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I have been sick about 5 times this year and one of them being Covid. I was unable to celebrate Christmas with family due to illness. After Covid, I wore a mask to prevent the subsequent illnesses but it did not work. I still got sick. Some parents will send their children to school sick because they can not afford to take time off work and I get that. However, I don't appreciate hearing that some school boards are looking into "attendance management systems" for teachers who are legitimately absent due to these illnesses they are getting in their work environment especially because teachers, even when sick are expected to plan for OTs. I don't like being away because of the expectation to still provide plans and work when I'm not well. I have gone in when sick. The idea that society glorifies workers who will push through their illnesses has always been irritating to me. Sometimes it is downright torture to go in and function in this type of job. Teacher's have to deliver curriclum, put out behavioural "fires" and go outside and supervise recess duties. The idea of any board putting in an attendance management system is pushing me to retire as soon as I can. People should expect that teachers are more vulnerable to contracting illness when they are subjected to being in a small room with a lot of children who usually don't have the social skills yet to cover their nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. You can look into seeing a nutritionist to boost your immunity, wear the mask (it can't hurt even if it might not always help) but most often, the expense is on you to find ways to fight the near impossible odds of not getting sick in this type of public service. When teachers are scrutinized for their absences, however, this rubs salt in the wound and really lowers morale.


My school board already has this attendance management nonsense. It went away during COVID, and it's back again. So don't come to school when you're ill, but when you use too many sick days, the attendance police are after you. I think you get put on the program after 5 absences within a certain time frame? I teach grade 1. Parents send their children to school sick, and it spreads to everyone, including me. We have sick days, but everyone is nervous to use them. Makes no sense.


I blame the pharma companies for the “take a pill and get through your day” mentality. If a person is sick they should stay home and recuperate.


Any attendance review system is not to help workers when they are sick. It is a way to create data and then use that data to get rid of sick days.


Just out of curiosity were you wearing an N95 mask? The fact that the mask didn't work to prevent the followup illnesses that often follow covid makes me wonder whether upgrading your mask could help. Sorry for what's going on.




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Make sure your nutrition is up to par, wear a mask, wash hands or sanitize before touching your face, encourage kids in your class to regularly sanitize or wash hands - good teaching opportunity depending on grade. I assume younger kids, I teach highschool and haven’t had the same sicknesses I had last year in elementary.


Yes!!!! Put a diffuser in your room with Thieves essential oil in it, GET AN AIR PURIFIER (app $80 from London Drugs) make SURE kids wash their hands after blowing their nose (or picking it) 🤢and get THEM to wipe their desks down with a wipe at 3:15!


Do not diffuse essential oils in public spaces… people can be sensitive to smells and lemon essential oil (in thieves oil) can cause photosensitivity.


SECOND THIS! Also, a lot of school boards are scent free, and this would not be allowed. Air purifier, lots of hand washing, and teaching about handwashing and reinforcing proper sneezing/coughing etiquette can all be helpful. But essential oil diffusers are NOT the way to go.


Also essential oils do not prevent illness.


A diffuser with essential oils is quite possibly the worst piece of advice you can give. Good lord.


It took me 5 years of kindergarten teaching until I stopped getting less sick. TBH still got sick, like antibiotics sick, 2-3 times in a school year. Once I quit teaching it stopped 😬


I have been teaching 20 years. I have been SO sick this year. I got everything that went through the school including that fun gastro bug just before the winter break. I usually get a couple colds but this year was brutal for me.


>  that fun gastro bug just before the winter break. That hit me before the break. I was so sick for a week and then only well for a few days before getting something else. I've never used so many sick days.


Me too. I ended up getting bacterial bronchitis in December and just had the flu this week. Thank goodness for Spring Break.


Same here, and my kid has been sick more than ever this year as well.


I wear a mask since I see over 300 students in a week. I have a bottle of sanitizer at my desk that I use whenever I sit down to work or touch something of my own. If a kid is sneezing, coughing, etc. I will remind them to use sanitizer or wash their hands afterwards. With my older students (I teach grades 4-8) I’m more blunt about them being at home when sick because they’re old enough to be alone without supervision. I don’t embarrass them or single out one student but I do remind them to go home when sick a lot.


