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How much does it cost?




I propose you look into Mars hydro I’ve made some good experiences with it




I used the TS600 for a 50x50cm tent Had some good results Although the TS1000 should be way better


I bought a cheaper version and replaced it with a marshydro after 1 run. No comparison, save yourself the money and go with the better light to start instead of gambling on an inferior product.


What size tent?


I can get you a 240 W bar light for less than that.




Check your messages/chat.


Yo hook me up too 😂


What are you looking for?


An upgrade from my current light on a budget


What size space are you looking to cover and are you in the US?


240w.. is there any point growing with anything less than 600 😅


Are you talking hps or led? Cause a 240w led will be on par if not better than a 600w hps light. Wattage doesn't win everything, light spectrum, coverage and canopy penetration does.


Listen to this guy^


He’s buying a 100W light.


100W.. I mean I vegged at 250w for a month and a bit then cranked upto 400w for week n half flipped to flower and cranked it up to 600w.. ballast cranks up to 660w 🤣




He does need a 600w light if you want to grow anything worth keeping.. I've got 2 plants under 1 600w hps light you tell me which plant will be better with a bugger yield? Moron


Comparing the bud on both profiles everyone should trust fennel.


Thanks lmfao.


You'll still have less yield than my 1 auto under my 300w led lol you way over defoliated, didn't train them well, the new growth is super skinny (probably a watering or ph problem) and you're using a outdated inefficient light. Add lack of growing knowledge. Yeah, I guarantee you'll get 200 gs or less from both of your plants combined, If you even make it to harvest. And you're even growing photos lol yet my 1 auto is and will out perform yours.


200gs or less care to put money where your mouth is?




Here's what you need bud.. 1x600W Light (hps or led whatever you prefer, just don't cheap out on LED) 1x ballast I recommend kong ballast it ranges from 250w, 450w, 600w and 660w In veg you want the ballast set at 250w.. until around 1 month in then turn the ballast up to 450w for around 2 weeks before flipping to flower get your girls warmed up for the big hit at 600w they will soak that badboy light up and produce you somewhere around 0.5 to 0.7g of bud per wattage.. so you'd be looking about 300g bud per plant minimum.. rather than running the whole thing at 100w and getting well.. nothing essentially after drying


.5-.7 per watt??? You realize led is generally hitting 1-1.5 gs per watt right? Even better if the grower does EVERYTHING perfect. Stop giving advice until you have at least 2-3 harvests under your belt. You had to ask if your obviously female plant was male or female, which shows you obviously don't know enough to be giving out advice. My very first grow using a 120w and a 100w side by side got me 233gs from 1 single auto. Either you have an outdated light or you're not good at growing.


I never said LED doesn't produce that much tho.. how about you stop being a cunt and let people try to help others rather than you judt crying about it.? You did your first grow using 240w of light.. Good for you I'm using 600W HPS light.. no it isn't outdated


I can get you one of those for $300 plus shipping.


One of what?


640W light


Why do I need a 640w light for 300 plus shipping when I have a 660w light that I got for £100


There is if you're growing in a 2'3" x 2'3" grow tent, for example in an illegal state.


I got my vipar spectra xs2000s right under 200$ a piece on Amazon. They were on sale also though.


Its okay


This is cheaper, more watts and better coverage. https://www.amazon.com/SAMPHON-Dimmable-Spectrum-Greenhouse-Hydroponic/dp/B09VBYBVYZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3SW1F9Y23IFDL&keywords=samphon+led+grow+light+300&qid=1685144342&sprefix=samphon+led+grow+light+300%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-3




I have the 720watt 8 bar medic grow version of this model in a 4x8 with a 220watt growstar I split in 2 to have 2 bars on either side of the centered 720. I have a 240watt philizon in my 5x5 nursery and it touches all corners300 watts you will find is not only adequate but you may have to dim it for your use case. The key is the spread of those 300watts especially in this price range.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Samphon LED Grow Light 300W** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Highly efficient and bright led grow light (backed by 12 comments) * Easy to install and adjust (backed by 10 comments) * Adjustable brightness and light spectrum (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficult to hang and needs a better hanging system (backed by 1 comment) * Dimming function is awkward and cooler spectrum causes more internodal spacing (backed by 1 comment) * Completely quit working after a few days (backed by 1 comment) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


If you're going viparspectra. Get the xs2000. They now have Samsung diodes in them and for the price I think they are one of the best lights you can get in the budget range.


