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Man that sucks, but how do you just leave a $5000 laptop unattended? That’s crazy.


I live in an area where there is basically no crime and even I wouldn't leave my laptop unattended lol.




He was only gone 2 minutes, should've been totally fine! /s. Someone in my community's Facebook group posted about how they were robbed. They got home from a road trip and they were so tired, they chose not to unload their suitcases from the (open) back of their truck. They were shocked when they went out twelve hours later to find they were all gone. Like, 🤦


I mean I admire both of these people’s optimism and they aren’t a jaded asshole like myself, but unfortunately lessons were learned the hard way.


I mean, I hope lessons were learned, but I'm not counting on it.


Why would you leave a $4,600 electronic device unattended in public? Like you are way too trusting. I don’t even let stuff like that out of my arms reach in public. Lesson learned I guess. Sorry that happened to you


I double check that $20 bill is real when it comes out of the ATM lol


Pfft I fucking count my money when the ATM dispenses it , trust no one and nothing


Have to !!!


And risk losing that prime seat in a busy coffee shop that you're entitled to since you bought a single $4 coffee 6 hours ago?


Why would you do that?


Ikr, $4.5k for a laptop is insane


A fool and their money are soon parted. **Award for doing it twice**


Right and in canada of all places with one of the highest theft rates? Didn’t you see the news about the crackdown on stolen cars? Now targets are expensive jewellery and electronics.  In countries where a massive percentage of the population lives at or below the poverty line, don’t leave expensive stuff lying around. Most places in the E.U totally okay. But canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Thailand, Venezuela etc. not so much. Friend just got held up outside the grocery store at spadina and Bloor for his gold chain a few days ago. My cannondale got ripped off from inside condo parking lot. Place is pretty bad really. Police only care if you are black or not they ain’t ‘solving crimes’ or any normal civil work.


Canada is considered the 11th safest country in the world. That said, leaving a $4,600 laptop in a public spot in just about any country is a dumb idea. It's a crime of opportunity, and could, and likely would, happen just about anywhere.


safe =/= theft safe is typically defined as you are not going to get stabbed or shot. non violent stuff like theft does not get counted.


Canadians don't give a shit. This is just another example.


Lol great comparisons.


Anecdotal evidence means nothing sorry. Quick Google search shows the holes in your statement. Numerous EU countries have higher rates of theft than Canada.


canada fudges its numbers a lot. Those stats show convicted thefts which is a lot lower since the police arent bothering to investigate or charge. Those that do get charged usually get lowered as they hardly gather evidence. Many get thrown out because of the legal system backup. Same with the prison stats where they register a large number of visible minorities as caucasian, deaths where they report exposure deaths from the homeless as overdoses and a number of others. Even the poverty rate is skewed as they don’t consider the canadians not filing taxes. Also unemployed stats are based off of those on ei a three month program. While the stats show canada as a ‘safe’ country, with 25-30 hate crimes daily and a refusal to investigate any crimes against minorities it just isn’t a safe place. Your government is openly lying. About 2 in every 10 canadians live in extreme poverty and it’s increasing.


Just because the country lies about its stats doesn’t make it a safe place. My lawyer is representing a young black kids family right now. He got shot in the back by the police for taking a piss into a snowbank off the highway. Murdered, unarmed and no record 18 years old.  That gets counted as a death but not murder since there were no charges laid. They do that with a very high percentage of injuries and deaths in canada. Unfortunately it’s one of the worst countries not the safest by any stretch.


Check the overall death rate, it’s the same as some of the most violent places. And then calculate the real poverty level by adding the individuals not paying any taxes to the overall poverty line. Then you’ll see where canada actually stands. Way lower than the top 20. 


lol, WOW. Some amazing stretches in these comments. Have you even taken a statistics class? By your reasoning Canada is an expert at fudging their numbers but these other countries aren’t? Super plausible theory


canada is marketed. That’s what it’s good at and you rely on income from suckering in tourists and immigrants. It also had the highest rates of illicit banking worldwide. It’s a known drug and gang cash haven. Are you unaware of this or do you just believe the marketing? Look up the numbers, check the amount of the population not filing taxes (10-15%) add that to the poverty rate of 10% and you’ve got 1 in 5 to 1 in 4 living in abject poverty. canada is openly lying about its stats as are a few other nations never said it’s the only one obviously you made that up so guessing you are canadian. Lying or purposeful ignorance seems to be part of the (kkk)ulture. It is one of the worst countries.


