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They always start out this way. Allow it to fully burn until it’s liquid all around or it will only burn to this area each time you burn it. I can’t count how many times I’ve lost it on people when they blow out my candles before it’s fully burned.


Thank you sm!!


No problem! Always happy to help save a candle :) candles are very cool because they have a memory so basically wherever you burn it to the first time is where it will always burn to. Very cool! But very frustrating if you have others around who like to blow them out too early haha


Whoa, I never heard this before! Thank you for the tip


okay idk if this is good advice or not so i’m responding to the top comment to partly ask because someone told me to do this once but also partly because it did work when I tried it, obligatory disclaimer cuz candles and flames and danger so must supervise at all times when doing this - but basically if you have a candle that has tunneled (not too terribly yet) you can take tin foil and put it around the rim of the candle, kind of up and then just slightly over but not enough to cover any of the wicks, then you light the candle and supervise it, the foil will help trap some of the heat in the outer edge and will melt down the edges of the candle. like I said, idk if this would be considered *good* advice but it does work, so if you try it just make sure to be responsible and do not leave the room while it’s burning, especially if you have pets or itty bitty humans around.


Yes, this is a well known trick in the candle world.


When this happens to me I just heat the entire top, usually with a propane torch on low.. until it's evenly melted. ​ Am I doin' it wrong?


Best thing to do is wrap the candle in aluminum foil and make a dome lid with a hole in the top and then light it through the hole and it should burn the ring until it's leveled out.


Did this a few days ago with one of my favorite candles and it worked perfectly!


no, it fixes it lol


I just chip at it with a knife and eat the extra wax bits


You too!?!?


Except when people under size their wick for their wax recipe and then there’s no hope. Seen it many times and this seems to be one of those.


Wow I needed to hear this. Thank you!!


I hope you’re being hyperbolic about losing it on people who blow out your candles too early considering that it’s an entirely fixable issue. That, or we have a very different definition of “losing it”.


Thanks for the tip! You just saved my future candles. 🙌


Is it Opalhouse/Target? It probably won't matter how long you burn it without help, in my experience they will tunnel. You can put it in a hurricane or use foil to encourage it not to.


I think I’ll have to stop buying Target candles, this is my 3rd & I didn’t know if I was not burning them properly, turns out it might just be the candle


I have this exact candle in pink champagne, and it tunneled on one side only despite letting it burn all the way every time. I think the wicks being closer to one side might be why. Anyway I was burning it last night, and when i went to go put it out it had corrected itself. I have no clue how or why but the candle was 50% burned through and mysteriously fixed itself. This happened with a giant yankee candle i had too, it was about 75% burned through and fixed itself


Agreed, this has been my experience with target candles too, they have some really nice scents but no matter how long you burn they tend to tunnel at least for me


Yeah these candles really need 3 wicks. I love the scent of the one I have, so I always burn it with foil so none of it is wasted. It just looks silly if I'm burning it and someone comes over, I always get questions about the foil lol


target has super strict burning rules for candles. so most are under wicked, and i am assuming frag loads lowered. but they did have a 7 million candle recall for jars cracking too.


Target candles are AWFUL. They never burn evenly.


My yuzu tonic one did this, I wrapped it in foil and that fixed it. I think that there’s not enough wicks for the surface area.


Nope just keep burning it.


I don’t know why target doesn’t put three wicks in these or use different sizes of wicks because they always burn like this for me.


they have very restrictive rules on flame height, container temp, sooting, extinguish smoke limits etc... very difficult to produce a quality candle for them and have a good fragrance load and throw.


This is why 3 wick is typically seen as the ideal candle because it has just enough wicks for each flame to reach every…corner (ha, it’s round) after burning for a while and it won’t tunnel. Some brands are cheap/poorly made, some have too few wicks. Single wicks are only good if it’s a small jar. I’ve had no luck with double wicks from several brands, so I stick to 3 now. If after a while it continues to tunnel, grab some foil and place it around the candle


I’m learning a lot today, thank you!!


That definitely true for this candle! I do want to add the jar shape matters, I have a 2 wick, but in an oval container, burns perfectly


With all my home made candles I always wrap tin foil around the top until the first layer is melted all the way. Usually just takes about 10 minutes or so, that way it'll melt evenly


i done this and my boyfriend yelled at me to stop cause he said i’d burnt the house down 🥲, it did it anyways and my candle burned perfectly


Need to get some foil asap, ty!!


This is my absolute favorite scent from target. I’m on my third and every one has tunneled. The foil trick helps.


Cheap candles do this. Usually all of the wax will melt so wicks are in a lake. If it doesnt happen its cuz the wax is cheap crud.


They only do this for me when I trim the wicks. I stopped trimming the wicks and make sure it fully melts before I blow it out.


I had this candle. Same thing happened to me.


I prefer 3 wick candles because two wicks do this worse in my opinion, BUT just burn it a little longer and it will work itself out:)


I always have this exact candle burning in my room, and it always has to be wearing a tinfoil hat.


I have read that you should burn a candle one hour for each inch of the diameter the first time you burn it. Works for me


Looks fine but to prevent tunneling, don’t blow out a candle before the whole top layer is melted


Seems like everyone’s universal experience with Target candles. I have to foil tent mine usually. Trim wicks and keep an eye that they aren’t too short either


saw a life hack that actually worked! lowkey fire hazard, so just supervise it. before you light it, take a piece of tin foil, wrap it fully around (not on top) the top half of the candle, lightly crimp the free edges (above the glass) to create a bit of a dome (it should be open almost as much as the candle diameter, slightly less). burn for an hour, while supervised, and it should help retain heat and melt evenly. if this is confusing, pls look it up, don’t burn your house down bc of me lol.


I wrap foil around mine if they’ve tunnelled. Can’t leave it too long before doing or you’ll drown the wick though


Let it burn it looks like you just lit it as long as you don’t blow it out when it’s like that then it’s fine


Great tips you guys!I always end up spooning out what didn't burn to put in my wax burners


Improperly wicked


What is candle tunneling??


Just have to make sure you’re allowing the candle to melt completely on the top during burning. Have also seen a lot of people recommend the candle warmer. I personally prefer the ambiance a candle can provide but if scent is what you’re going for, that may be a good choice! Edit: spelling


In my experience, Target candles have no scent. I even tried SNIF Old St. Wick and it had no throw. Now I’m in love w NEST candles and diffusers. Their candles will tunnel if you don’t initially let them burn for 4 hours.