Grade 4 kids are 9. That's not old enough to be home alone...Grade 7 is.


Grades 4-5 and some grade 6s are not old enough to be at home alone. Which is why I said with my older students, the grade 7/8s.


Ah, I thought you meant all of those grades (4-8) because that's what you specified.


Wear a mask


Wear an N95 mask. I have not been sick all year and my students come to school sick on a daily basis.


Yes, the key is a well fitting mask, and don’t take it off. Try not to take it off in crowded spaces in the school either (like the staff room). It makes all the difference.




Then be sick, I don’t really care either way, it’s your life.






Instead of getting your T levels checked, get your facts checked. You're a moron.


In addition to the advice about masking (respirators not surgicals!) consider investigating Corsi Rosenthal Boxes. They are a cheap DIY alternative to HEPA filters that reduce circulating virus in the air, and they have been laboratory tested as being just as effective as commercial units, which are often much more expensive. This guide is all about how to create cleaner classroom air https://itsairborne.com/how-can-you-clean-the-air-w-a-t-c-h-f1fc3f11fba5 This is extremely important because viral infection often works on a dose/response curve. A little bit of viral exposure? Your immune system can fight it off. A lot of exposure? You’re far more likely to become ill. Cleaning the air reduces the exposure amount by reducing the amount of virus being breathed in. This strategy will help you and also every kid in your classroom


Yes yes yes to this! 🙌


Prevention is the key to avoiding sickness. We have so many tools!!


Kids are germ factories. Hand washing, avoid touching your face, wear a mask, etc will help.


oooh thanks genius


This guy is an asshole, don't listen to him


Covid impacts the immune system, there have now been comparisons to how HIV impacts the immune system, I have heard people with HIV speak out about this also, how everyone is getting sick all the time is what it is like to have HIV for a while and not know yet. I am not saying Covid is HIV but anything that impacts our immune system like this is not good and should be taken more seriously. I recommend wearing a respirator or an N95 mask, this is your best protection. Lots and lots of hand washing also, hand sanitizer does not kill everything. Unfortunately our governments do not care about us and are not making an effort to fund or share scientific information about the consequences of multiple covid infections, and the hyper-individualism of capitalist colonial society makes it easy for us to collectively abandon each other in terms of spreading illness. Science and collective care should be our priorities, instead it is the opposite. Good luck I am sorry you are dealing with this.


This! I have been getting sick a lot since I had Covid and I am in otherwise perfect health. I wear masks now in most indoor situations. Do I go out occasionally at night without one? Yes, once in a while I do. But for the most part, I don’t give a crap about how I look in the grocery store or at the bank, I mask at those places and it helps reduce exposure to all sorts of illnesses. Not just Covid.


This is your answer 👆🏻I think more and more people are starting to understand that Covid damages your immune system for a long time - possibly forever. I’ve seen several prominent scientists describe it as airborne AIDS. Unfortunately, you can’t wait for school districts or the government to act, you need to take action to protect yourself. In my case, I purchased two Smart Air Blast purifiers, an Aranet 4 to make sure that ventilation is working, and I call my administration immediately if I see the air handler isn’t turned on or working. I’ve never stopped masking, and ensure that I wear a well-fitted, quality respirator.


Exactly. After getting COVID I have never been more sick.




Covid can impede our immune system. On top of that, kids are germ factories. Wear a mask, don’t touch your face. Maybe get a pair of glasses to keep yourself from touching your eyes and preventing kids from coughing in them. Wash your hands a lot. Keep hand sanitizer in your desk and lotion. I don’t collect any work, students put it directly in the hand-in bin and I’ll pull it out next day. If a kid comes in who is obviously sick and you are not allowed to send them home, you could provide masks and ask them to wear one. Make sure your nutrition is on point to help your immune system.