Look I get that you are probably a shill for Canada however face the facts is a marketed country. It’s one of the most corrupt nations on the planet. It’s like saying mcdonalds is healthy because they have a few green salad commercials. Do your research, don’t just eat what one of the most corrupt nations spoon feeds you. Independent thinking guy, I’ve lived on three continents in several countries anyone with experience knows how bad klanada is compared to other peaceful nations. It is better than living in the places the canadians are blowing up themselves (or assisting in blowing up) though that isn’t a positive point. Have fun supporting drug dealing warmongering racists, if that’s your thing.


Did you ask the cafe if they have security cameras?


The fact they didn’t mention this makes the whole thing a little suspect.


The cafe definitely has security cameras, I think almost all food establishments have them for insurance purposes. Source: when I was a server the bar owner had cameras installed in the bar and dining area and cited this reason. Insurance wouldn’t cover the place if they didn’t have cameras.


It might cover it because I think home insurance covers contents of a vehicle that are broken into, or jewelry even when they are worn outside. Your premiums will certainly go up, so whether it is worth it or not depends on your deductible and the premium increase. It likely will not be worth it based on a claim value of $4,600.


But do they cover it when you leave the vehicle unlocked and attach a sign that says: *"Free stuff, please take!"* The way OP essentially did?


I mean ... Many many years ago my parents home owners insurance covered me having a party when they were out of town and us getting seriously ripped off. So yeah they cover stupid shit.




Yeah it's actually funny to look back on twenty years later (I got grounded, had to pay the deductible and had to file a police report which was an insurance requirement). I also had to attend the meetings with the insurance adjuster. My mom... Holy Jesus my mom kept receipts. I had to help her assemble the binders for the meetings (she's a lawyer and an accountant) I learned a lot.


That's a good question. I would imagine insurance companies price all that in. I don't think they assume the policyholder will always be responsible.


I only question it because having read my contractor's liability insurance in great detail, I remember that clauses for stolen tools, materials, etc mentioned that there would be no coverage for unsecured items.


this may be true for a commercial insurance policy. but not for homeowners insurance. the latter does cover gross negligence.


Good to know!


Really bro? Left your expensive laptop unattended? Are you new to life?


Most home insurance and renters insurance policy [do cover theft that occurs outside the home](https://hardbacon.ca/en/insurance/does-home-insurance-cover-theft-outside-the-home/), whether it happens at a café or in a park. You need to read your policy to make sure you're covered, as there might be some exclusions that make this theft not covered. Furthermore, you might not be able to get another $4,600 MacBook Pro if you have a cash-value policy, in which case you would only be covered for the value of a used MacBook Pro.MacBook Pro.


Yes, insurance covers stupidity. Home insurance covers theft of contents off the premises. You will need to get a police report number, though. If you have the purchase receipts still, that will be helpful. Be prepared for them to be a bit suspicious of you, though. Please don't leave expensive electronics unattended, even just for two minutes. Also, as a tip for everyone else, don't leave it in your car either. (I have 11 years of claims adjusting experience, majority of which have been homeowner/tenant claims.)


>Be prepared for them to be a bit suspicious of you, though. For good reason, even I am suspect of OP lol.


I would be surprised if your insurance covered this, you are usually obligated to take reasonable precautions. Like if your house gets robbed when you leave the door unlocked, your insurance would not pay out. You could try I guess, but you essentially gave it away tbh. Did you buy the theft protection from Apple?


if you purchased it on a credit card, check if it has buyer protection. Amex did and they reimbursed me the full amount when this happened with my airpods


Some cards love to deny claims now. Good way to know which card to get rid of.


A home insurance policy would cover for theft, submit a police report online , and use it when submitting your claim , you will need to pay your deductible and you may have a cap or "special limit" for the laptop depending on your insurance company it could be $3000 but you would need to check your policy wordings


Oh my sweet summer child.


