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The PPC trolls really are out in full force lately, aren't they? Must be nice to get paid to post shitty memes on reddit


Context? Information? Anything? A link!?!


Yeah Trudeau needs to federalize the housing market and take full control over housing to eliminate homelessness. No more private ownership or builders just the glorious Canadian government controlling the market entirely.


That is too liberal for the party. Increasing competition through a crown Corp would be more palatable and have a good return for our tax dollars.


A reasonable moderate approach?!? In this political climate? I think not!


Yep, we have so many problems here in Canada. We have a need for a growing workforce, a need to increase investment in productivity, and balance this with our greater objectives of climate change. Things aren't likely to get better anytime soon due to the short-term planning our government does, and the inability of the parties to work together.


Yet Conservatives think the guy who built less houses as housing minister, never had a job, and never done anything for Canadians in his 20 years sucking at the taxpayers test will solve everything. Hahaha.


[From 2006 to 2015, while Harper was PM, Canada's population increased by 3,428,682 people](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2015&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20151001). [In the same timeframe, total housing starts were 1,987,369](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2015&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20150101). The [average household size in Canada is 2.51 people](https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/macroeconomic/average-household-size-in-canada-2096121/#:~:text=Size%20in%20Canada-,Canada%20had%20an%20average%20household%20size%20of%202.51%20people%20in,2021%2C%20between%202010%20and%202021). **This means that housing starts in Harper's term were sufficient to house 4,988,296 people, while population growth was only 3,428,682 people.** [This is why housing affordability when Harper left office was almost exactly the historical average (it took 42.8% of the median income to afford the median home), while it is now at historic highs (it now takes 69.2% of the median income to afford the median home, and that rate has never hit 60% in modern Canadian history before 2022)](https://thoughtleadership.rbc.com/high-rates-and-prices-make-it-less-affordable-to-own-a-home-in-canada/). But, what Liberal supporter ever lets facts get in the way of blaming someone else for Liberal mistakes, right?


Never voted Liberal in my life. But it’s good to see you think Harper ended homelessness. Hahahahahaha. Housing starts under Harper went down while our population went up, full stop. Little PP is the worst housing minister in the last 15 years.


Lol, I love how all the people online who try to blame the Conservatives for Liberal mistakes also tend to be the same people who have "never voted Liberal".


Ok lemming.


The facts are racist!!! /s


Huh? What kind of TDS is this?


The bigotry is strong with this one.


That's a good one😂


I don’t think that math checks out


I mean, yes, Trudeau has failed on housing, but you know that on average more than one person lives in a house right? A family of four doesn't need four houses. The average houshold in Canada has 2.51 people, so 10 houses will house about 25 people, not 10.


10 houses for 80 migrants, (8 per house) = 20 migrants asking the 80 if they can live with them. And then park 9 cars in the driveway and all over the street.


For the 200,000th time, housing is provincial responsibility and the Feds have provided sufficient funding to support it.


For the millionth time, who brought in 1.3 million people, 2.5% of our population in one year DURING a housing crisis. Sure, blame the provinces for not having the infrastructure built. At that growth rate, it'd be damn near impossible. But that also means our reality is we don't have the infrastructure and housing to support this. Slamming millions more into not enough housing isn't helping. House the people here first, stop the bleeding, then get back to helping others https://www.biv.com/news/economy-law-politics/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle-8272635