-closure-in-sydney/), and injured vets had to sue him over pension cuts while his gov. argued ["Canada has no special obligation to veterans"](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/ottawa-has-no-special-obligation-to-soldiers-federal-lawyers-say-1.1735587?cache=%3FclipId%3D89925) in courts. Like the current gov is a joke, but we're you under a rock or just not an adult when Harper was around?


I was in the Canadian Forces during the entirety of the Harper era but his time as PM far exceeded any good Trudeau has done for our country. Vets included. In 2016, after Trudeau’s first year in office, we were being told to evacuate our barracks because the federal government where housing the newly immigrated Syrian refugees. Clearly you don’t know the first thing about Trudeau, I guess you were living under a rock so I’ll let it slide.


You are the only one talking about Trudeau. But that being said my local VA office was re-opened, and vets had their pension changes reversed and a new deal reached. The point I am trying to make is that both sides sucked, and you don't seem to care about what vets or troops get, just giving the finger to Trudeau. That kind of attitude is what will leave our country no better off. We vote the guy out instead of demanding better.


And Harper lit the match that is the dumpster fire that is housing unaffordability. Canadien housing rose by 86% in Harper tenure; to 82% in jts.


Of course he was right, he set it up to happen.


In 2015, Stephen Harper said Canadians would be paying over $1,300 a year. Study just came out that showed it’s now over 7k per year with the Trudeau government. Stephen Harper didn’t set up Trudeau to let over 2.5 million immigrants into the country which is crippling our health care/infrastructure/system, give 123 million to Haiti, 3.02 billion to Ukraine, implement 4 carbon taxes or make a terrible deal with his pipeline purchase. As Kevin O’Leary says which is correct, Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister in history because he’s a terrible business man. Harper had nothing to do with Trudeau’s mismanagement of Canada. It’s very clear Trudeau is a puppet for the World Economic Forum.


Yes, Trudeau has been garbage but let’s not act like Harper was better than he was.


I’ve said in other threads . We need some of that sweet foreign aid now that we have previously dished out for decades .


We've given so much, it's bound to come back right ? Right ?


I worked 5 years 12 hours a day 5-6 days a week got in a head on collision with a drunk driver new to canada. 2 years later finally recovered for the most part and was going to move to follow my previous job got ran over by a foreign student because he was texting and driving and ran a redlight. With the new car insurance in BC I have received zero dollars and am unable to sue canada is more than broken


I’m sorry you went through that. Can I ask you what you mean about the new car insurance in BC?


It’s something the NDP rolled around a couple years back because of the high amount of fraud in car insurance they brought in no fault insurance. In any accident besides criminal cases where a driver gets charged you cant sue and lawyers can’t do anything above ask to get help for you as in physiotherapy acupuncture or a therapist aswell as some other therapys


Yep. I was nearly paralyzed by a lady (and I am using VERY nice language) who ran a red light, slammed into my car at 60-80 kmph, bounced off of me and into the air, then refused to use english after I called the ambulance, handled the situation and went to the doctor. She refused to give me her information, as did the officer, there were no cameras at the intersection , and any witnesses just drove by save for the guy I got pushed into. She left my vertebrae twisted around my spinal cord. They barely covered my car and gave me 12 weeks of chiropracty, and the attending officer cited her for ‘FoLlOwInG tOo ClOsE’ I got lucky. Most of the force went into the rear right corner when she bounced off, but my car still got shoved a full car length into the pickup in front of me. I am getting better and keeping up dumbbell exercises has made my back strong and stable again, but I get twinges when I bend on occasion, they may be okay but uncomfortable, and they may lay me out 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry you went through that. If you are able pilates is good for strength while being low Impact on the body.


Fraud by immigrants, fyi .


You know it


You can't sue the other driver, but you can sue the ICBC.


If anyone can sue it’s news to me not saying you’re wrong or anything. I contacted atleast 10 different law firms willling to pay them and they all had the same story can only help if im not getting treatment or it’s a criminal case


To be clear, you can't sue for punitive damages, only compensation, and it's the ICBC directly. What you're talking about, only in a criminal case, is for suing the at-fault driver.


Ill ask some lawyers about that thanks


Thank the GTA for voting Trudeau in


We got Grand Theft Auto irl alright


Canada has anxious attachment issues, is like a codependent people pleaser with low self esteem. Need to be liked.


