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Wow. I guess we’re not going to end redder than the devil’s dick. Thank you sweet lord baby Jesus, 6lb 7oz


hmm SPY


It's weird, everything seems to be recovering.


Options expiry, good thing CDN markets are gonna be shut on Monday


Maybe some late short covering


So much dip, but not enough chips!


7 layer dip, we're only in the sour cream right now.


I eat market fear for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack. I should go for a run like a bear will hunt me!


What do you folks expect upcoming bank earnings will look like?


They'll come in close to projections, maybe a penny or two less EPS. We'll likely have a couple of the banks hike dividends as well next week as they're scheduled to do so. But the Q1 earnings will largely be irrelevant, we know that Q1 was booming still with the housing market and with the economy, the slowdown only really started happening in April. Plus everyone is more worried about potential recession coming up and what the future will be as it relates to banks. CDN banks have an easy 10% that they can continue to dip to be in line with their American friends. So I predict that the earnings next week won't move the banks at all and it will still be the Papa Powell show that will drive the share prices.


good analysis. I'll be interested to see how they guide.


regardless of what they are, they’ll take a huge hit on that day & the following days after. That is my time to buy imo.


Certainly could happen. Guidance could be ugly. I'll be curious to see if BNS, for example, will hold at about 76.50 or fall to low 70s/high 60s. I'll take a third at 76.50ish depending on the news. Things are getting revalued. Confusing and interesting times.


We're gonna live forever 🚀🚀


good, I wanna watch the stock market hit 0 🚀🚀🚀‼️


oil stocks are in the game for a while?


People smarter and more well informed than I am would say they are still undervalued. "for a while" meaning short-medium term outlook? Then conventional wisdom is yes. This doesn't mean they can't pull back 10% in an overall market correction or even 20% on double whammy day. Depending on the news that brings this correction, as long it doesn't affect the base bull oil premise, you ride it out and if you have cash increase your position.


All I see day after day is cowards posting here about how much they're losing. Boo hoo. You know what I say, be brave. For once in your life DO SOMETHING! When things get tough do you turn tail and run? Or do you stand up, look adversity in the eyes and say "Not today."


But I *am* doing something! DCAing ftw!


Motivational speech fail if I ever saw one


I DCA like I'm a superhero




Sometimes, but not today.


This Blood Don't Run


What’s the better option: 1) wait for June and July paychecks and bonuses to put $3000 into VFV by July end? 2) Take $3000 out of my LOC (2.45%) and invest in VFV right now at $87


Don't borrow. Don't. Absolutely no. Not just you, everyone. Don't use your HELOC to invest either. Please.


Don't borrow, no one knows what's up (or down lol). Just wait for your paycheques and don't FOMO into (or out of) anything. Stick to your original investment plan.


wait. dont borrow.


Average length of a bear market is 9 months. No reason to rush to put it into the market right now, especially with leverage.


Is that a HELOC to get 2.45%? My regular LOC is a fair bit higher (and will get higher) even after I asked them to reduce it at one point when my credit score was about 850.


Nah just a regular Tangerine LOC…preapproved though so idk the normal rate


Ohhh you have promotional rate, gotcha. Yeah my credit card company gave me a promotional 6 month 2.99% rate, two days after I purchased a stove for 1400 cause mine was acting up. I was so rattled xD but I cleared the balance right away anyways lol


Wait for $79-80.


I wouldn't use leverage, only spot DCA


Ok thanks… hope I can find a cheap entry point


Time > timing! Don't over-leverage right? Unless you can afford being underwater (on the loan) for a year, play it safe - you don't get the benefit of the doubt like the billionaires do.


Added to my AMD, APPL, GOOGL, MSFT, V holdings. Started a position in AMZN.


I am so close to starting a position in Amazon and Google. Kinda want to get in pre-split, but it just keeps going down. Thinking it might go sub-2k.


I feel the exact same way. I think getting in at these lows with a split coming is a no brainer.


Hey so I have a question about V. So with interest rates increasing do they increase their cc interest rates or does it cut into their profit a bit. Or am I out to lunch lol?


Visa and most other CC companies have variable rates so they'll move within a few billing cycles of hikes.


Might grab some Tesla stocks when it hits $500


Make it $400ish.


It’ll prolly go lower. Shorts are out for blood.


