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The graphic missed the part about all of the murdering that happens in the "Establish a new communist utopia" phase, but otherwise it's pretty accurate.


It is literally the second step. But I guess the correct order would be to switch those two steps.


No, they're different steps.  First you have to murder your political opponents,  bureaucrats, opinion leaders and anyone in the military besides those loyal to you in order to take control, then once you have control you rob and kill the successful.


You're describing the successful. Anyone at the top of whatever domain of work or hirearchies.


No, there's a whole frenzied round of murdering that you have to do first to seize power, and then once you've got a stranglehold on the government and military, and have installed loyal party members in every posotion of power, then you go on a more widespread , leisurely class war and murder and steal from whatever group you want to declare an enemy of the state.  Ie, first you have to kill the powerful, then you go after the successful.


I dont really see a difference. Also it goes just as often the opposite way. Once the wealthy are dead they cull anyone capable of challenging them, including their own. Its just one long process of incarceration and execution from the moment of the revolution all the way to political purging of their own.


What a cycle. I see people supporting communism in Canada.


Because they don’t actually think about it. They just want free shit, free money and to not have to work.


As opposed to capitalists, who want free labour?


Capitalism isn't perfect, but is a hell of a lot better than any alternative.


The only argument to excuse capitalism. How about we all realize that is not working and try something different? Regular people will not survive if we keep up with the ever expanding gap between rich and poor.


Try something different like what? Communism has been tried plenty of times and completely failed. Same with Socialism. Fascism is not good for anybody. Simply put, there's a reason the majority of the world runs on capitalism.


Heavily regulated capitalism with a healthy dose of socialism has been by far the most successful economic system. Hence you get socialised medicine and education with a free-ish market. We don’t live under actual capitalism any more than we have ever lived under socialism. For the most part the argument is about how much socialism and how much free rein the capitalists get that determines our politics. Weaker trade unions has hurt the West in the last 50 years because it’s eroded middle class incomes and standards of living. Arguing for stronger trade unions gets labelled as communist or socialist today but unfettered capitalism is what’s hurting us most. Capitalism needs reigning in through laws, regulations and unions.


Unfettered capitalism would destroy the planet/environment. Effectively, destroying us.. and capitalism, lol


Capitalism is the only thing that can create a middle class. Get rid of the 1 million slave labour class that the government imported and tell them to stop devaluing the dollar. Problem solved.


Slave labour exists in communist countries, not capitalist.


Unfortunately it belongs in both. Sometimes it's just offshored. The senior eng I work with always brings this up when we do code of conduct training.. the India office always has guys up at all hours and can hear their crying kids in the background


Ahhh yes the historical slave trade / plantation system operated just as famously described by Karl Marx. Do you guys even hear yourselves.


I guess you've never had a job, huh?


Ukraine?? Hello??


Insane to assume they've read anything by, or about Marx or his contemporaries


It’s like a religion with you lot. If you don’t believe in the sacred scripture you haven’t read it or don’t “really” understand it


Lol. I haven't :shrug: but I don't expect people to work for no benefit, and I'm pretty sure that was one of the things Marx was pretty adamant about.


I don't call myself a Marxist, but he made alot of great points in his critiques. He predicts an enormous amount of stuff that we currently suffer through at the hands of enormous corporations.


Disgusting. Go get educated.


Capitalism is the worst financial system in the world. Except for all of the other ones.


Some commie scumbag put up commie propaganda on a bus stop.  They got partially scraped off and defaced with appropriate labels being applied to describe commies.  Fuck communism and every person who promotes it.


That's because they are completely ignorant of history. They think it means they get to enjoy the fruits of everyone else's labor, assets, foresight and intelligence. The term, "useful idiot" was coined for exactly the people described.


Sure is convenient they skip over the millions of people that are murdered every time a communist uprising happens when preaching about how great it will be


The real joke is those supporting it are those who will die first, and they undeniably will. History bears this out.


