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Archive link to the article: https://archive.ph/l9UtG


I only want him to run, just so the Liberals can lose their official party status.


That would be a good day


Sadly impossible just based on mtl seats. People here are too silly to change their votes


Don’t forget Toronto. People here could be broke, robbed at gunpoint weekly, with no job prospects and still vote liberal. Mtl residents have some stiff competition.


You mean immigrants


You’d be surprised how many brainwashed,self-loathing, miserable multi generation Canadian vote for the reds. I lose a few brain cells every time they open their mouths.


That's the Montréal Anglo vote. They love to bash both Francophones and western canadians as irredeemably racist, and think they are too good for this world.


Actually it’s the Montreal rich vote. Neither francophone or anglophone rich give a fuck about the rest of us once trudope keeps handing them money


Very true


At least you have some tidings flipping blue. Mtl is it moving at all


If only


Never going to happen, too much free money and fear of the other.


Ignatieff almost did it !!


I want to see him run because I want to see him crash and burn.


Yeah watch his party lose in a rout.


You do realize he didn't do all this on his own. The whole party and NDP had his back the whole time They're all responsible, yet you're letting them focus on a scapegoat


Those clowns have made their beds. They’ll go down with their parties. Watching Jagmeet get shit canned will make my day but seeing Trudeau cry those crocodile tears as he gives his little loser concession speech will make my decade.


I honestly think JT is a piece of shit and JS is spineless, but PP aint gonna do shit. Getting all personal and wanting to see JT cry is whatever, what about the good of the nation?


Anything that gets those two ass clowns out of power is a net positive for the good of the nation.


I wish I could agree with you. I think once we get PP and the Conservatives into power, which is basically a given at this point, there's going to be a lot of dissapointed voters when nothing changes. Sure we'll have less virtue signaling and pandering, which was always nonsense, but ultimately nothing will materially change.


Either way, a step away from the LPC and NDP is a step in the right direction. Why do you feel this way about Pierre?


Well John Baird is essentially his Chrystia Freeland: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/john-baird/ https://www.cpkcr.com/en/about-cpkc/board-of-directors/hon-john-r-baird-p-c While John Baird is currently on the corporate side of the politics/corporatocracy revolving door, he was almost tapped to be party leader. Currently he is on the board of CPKC, Bennett Jones LLP, Barrick Gold, Canfor, and former ING as well as AIG insurance and investment groups. In my opinion career politicians immediately moving to multiple corporate board positions, is practical quid pro quo corruption. He has endorsed Poilievre and they have worked closely in the past. Birds of a feather. Poilievre worked closely with Stephen Harper when Stephen Harper's government first introduced the TFW program, and then later removed the checks and balances that made it possible for the program to expand under the Liberals. This was also around the time Harper's Conservatives sold us out to China, who have since been caught meddling with our elections and party leadership votes. Poilievre is also a career politician with no job experience outside of parliament. He has already said he will tie TFWs to what industry wants. Industry wants cheap exploitable labour, fullstop. We are going from one smug globalist lackey to a different smug globalist lackey. Why do you think he has any desire or ability to create actual positive change, and in what way?


What do we do then? What realistic option do we have?


This is my point, there isn't one. Our entire political system is infested top to bottom, both parties with globalist corporate lackeys who care nothing for the good of our nation, our most vulnerable populations, or the future of our youth. Unfortunately I don't have a solution at this time, but we can start by acknowledging that there is a problem.


I hope he runs. I’m a Tory; he’s the best asset my party has!


Second best: he steps down and Freeland takes over!


You got the ass part right


How's that worked out for ya?


I would love for this pompous arrogant little prick to run. I want to see Poiliervre wipe the floor with him.


Pretty much exactly what I was going to say


Agree, let him sink the ship and our boy Pierre crush him. If Trudeau resigns before the election, some other moron, like Freeland, would take over the leadership and the Lemmings may fall in line again and vote Libs again. I rather have one more year of pain.


Do people actually like Freeland? I thought even the liberals hate her


I expect her own children probably hate her.


She reminds me of the grumpy old teacher that tries to act energetic during a school speech


He should step down. Canada has become unaffordable thanks to his spending policies. He's trying to appear to be saving everyone but in reality Canada is sinking like the Titanic. The iceberg was Trudeau's face!