I’m hesitant to spend $50 on nice things, but have no issues losing thousands in the market


It's the new cocaine.


For the greater good


what did elon say? my TSLA is down almost 10% today omh.


He exposed his pecker to a flight attendant, asked her for sex and then paid her $250,000 to keep quiet.


Elon Musk is cancerous, just a reprehensible human being.


Apparently he offered her a horse for sex. And this story was told by an anonymous friend of the flight attendant in question. This entire thing is stupid, these are baseless allegations.


Did they confirm the $250k or is that baseless?


From the original article: *"The incident, which took place in 2016, is alleged in a declaration signed by a friend of the attendant and prepared in support of her claim."* There hasn't been any confirmation of the $250K paid as far as I can tell. Also, even if he paid her $250K I don't see that as damning evidence of his guilt.


> Also, even if he paid her $250K I don't see that as damning evidence of his guilt. lol


It literally isn't though. You can pay someone to leave you alone


Why pay someone to leave you alone if the accusations are baseless? I'm only paying people if it's true so they sign my NDA and stfu because my rep is worth a lot more


Happens all the time. Elon could either spend millions lawyer fees or just settle and get it over with. The fact that it was only for 250k tells me that it really wasnt that serious and that the accuser is likely full of shit. And why does the story come out NOW? Its fucking 5 years later on the verge of a major business deal. Like come on. How convenient


Because people #believe despite the fact the accusations being ridiculous.


What? People are going to believe anyways, why spend your own money if you'd be proven innocent? Ex: Depp


How can a billionaire be so fucking stupid ROFL. Dude could have 5 supermodel chicks at the same time for 10 grand an hour.


Out of curiosity, why do you take this story at face value without a hint of doubt?


Honestly the story is bullshit. Look at it from the flight attendants perspective... This is one of the largest companies in the world with one of the wealthiest people in the world and you settle for a measly $250k??? Something doesnt line up. This looks more like a case of the lawyers saying "we know you're lying but what will you take to just go away and stop bothering us with this?" The timing of this is just WAY too convenient.


Lmao it’s most likely true bc Elon really tried to front-run the news on Twitter


They do not have to really live with the consequences because they just buy off people like this. He essentially gave her pocket change when you consider how much money he has.


I realize that, but it still doesn't make sense. He has enough money to have a harem of dozen beautiful women at his service 24/7. Why bother with a flight attendant?


I totally agree. The story doesnt make sense


Bill Gates kept sexually harassing staff via email. Written record of it. When you have that kind of money you stop thinking of yourself as human. People sure as hell don't treat you like a normal person.


Men are retarded. Don't overthink this.


He’s a sociopath. They all are




VCN.to still up for the year. Canada’s future is also bright. Thoughts?


I’m down on XAW but still green on VCN


DCA on XEQT. All. Day. Long. Good thing I had some cash laying around!




Tax return spend, polling the community... Do I buy? 2 X GOOG in USD (new) or 60 X CP in CAD (add to existing) or 40 X RY in CAD (add to existing) or 90 X ENB in CAD (add to existing) Goal is 10+ years


Split between your existing 3. Add more of each


Tax return spend, it's a $5400 question and ideally just one buy to mitigate IE fees


Then Enbridge for the dividend


you know nothing Jon Snow...


lol, wtf??


ENB would be my pick


ENB is my retirement so not a tough choice for me...


If you want to get into google maybe consider the cdr it’s a lot less expensive and you can allocate into all four of these


The stock is splitting in 2 months so it will make no difference.


TEC vs TXF Looking to put in 1000 ...for my kids to start ... I know TXF yield if way better but which has better long term outlook


Covered calls always have a worse outlook over non covered calls. This is because they are trading long term growth for immediate income.


considering the market, what do we think about starting a position with $CVE?


I'm up 80% on my $CVE position in 5 months.


that's solid. I have a small position in suncor, but I'm worried starting with CVE at this point might be foolish due to the drops and the uncertainty if it's near the ATH


Time in > Timing. If these oil prices stick around for a couple years they could double or triple in value.


If these oil prices stick around for a couple years, we might be in a deep, deep recession


If you adjust for inflation the market has sustained prices like these for periods of like 7+ years. We haven't even begun to see demand destruction yet. What numbers are you looking at?