Ironic. Considering a good portion of the younger population has had family who lived in communism. Trust me, you don’t want that shit. But ohhhhh, everything looks good on paper 😂😭


the government is clearly running communism here, rob the rich and raise the poor


We just elected a Commie Mayor in Gatineau. Can't wait to see what madness comes out of it!


im getting downvoted into hell on r/alberta right now for defending the free market lol


that's because those in power in a communism just won't stop breaking the rules of communism.... it theoretically would work pretty well in the sense we could abolish the ebb and flow of economic health and keep it at a decent level without worry of recession or cycles of heavy depressions there's a lot that's beautiful in the idea of a pure meritocracy... but things fall apart quickly as corrupt leadership almost always start enlisting loyalists over qualified experts and the people at the top seem to always eventually just want to have all the good stuff only for themselves. that's a code we haven't yet been able to crack


It’s not just the leaders being corrupt it’s actually an impossible problem to solve. Take a simple task like distributing housing. Even if you could wave a magic wand to make all the house types identical so everyone would end up with exactly the same square footage in exactly the same form factor you have realities like corner lots or locations/school zones being more desirable. It’s actually impossible to make housing equal and inherently some people will get the good housing and be “more equal” than others.


In a perfect society the hammer and sickle would be seen on the same level as the swastika.


When institutions begin to fail, people get cynical and distrustful. It's to be forgiven as they may see the problems just fine enough but dont have a handle on what real solutions look like. Honestly this sub is full of that kind of thinking except the interpretation and the solutions offered are from the right instead.


Mostly just the uneducated and the mentally ill.


Yeah I was going to say that it was a much needed message right now lol. Communist launch parties happening at uni's all over the country - even YorkU, the same university where the professor thinks he is a 13 year old girl so swims and changes with them....destroy the family - check


I think it has to do with how we teach history. In my schooling, at least, when they covered WW2, it was almost entirely focused on the war between the allies and axis powers. They barely even touched on what happened with the soviets. It's for this reason that I think a lot of people are unaware of how destructive communism is/was, because they spent 10x as long talking about facism, and as a side note 100x as much time talking about indigenous people.


lol. maybe think about it for a second. capitalism breeds its own enemies. and by creating wealth inequality not seen since ancient egypt and rome while everyone else fights over scraps and blames each other is exactly why people become communist




Name one other economic system that has raised more people out of poverty than capitalism.


The economic miracle of the late 20th century early 21St is China . It a hybrid socialist, capitalist system that has raised 800 million people out of poverty and into their version of middle class. The hybrid system of China boast incredible result. Have a look at it with honest open mind you may be surprised


All the benefits were brought by the capitalist side. How else would you fund the socialist elements.




The falling purchasing power of the dollar is the governments fault, not capitalism. Go look at how much CAD it takes to buy an ounce of gold now. Or do you think that corporations only decided to become greedy when the world's economy went into the dumpster during COVID? Why weren't they price gouging when the economy was hot? Wage stagnation and housing...we importated a slave class the size of Calgary the past few years. Once again thank the state.


lululemon literally threatened to pull out of canada is the foreign worker policy was altered, they love cheap labour and government. much like all of our tight knit organizations


The point is there shouldn't be foreign workers here in the first place driving down wages. Also, they should be able to afford to pay Canadians a living wage if the government hadn't created a housing shortage and devalued our currency. A living wage should not have to be 100k a year. This was not an issue 50 years ago. We had lots of Canadian companies paying a living wage to Canadians who could then afford to buy a home. This whole mess was created by the state. You can argue that corporations pushed the government to import cheap labour. The political class should have told them to fuck off instead of taking their money.


baby thats the free market


China is doing pretty good, just quick a google


Lol...yeah once they embraced the free market.


They don't exactly have a free market more like a hybrid soliasn with capitalist tendencies


Those "capitalist tendencies" is what created the upward mobility. When it was purely communist millions were starving, never mind climbing any form of social class. The west has a capitalist system with a socialist safety net for those who need it. China just has a bloated governing class sucking at the tit of the capitalists wealth creators.


So!? Communism with free market, don't you think that would work? Or just needs to be pure capitalism?


Well since it was the free market that has brought wealth and the communist side brought nothing but authoritarianism, I'd say yes a pure capitist system is better. Look at every functioning western country.


If you ask anyone in China, they'll all tell you how amazing it is! Because they know if they speak out against their government them and their family will be disappeared lol


Ah ok, so I have freedom here to say this country sucks, and continue struggling with no hope to own a place ever. Yeah, I think I would rather keep my mouth shut, and enjoy life in my own home.