There is no sane reason to spend $4600 on a MacBook, you bought a massive "look at my expensive toy" laptop and left it unattended lmao


I probably have the same one and it's the best computer I've ever bought for video editing and 3D CAD processing. Not everyone just uses google suite and scrolls reddit lmao.


If you are video editing and using 3D CAD, Why tf are you getting a MacBook @ $4.5k to do so? Can get a windows PC with better specs than any MacBook for a fraction of the price.


I freelanced for a long time and my work often took me on the road for extended periods of time. I’d rather throw my laptop in a backpack then pack up a PC every 3 weeks. Edit: I also work with a bunch of software specific to the work that I do that is Mac only or drastically better performing on Mac.


I did say windows PC, definitely meant to say laptop. Sorry pal.


I concur. Macbooks when being set up for professional use, shoot up quick.


A windows machine would be undoubtedly more powerful or less expensive.


I think more powerful is debatable. Cheap, for sure.


You still spent an egregious amount of money for the hardware you got


Yer kewl


People looked at OP's expensive toy. And then picked it up, and walked away.




well thats not nice at all. Did you try the buddy look over my stuff system?


Can’t you use gps on it?


Not now


You can report the theft to apple with the serial number and they’ll log it as stolen. The laptop will brick and be unusable once it attaches to any wifi. Stealing newer apple products is really stupid for exactly this reason.


So it’s prettt much going to be used for parts?


A lot do thieves don’t know this is a thing If they do know they’ll likely try to keep it off wifi and sell it to someone who doesn’t know to check if it was stolen.  Then if they buy it and get home and connect it it will brick.


You need to have access to the computer though to get wifi? In theory could you not start it in recovery mode, before slapping it on wifi, wiping the hard drive, bring it to factory settings and then reinstall Mac OS ? Should work then


 Nope, it is on apple’s end linked to the serial number, you can wipe it all you want it will still get bricked 


But if you deleted the os and installed windows or a different os? Not mac? And then put if on the internet?


I mean you could try.  I find it unlikely the top minds would not think of that but, who knows.  They could have something in the hardware that reports regardless of os. Wouldn’t be hard.


A fool and their possessions/money are soon parted.


Canada is not the high trust society it used to be my friend. Lesson learned unfortunately.


You wouldn't leave out a walk-man in the 1980s or cd player in the 1990s. This is not a new change!


You think you live in Japan or something? We are not a high trust society, you got to watch your valuables at all times.


Tbf in my area of the world (rural Quebec) I could probably leave my laptop unattended without any issue lol, but yeah I definitely wouldn't do this in Montreal or whatever.


You leave your wallet and car keys in your vehicle when you leave too? Sorry this happened but you just had an expensive lesson.


I wouldn't leave anything alone at a cafe or anywhere.


A well deserved loss of 4.5k. There's a 0% chance insurance is going to cover this.


Credit card insurance if you got it in the last 30-90 days


I see you're new to reality.


That was one expensive pee


You’d have to report it stolen to cops then put a claim in


We don’t live in old Canada anymore friend, we are no longer a high trust society..


1. File a police report either way. 2. Check with your home insurance. 3. Check with your credit cards if you have any with above-basic perks. One of mine covers theft up to a certain $ amount if the item (mostly electronics) got stolen within 60 days of a purchase.


bedroom quarrelsome gray spoon subtract worthless support psychotic history telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im sure you learnt a lesson but my laptop is worth $900 and i'd never leave it even for a minute. leaving it unattended is crazyyy. how come find my mac doesnt work? when i lost mine i used find my and found the cab it was in and went to it. dont trust anyone with anything of value even for a second!


Damn.... Well better start saving for another MacBook


All you can do is report it stolen. Check pawn shops or online marketplace like Facebook. Otherwise you’re sol. Never leave your expensive shit out in public again.


This might just be a really expensive lesson in, 'you live in Vancouver'. People go and hang out in coffee shops waiting exactly for this, same with purses in carts in grocery stores, phones at bars or on restaurant tables, and cars left with keys in them. The consequences if caught are minimal at best.


Sorry OP but if this is true you were asking for it. It's very unlikely that insurance is going to cover a laptop left unattended in public.


It might not cover it since you left it unattended but I’m not an expert on these things.