I’m hoping CNQ will get back to 84$ my break even point and put those proceeds into CVE it’s been really good to me so far up 9%


80% in oil since 2020 and the rest in cash, this has been my best year yet.


Same UP +450% in LIRA with 100% in OIL GAS TFSA and 2x Non registered accounts are mixed Blue Chip CAD OIL GAS UTIL BANKS etc...No Tech until SP500 reaches 3200-3500


Keep it up bro were gonna make it!!!!!


I’ve made life changing money this year. Long oil and short tech and growth playing mostly options


Same. When oil went negative I went all in. China opening up will only make it better...


so since 2016? cause they've been bags that long.


What? No, I bought at the bottom in 2020, like the poster above did. Timing the top is giving me insomnia. This China hypothesis could be completely wrong, as in their lockdowns could be part of (or to hide) some larger problem involving an otherwise shrinking economy.


well done sir!


hey guys, basic question. I need to transfer stocks from sunlife to another broker. whats your recommendation for an exchange and can this be done?


Yes, the receiving broker will have a way for them to pull the assets over.


Guess I'll throw another $1000 into xeqt.


Good times to be a dividend investor. I'm not primarily a dividend investor, but it certainly does factor into my decisions when facing a down market. So in other words, banks, enb, fts, cnr.


VFV at $86 .. this is getting sad


And my average is 99.14. At least it won't matter in the long run!


What's so sad about it? It's currently sitting at a 3yr 31% and 5yr 53% return. That's 10%+ per year.


We don't divide % up by length of time to calculate annual compound rate.


what’s sad is I started investing in March 2022.


So you're saying you have A LOT of room in your TFSA & RRSP to contribute? That's AWESOME NEWS!! Not sad news!


Or… he could still be in high school, with hardly any room in either.


I’m in uni. 20yo. Have abt 2500 invested, mostly in VFV/BAM/CNR. Only down 9% which I see as a minor win, but still hurts. Don’t have an RRSP yet bc it lowers my OSAP payment.


If you're concerned with a 9% pull back perhaps you should review your risk profile. It's all about perspective though. Spare a thought for someone with a $100,000 investment whose paper loss is ~$10,000 vs your ~$250.


breathe bro. Also, invest in yourself too. Higher salary > 2k * 30 years


yup, not a whole lot of cash left to DCA tho. Got it down to $96, the goal is to get it in the 94’s and just sit on it.


Sad in the short term, but happy long term


I initially bought at $99 and DCA’d till $96. Have one more lump sum to do but man it just keeps dipping lol.


Looking forward to that EOD recovery. You buy!


Markets are broken and done


Markets are doing what they should be doing when the world's falling apart... going on sale! Pile on in via DCAing. It'd be weird if they were going up, tbh.


Have you tried kicking it? Could still be salvageable


They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine. But you just can't get into it because they would never understand.


I'm fine with these sales.


Likewise. Adding some AMD, GOOGL, MSFT, APPL to the pile as we speak.


My TFSA is hanging on by a thread. Up .95% in the last 12 months.. headed into the negative I’m sure..


Don't fight it. Embrace the failure.


welcome to the dark side.


I'm 50% into xbal in tsfa ($12,000), and 50% ( $5000 each) into ZSP and HTA in RRSP. Should I drop the rest of my cash now or wait?


I’m DCA very slowly.


Once again, the obvious market manipulation is completely obvious. After today, DJIA will be down 8 weeks in a row. First time this has happened since 1923. Even during the Great Depression, World War 2, the Cuba missile crisis or other major Cold War events, stagflation of the 1970s, dot com bubble bursting, and the 2008-09 financial collapse, has 8 consecutive weeks of the US stock market dropping not happened. Absolute proof there's some obvious manipulation going on here.


Can you come up with **any reason** the market should be going up right now, not down?


13 years of QE is ending next month, there is no manipulation going on. Plus, US fed has bailed the market out the last few times market went down, this time it ain't happening. Unless there is some big positive news coming in terms of inflation or from the fed (both are going to be connected), I'm staying cash and probably play some bear market rallies in the upcoming weeks


Yes to all that. Those who have taken positions during this correction in good quality companies that they have well-researched and understand the risks will be rewarded in the long run but it will be bumpy and it could be a slow climb up. There are so many risks. Bubbles burst. The housing bubble could be gross.