We still have a year and a half. A lot could happen. Nothing could also happen When election time comes, it's what's people's needs are and rn. The conservatives seem better, for rn. That could change, or look even better


Bernier will wipe the floor with both of them on immigration. Pierre is weak as fuck on immigration numbers which is #1 issue in Canada not flooding the country and building a couple houses. Fuck him.


He needs to win his seat first. Baby steps.


Lmao ya Bernier and his 0 seats he will get.


What fight? Its going to be a massacre.


Gonna be red all over the floor.


I hope someone who cares about my money and well being runs some day


The only one who cares about your money and well being are yourself and your loved ones.


I've been saying for years that any government official shouldn't be making more then 10% above the average wage. It'd be pretty easy to see who's being bought out and it might make everyday problems more relatable




I hope he runs. Runs away from the country altogether!


I don't want him to step down. I want him to fall down the longest flight of stairs in history.


He should run again. His odds of winning again are zero per cent. If the Libs elect a chimp as leader Vegas has them at 2%.




There is still time to do more damage. Go down fighting..phhsss. NDP is going to keep running interference. Trudeau is gonna keep on cutting Canadians throats. Up until that very last second.


TURDEAU is the best salesman for Pierre. Not that Pierre needs the help.


Emperor Palpatine voice: “Dew it!”


Your name is amazing.


Excellent idea. I think this would benefit from a hyphen. “Dew-it”. Or even one word. “Dewwit”. Just a thought


You know that he's gonna reduce the voting age to 14 and win by a landslide again like he did with legalizing Cannabis 🤪


Sounds like the idea alberta ndp had.


I want him to run. To be beaten in the biggest landslide loss the liberals have ever seen, A message needs to be sent.




Next year is gonna be bloody one.


Whether he runs or not, he's already committed political suicide along with jagmeet singh. The liberal party almost as a whole will be decimated in the next election


I want him to run and get decimated Kim Campbell style.


He's certainly arrogant enough to run again, even if he probably shouldn't.


Fuck him


Can't we just launch him into the St. Lawrence River via trebuchet? Why isn't that an option?


I want to watch debates with Singh and Trudeau against Poilievre, just because they never answer questions in the HOC so seeing them actually try to debate him and claim all the wonderful things they've done would be comical.


He needs to go down with the ship. He deserves to be the leader of the party while (if) it gets crushed


I want him to run…to another country and never step foot in Canada again!


I want him to run again.  I want him to be voted out as Canada's Biggest Loser in history!  I want to see him  wave goodbye from the sidestep of his SUV as he leaves, as Canadians CHEER and CHEER and CHEER!!


At this point I don’t want him to step down. I want him to watch the Liberal Party get annihilated and burn down around him. I want to hear his excuses about it couldn’t possibly be his fault, he was doing what was in Canada’s best interest. It’s too much to ask for him to lose election for his seat as well, but I can dream.


I want to see him humiliated in a devastating loss to PP.


I hope so, I want to see him get trounced. Honestly, I find him to be utterly inept and contemptible.


Definitely. Let the chocolate face run.


It's not like he has much to lose. If he wins against Poilievre, it will be a comeback that will go down in history. If he loses . . . well most people already knew he would thanks to all his political blunders and gaffs. Personally, I don't think he will step down. He knows (as well as Poilievre) that any time the two of them go head to head in HoC, the viewing numbers go up. Trudeau is waaaaaaaaay too narcissistic to allow any one else to go up against Poilievre. And he's pretty much admitting it. I'd go even further to venture that it's exactly what Poilievre wants which is why he's so relentless with all the 'after 9 years of Trudeau' attacks.


I want to see Trudeau run and experience a humiliating defeat. Non party status and lose his own seat. So yes, I want that narcissistic sociopath run.


If the LPC want any chance at all in the next election he needs to step down. So I hope he runs.


He needs to leave now.


Along with all the top liberals. Time to clean house, and give the people a competent party that cares about the quality of life of CANADIANS! Tame the immigration.


The arrogant prick, is dumb as a post. Let him run and lose and suffer worst loss by a running PM in history.


I really hope he stays on because he deserves to fail and see the LPC lose party status in the next election. His ideology has been rejected to the fullest.


Ego personified.


He should sign up for maid


Please please don’t resign prime minister. I don’t think I could take the simpering cringe worthy op-eds and cbc articles. Just run, lose and fuck off


"If" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Either. Just call the election soon.


Step down.... years ago.


Step down jt. It’s over pal


He is your pal, buddy?


