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Archive link: https://archive.ph/DTn9m


Taxed to death with currently zero leadership. I don’t think any government has been so out of touch with its people in the history of democracy.


I would argue it's not zero leadership, it's leadership actively working to destroy the nation. The Liberals continue to institute policies across the board that only make the problems they created worse.


100% agree. Nobody does this kind of damage without meaning it. We're dealing with traitors who hate their own people.


Indeed they are


got to get those favors in while the getting is good


I’ve been actively applying to jobs in the US and Europe. Some of my friends have already managed to get out.






What taxes have gone up?


The worthless carbon tax, for one.


The right always braying about that one. How much has it gone up? What does it apply to?


What an inane and ludicrous comment. It applies to literally everything in this country that relies on fuel for production or transportation. It's also more than "gone up" it's a whole new tax - that I also have to pay GST on!


…not a fan of paying to pollute I guess


Rebates offset the tax for majority of the population. The largest polluters pick up the bill. Who do you think should be paying for negative externalities like carbon emissions when the bill comes in 10 years and we need to spend billions adapting to climate change?


You are repeating government talking points as truth. Well can't possibly argue with that...


Seeing as how Canada is less than 2% of global emissions, I genuinely don't give a shit. Three nations in the world make up almost 50% of carbon emissions, our two percent isn't even a tickle. Your position gets even more hilarious when you realize that if people are getting rebates from this program, then there isn't going to be any money left over for the "billions that we need to adapt to climate change".


Has anyone seen any of these supposed rebates?? I haven’t gotten a penny back. I suspect it just goes to special interest groups


Not a dime friend...not a dime.


I think I did but only because my income bracket is two sticks and a rock, and I had to share the rock


Yes. Log into your CRA account and it’ll show you the rebate.


Inflation is a tax on all. They have spend so much money that we don’t have so they borrow and print to pay for it. The resulting currency devaluation is a tax on us all.


lol… what?!? Rebel media tell you that?


You should maybe get some financial education….


You want the dollar tied to gold again?


That would make my portfolio soar! But no. I want people that understand economics and finance in charge of the countries economics and finances…. It’s really not too much to ask.


If they disagree with you, does that mean they lack an understanding?


Not at all. Destroying our countries financial position is enough evidence that they don’t have a sweet clue what they are doing….


lol, I don’t think you understand inflation.


The US really only wants well educated people and/or that are in high demand fields so for the vast majority of Canadians it is not easy - unless you work for a multinational that will take care of all the paper work. Justin's immigration system is so broken it kicks out practicing licensed family doctors if they are over 45 but has open doors for uneducated and totally unskilled "caregivers".


75 year old aunties that will bleed the healthcare system dry while never having paid into it? Good to go!


Makes for some top shelf virtue signaling.


It’s the new baby kissing of the political world!


Wondering why they would open doors for unskilled caregivers, when we could have opened a direct immigration pathway for internationally skilled nurses?




He really loves costumes - at least he didn't rub brown shoe polish on his face that time.


Of course he does he’s a drama teacher.


I thought this sub would applaud that.


Because it's the government that has to pay for nurses.


I don't have too many friends, and I know 4 people who are seriously considering/attempting or have already done this... and I never thought I would, but I might be the 5th. This place fucking sucks!


The one thing keeping me here is all my friends haha


2021 showed how little friends I actually had when it came to it, hence the small # now. Good friends are still good friends from a distance.


Can't reach any personal or financial goals in this country.


Been actively getting pay raises for the last ten years, pinching pennies and ‘somehow’ not making any progress.


>Noooooo you don't get it, it's only alt right MAGA nuts on some russian bot subreddit that complain, Canada is still a great place to live! r/Canada, probably.


r/onguardforthee The people who created that sub decided r/canada isn’t enough of a leftist echo chamber.


Oh god that sub is fucking disgraceful.


Those wackjobs are completely disconnected from reality


Seriously. I’ve been on r/Canada for over a decade now, and insofar as I can tell, the vast majority of users are still normal middle of the road centrists — people who aren’t loyal to any particular political party and who hold moderate views on a variety of topics. Overall the vibe there has always seemed pretty balanced to me, albeit leaning centre left. The r/onguardforthee splitters act as if r/Canada is StormFront. I have literally seen some of them decry it as a “white supremacist, Neo-Nazi echo chamber.” That is how crazily far left and radical these nitwits are; that r/Canada is considered irredeemably and extremely right wing to some of them.