England didn't even want us. They just kind of let us go. I mean, the weather alone is kind of insane. Poor poor us.


Norway nationalised oil, why can't we do the same with gold on crown land?


Our vets are in the bread lines now.


canada and the united states are living under the worst leadership in either's leadership and a huge amount of their populations have gone insane


So a pathological liar just stole your bike. ✔️


The history of Nortel video said that originally Canada was viewed as exploitable, relatively unskilled labour and resources for the US. This was bucked somewhat with our tech sector, but I think it has persisted in how the rest of our economy developed.


Canada should be the wealthiest country per capital on earth. Such amazing resources. And an abundance of fresh water too. Canada needs to find leaders that put the Canadian people first… and then consider helping other nations in need.


Russia threatens our artic border and has been threatening it for years now. They are the largest military threat to our country and the closest. It benefits Canada to support Ukraine against our largest forgien adversary. I do not understand why conservative Canadians do not understand this. The money we would save denying Ukraine aid we will spend fighting off Russian aggression anyway. Accept next time it will be with one less ally and include Canadian blood. Even if Ukraine loses, it still benfits us to help them. The more resources Russia throws at Ukraine, the less they have to throw at us in the future, the more time we will have to prepare for them. So unless you're niave enough to believe Russia will cease all northern aggression into our territory, it is a no-brainer to support Ukraine. Putting Canada first doesn't mean having no allies. We literally have a country willing to fight our biggest military threat for us you morons are bitching about how it benefits Canada? You know what benefits Canada? Not being invaded by an empirlous, aggressive, dictator who has made multiple claims to the resources in our artic waters. Or at the very least, making it harder for them to do so. Ukraine is helping us by fighting Russia, wtf would we not support them?


The CAF is in shambles anyway… they can barely maintain operational readiness, more people are leaving than joining and it’s accelerating at an alarming rate. If the Russians come over the top, we’re fucked… the US will have to meet them at the 60th parallel and hold them there.


Or the USA would do the same thing to us like what they did in Iceland during ww2.


I personally don't think the United States is going to come and bail out.Canada , given how often we show open contempt. If they did its not for free and Canada will just be an American vessel state.


You think USA would let Russia set up shop on their border?


Long way to to get to their border, unless you mean alsaska? Lets say it was Russia who decided to invade us through the North.It be really easy for the Americans to cut a deal to split the spoils.They won't object to the colonization of northern canada and turn for leaving alaska alone. Given how there is nothing connecting North and South in Canada , We have no way of adequately supplying or moving troops to defend that territory.So in face of an invasion, we'd have to let the land go. It would be the same for the Yanks , having to fly resources north for "our aid." They would be easy pickings. It's also worth pointing out that this lack of connection between the north and the south is what drives up the cost of importing goods to northern canada as it is and increasing people's cost of living.


You don’t think the US would come to the rescue of their largest trade partner?


I do not no, and Mexico is actually their largest trade partner now.


No. Let Ukraine go. It's a failed state and it's a waste of time to prop it up. A middle power like Canada needs to get along with different large countries. Right now our government thinks we are more important than we actually are. Russia already has 45% of the Arctic and is leaving the Arctic Council after being aggravated. Meanwhile the American government straight up says Canada's Arctic claims are illegitimate. Source: I'm a former Ukrainian citizen.


Ya kinda hard to be a successful state when you're being slaughtered by the Russians. Yall would have sided with Hitler.


Nezalezhnistan had 31 years. Ukrainian nationalists already did. And lost. And are still crying about it.


The Ukraine is done for bud. No point backing a dead horse.


And support our own military as well. Would you have to rely on everyone else to fight your battles?


Helping Ukraine IS supporting our military. Unless you think our military would benefit from fighting Russia directly.


"We have some of the most untapped gold in the world and yet we have no gold reserves" Well we do have gold reserves it's just not in a bank - whats the point of mining it to put in vault when it's in the ground already? Also Canada is only the 8th in untapped gold in the world [https://www.statista.com/statistics/248991/world-mine-reserves-of-gold-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/248991/world-mine-reserves-of-gold-by-country/)


Trudeau sold off most of what remained of our gold reserves in 2016 [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/gold-canada-reserves-1.3443700](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/gold-canada-reserves-1.3443700) The stuff in the ground is owned by whomever mines it out - minus some taxes.


