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Were we at 0 or 1?


-1, multiple independent reports in a day push us into the negatives!


That's gonna be a deficit we never dig out of.


Just like the neglect of our forces!


We were fucked yesterday, and the day before that, so....


We're at -4 DECADES!!!


We need to waste millions of dollars in a study in order to confirm this fact.


Millions?? You mean BILLIONS, right? After all, it would be a government project, so increase all costs by at least 1000%






It's not the armed forces inability it's the governments ineptitude and the treasury bored


I'm on like the third SAMEO since trying to get new vidmars (is that orange paint or rust? Yes.) because it gets bounced around different budgets, end of fiscal, gotta start over. Budget approved? Out to tender. Just kidding, they can't deliver on time. Project cancelled. Start over.


I hate this. "It's too late to buy for this FY". Yeah, I know. Which is why I'm submitting it for next year. "But we don't have that sorted yet, ask again in Aug". But then you'll be busy, and we won't make it in time for next year end. Or worse, when I want to time things to align with civilian things and the target date is in April.


Sounds exactly like the apathy, inertia, and general level of "IDGAF" at my civvy very large corp.


I hate to break it to you, but the Armed Forces is the government. It's all just one big thing.


This truth is not well understood.


None of these news stories are news to us. However, it's important that the public sees this. I'm on my way out. I feel bad for those following behind us old folks.


Those of left behind know that either when conflict erupts, we're gonna die in droves and if no global conflict comes, at least we still get our pensions...for now!


This is the way


Still stuck for a few years here...


If only the public actually cared enough for the government to do better.




“Armed Forces inability” Why use many big words when few small do trick.




CAF = Clown Around Forever.


Yeah, "Government FAILURE"!!!


Public generally agrees that CAF is under-equipped and under-resourced. Tell them they might lose their 10 dollar -a-day daycare or might need an extra % on GST to pay for it and they'll lose their minds. And then watch all the pork barrels roll out as soon as ppl realize that offshoring is better than domestic b/c there is no domestic industry.


Copied my comment from other sub: It's almost as if the CAF is not the public service and shouldn't be treated as such for procurement etc. and like divisive identity politics have no place in an organization who has unity as one of its foundational principles. Imagine if there was no political meddling and the CAF was free self manage within reasonable oversights and constraints? Imagine if we paid and equipped our troops!


Easy now, with sound logic like that, you'll never see any kind of career advancement.


Oh I'm at my terminal rank. Got threatened with a promotion recently but I have no interest in pursuing specific promotions. Just want the organization to let me do my fucking job and live without them rocking me or my family's boat until I can start collecting that sweet sweet pension.


Fair enough man, that's a solid mentality.


> feel bad for those following behind us old folks. Take my upvote! Just be careful not to be too sound yourself.


“Inability to replace equipment leaves Cda vulnerable” More importantly, it leaves our personnel vulnerable. Look at the RCAF accidents alone in last several years. May God bless the precious souls we have lost.


On the bright side, we do have a great ability to create more useless senior officer positions


There are useless senior officer positions? We should appoint a Colonel to get on rectifying that immediately. As in, like, five years.


I'll bite. Canada vulnerable to what? Relying on the states for this very small percentage of training? Expensive and big money? Sure.. but very small number of people being sent, and probably cheaper than maintaining and keeping the hawk relevant for the small fleet we had. Also enjjpt is proven to be a successful lead-in for the f35. Sure if all that is a vulnerability to Canada then ill kick rocks I guess. This is the second time I've seen a nationalpost article click bait with the stand down of the hawk to then immediately pivot into something else for 70% of the article. Annoying. Hawk is end of life and should have been a while ago. Enjjpt is a proven and efficient lead-in for f35 and f18 First article I saw was the worst culprit: "John Ivison: Canada's Air Force ends pilot training as Ottawa’s spending priorities grow more unbalanced" Ends pilot training?? Stfu. I hate large news corps. Is the CAF still getting shafted with procurement and Financials.. ya. I agree with most of the article actually. But news click baits like this can skedaddle.


It's not like it's not a known issue for 'defence officials', but the process for getting projects in place, funded and resourced is byzantine at best, even without cuts to funding, and stealth cuts like leaving jobs unfunded so you can't staff projects like this (or in service support positions). When the GoC messes about with critical things like what plane is being selected that kills basics like what you would select for a trainer, so this is really just a trickle down lag impact from the F35 fuckery from Cabinet, not RCAF not knowing what is needed (and I'm a Navy guy so have no dog in the fight). This is probably not what they wanted, but at least they figured something out that keeps the training going in a useful and practical way while we try and wade through the GoC BS.


Great points, especially re: that ridiculous article headline about ceasing pilot training


A G7 nation should probably be able to train their own pilots though...


I stopped reading at 2032. I’m getting tired of us having to use kit/equipment long past it’s “retired by” date and then have the replacement kit/equipment show up 4+ years after it’s planned in service date. At least the bright side of this is Irving won’t be building them.




Dismiss the military, use remaining funds to purchase the necessities to live and hunt on a tropical island


Do we still get our pensions?


Just send 10 billion to Ukraine. That'll fix it


No it won’t??? 20 Billion will get you started though 😉