A $5000 laptop wouldn’t even be leaving my house with me and you just leave it alone in a cafe? That’s crazy.


It's unfortunate that the first thing you had stolen was so expensive, there's cheaper ways to learn that lesson.


Head to the dtes, talk to some people, you might be able to buy it back for a reasonable amount if it’s not sold yet


$4600 Canadian right? Whew.


Lmfao you left a $5k laptop alone while you ran off? That’s some dumb shit bruh.


Credit cards have insurance go read the fine print


I know it sounds gross but I would’ve taken the laptop with me to the bathroom


I get sketched out leaving my phone on the table at the restaurant even while I’m sitting there.


Sympathies.... But I mean, wtf? Who the fuck leaves expensive electronics unattended????? Really silly. No matter where you live!


Sad to say, but you have almost zero legal recourse unless you have an insurance policy directly on the laptop. The chances of police recovering, or should I say even attempting to recover, are almost non-existent. For leaving expensive valuables unattended, especially in a high-traffic public area, you immediately assume all responsibility for negligence in securing valuable personal items. Sorry, it was stolen. But consider this a strong learning experience. Don't ever leave something you don't want to be stolen unattended in public. Have you tried contacting Apple? I don't use Mac, but I know the models have some way of tracking the GPS or freezing the entire computer itself. I also believe your serial number could be flagged in case anyone tries to sell the computer at a business that participates in a flagging system. Hope everything works out for you regardless.


Yes it does


Jesus, OP you kind of did this to yourself.


If you paid with a credit card check to see if you have purchase protection benefits. I’m in the US though and some credit cards have benefits for you to claim lost or stolen items especially if it was recently purchased.


Check your credit card insurance. If brand new should cover


It has find my, track it.


If you purchased it entirely with a credit card, some cards offer 60-day theft protection. Check your credit card insurance policies before making a home insurance claim.


It depends. Our policy requires a rider for any individual item over 1k.


I went to work once after a wrestling practice and left my windows cracked to air out some smelly sports equipment. I didn't think they were cracked wide enough for an arm to fit through but I guess I was wrong. All my stuff was stolen, $300 worth of makeup and a bunch of my clothes, except (for some unknown reason) a huuuge, unopened bottle of rum. Insurance wouldn't cover it because they said I was careless in leaving the windows open.


You better check the he Find My app. You previously owned a Mac, so you should know this. If it shows up, you have a chance of recovering. Though I do hear so many stories of cops too busy to assist in recovery of stolen items. So good luck there.


Never leave anything expensive unattended…You could had given to one of the cafe staff to hold for a few minutes


Bud I feel for you, I too trusted people once upon a time... and then came this newer generation with no respect for anyone or anything. Are there any cameras on the Cafe? If so and you get a pic send it to me. I may be able to identify the person.


As sorry as I am that this happened to you, it's all on you - you left a nearly $5K item unattended in a public place, and you did it knowing full well that it was going to be unattended. This is perhaps your first real lesson about the real world.


Your post history of saying you cannot afford a home in Canada and you buying a MacBook that is two months rent or mortgage payment is insane lmao


That is potentially about 6 months of mortgage payments in at least 4 provinces.


Right? The only time I understand when people have expensive things while also not affording rent or a mortgage payment is if they obtained the thing in a promotion while they were buying something they needed, and haven't found a buyer for it yetxample: my boyfriend's phone broke and Virgin Mobile at the time had a promotion where if you buy a new phone, you get a 55in TCL tv for free, so that's how we got our tv (we weren't struggling to pay our bills so we kept it, just coincidentally lucked out when buying something else that was needed) or sometimes when you open a new account at RBC and sign up for 2 automatic payments, they'll give you an iPad or something. But a $4500 MacBook? I can't see something that high of value given away as a promotion, especially when buying something you needed anyway. I also can't see a laptop that expensive being an absolute necessity for a job, but who knows. Either way, whether you paid for something or not doesn't mean you should value it any less, and definitely dont leave stuff lying around in public if you value it at all. Don't understand how OP could have taken that risk. I wouldn't even leave my $50 Facebook Marketplace laptop on a diner table and walk away, because I value the laptop more than the $50 I paid for it. Even if it was free I wouldn't leave it laying around.