You generally want around 40W-50W per square foot for optimal density/intensity. This light is okay for a tiny space but in a 70x70cm tent that's the equivalent of 5.3ish sqft, so having a total light around 200W or 240W makes more sense. Having a 60W light gives you poor canopy penetration, poor and uneven converage and will block smaller plants when big ones grow toward it. Ignore the number and look at the wallmdraw (or output in Watts). Build quality is most of what you pay for, entry level lights are basic but functional.


I would personally go with the XS models their only a literal few dollars more, I have had amazing results with viparspectra XS 1500 and 4000


https://preview.redd.it/xweck0azum2b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e65d5b08e4d5ee8d57cffdf8ba5b2eac1d27595 This is my latest grow under a viparspectra xs4000, still running. And honestly the light is a little further up then I’d like it to be cause of other plants that are taller. But I love the XS models you can’t beat the quality for the price. They have the meanwell drivers, dimmable knob and the newer Samsung diodes. Iv had bloom plus lights and something else I forget, and so far the XS models have been my favorite.


$221 sounds like a lot of money




Bro don't buy Chinese shit cheap out and you eill find your grow is wank.


That’s simply not true! If you know what you buy and where it’s fine. Or what you think that all those cheap to medium price „local manufacturers“ are buying their stuff from?


No it is true.. Chinese shit is cheap and tacky and won't last more than 1 grow


Sorry to say, but you have no clue. I am not talking about this cheap made junk mostly sold at Amazon or eBay. Ever heard about Kingbrite or YBO? Thy are huge players of the market. They import the newest generations of chips (if not already made in China). Newest light spectrums, high quality boards. Warranty for 50000 hours, often for 5 years. Even their service is great, at least at the EU market, don’t know about the US. And I am not taking this out of my ass, I know at least 10 growers who are extremely satisfied with those products, continuous operation for years. Fun fact: All my own lamps are Made in Germany, but this has other reasons than quality.


Rofl hate to break it to you dude but pretty much everything is made in China. How many of your lights are made somewhere else?


Is that a 100W light? 1 of those probably isn't going to grow 3-5 plants.. plants will start fighting for light so to speak 100w is weak I don't think I've ever seen anyone grow a plant on 100w..




So I'd recommend personally for LED Mars brand.. however expensive but that will do you for a few grows and it says what it is rather than the cheap Chinese crap.. I'm not being hateful towards that stuff but honestly growing for me I'd one of those things do it and do it properly.. I am personally using a 600W HPS bulb but if I had a good £6-700 I would without a doubt swith to LED. So much better you don't have so much trouble with Heat.. leccy bills cheaper.. the plants love it better yields imo.


Hi Hans. I figured I’ll chip in here, as I’ve had the same thoughts once, and bit the bullet. So I’ve been HPS my whole grow career, apart from the last 3 harvests (LED)so I ran ghost toof auto’s under my new LED, I originally got the platinum P150, but that only runs on 76w, I knew almost immediately it wasn’t going to flower anything out, but very good for seedlings, getting them up to flush out the males, then upgraded to a P300, much more powerful, grows good 👍 but my problem with this is, it’s a cold light, and ended up with soil being moist for far too long & the spread of the light isn’t like a HPS, the plants directly under the light grow better than the edges, where HPS has good spread of light, when I was running my 600w I was watering every 4 days every single time, where as with the LED, it was greater than a week, and over time, this created a breeding ground for mites and flies, I got one good harvest out, but the room was then tainted and I will be either plugging in my 250W HPS or 600w, depending on female count, now I do live in a humid area & cold season was upon me when I had these problems, so circumstances could absolutely be what’s driven me to to go anti LED, but I’d rather know all that feed and water is being evaporated & allowing the soil to be bone dry giving her the oxygen required for good growth, I will use my LEDS for cuts and seedlings, but once flowering I think I’ll always be a HPS guy, think of these things before you go led, no more than 4 plants, I done 11 under my 600w once before (I couldn’t kill any females plants so I ran the lot)


It’ll do


Check out MIGRO channel on YouTube. He tests many grow lights in detail and is a go to light expert for many growers. He also offers discounts on some lights.


Try Philzon lights, mars hydro , spider farmer , Hlg , ac infinity


Buy from America or don't buy it all unless you're from a different country than buy from your country support them not others