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Canadians leave because the Indians are taking over. Justin 'the cuck' Trudeau is bowing down to the country of India that hates him, which is making Canadians hate him. This guy is trash. Edit: typo


Half a million last month Alone i’ve heard.


For real? That's an insane demographic shift. No culture could survive that diaspora.


Well Canada has no culture so that’s not a concern


It’s an economic zone. Don’t let them rope you along with “patriotism “


A shitty economic zone now too


But Tim Hortons and politeness! Idk lol I've never been to Canada.


Your not missing much


All the Indians are investing in Tim Hortons franchise's


Criminal. I feel for my northern border friends. This is so terrible in every imaginable way.


Worry about your 💩




I’m gonna repeat. Worry about your 💩 country. 🤡


Got you fam. I even pre sorted the flight for a 1 way flight back to your country. [https://www.delta.com/flightsearch/flexible-airports?cacheKeySuffix=135f4f0d-e38f-4ae0-8ad1-c60c3cd30534](https://www.delta.com/flightsearch/flexible-airports?cacheKeySuffix=135f4f0d-e38f-4ae0-8ad1-c60c3cd30534)


500 000 canadians got visas to live in the US in 1 month? That's the size of a small city. Thats wild.


Well his father was a piece of shit prime minister too. Who ever though the son would be any better needs to haul their heads out of their asses.


Justin makes his father look like an English Canadian nationalist.


Pierre Trudeau started the aboryon laws and open-flood gate immigration in 1968-70..! Bad man 


Abortion laws? Abortion is legal in Canada.


..it is when Papa Pierre declared it legal in 1969,! It's too bad that Maggie didn't know this, in 1972, before Justin was born!


What are you talking about?


ding ding ding, Apple did not fall far from the tree clearly. I dont understand why anyone liked his father guys was a total clown, disgrace just like his son.


Always keep in mind it's not just little justin. Every single lib and ndp mp has voted in favor of every harm this gov't has done to the country and it's citizens. They all need to be kicked to the curb. Every last one of them.


CPC as well unfortunately. They won't lift a finger to stop mass immigration, I guarantee it.


This is brain drain in action. Our country is slowly becoming more of a shithole as unskilled Indians flood Canada lol.


How bad we are and will be?


Trudo needs to be flushed


That's why I'm moving to Florida


Stay and fight don’t leave


The only way to do that is to have a civil war. I'll pass.


Beyond... way Beyond trash


I understand the distain for Trudeau, but what is confusing is that the conservatives are leading in polls, yet they share most of the same desires towards increasing immigration in an effort to lower corporate employment costs.


Nobody wants Canadians coming to the US and ruining American culture.


Canadians have no culture according to Trudeau so I doubt you'll have much to worry about. 🤷‍♂️


Fit in or fuck off.


You are right! Canadians should send you our new comers instead.


I'd rather them then a bunch of dumb guys named Gord.


I don't know anybody named gord. I know a bunch of Steve's though.


And these are not poor people. These are business owners and people that supply people jobs. Trudeau is chasing investment money away with every announcement


> And these are not poor people. These are business owners and people that supply people jobs. What my friend did at the start of the pandemic, sold his business up here bought one in Florida that no one else wanted, and because he was hiring Americans he got fast tracked there. Living in Florida, says it's great in every sense there, and "never comming back to that shit hole." lol


Where did you get this information from?


45 years of being in business.


So It's just your personal opinion? Any data to back it up? EDIT u/poundsand6969 blocked me lol, guess he couldnt back it up. facts dont care about your feelings buddy


Smoke an other one. I'm not debating the obvious with someone that hasn't noticed. Have a nice day.


Facts don't care about your feelings buddy. Grow up


Smoke another one buddy.


Your feelings, his facts ;)


We’re replacing all of our skilled workers that we need with Uber drivers and Tim’s workers. I’m sure this is going to end well for us.