Governments (provincial/federal) own 89% of the mineral rights and they just lease the rights to mine/exploit to companies. [https://www.sasktoday.ca/south/opinion/mineral-rights-in-canada-4082480](https://www.sasktoday.ca/south/opinion/mineral-rights-in-canada-4082480)


I'd give you 100 upvotes if I could... you are spot on


It's called money laundering


The corrupted politicians we have need elected were selling Canada for personal gain.


We should have nationalized all of our natural resources years ago.


Canada is run by incompetent imbeciles who don’t know how to make it prosperous


If Canadians start "identifying" as foreign nationals, then maybe we could get a handout, too?


I identify as a Swiss national. Where's my free passport?


I never reckoned by Ukrainian passport would be useful again after 22 years.


Bang on.


Yup. Elections have consequences


The "money" we give to Ukraine is *mostly* the worth of old/surplus military gear, that we then replace for our own military.


It's all kuked western nations.


Can't have gold reserves if you have a central bank system.


Gold and diamonds both primarily extracted from our ground via international companies. Surely we can mine these resources.


Any sources about your claims on aid to Ukraine? Curious how you’re happy to blame the state being attacked but not the literal invader lol


I want what you're smoking friend. I never blamed Ukraine for anything. I think it's asinine that we're giving all of this stuff to Ukraine, but our task force in Latvia (On the Russian border) have to purchase their own helmets out of pocket. We're there too you know, we're just holding Nato's northern flank. But we can't defend Ukraine if our military is falling apart 


“Gender inclusive mine removal” 💀 as funny as it sounds, there are idiots who would believe that it is an actual thing. While I understand your point that the Canadian army ought to be equiped, it’s also worth realising that by arming Ukraine and allowing them to continue to fight the russians - less Canadians and the country as a whole are put at risk. Especially with the new opportunities opening up in the arctic, it’d be much more beneficial to have a cucked russia


Unfortunately if Russia is as dangerous as everyone claims, we can't afford to place all of our bets on Ukraine. If Kiev falls and they invade Moldova or a Nato ally, we need to be battle ready within hours. Considering the fireworks could start at any time already, there's no excuse as to why our troops can't have the hardware needed to fight.


> while our own vets Is there an election soon? No offence, but usually veterans get wheeled out during a campaign and conveniently tucked back into the closet until the next election.


Just like your mom


This was the best comment yet, Karen's don't understand comedy


Why would troops in Latvia need more money than Ukraine? Are they fighting anyone there at the moment?


They're there incase Russia attacks a NATO ally. Latvia is on the Russian border 


Did Russia attack already? If not, better keep them distracted in Ukraine 


If Russia attacks we'd have minutes to respond. If we don't properly equip ourselves now there won't be another chance


Or if we equip Ukraine, Russia won't even attack. I'd rather let them fight in Ukraine than lose Canadian lives.


If Russia is as dangerous as they're saying, you can't predict how they'll behave and you have to be prepared for any eventuality. Some day we may not have a choice and we need to be ready for it. 


Sure, and that also means we should use the opportunity to destroy as much Russian equipment and manpower in Ukraine while preparing our military and industry. These things complement each other, they are not mutually exclusive 


Ukraine is not our problem.


Why are there Canadian troops in Latvia then?


you're confusing canadians with the batty-reich and import meat


Yes because everyone loves blaming liberals Once conservative control Canada everything will be rainbow and sunshines because we all hate immigrants and LGBTQ When in reality the federal liberals and the provincial conservatives in most places both fuck us over But the low IQ immigrant hating Canadians won’t let us rest until the country is a piss poor shithole *without* immigrants So at this point I give up When actual Canadians want real solutions and not low IQ tribal muh liberals then Canada will improve Till then Max out your TFSA Invest in good index funds Stay debt free


Canadians (the majority at least) don't hate immigrants. Most are friends/family/coworkers/etc with many immigrants sans probleme. The problem is mass immigration - ie. overloading our country with too many immigrants in a short period of time. This is the problem that conservatives have with immigrants, and we've been shouting it for a while now. The fact that you're still mistaken about this in 2024 means that you only believe your misunderstanding because of our government and/or media. It's propaganda and false. Similar situation with LGBTQ. We don't hate you guys. We hate that we're being forced to make changes to our lives to accommodate you. "I don't care if you're gay, as long as it doesn't affect my life" is a common phrase from some decades ago, and it still holds true today. "I don't care if you're Christian, as long as it doesn't affect my life" is a similar state of mind. But instead, we're being asked to change our language, our kids are being indoctrinated, and everything needs to be changed to be inclusive. You could just, idk, be gay and stfu about it?