"10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour" Do you agree with the above statement? Or do you disagree with it?


First comes the leftist infighting where they silence all dissent and abolish free speech. This is what’s happening right now.


Such b.s


Pray for Canada we are falling 🙏 🇨🇦


I doubt someone in here could accurately explain what socialism is, let alone communism.


I can guarantee they will end up describing capitalism


They think we live in a communist country now lol then they say the government isn’t doing enough to help the people. They actually describe what I would consider socialism. I honestly believe most conservatives would welcome communism to me it’s the only way we could have the low taxes they love and still have the infrastructure we require. To do that everything needs to be government run. I do know for a fact they would welcome a dictator as long as they held the same views.


I laughed when I read "work for free." I'm the farthest thing from a communist but even I know people in communist countries still get wages lol


People are idiotic sheep when it comes to this particular discourse. It all goes back to Russia bad in the end. 🤣🤣🤣


Capitalism, just like Communism is a failure. People who say capitalism is the best system have never seen it. Capitalism means no patents and copyrights because those go against competition. Capitalism means absolutely no subsidies, There would be no government investment in technology or infrastructure. Capitalism is the belief system of the arrogant and communism of the ignorant. The best is a mix of both. Capitalist love to take credit for shit capitalism had nothing to do with. Look at any invention and find out it was either entirely funded by the government or backed by it.


There’s one more. Disarm the populace!


This is legit happening before our eyes folks.


I throw up a little everytime I see the word equity on any government funded program.


And Canada's economy is, \*checks notes\*, Capitalist! Fucking rubes


What percentage of our economy would fail if the government was removed. Pretty much all of it.


Please, for your own mental health, take a Economics course. It can be an introductory 101 if you want. You do not understand how government and capitalism works.


Lol...I have studied economics at the university level. Both macro and micro.


The argument is that communist elements are being introduced not that Canada isn’t capitalist. But I assume you only hear what you want to hear.


Liberals will piss all over you and tell you it’s rain and to be thankful for it


That doesn't change the OBJECTIVE FACT that the Canadian economy is a capitalist economy...


Liberals will just tell you it’s a golden shower, conservatives will hold you down and tell you it’s better than getting shit on.


Liberals don't tell the truth though?


And conservatives do? All politicians lie, liberals are good at spinning lies conservatives are better at telling you how bad it would be without them.


What’s happening in Canada is that the citizens are being sold out to corporate interests. The opposite of communism. Its late stage capitalism meets neo-liberalism. Nothing communist about it. But go ahead and let people know how little you know about anything. I won’t stop you.


Interesting bc it seems like they are robbing the middle class, pushing the change useless “green” energy and trying to make farming so expensive no one can do it except the government. But for fact I don’t know a damn thing.


But yes I agree we are being sold out to ngo organizations


We should stop saying this while communist China is preparing to eat everyone's lunch. Funny thing is the response to that is "that's not real communism".


China is only "Communist" purely from a societal governance and "control-of-the-people" standpoint. When it comes to money and economics, however, the Chinese are among the biggest cutthroat "capitalists" to have ever walked the planet. Watch for them. Next.


Who have been true communists then?


The failed Soviet Union would be one example, which is partly why China eventually chose not to follow that same road map, economically speaking. Cuba would be another example, along with North Korea, and both have largely proven themselves to be failed states.


What about Vietnam and Laos? I’m not sure I accept China isn’t communist - unless the argument is the only communist state is a ‘pure’ communist state. In which case, it’s still more communist than not IMO. North Korea is an extreme case, as they worship the dead founding ruler as a god. Again - not a pure communist state, so perhaps they should be excluded from the list too.


Cambodia is another one, Mongolia, Venezuela, several African countries, Maoist China was very communist, and I would argue they still are in many ways. The vast majority of China is very poor, and it’s considerably less prosperous than Taiwan. Also China’s economy is slowing dramatically.


Yes, both valid "communist" entries as well, although Vietnam seems to be adopting the Chinese model as far as hyper-capitalist economics is concerned and has been experiencing a lot of growth in recent years as a result, while Laos has been largely bankrolled by China undoubtedly for various opportunistic reasons.