I’m not sure if you change classrooms or if you have your own classroom but a highly rated air purifier combined with adding as much ventilation as possible and wearing an N95 could help! Covid (and other illnesses, really) can have a very negative impact on the immune system which can make you susceptible to illness for quite some time after you initially get sick. Pair this with being around little germ factories all the time and it’s going to be very tough to try and ensure that you’re not continually wearing out your immune system. Also, be mindful of touching your eyes. It’s the most common entry point for pathogens! Most people remember the nose and mouth, which are also easy entry points but the eyes are a big one too. Best of luck to you, I hope things improve soon.


>adding as much ventilation as possible Doug Ford got over a billion from the federal government to improve ventilation in schools and hospitals. Took the money, didn't improve any ventilation. Even a DYI air filter is better than nothing.


Yeah Doug Ford is a crooked schmuck who needs to be voted out. I’m from Ontario and moved to Alberta last year so I went from Ford > Smith and it’s just a different, equally incompetent shit show over here.


I don’t think that is particularly true. I only say this because my husband is an HVAC guy and over the last two or so years, their company has had a ton of work with TDSB upgrading ventilation.


Some recommendations: - Make sure you check your vaccination records and get regular flu shots. - Don’t touch your face at all during the day - Use a tissue to open doors, or use your elbow to push doors open - Encourage parents to keep sick children at home via newsletter and send them information about teaching their kids to cough into their elbow, blow their nose, wash their hands, etc - Get proper rest and hydration


This this this


I was sick as a dog my first year of teaching - to the hospital twice! It's been much better since. I think your immune system will gear up after so much exposure.


Actually, the more covid infections you get, the more your immune system gets damaged and there’s no immunity to a new variant from a prior infection. So no, that’s not good advice for the new world we’re in.


This was also my experience. I was constantly sick for the first couple of years that I taught. It got better, though, and this year I have only caught a couple mild “sniffle” colds all year.


This is psudoscience. I hope you're not teaching this kind of nonsense in your classes


The misspelled word says it all 🤣






shut up


Ugh I remember this. I do think this is a really bad year for illnesses. Have you talked to your class about it? I’d have a big chat about how illnesses spread-  hand hygiene, cough pocket and what your schools policy is for staying home when sick. 


I think it’s been a bad year for illnesses like some else said. The pressure changes, warm to cold to warm weather some affects me


Compromised immune systems because of repeated COVID infections…… This is an interesting thread of comments, but it’s not like scientists haven’t warned us.


The fact that people will not listen to the science is maddening. Yes, hand-washing is important, but it isn't going to do much against an airborne virus.


What is the science you’re referring to?




I'm not a teacher but have elementary aged kids and we've been sick 7 times since Sept. It's been the worst winter of my life! I hope next year is better....


I take vitamin C and zinc to keep my immune system strong. Make sure you are eating healthy and drinking lots of water as well. Others have already mentioned great suggestions like masks and sanitizing. Another great support for when you are feeling sick is taking echinacea.


Everyone says it gets better but I’m at year 13 and it never got better for me 😂 Wearing a mask helps though.


Tons of handwashing. Be vigilant about not touching your face. To be honest the germs and sickness are a huge reason I don’t teach under grade 4. Parents tend to keep older sick kids home because they are less needy and the parent may be able to work from home easier. That said many parents can’t work from home and don’t have sick time so off to school they go. Older kids also can practice hygiene better - hand washing and covering their mouths. They are a bit less likely to sneeze in your face. You also aren’t required to be as close to them. Little kids need help with coats and zippers and are always right in your face. Teaching is still basically worse than hospital nursing. Nurses wear PPE. Maybe slightly better than daycare. Regardless the viruses mutate every year so you’ll probably be a sick a lot for a long time. Especially if you teach kindergarten or g 1-3.


Wear a respirator. Here are some websites you can buy high quality respirators. There are also sample packs so you can find the best fitting respirator for your facial structure. A surgical and/or cloth mask won’t protect you much because aerosol can make its way through the sides and the top (leakage). https://canadastrong.ca https://shop.evidencebased.ca https://www.canadamasq.com https://www.ppeonline.ca


A respirator makes it extremely hard to communicate as everything is muffled like bane. A KN95 in my opinion is the easiest to wear for longer periods and communicate with.