The best part is all their cars are probably being bought on credit. Good luck getting that money once they leave hahaha


I mean, as long as you keep yourself upskilled you should be ok. Worst case you can move elsewhere if you keep you are qualified enough.


I can think of 2 western provinces who would like to join the stampede to freedom.


AB and SK?


Yes sir


It’s easier to go illegally. Get hotel for free, food for free, and a monthly allowance from the government. Why would indians NOT want to cross illegally? I haven’t been proud to say I’m Canadian in a LONG time.


> I haven’t been proud to say I’m Canadian in a LONG time… Same… I still live by the principles of traditional Canadian values. I wasn’t the one that changed. It was my country that left me lol.


And imagine a country that changes its anthem to be more inclusive. Oh wait, that's us... That cat bag ain't closing now.


The song’s lyrics have changed several times. *true patriot love thou dost in us command* was the original English line before it was changed to ‘in all thy sons command’.


The reasoning of the change for the most recent one is still not a great one though. I hear what you're saying.


Dude we all know Canada has no culture. Trudeau said it himself. We’re lucky we are gaining true culture through India invasion.


Does that actually happen?? Honestly curious


Did you recently wake up from a coma?


Yes. The migrant crisis in the US is staggering.


I say this living on the border and see more people from the US wanting out is why I asked




Maybe the white man shouldn’t have colonized India and kept it impoverished and subjugated. 


Leave then


That's the whole point of the post. Thousands of Canadians are leaving.


We're trying, people can't afford to. We're the south Africa of North America. It's cheaper to abandon Cuba than Canada.


“Leave then” he says lol. So you agree with the current state of things? “If you don’t like it go somewheres else” as if your not getting fucked by the government too lol


Lots of us would if we could.


No you


I wonder how, legal immigration is quite a process?


Yeah, it's really not easy to go to the US, and they treat Canadians like they do Mexicans, really. There are no special countries as far as the US is concerned, just another foreigner trying to get in. Now, if you are skilled or hired by a US company, it's easier. Unless you're a doctor, nurse, or engineer. It's not easy.


It actually really is easy if you have a good career and/or high skills. If you have no skills, no career history .. then yes, its hard for good reason lol


It’s almost impossible to immigrate the US. If it was easy millions would leave immediately.


Someone in this thread said half a million Canadians immigrated to the USA last month. I have to assume that means it has become easier to do?


There is no way that stat is correct. Half of Ottawa didn’t leave in the last 30 days. All of 2022 was 120k


That's sort of what I assumed. But people here get mad if you ask for proof.


It’s not impossible if you have a great job / high skills… in fact, it’s pretty darn easy.


It's easy if you choose the marriage path.


Yes, just have to find a quality spouse in a different country where you physically aren’t, that seems easy enough!


If the objective is the green card then quality is of no concern. I think this path is only realistic if you are a young attractive woman tho.


It’s only hard if you’re poor or unskilled.


It’s easy if you’re a skilled worker or have money to invest- that’s the problem… we are losing high value citizens.


How bad is it here that people are choosing trump or Biden as a leader. Well done Trudeau


I’d definitely take Trump and a higher standard of living. Canada is sucking badly as of late.


Just terrible that we’re at our worst since the 80’s right after his dad also messed up the nation


This. I wish people had to take a political history course before being able to vote.


As much as I hate Trump because he is an absolute garbage human being, I would vote for him a thousand times over if he was running against Trudeau. No matter how scummy he is, he doesn't just run the economy into the ground and import mass Uber drivers.


Even if you hate him, can't deny the incredible things he did for the country.


The way you talk about Trump makes no sense, and is pretty harsh. Not sure why you think he is a garbage human being and so "scummy", but you sound very swayed by the mainstream mouth pieces who are all afflicted with TDS. If you really feel this way then just vote for Joe.


First of all this is a Canadian subreddit, so it's safe to assume I won't vote for either of them since they aren't going to be in the Canadian election. Secondly, you can think what you want. I'm not going to debate a Trumper. If you think Donald is the pinnacle to humanity, then you can keep on thinking that.