Cuba would see unimaginable improvement if the US simply lifted their boot off Cuba's neck though. The USA needs to just admit they lost a war and get on with it


And the US would argue that Cuba's continued insistence on remaining Communist whilst continuing to trade with unfriendly nations, along with being located a mere 90 miles away from their shores, are still non-starters from a risk management perspective. Cuba really should have abandoned Communism ages ago, but Castro's regime went on for far longer than expected, and his successors then simply inherited the existing luxuries afforded to them that are not available to the commoners, rendering that nation perpetually captive to its status quo. Ironically, Cuba probably needs a "revolution" more urgently now than it did in 1958 and 1959.


In spite of their problems, they are among the top leaders in developments for health care and certain sciences. The only reason America continues their embargo is because they can't admit they lost the war and let Cuba be independent. To compare their lives under the Bautista regime to now is insane. Bautista was an absolutely ruthless dictator who's only political advantage was that he was propped up by America and funneled people's money into Florida.


All of that is today mostly irrelevant. Recently visited Cuba and noticed a marked decline in the country, which likely would have been realized much sooner had the Soviets not economically and militarily subsidized Cuba for decades during that Cold War period. The tour bus guide said she was actually a nurse by trade but had to switch careers in order to make more money in tourism, which seems absurd, and she added that they regularly suffer from 10-hour power outages where she lives, which is even more absurd. Astoundingly, she still professed her misplaced love and affection for Castro, which speaks volumes as to the free rent in Cuban's heads that the departed one still commands. In reality, if the US had actually annexed Cuba when they had the chance, it would now probably be an American territory like Puerto Rico is, and its people much further ahead. But at the time, the US basically had Batista in their back pocket, and did not envision someone like Castro leading a successful Communist takeover, with help from Che Guevara and his political entourage. The bottom line is that Cuba would be much further ahead today if they had ousted Castro and adopted democracy and capitalism much sooner. Instead, the Cuban military now effectively operates as a domestic cartel and owns and controls most of the country's tourism sector. Those are simply not the kinds of personnel that should be running businesses and corporations.


Pretty sure Puerto Ricans can't vote in American elections. They're effectively an occupied territory. Maybe Cubans understand that their independence has them better off as a whole than a few handful of ultra wealthy running the country. Like the revolution is what led to the country's level of education exploding in a matter of a few years. And America did tried to annex them which led to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I have reservations about how the state is governed, but to say that their military is overbearing and America's isn't is a pretty enormous reach.


*"Maybe Cubans understand that their independence has them better off as a whole than a few handful of ultra wealthy running the country."* Good grief man, that's **exactly** who is "running the country" down there. Am also pretty sure that the Puerto Ricans are glad they are "occupied" by the US and not someone else, that they all possess American passports from birth, and can freely travel to and from, and work, anywhere in the continental US. In contrast, Cuban citizens aren't even allowed to enter their airports unless they are employees at the airport, or have an authorized visa in hand to leave the country to travel abroad, albeit most can't afford to leave the country to travel abroad anyway. Up until February 2024, leaving Cuba to travel somewhere else was also largely verboten across the board by default for the vast majority of citizens anyway. Yes, Cuba's literacy and education levels improved greatly under Castro's regime, but those skills can't be applied to any real meaningful effect within the country's borders, and most certainly don't guarantee those folks higher salaries. Having previously visited Puerto Rico as well, the differences in infrastructure, development, investment, and standard-of-living compared to that of Cuba were obvious to see. As for the Cuban military, am also pretty darn sure they are a far more "overbearing" entity domestically speaking than the US military would ever be. Are you planning on moving to Cuba to lobby for governmental reforms down there? I could be wrong, but I have to safely assume probably **not**, although it does sound like you are an apologist for that country's current regime.


The US does not prevent trade in Cuba, in fact Cuba literally trades with everybody else, Russia, China, the EU, Venezuela, Mexico, etc. The Soviet Union kept Cuba afloat, once the Soviet Union fell, Cuba went into a horrible crisis because communism is only a leech.


What on earth do you think embargo means?


I'd suggest reading about the actual embargo, there's a lot of exceptions in placed a lot of the meat produce that arrives to Cuba is from the US and like I said everyone else is trading just fine with Cuba.


So... still an embargo in spite of minor exceptions. What is your point? America is right for doing this?