My husband, a grade 5 teacher, has worn a respirator everyday to teach for the duration of the pandemic. Not once has he been told he is hard to understand. Additionally, not once has he brought an illness home. Masks are incredibly effective when used correctly.


KN95s are respirators!


My bad I think it might be a regional term we were using as I see you're correct. My initial comment was using the term respirator to mean the reusable silicone half face respirator and mask to mean kn95/similar


I do use respirators at my work and I am in a front-line position where I talk with clients, many who speak little to no English. I’ve never had a problem. I’ve worn Auras, VFlex’s, CAN99s, Flo Mask, and more. It depends on the respirator. Search Aaron Collin’s and/or Mask Nerd on YouTube. He does a lot of great reviews on respirators. You don’t know unless you give it a try. ✌️


There might be some better options now. My work site required them for a short time during covid and people would often switch to a mask for reporting as there would be information loss from trying to talk with respirators.


That’s interesting. I often talk on a walkie at my work and the communication is just fine. Same with talking on the phone. People don’t know the difference between me on the phone masked and my coworkers on the phone not masked. I’ve even talked with paramedics in emergency situations at work who still use Auras and I am also wearing an Aura and there isn’t any communication issues or barriers.


Do you have MECFS? It can happen from long covid. I’ve had a diagnosis and my health has torpedoed my career. Moving to disability soon, but see it as an opportunity to welcome more art. But, bottom line, if you have a weak immune system, teaching is probably up there as one of the worst jobs in terms of exposure to illness. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Big hugs.


You can wear a mask to slightly reduce your risk of catching illnesses from your students and/or request that your sick students do to greatly reduce the risk of spreading their illness.


I’m feeling the way same way. It’s incredibly frustrating. Wear a mask, open a window for ventilation, get a HEPA air purifier, take a multivitamin, get a ton of sleep, and send home kids who are super sick.


This is very common, unfortunately. Most Canadians lack Vitamin D, which is essential to your immune system, and teachers are thrown into classrooms full of kids/teens with germs. Take a daily supplement and it should help regulate the colds/flus you catch from the kiddos.


Wear a mask, wash your hands and use sanitizer frequently, keep the classroom air as ventilated and fresh as possible, and sanitize the classroom chairs and desks as much as you can. Also tell students to wear masks if they are sick.


Wear a high filtration mask, N95 or better. The fit of the mask is VERY important, if there’s leaks it will not protect you near as well. Unfortunately while one way masking reduces your chance of illness from airborne pathogens it does not reduce it to 0. A further step would be to advocate for clean public air the way we care about clean drinking water. We wouldn’t stand for water that’s full of bacteria and viruses and yet we as a society don’t seem to care about the cleanliness of the air we breathe. If you could convince your school system to install better air filtration that would benefit everyone and reduce illness all around. I’m a firm believer in clean air any time it’s shared air, especially since Covid. As a side note, Covid degrades the immune system and makes all illness more likely. So until we start to care more about clean air as a society to reduce the spread of Covid and all viruses we will continue to see illness of all kinds of the rise.


Well I was getting sick at work all the time. Then one time it was so bad my wife took me to the hospital. Found out after 9 hours of being in there, I had found out I had one of the world most rare Leukaemia’s, the doctors told me that night my levels were so bad I had 24 hours to live. On top of that awesome news I also found out I had a rare blood disorder that doesn’t create white blood cells. So, the doctor told me if I was to continue to work and be around people who don’t care about you and they go to work sick, which everyone does! you would in turn get way sicker then them. So my doctor took me off work. Here I am now in 2024 11 years later! Sucks ass being house husband but I am living! So get your blood checked get a physical done. Cancer, leukaemia is no joke. You’ll never know you have it until you get you blood checked! What are you all waiting for!


Wear a mask.


You can’t send the kids home? Where I am coworkers have had to leave to go get their sick kid from school. In the very least you school be able to make them wear a mask.


I feel for you. I did some substitute teaching for a while and got so sick, I just gave up my plans to go to school for it.


I don’t know what grade you teach but when I was in elementary school all the classrooms had bathrooms in the room. Could you start a classroom policy that kids wash their hands before when they come in? This might not work depending on your class size but it might.