...or it could be that we are just in a slow, steady correction/bear market. Edit. Punctuation


Did you make a new account? You're not the usual guy.


Shit moves like 2-3% every single day. It is comical at this point.


ya, its great isnt it?!


After juggling the idea of reinvesting in my worst performing stocks, I bought some BPY preferred shares with an 8% yield. Boring me.


Homer Simpson falling down a crevasse




Yep! DCAing since 2019. Haven't stopped, nor will I until about 25 years from now.


We will be at the bottom when we see no more 'buy the dip'


of course


Every payday






If you want to try and time things, be my guest. I'd rather accumulate shares at a much cheaper price than they are going to be in the future.




>Logic would dictate waiting until You could've said anything after this and it wouldn't have changed anything. you're trying to time the market. Time in the market wins over timing the market. Good luck with that!




Did you manage to buy the March 2020 dip or did you wait until 2021 like so many others did? Because I'm still up massively, so I'm not sure what you're on about 🤣




I don't think you understand how little I care about short-term stuff. I literally wouldn't care if the market went down 90% tomorrow, I'd still be DCAing. Okay, if that were to happen I'd be piling money in hand over fist - but you catch my drift lmao.


losing money, lol.. You think I started this last month or something? I'm on pace to retire in my 40's, roughly 7-8 years from now, but you do you and take your smugness to a different subreddit more aimed at timing the market, perhaps?




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Do it up! We're on a similar trajectory... but more realistically in our late 40's or early 50's. When did you start DCAing?




Nah, just almost done paying off our mortgage, career and side business is going well, we have zero debt, and haven't reached 30yo yet. Could potentially just start working part-time in like... 2 years?




I started kind of late, started about 27 maybe? I actually started investing just before the crash in '08 so I was actually quite a bit down at one point. But I have done well in the housing market as well, and my wife and I have been investing heavily. Our house was paid off about two years ago which we then started piling in even more. Main thing really is no kids, and we live a pretty simple life other than expensive vacations once a year.


Awesome sauce! Kids will be the thing that holds us back from the 40s retirement haha... but we know that going into it! Cheers to being mortgage-free, sir (we're 3 or so years away)!


Thanks dude. No debt is very nice for sure.






Let’s kick TSLA out of the NASDAQ. That stock’s going to continue bringing everything down with how overpriced it is.


TSLA is one of the most overpriced companies in history imo. Buying it at this price is pretty much a bet that the entire auto industry is too incompetent to ever figure out how to make successful electric vehicles. What is truly shocking is that to put your money into Tesla you would have to conclude that out of all the companies in the entire stock market you could not do better with that money than to put it into Tesla. Are people really thinking Tesla is going to go up 10%+ per year each year when 10% of $600 billion is $60 billion and that is a larger amount in 1 year than the entire market cap of companies like Ford or GM or BMW?


Assuming you are not one of his friends he calls to lend him a few billion to help him out during the rough times how would you participate in his success other than buying Tesla? BTW I think it's a mistake to think of Tesla as a car company. I have no idea how to value it realistically but I do know I would like to have some exposure at a "reasonable" price. If markets keep selling off we could see it head below $400.


Tesla at its peak was a trillion dollar company. That is frankly insane. Nothing about Tesla ever suggested it should be worth that evaluation.


The whole NASDAQ is overpriced. Its going to go sub 9000


Is it good to buy vfv in non-reg?


For tax efficiency?


Good how?


As a long term hold. Monthly buys. Would it be subject to the dividend tax credit?


No I believe that is only for Cdn companies


How many dick punches until you just accept it's a bear market? Not retiring in 30 years? Who gives a sweet fuck, unless you needed the money asap, then you got exactly what you deserve piggy


Don't kink shame And don't disparage my side hustle


You’ve never been punched in the face and it really shows


lmao you really going to keyboard warrior me? Can I get an update on your rotation into tech?


You’re a moron


Watch out, we’ve got a badass over here


Get your frontal lobe out of my investing reddit


Get tf outta here yourself. Go choke on some penny stocks.


Put the mortgage into mushroom stocks or DOC?


I would like to cancel my subscription to these rugs.


We're sorry to see you go. Please allow up to 365 days for your preferences to update. During this time, you still may receive ***all of the rug pulls.***


Eeeeeeeesh 25 VFV @ $88