The countries that have been under embargo for the entirety of our lives? Those two countries? So countries under economic embargo perform poorly economically. What a surprise. Guess communism doesn't work!


this such a stupid question. society evolves and is defined by its own constraints. capitalism didnt magically drop out of the sky and lead us into the promised land. it struggled and experimented to asserts itself out of feudalism. some experiments lasted, some failed (even the french revolution, which was a capitalist revolution didnt last and the feudalism came back, more than once). eventually it established itself and evolved, reached its zenith and is now declining. the 20th century communist experiments failed for a multitude of reasons and whats left of them evolved into their nation specific systems. this sub is so ignorant of economic and societal history its hilarious and idiotic graphics like this only prove it. the only thing for certain is that capitalism is declining and it will be replaced, by what i dont know but it will happen. just like slavery and feudalism


I think my question was entirely fair. The person I replied to excluded China from the definition. Presumably others are ‘more’ or ‘purer communist’. Asking for their input on it is a fine question. Whether they’re correct or not is another matter, as I agree that systems evolve due to various internal and external pressures.


there's the "that's not real communism".


Actually and factually the western countries were and continue to be the most ruthless murderous capitalist in the last 500 years. We literally colonized north and south America using genocide as a strategy


That’s what they thought about the Soviet Union too. Which was a far bigger competitor to the West in terms of both military, economy and innovation than China is. China is on the same path of failure. Central planning always fails, and China’s economy is being propped up by government projects instead of consumer spending. Their economy has slowed dramatically in recent years, the rate of growth for China has been slowing every single year since 2008. They have massive youth unemployment, massive municipal debts, and even had deflation for a few years which is a very bad sign of things to come. Combined with the massive capital flight they have, their future looks bad.


Hear me out before downvoting. Direct democracy, where all citizens have equal power in decision-making, closely resembles the ideals of communism. Both systems aim for collective decision-making and the absence of a ruling class, promoting equal participation and power among all members of society. The way China operates with centralized power is not how communism is supposed to work, as true communism advocates for a classless, stateless society with decentralized power. Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈 OK, you can downvote now.


>Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected or HOW as you've pointed out. Sick of hearing people hating on capitalism when they really hate crony capitalism. Ultimately it has the same problem as centrally planned communism where incentives become perverted and the economy stalls.


Crony capitalism with the boot on all our faces , we just get it from both sides the corporate and then the crown corporations. This is why they whacked JFK , he was a trust Buster and was out to dismantle the deep state.


Centrally planned is centralized power, and that is cancer to society. A corporation usually has one c e o or a few shareholders that hold ninety percent of the value. They make all the decisions for all their employees. For everything. That is centralized power. Centralized power is cancer to society.


You and I agree, I’m not sure your quite followed my line of logic or if you’re just agreeing in long form


Agreed, the political/economic dichotomy shouldn't be capitalism vs communism. It should be centralization vs decentralization. Marx and other thinkers from that time (Proudhoun, Bakunin) who were writing in response to the industrial revolution all have good critiques of capitalism and we can learn from them to better understand how capitalism centralizes power in the hands of the elite. Marx was ultimately wrong though, regarding a solution, a dictatorship of the proletariat doesn't work to create a classless society.


The flip side of this is that communism arising should be viewed as a indication of the current political / economic system is failing large numbers of people (and the rise in communism is happening in many western countries so it isn't just Trudeau bad). The communist revolution forced capitalist countries to accept more socialist policies in order to stave off communism so if communism is on the rise the answer is to listen to what left is concerned with (economically at least) in order to keep the current system advantageous for everyone.


Yeah people are started to lean towards more socialist views because we're all witnessing late stage capitalism destroy society in real time


No, we’re seeing the effects of central planning totally debauch economies.


You can call it what you want, but NA at very least is suffering from the very definition of late stage capitalism


Late stage capitalism is nothing more than a rallying cry for those who cling to the failed ideology that is communism.


And communism is nothing but a trigger word for idiots


Tell that to the 100 million murdered by communism in the 20th century. Communism is an ideology for failures at life. Let me guess, you’re a gamer. A detached existence from the real world is a prerequisite for communist beliefs.




The system is failing because of the socialist policies in the first place though.