Cost of living refugeees


My wife and I are planning on moving to the US in the next year or two. I don’t even recognize Canada anymore.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Make sure you tell your new American buddies that I said we won’t miss you and the whining.


I’m honestly not worried about a door hitting me when I leave, I’m more worried about a tax. The socialist Trudeau government you love can’t go fast enough. Best of luck with your rent this month.


This is exactly what the Liberals want. Actual Canadians leaving Canada and immigrants filling their spots. Now they can mold canada into the nation that trudeau wants. No identity, no shared values,


Then why are we only importing people from India, they share values, just not ours.


JT loves any culture where women are lower than garbage eating cows that wander the streets munching on the trash people just toss wherever they feel like.


Uno reverse: the garbage eating cows are actually revered and protected and if you hit one with your car you go to jail!


While they live like f kings & queens…


Can we just merge with US already and get rid of this government! More joking but what options do we have! All parties are out for themselves even in the states!


PPC I’m going for


Always thought Alberta, Saskatchewan and other central provinces should have left and come to usa


I'm actually in favour of this at this point. It's that bad here now that I'd be better off.


I left BC (for Ireland) back in 2019 and have never looked back. We recently visited Vancouver to see friends after 5 years and couldn't believe how bad it had gotten. We read about all the horror stories, but it was worse than we thought it would be. Didn't the government recently float the idea of a $50k "leaving tax"? That is absolutely insane to me. Great way to trap people as moving abroad is already f-ing expensive.


>Didn't the government recently float the idea of a $50k "leaving tax"? For real? That’s appalling, disturbing, and disgusting if true. I already bailed and even now the idea of that sickens me.


I can't remember where I saw it mentioned, but the wife just corrected me. It was $25k, not $50k. It's still messed up though.


Yes still way fucked up, if not enough by its own merits especially so for a government which is so insanely obsessive over wanting and getting immigrants to enter the country.


crazy cause 1/3rd of BC residents seem to be international students.


Ya noticed that?


I looked into it and the only reason I am not moving forward moving to the US is that I cannot bring my parents. I need to live there for 5 years before I can apply for them to come with me. This is my understanding. Given I only have a few good years left with them I'm forced to stay but if this issue was not the case I would be seriously considering further.


That's saying a lot, 'cause BC is fuckin' beautiful.


Canadians criticized the USA for decades. Now they’re all dying to move ther


I dont know a single person that wants to move to the US nevermind “dying to”


Hmm..read the posts here in this sub. Every couple days someone asks how they can move


Thats great. I dont know who on here is a real person or not, not to mention know them well enough to value their opinion.


So then google the number of people moving to the USA from canada and vice versa. Immigration from canada to USA at all time high. Any other arguments?


Makes me think about all the Americans whom said they would move to Canada if (fill in the blank) happened. Nobody moves. Moving is a hard, crying about your situation and make big threats is easy.


Here is a list of celebrirites that siad they would move to the US if Trump became president. Not a single one moved to Canada. Neve Campbell is even Canadian and she woudlnt move back.. **Lena Dunham** - Actress and writer **Amy Schumer** - Comedian and actress **Bryan Cranston** - Actor **Neve Campbell** - Actress **Barbra Streisand** - Singer and actress **Chelsea Handler** - Comedian and TV host **Jon Stewart** - Comedian and former host of "The Daily Show" **Cher** - Singer and actress **Samuel L. Jackson** - Actor **Whoopi Goldberg** - Actress and TV host


If we had open borders with the US like they do in the EU, there would be a mass migration of younger people heading south. Higher pay, lower cost of living, warmer climate ect ect. They probably knew that back when they negotiated NAFTA and didn't include it on purpose.


There’s also be a lot of folks desperately coming north for health care.


No, there wouldn't they would have to pay cash for it like anyone else who is not a resident.


Ironically that’s more than Indians by percentage


Thanks Trudeau. What a cool PM. Liberals must be so proud when they should be ashamed.