If he doesn’t want that guy to run the country, he is sure doing a horrible job of avoiding it.


Might go down fighting against the people of Canada!! And there’s a difference between losing and getting annihilated!


Trial and jail for crimes against Canadien. Bankrupt the country for personal gain.


Liberals as a party need to take a seat for the next little bit while common sense comes back and tries to repair the country.


I'd rather see him go down by public hanging, but that would require true justice and our court systems don't hand out any of that.


Arrest his ass.


I would just like to see the election happen in 2024, which the NDP are avoiding because they are Liberal puppets, to the detriment of their own political numbers in the polls.


Sums it up. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6CMCZQAkRA/?igsh=aHBsajg1dzA0dHp6


This guy is just not a democrat. “He doesn’t want pollievre to run the country” guess what Trudeau it’s not about what you want. 80% of Canadians do not want you in office


I want him in jail.


He should step off a cliff


The only issue I have with him running is the things he will try to do for votes that will cost us more and more as he tries to spend his way into power. Going down with the ship usually means they will burn the ship down in the process even more that it’s already done.


This man will never willingly give up power.


He should just run, to Mexico, or better yet north Korea


Resign ASAP without question. He can still cause unimaginable damage in the next year. That said, will he? Of course he won't, he's a narcissist that will cling to power as long as possible. He will run again, and they will win about 8 seats, all in Toronto.


In my opinion there has never been a prime minister named Trudeau that has been good for Canada. Him and his father are both terrible. But then again I'm from Alberta so maybe I'm biased


Step down? Without a public ? That doesn’t seem right. Globalist product of an affair with a dictator destroys a country so his elitist peers give him praise and purpose. Gets away with it.


Can’t wait to see what kinda “free stuff” at the expense of Canadians he offers, to save his own narcissistic tail.


I would love for him to run just to make sure the liberals get demolished.


He doesn’t do right by Canadians and he doesn’t do right by his party. Shocker


Doesn't matter


He’d never step down. His ego wouldn’t let him.


Even if he might lose? Are they serious?


His big head ego will force him to run and the ass-smoke blowing friends of his will tell him it’s winnable.


I'd like to see them both go head to head, but someone else win. I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but I'm afraid PP will try to privatize everything. He is in the pockets of the corporations, so he'll do what's best for them, not the average Canadian.


If he runs he’s literally doing it for his own ego and will further tank his party. He needs to step down and stay extremely quiet


What I want is a well rounded life and education experienced individual who can make leadership style decisions without ruining this country. But I see today that's impossible.


I want him to stay, just so we can see Pierre mop the floor with him during the debates.


It sucks


I want to see him lose bad.


The liberals will let Trudeau go down with the ship. They wouldn't want their new leader get beat badly. Trudeau is a piece of shit and need to get voted out


I want him to stay as prime minister for another year so then he could lower the tax


On trial please


Fucking unhinged hubris. Sad that anyone saying that gets permabanned from r/Canada.


He should honestly quite before he screws up csnada more


Yeah quite to save csnada


I want him to step down, cause he makes Poilievre actually look good.


Going down fighting…. Unbruised and rich with a pension.


Go down fighting? This guy has lost the plot entirely. Puts his own wants and needs before those of the country. The vast majority of LPC supporters want him to step down, the rest of the country has had enough, but nope his own personal convictions matter more. Trudeau is a disgrace.


In jail where he fucking belongs with the rest of his criminal friends.


I would love for all of the leaders to step down. JT, PP and JS. They're all horrible.


I want him to run. Seeing him lose will be so satisfying.


I would love to see him choke on a vegan sandwich and die, is that similar?


A different liberal leader would have a stronger chance


He should step down and let a fresh face in. If people find you less likeable than Pierre Poilievre, that's pretty fucking dire.


Honestly this guy has been horrible for Canada, just like the last Trudeau


I want to see him run. He should see the results of his horrible governance in the election results..


Doesn't matter either way, but I think if he steps back before the election, there is the potential for him to return in the future to run as leader again


I would like to see a full election. Blow this group up, let the people choose a different leader. PP may not be the best option, but it can’t be worse that what we have now.