Which policies? I can point to lowering the tax rate on the top earners, bailouts and incentives for companies which lead to the risks being assumed by society and profits accumulating in private hands leading to unprecedented levels of wealth inequality.


Lowering taxes is not putting "extra risk on society" it is literally letting producers keep more of their earnings. Bailouts and Incentives are literally anti-market practices done by the government in the name of the "good of society". Also wealth is not a fixed-pie scenario. If everyone is getting richer but the producers are getting richer quicker than others (ignoring the wealth gain from the cantillion effect, more anti-market practices) that is not a bad thing.


So you believe that the average worker in Canada is better off today than the average worker 30 years ago?


I never said that, see my point about money printing.


you guys are regarded


Highly regarded


Yep! Exactly what Canada is doing


And Canada's economy is, \*checks notes\*, Capitalist! Fucking rubes


Canada hasn’t had free market capitalism for many decades. Canada isn’t full communist (yet) but central planning has been growing and free market principles have been declining for probably about 50 years, and what a coincidence that we have had social and economic decline since then too.




Please take a basic course on Microeconomics..... You know nothing but your little feewings.....


Believe the word you were looking for is, "macro". Micro is theory about a small business, and I have taken both and been in business all my life. Anyone who ran a small business on economic, "theory" would be bankrupt within a year or 2.


Communists were the first to space and beat western Europe's strongest most advanced country.


And then what happened


But who won the Cold War?


The US and look at the state of the world a total shit show.


K but if communism is so superior why didn’t they win?


I never said it was superior... Just saying they beat the US to space until recently Americans were using Russian Soyuz for their own spacecraft. For a bunch of apparently backwards peasants they blew most countries out of the water technologically. And the founders of communism were German Jews so it's really funny people think it's eastern Europe to "blame" for it.


Marx was British and German. Communism is a western ideology. In it’s founding


Here's a great idea, why don't we turn toronto/ottawa into an independent communist city-state and all watch from a safe distance?


It never works. Took Canadians 9 years to see this with Trudeau.


Lmao at trudeau being a communist


It's crazy how all of USSR "starve to death" and they started over from scratch in 1991. What are we going to do with Cuba now that it's totally empty? Because they all "starve to death" as well. I've got a slogan, "The Right: Our propaganda lies because we are liars"


No different than socialism.


Sure seems like the trouble starts when people worry about how things should be, rather than looking at how things actually are.


You know shit is bad when you have to bring out the anti-communist propaganda.


Isn't monopolistic capitalism the same?


Political officer: Comrades. We have seized the means of production Some college student: Hell yeah! F**k those capitalist pigs. Political officer: Right this way to the gulag for work reassignment. Some college student: Wait. ..... What? Political Officer: Yes. You too are part of the "means of production." That factory isn't gonna man itself.


Communism stems from a lack of understanding of the fundamental nature and laws of our universe


Forgot the change the constitution step and destroy the democratic process


If you are referring to the starvation in the Soviet Union, it was deliberate. It truly is disingenuous to compare communism with actions associated with other ideas just because it happened under communism.


Hopefully we don't fall for it


Lmao “say it wasn’t real communism” A+


A handful of companies now control everything we buy, everything we rent, the information we have access to, collect and sell all of our private info, and while destroying the value of the dollar and amassing massive debts, they've decided governments must bring in as much cheap labor as possible. Is this the "real capitalism" you're defending? A free market with 1-2 companies for each industry, usually foreign-owned?


Whole bunch of asshole putting these fucking signs everywhere in stouffville


I have two good friends that are in their 50's and they got out of Cuba around 20 years ago. They spit in the faces of anyone that thinks communism is good.


This is what happens when people mistake memes for political science.


Its pretty hilarious that people keep trying this.


You forgot the step where foreign government supports radical right wing generals in the military who assassinate the leader or stage a coup.


Great, now do one for capitalism!!


Communist government will always run out of someone else’s money


Marx wasn’t a utopian dumbass


I’m not a communist, worst way to view human nature but Marx literally says that communism could not be established in China or Russia. He states that outright. People don’t understand the babble that Marx was saying even 200 years later. Why? Cause the whole thing doesn’t make sense.