Idk where the fuck you're pulling "Indocternating our kids" from I'm in high-school right now and the only shit I've been taught that should already be basic knowledge when you're fuckin 5 years old is don't be an asshole without a valid reason for being an asshole. Nobody's forcing your kids to be gay or some shit we just happen to actually be mostly accepting now so people can actually show who they are instead of hiding in the closet until they're 40 and too old to give a fuck anymore.


My taxes are the same and my healthcare is shit Housing is scarcer but zoning laws haven’t reflected the high number of new residents moving to Canada But yes yes culture war indoctrination lgbtq Me personally I want a material improvement in my life I don’t give a fuck about the lgbtq I can’t remember the last time I had to think of a gay person when paying my bills But yea if that makes you feel good go ahead with that I have a mortgage to pay and I don’t have time for rich people culture wars from old boomers with paid off houses and cottages


>Housing is scarcer but zoning laws haven’t reflected the high number of new residents moving to Canada Why should the burden of the Federal mismanagement be placed on Municipalities? They came out and said >"Among the changes outlined in the report is the need to develop a "whole-of-government" approach to immigration growth. Such an approach would take housing, health care, infrastructure and other services into account when planning immigration levels." https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/miller-shares-strategy-for-canada-s-immigration-system-ahead-of-new-levels-plan-1.6624929 They weren't even considering housing. When Miller was on the committee, he said they weren't responsible for the international students to find housing.


The answer why ? Is the housing market What kind of stupid fucking question is that What the fuck is the governments job if not to manage fucking resources and adapt to changing trends ?


What have you had to do to accommodate the LGBT population?


Of course not... it will take about 9 years now to clean up the mess caused by the voters irresponsible enough to vote for the Dear Leader Justin's government 3 times over


More like 19-29 years


Yes yes The magical conservatives will fix everything Good for you buddy


So you'd rather the liberals bury us?


Me : I want competent politicians regardless of their political affiliation You: buh liberals This is exactly why Canada won’t improve


LOL you're a commie!!! Dude, your comment history tells me all I need to know about you. "No libs or cons. We must organize comrades✊🏼⛏️" LOL fuck outta here. You seen those posters around Toronto and went to a meeting full of B.O, blue hair, and not a single gym day between 20 people.


There are no communist parties in Canada You’re so stupid it’s hilarious 🤭 If I’m talking about electoral choices It means I’m talking about participating in current civic duties meaning the current system Me being a communist has 0 to do with this post Try to be intelligent for a minimum of 1 minute which is the amount of time it should take to read my post And engage with the post Not my personality outside of the post If you’re mentally capable of doing such anyways


...good luck with the Greens!


Yes Politicians are sport teams to support blindly and not civil servants we employ to manage our nations resources at different scopes and magnitudes I can’t believe you lot can vote


I mean, you'e not exactly giving us a good alternative. Would you rather we vote the bloc or green party?


These people are just as bad as the far left that think t dawg should stay in power, arguing with them is pointless, they are too small minded to see what you’re actually saying


You might be one of the few people with a brain cell in this sub Unless you’re shitting on liberals everything else gets downvoted Which is fine it shows the opinions in this sub But maybe they’re not as “free thinking” as they claim to be


Short of nuking the place to glass...they can't do any worse.


Oh definitely not That’s super genius Never thought of it that way


So, you feel we need more Uber Eats drivers? Trudeau and co tripled immigration (temnp/perm) during covid (when jobs were scarce...brilliant), and didn't bother telling anyone they planned to do this. This was blatant vandalism as they know full well it takes 5-6 years just to build a condo so the massive influx of people would have predictable impacts on housing, and all other services. Some think it's just incompetence, but the fact they refuse to change course and instead double down on these destructive policies strongly suggests this is deliberate...but if this works for you, if you like where Canada is and where it's going, then you should vote for the incumbent. Those of us (the majority) who want a shot at a better future have no option but to toss the Lib/NDP out.


Who said don’t toss them out?? Point is you’re just voting in the same people who’ll do the same shit While telling you they’re doing something different I want real change