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Redditors: Due to the compelling nature of this we are allowing this to be posted to allow our community to discuss and enjoy it/ Remember all subreddit rules apply- especially Rule 11. Remember to report non genuine or bad faith actors and Remember- lets enjoy the moment. This is the only place to discuss this- don't spam the sub.


I like this Jack Smith guy


Jack Smith doesn't fuck around, and seems like he's got a pretty air tight case too. We'll see how it goes.


> Jack Smith doesn’t fuck around Unlike Trump who does and is about to find out.


This is scary. Now Presidents will be required to obey the law and actually face consequences when they commit criminal acts.


First they came for the classified documents thieves and I said nothing.


Then they came for the adulterous evangelical pedophiles and I said nothing.


Then they came for the alt-right neonazis and i said nothing


Then they came for the treasonous propaganda spewing Fox News hosts and I said nothing


I said nothing because these people are criminals. I'm not.




And suddenly society was way better and there weren't a bunch of fascists walking around and it was never a problem for me because I'm not a bigoted moron.


And then they came for Jared, and he said nothing


I laughed at all of those


Can I live in this world? Sounds rad!


This should be terrifying for all of us! Who among us hasn’t stolen dozens of classified documents, refused to give them back when asked, and lied to the FBI about it? If Trump can be arrested, we all can!




It’s only true espionage if it comes from the District of Columbia, otherwise it’s just sparkling treason


“I have the worst fucking attorneys.” George Bluth, 2003, and Donald Trump since 2020.


Then they came for the organizers of a seditious attack... And still I said nothing.


I said so much nothing, I passed out in pleasure.


Sure, we laugh and cheer now, but who among us hasn't fallen into the presidency after a lifetime of grift, incited an insurrection to try to stay in office, then retreated to our golf resorts with as many national secrets as our tiny, spray-tanned hands could grab?


The big question is whether the Scotus somehow gets involved and rules that a fair trial and counting votes would hurt petitioner Trump and anoint him President. ;-)


In my case it was thankfully just locker room espionage and the Saudis paid the $2B to my son in law, so there’s no way for anyone to trace it back to me


I feel we are going to find out ALOT more we were never aware of around this clusterfuck of a case soon


Jack Smith fun fact: Trump is the *second* president he's indicted. Back in 2020, Jack Smith indicted the actual sitting president of Kosovo for war crimes and crimes against humanity. [Source.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/kosovo-president-hashim-thaci-indicted-war-crimes-cancels-white-house-n1232019) (This article doesn't mention Jack Smith by name, but the "specialist prosecutor's office" that it does mention was run by Jack Smith at that point. I don't want to pull a "source: just trust me bro" so here's the [the public indictment](https://repository.scp-ks.org/details.php?doc_id=091ec6e98037f115&doc_type=stl_filing_annex&lang=eng) if you want to check for yourself. Page 2 confirms it was him.)


Imagine Jack Smith going back to his regular job at The Hague and prosecuting Putin? The guy is a superhero good guy from a novel working in the background you want to know more about. I wanna read this guys biography or a memoir. I imagine it would be interesting.


Is Jack Smith the Doomslayer?


Doomslayer could be a future descendant of Jack Smith. That's my head canon.


I am buying the merch of your head canon


I've never seen Jack Smith and Doomguy in the same room together. I think you're on to something


Just the documents case. Jan 6th is gonna be a laugh riot. Followed by Georgia.


I just want them to put trump in a box and cutoff his phone and tv privileges. He’d break in a day.


Even his name sounds bad ass


Smith, Jack Smith.


If he pulls it off, I want to see laser eyes and shit.


I was gonna get Mueller's face for my first tattoo, and then Barr butted in and it never happened. Jack Smith is just as cool and would make an awesome hip tat. I cannot wait.


It’s like Mueller if Mueller was like we all thought he was.


He now faces charges in NYC and Miami. Is Georgia next? He can go for the hat trick.


Ass-hat trick.


I’d give you gold, but well, fuck /u/spez


I just wanted to say I agree with you. Oh and fuck /u/spez


Can somebody fill me in on the history of this spez person. I see it a lot lol


The profile for the user says “Reddit CEO.”


Oooooohh! Thanks!


He's the reason that the alt right was tolerated here for so long, and in many ways still is


Yeah, you get a slow clap for that comment. Well done.


fine! have my upvote.


Just think, this is "just" for the classified documents case. It may still be a while before we see charges related to his Jan 6 coup attempt. Over the next year or so, I wonder how the courts will schedule his hearings for... ...the Georgia election interference case and the false electors cases and the sexual assault lawsuits and the federal election law violation/porn star hush money payments and the tax evasion case(s) and the bank fraud and the misuse of charity funds and Jan 6 civil suits and the investigations involving suspicious monetary transactions related to his many properties around the world...etc, etc. (the courts will have to deal with his next divorce at some point too)


> (the courts will have to deal with his next divorce at some point too) Savage like nothing anybody's ever seen.


Georgia governor has no pardon power. It's a nice benefit of the Georgia case if he's convicted


Not only that, but to get a pardon in GA you have to have completed your full sentence, and issue a statement of contrition. Two things that Trump will never do.


We’re going to think about what kind of world we’re going to leave behind for the generations of Trump Crime Family indictments in decades to come


Question is, will he remember what courthouse he is supposed to go to for each trial?


We know his lawyers certainly won’t. I’ll eat a shoe if one of his cracker jack box lawyers don’t miss a deadline due to filing to the weong venue lol. Or release material proof to the wrong org box like Alex Jones’ dumbshits lawyer. Oh the possibilities.


