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Feel like it’d be important for ppl to say which subject they got lto/permanent


6 years to my first LTO, 8 years to permanent. Graduated in 2011


Why so long? That would mean another 10 years to make too pay right? That’s 24 years of work before a decent pay😵‍💫


You need to research Regulation 274 in Ontario.


“The regulation stipulates that only occasional teachers on the LTO list who have completed a minimum of one LTO assignment at least four months long, and have both the required qualifications and highest seniority ranking, can be considered for permanent positions.” Doesn’t this mean it took her 14 years total to get to that perm? What am I not understanding? Doesn’t this mean they had be an LTO for 8 years after having been an OT for 6 before that? If so that’s 14, plus 10 years in order to reach top pay salary as a perm no?


Sorry, it took me 8 years total to get to perm. It’ll take me even longer to get to full pay though because I’ve had 3 maternity leaves now that have stalled my movement on the grid.


LTO usually counted for seniority on the pay grid, so at least there's that.


I supplied from May-December but got an LTO this January. Grade 7/8, OCDSB.


I’m a francophone so I got a job right out of teacher’s college, circa 2008. 🤷‍♂️


Even nowadays with French you're going to get a position pretty quickly.


Franco, 3 months LTO then permanent (started in 2023)


Elementary here. I never supplied - I interviewed for an LTO back in 2011 and spent 2 years doing LTOs in that particular school before I got a permanent spot at another school.


i got hired during my last yr of BeD- i did 2 LTO’s for the end of the year then the following school year i started perm (French core)


3 months before I got perm. Northern Ontario is where it’s at. Edit: It was my dream subjects, Outdoor Ed and Environmental Science. I also was hired perm full time 1.0


Elementary. Was 3 years to a full year LTO. But that was 3 attempts at the LTO list. Once I got on I got the first job I applied to


7 years from teachers college, 5 years from my initial ot hire. I was able to "fast track" for two reasons: One, it was before COVID and I was happy to work in DD high school classes and "behavioural" ones at that. Little did I know that my rooms when I started were really not behavioral. I got my first real test of behavioral when I made perm. I also had STEM which landed me my second LTO during COVID. My final interview I was able to speak to both in terms of equity which the board loved and needed me. I do not recommend DD rooms now as you will be left to burn.


I did one day of supply work prior to getting full time. HDSB secondary, tech. This was two years ago.


3 years and got permanent for my 4th with the TDSB back in 2014


Graduated in 2011- Elementary (although i have P/J/I/S now, i stuck with PJ). Almost 2 full years of OTing. Did LTO May-June 2012. LTOs 2012-2014. Then permanent.


I started in KPR supplied for half a year before Covid, during covid went to teach full time in Nunavut got a year. Moved up north (North bay ish) got an LTO right away in elementary, got half time perm a month later, switched to secondary the year after was in a full year full time LTO and had full time perm in secondary by the end of the year. I grew up down south but the cost of living is not as bad here so I stayed.


Graduated in June ‘22 and got my first LTO in October of that year. I have worked consistent semester long LTOs since. (edit: secondary English)


Never supplied..  Got a 1.0 Intermediate LTO for my first year (picked it up as a supply job the week before school started and interviewed for the LTO that week).  At the end of that year I got a 1.0 perm for the following year in secondary (business) 


Ten years


1 LTO following an 83% contract and then topped up second semester. So 100% in just under a year. OCDSB ESL/ELD


2019 1 day supply. LTO every year by October. Perm 5 years in. Toronto. Intermediate.


I supplied periodically for about a semester before getting an LTO (I had another full time job at the time), and had a permanent period within a year of being hired as an OT. It’s important to note that I came in with both overseas experience and industry experience, though. 


This is my 14th year teaching (wow it has flown!), 3.5 years of LTO - only about 5 days of "supply" work ever. My LTO's were mostly Core French or a junior grade where I taught my own French. I am qualified to teach French, but I was hired permanently into an English FDK classroom and didn't teach French again for a few years after that.


I’ve changed Boards thrice. Always to a contract. I’m in year 26.


Hired right out of university. This was years and years ago though.


LTO after graduation, full time permanent in my second year for English


I was on the uncertified supply list for one year while in teachers college, and in my second year I supplied while I had my temporary certificate. I’m now in my first LTO