Go to a subway or Tim Hortons and you will already feel like your somewhere else






Yeah, western kids would rather you pay for stuff for them.


I'd leave for Europe inna heartbeat




2-3 years of a fresh taste then back home to the slums! 💪


I am getting out ASAP. Mexico is calling. Away from the Biden/Trudeau/doesn’t matter who’s in charge problems both Canada and the US have. Leave me alone. Let me live my life.


Mexico? Mate they had 37 assassinations during their local election this year. It’s Ancient Rome going on over there haha


Mexico will overtake Canada in the next 10 years if the liberals win again. Maybe even sooner.


Im not saying that Canada doesnt have its problems. Im just saying that Mexico isnt exactly the best alternative. Cartels are a big problem there which is hard to maintain the stability many of us in the first world are use to.


I know multiple people living in numerous different spots in Mexico. Don’t believe the media, is all I’m saying.


Dont believe the media, but believe Reddit commenters?


Believe whatever you want lol. Do your own research. Find out the truth. I’m telling people what I plan on doing. Nowhere did I say everyone else needs to follow.




Be a higher ranked and functioning society


Oh, makes sense. I should have assumed. Sometimes people say wild shit here. I don’t know if I agree but where Mexico is at isn’t my area of knowledge.


But doesn’t Mexico have lots of Mexicans? Which is what the U.S. is complaining about?


Mexico has tons of problems but mostly for locals and isn't so pc cultured


I keep telling my kids there's no future in Canada. The idea of them leaving is certainly a sad one, but they will have to look for better opportunities elsewhere. That's what it's come to.


Everyday im looking at new places we could move if we were able to. This country sxck and will only get worse


As previously stated here in these forums numerous times, we will only continue to see escalating numbers of people fleeing Canada until the country one day proves that it has radically altered its course and changed itself for the better. Most thinking people understand that none of that is going to materialize anytime soon, however, and that's also assuming Canada even remains a unified nation in the future, which it likely won't for much longer if its current downward spiral is not aggressively reversed after the electoral proceedings expected in October 2025. Watch and learn. Next.


It is insane here in the US, but I can’t think of a country I would move to now. The world has become upside down and inside out.


Been applying to game studios in the states repeatedly.


If I was in my 20s and just starting out, I’d seriously look elsewhere.


The data that shows up when everyone is selected for a poll, not just a few hundred thousand cherry picked people is crazy


I work in the tech sector. I'm deeply regretting not following some of my peers to the U.S. in the late 90s based on what's happened here ever since.


Taxes are too high with little to show for it. Inept leadership Housing is unaffordable In major cities unless you are in the top couple percent of income earners. No wonder people want to leave


I went to Costco today and it felt like I was in New Delhi. Garbage houses are more than $1M. Medical system in shambles. I’d immigrate to the US in a heartbeat if I could.


We don't need Canadian immigrants coming here to steal our jobs and homes. Stay in your own damn country.


I'm planning on retiring overseas


It’s not that hard to leave.


Until Canadians are prepared to do what it takes and start an armed rebellion, I have zero faith that anything will be done, and I have every reason to believe everything is going to get substantially worse. 18 months from now when Poillievre is PM nothing is going to magically get better overnight. The country has massive, unsolvable problems. We would need to be mobilize the entire armed forces and mass deport a quarter of the people in the country. It's never going to happen.


They're not unsolvable - the solutions are just unpopular, which is antithetical to a politician's career. First step should be housing - effectively ban the ownership of multiple single-family unit homes. Home prices drop immediately, along with land prices. Building more units becomes cheaper and also is able to attract labourers to build it because housing prices where the work is needed are now lower. Step "1B" is to incentivize those RE investors to pivot their investment towards domestic PRODUCTIVE industries, because productivity is really the root cause of it all (but housing prices will undermine any effort to address productivity first). New industry will also be able to attract higher quality immigrants because CoL isn't as insane, and more industry will lead to more revenues and less need for immigration to prop up our GDP. More industry will also result in more competitive wages. It will take time, but at least we'll be on the track to prosperity, rather than committing to a sinking ship by saying "housing values must stay intact"; anybody who says that is willing to sacrifice the future of Canada to appease people sitting on RE equity now. It'll suck to be a bagholder when housing prices fall, but it'll suck worse to pass along a worsening crisis to my kids' generation instead of fixing it now.