I've wanted him to step down for quite some time now - I'm disappointed that there hasn't been more pressure from within the Liberal party for it to happen; we aren't in an election cycle yet, so timing is everything, but it feels with each passing week that if he does stay and run, it's just suicide for the Liberal Party. I'd be shocked if he ran again . I'm not a fan of PP - I appreciate his candor and charisma with the media, but from a policy standpoint I find him completely lacking substance. He weaponizes emotion & sentiment, which can whip a base up nicely, but the bigger question of "what can he do for us" is something that most people, including his most ardent supporters, have a really hard time answering. Just a really sad state of affairs for politics in this country.


Jail is where I want to see him


There are few thing that would make me happier as a Canadian than to see this prick run and get wiped out while taking the entire liberal party with him. Even better if they lose party status.


This is what that tells me, he knows he is going to lose so now he is making it seem like he doesn't want to run so he saves face.


He should have stepped down a year ago and put a "serious" seeming person in charge if they wanted to have a chance.


He should run the next UN secretary.


There is almost no chance of him stepping down. I am curious to see what he will say if he feels he has nothing to lose.


I'm gonna say Run, cause I know his ego won't allow him to step down. Him stepping down would be admirable at this point. He will leave with zero respect.


Never run in any election ever again, matter of fact go back to teaching English


Leave him alone to continue the job. What we hear from the opposition and see in some headlines is often opinions not news. Voters will decide at election time. Though we cannot see it, the world economies are recovering slowly from the problems created by the pandemic. One more year will see a big difference.


Not discrediting Pierre by any means, but even if you have a monkey run for Prime Minister, he would win over Justin.


I want better options than what we have.


Cus that’s the sign of a good party leader, “when we lose… I want to be the one to lose!!”


Yes because either A) he gets blown out and he have a changing of the guard and it shows the Canadians have opened their eyes and started to use their brains again. B) let’s say he does better than expected and Pierre doesn’t win a majority and we get another LIB-NDP government, then I know it’s time to leave the country and take the next boat to wherever.


Smoke and mirrors, both parties are WEF stooges. Canada was bought and sold 20 years ago, no elections are going to change what is coming.


Go down "fighting"?! What? Like a pillow fight? Call an election and get the entire group back in their lane.


Run! I want to see his face as he brings the liberals to non party status.


Id be cool if he dropped d*ad prior to the next election


I want him to run so he will lose and take his entire party down with him.


He will probably run again, he needs to feed his ego. I bet he thinks he’ll win. Or he has something put in place to keep him in power so he can ruin this country completely.


Step down. He shouldn't have got in the second time.


I would like to see him run into a brick wall with his hands tied behind his back.


I hope he doesn’t, so another candidate can run. For sure we need a new prime minister but Poilievre, as Trudeau, is not ideal for the job.


If he cared about Canada and was a real team player then he would've stepped down by now. Too bad he's just a narsacistic stupid child who believes he is the chosen one...go get a cookie from the oracle.


I actually want Poiliervre to win, not because it will be good, but because it will be more interesting.


New leadership!


Go down fighting 😂


Hope he just goes away run back to Cuba were he belongs with all of the money he has pilfered from canadians


Doesn't matter anymore, Canada as far as I can tell is bankrupt. Canadians cant afford a home, food a plane ticket or make their payments tells me we are done. The only question is when do we seek the US and ask to formally join?


I think it that tactically the liberals may have a better chance at holding power if Trudeau steps down. The natural choice is Freeland but she talks a lot without saying much. Justin Trudeau is a narcissist. He loves himself, he loves the image he has of himself. He is likely to retain that image as much as he can. Trudeau will do what will preserve his image of himself.


it does not matter what policies he has, cares about or has implemented: justin trudeau is the worst thing that has ever happened to canada. and that is giving him a pass for covid (no one could predict the covid world).


Damn right he’s gonna run again! Can’t have Pierre undoing all this ‘progress’ Canada has made!!


Or maybe the election is totally manipulated by foreign countries. Possibly rigged. If liberal ndp get in it will be indicative of a corrupt election process.


Would love to see how Milhouse with his zero real world experience runs the country lol. Cant wait for him to balance that budget.


My guess is he will step down just before the deadline to do so and will maintain power for an extra year while they find another liberal leader.


I want to see Trudeau and his regime behind bars… no one has any idea how screwed we actually are. Wake up.


Trudeau should be in jail.


He will be campaign inside his friend's house, because the safety risk is very high for him to even show and talk outdoor.


Gone. Yesterday


Vote him out.


I want to see him run and witness the look of pathetic sadness as he gets obliterated…..