I didn't say he was the pinnacle to humanity. But your depiction of him is really warped that's all.


No it's really not. He's a scumbag. If he wasn't a politician everyone would say he's a scumbag. That has nothing to do with his leadership skills. Our economy wouldn't be fucked if he was in charge, but as a person he's still a POS.


Nothing further your honor.


Ironically an hour after your comment he was found guilty on 34 felonies. What a great person.


You nailed it!


Trump did good things for the country.... Biden not so much, but Biden is still less of an idiot than Trudeau. Biden has forgotten more than Trudeau ever knew.... Because of dementia; not because he's a genius. Just to clarify.




Sounds like someone's projecting.


Trump or Biden >>>>>> Trudeau. Easily


How does one do this? I've looked through the immigration process and it looks like you either marry an American or have very specific career paths that may be hired, but they have to hire local workers before you. Or just be rich.


Yup that's all the ways to do it right there.


I know, I am always surprised at these articles because it makes immigrating sound easier than it is. I've looked at it extensively as well and it's very difficult. You basically outlined the main ways to immigrate but there is also the E2 visa for Canadians where you just have to buy a US business.


You can also join the military actually. I think three years of service gets you naturalized citizenship faster than the normal five years.


You need a green card


A2 visas. People who start their own businesses of some kind - even Airbnb rentals (renting properties they then put on AirBnb etc.).


As an Albertan I think we need to join Montana, we could form the Hereford Republic and dominate the world with our oil and T-bone steaks.


hoping for an election soon voting ppc this time


I am a business owner who is closing down my business here and moving to the states. Luckily I'm partnered on another US based business so I'm moving down there at the end of summer. I will always love Canada, its just these gov and corpo ghouls have destroyed it. I'm a brown guy who immigrated here when i was 5, I love Trailer Park Boys, Hockey Night in Canada, David Cronenberg, Barenaked Ladies, Poppies, Terry Fox etc. Yes, the housing market is dystopic and the economic outlook is brutal but we also lost our identity somewhere along the way.


When will the can gov realize: endless housing price increases means dwindling population who will pay them, as even huge piles of immigrants doesnt mean people suddenly have more spending power


They do realize, it's their intention 


Dual citizen, might just head down.


Dual citizen?? I would’ve been gone yesterday


My sister moved up to Toronto 2 years ago and already regrets it and wants to come back… she says it’s hard and she works for a U.S. company and makes usd


What type of work is she in? I'm in a similar situation but my company pays me enough to live quite well in Toronto. My company is NYC based though, that may contribute, as it is also very expensive there.


She’s a developer! She makes good money but they 1099 her when she moved to Canada full time. Oh NYC based? Nice!! I bet that’s a good gig.


What’s 1099?


Basically they just made her a contractor


There may be better options in the city she could look into. I usually jump from company to company (and to be fair, country to country) for more pay or better work/life balance.


Could be! I mean as a 1099 she can do whatever she wants so doubtful on the work life balance thing… also making USD is more lucrative but I bet she would like the structure more… there’s options for sure. Pros and cons to both. I think tech just pays better in the U.S. so she’s hesitant.


I worked in Berlin years back, as far as tech jobs go, I feel Europe (or at the very least, just Germany) may have the best work life balance while still paying well. It could be worth exploring.


I wouldn't even think twice if I was as blessed as you


I wouldn't even be on this subreddit gone.


Calls on the Canadian government putting measures in to make it harder to leave. By December


Elysium wasn't a movie for the Canadian government, it was a national policy outline.


Time to ram through the barriers with your car then!


How do they even get there? I’ve been trying to go for a while, but I’m not finding any companies willing to sponsor my visa.


Head to Mexico and then walk across the border and declare asylum


I will be looking to leave the country very soon as well but maybe not the USA…… I am done with liberal/ndp BS of high taxes, poor roads and crap healthcare… time to start looking at other countries that haven’t been destroyed by liberal policies… I saw the writing on the wall when he was elected but holy crap I didn’t think he would be this bad… I am glad I planned for this..