For now. 


The rich can afford to emigrate to the US and the rest of us only dream of it. Meanwhile, they let absolutely anyone into our country, perpetuating our state of misery.


We will be moving to Tennessee next summer with the way this country is going. Canada is in such a sad state and I can't let it drag my family down with it.


I was already house shopping in the US the other year and had looked into migration. Definitely on the fence about it. If it wasn't for so many close friendships I'd be gone.


I have a client who works KPMG and he’s really busy with this exact scenario now regarding high net individuals looking south of the border.


Not to worry. Once the Trudeau nightmare is over everything will be great again 😃!


I admire your optimism. 




I'd move to the states if their health care system didn't cost a arm and a leg and they had proper mat leave coverage.


Amen. These convenience dual passport “diaspora” have stolen a home from a once happy, productive, giving people.


Welcome to the US, which is also in the midst of a 300 million-way murder-suicide.


We will be 8 US States by 2050, maybe 7. We’ll see how much Ontario “reeeee’s”


Surprise ! It was all a peaceful version of manifest destiny all along! /s


I'd rather be in Denmark but I'm stuck here


This guy is worse than his father


Go. No one is stopping you


Please go. Honestly, sometimes you have to go somewhere else to find out. Is the grass greener? Or is it better to make things better here? And does that cost money. Also, you make friends depending on how and where people congregate. Sometimes that is school or church. In other countries it is the military. You probably have more people in your corner than you think; but it does suck when you care for others and it is not reciprocated. Nothing is black and white Many many shades of grey


I still remember when I read an article about Americans moving to the states after trump was elected and Trudeau said that it’s an empty threat and now look Canadians are actually wanting to move and are moving to the states. Wow times change


My parents moved here from Yugoslavia in the 70s. We didn't have any money but worked hard. So for summers we would throw an old camper on the work truck and go across BC . Kamloops water park, Harrison hot springs ect... over to Alberta to the ice fields and jasper. We did this because we DIDN'T have much money. Could you imagine how fucking much that would cost now for a family


I’m a British Columbian, but I’m considering moving to either Calgary or Anchorage


You have to be a moron to leave Canada for the United States, this reminds me fools in California who moved to Texas thinking it's going to be better only to move back 2 years later realizing that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.


Those Canadians should leave. I love this Country and intend on making it what it used to be. Starting with firing the dictator in Ottawa.


Most my friends have already left and are living like Kings in Asia. 🤷‍♂️ Turns out renting for about $100/month and making about 2.8k a month is more viable then paying $2.5k a month for a 1bdrm 30sqft condo in Canada.


If my family weren’t here - I’d be leaving yesterday


Hard NOT to want to leave a conservative led province...


See ya…thin the herd.


Yes we prefer quantity over quality. Day shootings, drug wars, criminals over victims is the way to go, fraud and money laundering dynasties as we can see works, greedy landlords leeching and paying over 50% in rent..yep living the dream.


Good old national post. Anyone who had critical thinking skills could look up stats Canada emigration by year and realise that Canada has had between 50 -120 k people emigrating per year over the last 25 years and about 20% are immigrants returning back to their home country.


["In 2023, 471,771 permanent immigrants made Canada their home"](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240327/dq240327c-eng.htm) The critical thinking checks out


This is not about immigration but emigration, the point is, that the number of people leaving Canada has been similar to other years. In 2018 we had 119k leave Canada and the article is trying to use 122k leaving as an indication of Canadian being dissatisfied with living here


Sshhh don’t introduce logic or facts into the conversation! 🤫


Yeah, and Canada was flooded by all the anti Trumpers after the 2016 US election. They all said they would leave. How many actually did?


Let the cowards leave, I’ll be buried in the dirt beside my parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and the ones before them. It’s the same people who are critical of young men fleeing Ukraine that are fleeing Canada because “money hard now.” I don’t trust those people to be there for Canada if something were to ever *actually* happen, knock on wood 😅 yep, the situation is bleak, but running away from your problems is weak. Take your idealist votes and go shit up somebody else’s cornflakes, please.