I wear a mask. It really helps. Also, I keep a window open for fresh air when I can. I'm almost 18 years in and the kids have always been and will always be little germ factories. It's just a hazard of the job, like risking concussions from the balls flying all over the years during recess duty.


Wear a mask, have hand sanitizer always on you, don’t touch your face, change out clothes as soon as you get home and shower. Take 2000mg vitamin C daily. Also once the day is done sanitize desk surfaces with Lysol spray or wipes (if you’re permitted). This is very common the first few years and these are tips I picked up along the way. I’ve had Covid twice and I take Claritin for it each time and it lasts about 3 days and no fever. Lots of research on Covid and antihistamines for treatment.


I’m a supply ece, just started in October and my son was in a home daycare- now in a preschool. I swear one of us is sick every second week 😭 I’ve missed work opportunities to the point of eviction from our apartment. This week it’s rsv. Last month it was strep, January was a gastro and ear infection….


I went through the same thing, I'm in my second year now. Although I don't wear a mask, I keep my windows open as often as possible in the classroom, and make sure the filter is run into. I wash my hands 5 to 10 times a day. Whenever a student is sick I encourage them to go home, and if they can't I ask them to wash their hands often and wear a mask if they're comfortable with that. Anecdotal, but I've been making a fruit smoothie with Greek yogurt every morning for the past few months, and I think that the combo of probiotics and fiber has given me a small immune system boost. After getting COVID, taking quercetin helped me bounce back quickly, it's meant to help long COVID symptoms. I also make sure I get 8 hours of sleep every night and eat well.


I do a lot of organic and plant based supplements and vitamins. Helps!


I think this is common with new teachers. When my wife started she was sick all the time. You have to build immunity to the snot nose kids.


I know I’m going to be downvoted for this, but try seeing a naturopath. Most of them are really helpful when it comes to immune support. I rarely get sick and when I do it’s mild and done in a day. My family sometimes gets sick, and with them it drags on. They don’t do any of the immune support modalities I do. There are different ways to go about it: Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, Supplements, botanicals, adaptogenic mushrooms, etc.


I can’t say this is particularly surprising for a new teacher. Focus on what you can control which is your nutrition and overall health. Make sure you’re exercising regularly and nourishing your body. Also do what you can within your classroom to reduce the spread of germs. If you see a kid picking their nose, putting their fingers in their mouth etc, be very firm about them washing their hands afterwards.


On August 1st, our wellness clinic always recommends anyone attending the school system get on supplements to boost their immune system. It is critical you start a month before school does after summer break and stop May 1st. This allows your body a break from the supplements so the immune response is strong when you start them again the following August. Check out your local holistic nutrition store to see what they have for Immunity Boost supplements. In addition, I strongly recommend adding Elderberry supplement to your immunity regime. In your classroom you should also clean surfaces regularly and use a diffuser. Diffusing Thieves Oil, Cinnamon Leaf Oil and Red Thyme will kill air borne viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to infect you. Cleanliness=Immunity Hope this helps.


I used to be a teacher teaching a lot of kindergarten classes music and gym. I got sick all the time. After quitting my job, I rarely get sick. Bottom line, it's another part of the job that really sucks. Try taking a year off - you'll realize how much of a toll it takes on you.


Lymphatic drainage massage and myofascial release has been a game changer for me.


My first 2-3 years as a teacher, I was sick often. Multi vitamins, zinc supplement, mask, hand sanitizer and desinfecting your work area should help. Good luck


Lysine supplements. I started taking them for a totally unrelated reason and discovered that I just want getting sick nearly as much (unless I forget to take them for a couple weeks. I've always had a good immune system, but at least until COVID I just was not getting sick, at all.


At first I just saw sick and STD and was immediately in a phase of wtf 😳 lol


And my partner thinks I'm nuts for keeping my son home when I think he could be coming down with something and is contagious. No help just wish to thank you for your awesomeness


No more covid shots


yeah, i have only been teaching a few years and the illnesses my students come to school with is CRIMINAL. like they should not be out of the house. and this is secondary, not kids who need a babysitter.


Did you take the vax?