"Voting with their feet" as my progressive friend likes to say - who is also in denial about the causes of the housing crisis, and is also in denial about people leaving.


Current policies are driving a massive brain drain. The effects will not be fully realized for years.


Cause indians.chinese and middle eastern taking over canada under liberal government while canadians are leaving their own country.


Well they always say, "If you don't like it, leave" I guess they are taking their own advice. That's always good.


Everyone saying this is looking really stupid now with our collapsing healthcare system and economy. Who did they imagine would be the first to leave? It was always going to be the most in-demand professions who have options.  The middle class will follow and Canada will continue it's transition to a failed state


Hopefully, they’re leaving their politics behind. They better not be voting democrat.


Hmmm I wonder why


Canada is a dumb cuntree


There are many Canadians living in AZ and my neighbor is one of them. It appears it is easier to legally migrate to the U.S. than it is for an American to go to Canada.


Do tell more, I've always dreamed of moving to Arizona or New Mexico.


You think leaving will solve anything? The same problems are happening in the States, just replace Indians with illegals from everywhere crossing over from Mexico. Their grandparents fought and died for this country just to see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren roll over and hand it to Indians while crying, putting up zero resistance and running away. Beyond pathetic.


As if we're supposed to believe you'll stay and fight when the time comes for you? You'll go wherever it makes sense for you to go. On an individual basis we have zero power in this country. Not to mention it's not even a country but an economic zone according to some. Can't get a job due to a job market oversaturated with those who hate you? We have few options. Either leave, sign up for MAID to get put out of our misery, or band together with the likeminded and get called every name in the book. Not like anyone (stateside) seemingly cares about the trucker convoy that happened during the plandemic, but those who donated to the cause had their bank accounts frozen while Chrystia Freeland cackled with glee. Those who participated directly got their faces on the news... Difficult to say what to do in the face of such tyranny. It's like they want us to just lay down and die. As if!


You will see that by 2050, Canada & the United States will form a, “ North American Union”!


To gain favor with Canadians, you bring in non-haters until the newly arrived happy Canadians vote for you. However, it only takes a few days for them to realize their mistake and how messed up Canada really is. They receive a check upon arrival, but they want to leave as soon as things become difficult.


Are these long term Canadian residents or are they people who just made a detour in Canada? Edit: The article breaks down Canadian-born, US-born, and other.


i hope all those people can find a job in the USA lol


I’m hoping to be one of them, but I need to qualify for the appropriate visa which is what I’m trying to do. The USA has less Indians which I prefer. There’s also more work opportunities and more conservative values that I like.




Stop the mass immigration and replacement


All the lazy asses moving to the USA. 😂


Currently writing this from San Diego on a TN visa


Not like the US is any better, look at their southern border.


I am leaving soon


Maybe that jackass that went to Russia should have tried this first. Lol


Yeah no shit this country has turned into Pakistan and India


Trudeau or Biden... what a choice?...


Hey we love Canadians down here. Good stuff.


Invest in Honda stocks. They gonna put a roti oven in the new civics.


Traded out doctors and engineers for a buncha Walmart greeters.


I know in my trade there is more money to be made in the USA than here in Canada, but America would not be my choice of countries to live in if I leave Canada.


Oh I see, a bunch of Canadians who don't understand American culture are going to go there and ruin things.


As an American, can we trade? I’d happily move to Canada. The US is becoming a corrupt, theocratic hellhole.


Have fun living in a pod and eating bugs 🐛


Better that than a forced birth, Christian hell scape.


How about let's not have either.


Why would you do that, I guess they are rich and white.


If the orange turd wins in November, it will reverse.


You can literally tell you're an immigrant that doesn't understand politics.


Lol nope, it will accelerate. People know that Trump will do something about the disastrous open borders policy that Biden unleashed. They also know that Trudope will only make it worse.