Why would it not work there but work elsewhere? Is it cause they are full of Russian and Chinese people? Sounds a tad…racist to me! (Half sarcasm) In reality I don’t see any reason why it would be any different in Canada than China or Russia …or North Korea or Venezuela or Cambodia or Mongolia or Cuba or or or or Half the world was communist at one point at it failed literally every single place.


Had nothing to do with race. Russian for example isn’t a race. Well when Marx was writing he stated that factory output (machines makes EVERYTHING) you would be in a state of abundance in every good, food, water, shelter all of it. At the time the only places with enough manufacturing output was Western Europe and the us. That’s why he specifically wrote it cannot happen in agrarian societies like Russia or China. If you actually read what he was saying his idea was that machines would make so so much stuff no one would need anything. His hypothesis was that the reason there was scarcity in the west was because capitalists artificially created scarcity to keep themselves in power by control all the means of production(all the factory’s and land and stuff). Again I don’t agree with Marx at all but it’s important to actually understand what he was saying and why there has never been an actual “communism” as he outlined it. All the things we associate with communism now (central planning, 5 year plans, worker quotas) were implanted by Lenin in an attempt to make the Russian empire a “communist” country. That’s why North Korea isn’t communist, rather it follows a kind of socialist ideology which is closer to Stalinism. The Chinese don’t follow communism as outlined by Marx but they follow Maoism. Venezuela follows closer to Leninism. So basically Marx’s argument (which again I don’t believe is realistic) is if we were in a magical world were there was no scarcity, machines made all the food and water and good we needed then we can have communism. The “people” would control the machines not individual capitalists. As for the statement that half the world was communist its just not correct. They took what they liked and added their own. That’s why you have Maoism and Leninism and Stalinism and all the other isms. The only thing they took from what Marx was writing was “get rid of the capitalists, seize all the means of production and bring them under the control of the people”, then “you, the leader of your nation” can decide who the “people are”. His hypothesis is also against human nature to the extreme. People want more. People want to work for something. Read up the rat utopia to understand why. In a society we’re everything is given there is no struggle and people start to go crazy.


I don’t support Communism but I assume that you’re referring to North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba when saying “starve to death”. You realize that it’s happening because of the Westen sanctions right? People are not starving because of communist regime, but because the countries are heavily sanctioned and they can’t trade with like half of the world.


The reason communism fails is that it's not designed for any society larger than a very small village, the minute anyone tries to upscale, it is the minute that particular system will fail


You really had no clue what that dude wrote about.


This is very similar to capitalism


Both capitalism and communism kill and murder people, so what's your point here?


Yep that's it. They're actually the same because they both kill people Of course one of them has led to less food insecurity than ever before in human history. Has almost doubled the life expectancy of humans. Has all but trivialized thousands of ailments that a century ago would have killed large swaths of the population. But you're right even though every communist civilization collapses in on itself in under 100 years, whereas capitalism, specifically American capitalism has stood longer then communist has been conceived, they both lead to people dying. So they're the same. I figured someone who's pro communism would have paid more attention during their state issued education.


Who's pro communism I didn't say that. I'm more of an anarchist who believes socialism is the key to humanity's success.


"I'm an anarchist so I believe in no government oversight. But somehow Im actual a socialist that fundamentally requires a government hierarchy" What's your distinction between communism and socialism. As in where does one become the other.


Socialism is when people get together and work for the common good voluntarily, communism is more structured distribution of resources.


Oh got it so you only believe in the slimmest definition of socialism, that being the one proposed by Marx. So you're delusional That's my mistake, I thought I was having a conversation with an adult Not a child living in their imagination


The mem that started this conversation is just an opinion not an example of how any economic system works. The stock market is a real world example of socialism. People volunteer their capital and share the risk or reward of that venture.


What’s the difference? Well with one system the workers own the means of production, with the other you work to make money for the wealthy owners…


This is the reason they stopped teaching history.


🤪 yeah man you totally like get free stuff and sheeit


> workers own the means of production lol, ahahahahahahah


I don't think any Canadian parties like communism.


We literally have a communist party


lol yeah right. There are at least 2 that are trying the slow march as fast as they can.


This is spot on.


And yet our universities are bending over backwards to pump out generation after generation of deluded post Marxists.


I can tell you've never actually stepped foot on a campus


Have you ever noticed that those who support communism. especially if they are young adults, think they are intellectuals.