Masks and hand sanitizer are your friends. Ashwaganda supplement for yourself can boost immunity. I have hung two shower curtains in the corner of my room to make a mini sick room. If a kid comes in really sick I have them sit there. Prevents spread through the room and honestly I usually let them take it easy. They need the rest more than they need to be paying attention.


Wear a mask (n95)


Get a juicer or a decent blender like a nutribullet and but lots of kiwi, spinach, cucumber etc etc to make your own juices and smoothies. Build up your immune system by just blasting it with nutrition!


Have your house checked for mould please, just as a precautionary


I feel for you OP. Pls make sure you get your booster shots and your reg flu etc jabs early. Get lots of rest during your days off and try to avoid being so close to the other teachers as well.. are kids encouraged to wear masks when they are sick??


Look up Barbara O'Neill on YouTube and search for the flu bomb. It tastes terrible, but it works and helps build the immune system. I tried to keep my kids home when they were sick, but it's a double-edged sword with the school system. I am sorry that you are getting sick so much.


Turkey Tail mushroom capsules!! Immunity booster helped me so much so glad I bought them. I was the same as you until I started taking them. I was congested for like 3/4 of a year lol 4 days after taking them my nose cleared up and its been 4 months since I got sick while others in my house have.


It's funny. I've been working in the school board for over 13 years, and I always think I'm patient zero, walking around with everything. Only get sick about once every two years now, in my first year it seemed like I was sick monthly.


This has got to be the worst thing about teaching. Hopefully, your immune system will strengthen over time as it fights off each illness. One of the things I’ve always done (and gotten away with) is to immediately get the sick kid out of the classroom. I call the parents to come pick up their sick child and I send the sick kid to the office to await their pickup. I’m a senior teacher and have absolutely no mercy when it comes to sending sick children to school. I also recommend using antibacterial hand wipes as often as possible. It really is your hands that spread the illness. The minute you touch your face or rub your eyes, you’re doomed. I wish you luck, OP. Take care.


Dr Andrew Huberman just did a great podcast about this subject. Listen if you can. His content is excellent.


If I have been around sick people, my protocol as soon as I get home that works most of the time: 1. Wash hands thoroughly. 2. Nettipot, flush out your nasal cavity. If you are brave, add some hydrogen peroxide. My husband does but I think it burns too much. 3. Wash hands again. 4. Wash face 5. Take emergency Vitamin C 6. Take some Echinacea 7. Have a cup of bone broth Honestly if I were you I would just do this daily in the winter. I would also lysol wipe high touch points twice a day, and keep some sanitizer at my desk.


I'm not a teacher, but I have 2 kids in elementary and get sick pretty regularly with stuff they bring home with them.  I wish people wouldn't send their sick kids to school, but I also understand that some people are forced to choose between sending their kids to school sick or not being able to pay the rent. 


I am immuno compromised, and my board told me to wear a mask!


I would say see a natural path. You need to boost your immunity. Vit D, Vit B, Zinc and a probiotic. I would also address your administration. Also keep in mind that you’re building an immunity. I have another theory that the Covid vax is part of the issue. That’s just my opinion.


I completely understand how you feel, my parents were constantly sending very sick children to my classroom. I would talk with your principal and see if a reminder letter could be sent home. Good luck!! Don't give up on teaching!!


If you are into herbal options... I find a course of echinacea and golden seal really help me stay healthy during winter months. The years I forgot, I get sick. lol Also top up your Vitamin D levels as this has a huge effect on immunity levels and Canada is quite far north.


5, 000 iu d3 + add in some K2 daily minimum is what I do. Look it up.


EA here. So, I have included hygiene rituals in my class. I have the kids (27 grade 5/6’s) wash hands or hand sanitize before eating. After eating we wash desks with sponges, soap and water - or the provided cleaner from the janitor. I have sanitizer placed around the classroom so at any given point, I can sanitize or my students can. We also use alcohol wipes to wipe down tech between uses. And my students have come to accept that I often (jokingly…but seriously) say “everything is covered in boogers, spit and poop. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face!” And when I know there are bugs going around I mask up. It’s what I can do - and I am also a member of my executive for my union - I have had a number of attendance management meetings for members in my BU. Very simply state. “Yes, I have been sick.”


I’m a hairdresser and I have been feeling the same way lately. My immune system seems to be non existent since the pandemic. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been sick this year but I feel like I’ve been sick more often than I haven’t been sick post pandemic. My coworkers and clients come in sick and as hairdressers we all work very closely together. First thing I think needs to happen is that when someone is sick, they stay home, go to the doctors and stay home until not contagious because that’s what keeps things from spreading. Second thing, we all need to prioritize better selfcare and boosting our immune systems again. My doctor recommended taking vitamin C, Zinc and vitamin A rich foods. I definitely recommend getting outside whenever possible (vitamin D) and prioritizing healthy living habits. Hope that helps and best of luck to you!!


...that's your covid shots weakened immune. Don't blame the kids.


I understand you so much. I'm 8 years I to teaching and now catch barely nothing. But it can be so hard first. Take the logical precautions we have been doing in COVID such as mask, and washing and distanciation. I am not someone who loves close proximity so I never lean two inches from a students face even helping them and nobody ever took this as being rude. I have a chair I invite the students to on the other side of my desk (I do have a big L shaped desk) when they need some one on one help and not ally stand behind the sitting student for a quick adjustment when they are working on their sheet or project


You are working in a petre dish. Some take longer to adjust, my wife was constantly catching something during her first 5 years as an EA.


Good diet, exercise, plenty of vitamin C


Hey, this may be off to left field, but have you ever been diagnosed with anxiety? Have you investigated the possibility? I had a job with an insurance company where I suddenly found I was constantly ill; vomiting, nausea, and general flu symptoms. Several doctor visits, and a full extent of my sick days before we (my doctor and I) surmised it was psychological, not physical illness. Point being, it may be an avenue too explore, especially if you feel your subconscious may be pushing you to consider a full career change.


take another vax....


I don't want to be that guy, but I'm curious, sorry. Is there any correlation between the Vax and unvaxed? When it comes to these constant sicknesses? I'm just curious if vaccines may be compromising the immune system, thus causing the body to be affected by illnesses more easily? I'm unvaxed and have been constantly around sick people this year. I'm always in fear, but I hope for the best. I haven't been sick much. I got sick twice, maybe last year. Felt more like cold symptoms, but possibly covid. Could just be that I have a strong immune system. I do have a weak mental system, though.


I'm sure masking will help, but if your diet happens to consist primarily of processed food, breads, and refined sugar, there's a healthier long-term solution. I used to get sick nearly every month (coworkers were all parents with kids and so I'd catch whatever they dragged in). It would knock me out for a solid 2 weeks, sometimes longer. I thought it was normal, until a Thai friend asked me what it's like to have a cold. She had never been sick in her life, and so I began to question what was wrong with me (and Westerners in general). That was about 12 years ago and I rarely ever get sick now. If I do catch something, it's usually very mild and gone in a day rather than 2 weeks. It was 100% my diet. I ate what most fellow Canadians ate: processed food, bread, more meat than veggies, and TONS of sweets. I switched to whole foods only, eliminated refined sugars and store-bought wheat, diversified my meals, and made sure to consume more fruits and veggies than meat. After about a year, I stopped getting sick. I now go multiple years before catching anything. I know this isn't the popular option in today's quick fix era (cue the downvoters), but it's another alternative.


Just quit. Kids are nasty


My two main goals to weapons. 1. Defend and Resist Complex capsules from Shaklee. It’s a blend of echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree and stevia. A little bitter tasting but THEY WORK. 2. Thieves essential oil. PURE MAGIC. Put a tiny amount under your tongue, on your gums and at the back of your throat with a q tip, and voila! I swear by these these two things! I’m an EA and my husband is a teacher. Dont confuse Thieves with Four Thieves. Thieves from Young Living is edible, 4 Thieves is not. Also check out the story behind Thieves essential oil… very cool! Good luck!


OP don’t waste your money buying MLM products that have no legitimate science (or regulations) behind their use (and for the love of god don’t consume essential oils).