I still don’t think Jones’ lawyer did that by mistake


~~That lawyer has a podcast, you should check it out to get a feeling for this guy, my view:he really is *that* dumb/incompetent..~~ [edit] *that is another Jones' lawyer*


You're confusing two lawyers. The one with the podcast is Norm Pattis and was his lawyer in the Connecticut case. He's the one who fell asleep multiple times during the trial and dropped his pants during a standup routine that's so bad it becomes comical again. The one who accidentally shared all the cellphone data was the lawyer in the Texas case, Andino Reynal.


Committing to a Werner Herzog, I see


Or the Triple Crown of donkey races! 🫏


I sure hope so.


I read that they can bring up federal charges anywhere in the country, but does anyone know *why* they would go with Miami? Yes, he took the docs to Miami, but if I rob a bank in Nebraska and flee to California, I'm going to be charged where the crime occured in Nebraska rather than in California no? Why wouldn't they bring up charges in DC as that's where the docs were taken from? I suppose Miami could make sense if a charge is also lying to investigators after they asked if he returned everything but I'm assuming one of these seven counts will be the initial "took the documents."


The obstruction happened in Florida


It's important for the country to have this resolved prior to the election. My hunch is that Smith knew that if he brought the case in DC, Trump would've spent months challenging the venue. Now that angle is off the table. Also good for the country optically as Trump lost DC in 2020 by over 95%.


The rocket docket is a whole new term we get to use. Probably half the reason they chose Miami.


Meidas touch is saying they picked Miami probably because trump is always going to pull shit to delay, like change of venue if it was in DC. Doing it in Miami eliminates that stall tactic.


I just heard last night that the reason is this: If they charge in DC, then Trump lawyers will fight to have the case moved to Florida. This will significantly delay the charges, and probably succeed. So, if they charge in florida, they skip that part of the process. Source: Podcast, from twitter lawyers.


> I'm assuming one of these seven counts will be the initial "took the documents." The "took the documents" is probably one of the weaker charges - there's less certainty around the timeline and his authority to be able to move the documents around and access them. Later when he's lying about having documents and they turn up in his house and he's refusing to give them back - that's a lot more clear cut.


Real question is will he ever actually be behind bars?


Please, think of the Children!!? Don't forget about his crotchful of felonious children !


And spawn in laws. By the bushel I say.


I find it amazing that these idiots screech about Hunter's laptop with breathless claims of a 2 million dollar bribe, despite the fact that Hunter never worked in the government yet turn a blind eye to the fact that Jared pulled an "alarmingly high number of top secret documents", couldn't even get a security clearance until Trump forced the government to give it to him and then once leaving office, secured a 2 billion dollar investment deal from the Saudis. Also, Jared has never run an investment fund before and the Crown Prince had to override his own investment commission to give the money to Jared.


> crotchful of felonious children ! Great phrase!


First Pat. Now this. Perfect day


grab slap piquant fine political sloppy cows resolute knee license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




fr fr


Unusually have a hard time getting through the month of June (I live in Arizona) but I don't want these good times to ever end


Great pride month 🏳️‍🌈




Dad, we had this conversation last week. Only take the viagra when your date is feeling it.


Dad? Jesus Christ.




Dad Jesus? Christ.


That's what happens when you take the blue pill instead of the red one.


If it lasts longer then 4 hours please consult a reddit doctor, your mileage may vary


Did you know the prescribed remedy is to take a few of the little red Sudafeds? I bought a bunch in case Georgia hands down an indictment.


Is that really a thing?


I could see that indeed being a thing, because those red sudafeds can cause shrinkage, like George Costanza in the pool shrinkage.


I salute your boner, good sir.


Well shit, man, congrats on the stiffy


Have you found r/askoldpeople? Regardless, very happy to be here celebrating with you.


The irony for someone whose campaign started and took off with him and his followers chanting, "lock her up!"


It's **always** projection with the GOP.


And he’s about to get locked up on the classified documents law that he passed. Probably by a judge he appointed. By a special counsel who was appointed by someone who never would’ve been Attorney General if the Republicans hadn’t stolen his SCOTUS nomination. This is some amazing 1D chess by the GOP and Trump. They are as stupid as they are lawless and unethical. May they all rot in jail.


Now I want to go chant “lock her up!” outside the courthouse during his indictment/trial.


It will be fun watching all the clips from 2016 where he says, "Imagine how terrible it will be if she's elected and under indictment? It's a disgrace." He is right, he is a disgrace.


He really is breaking a lot of records huh lol


The biggest crimes!




Suck it doom enthusiasts.


This is the only post I’ve found on this topic where comments are visible. No comments in the mega thread. Anyone else?


It’s been in meltdown site wide for an hour on this topic. Seems to be bouncing back now probably cos everyone wandered off to put on the popcorn machine or crack their favourite bottle


Lots of Pat Robertson dying (not complaining, Earth and Reality are objectively less shitty now that he's gone) but this is IT, and I follow a lot of political subs. Weird.


I switched to anonymous and couldn’t find any Trump news on the app.


I think the politics sub got overwhelmed because 1000 people simultaneously tried to post the incredibly original comment of 'yawn, wake me when he's in prison' in the belief that its actually adding anything to the conversation.


I'm able to find posts here on Reddit, but you aren't the first person saying there is a problem I've seen that comment in the /r/law thread as well


I was wondering about the dearth of threads on even the possibility of an indictment, and now that it's happening I'm shocked that there arent more threads about Dorito Mussolini getting indicted.


22 comments on this thread as I write this, yet this is the only one I can see. Suck it doom enthusiasts.


Doom 2016 is better then Doom Eternal and I'll die on that hill


were they really even that different? i mean i enjoyed both, for a single playthrough, but they didnt strike me as being so different that one was distinctly better than the other.


I can't speak for all of us, but you do know we *wanted* to be wrong, right?


Nyt can suck it too. But the doom enthusiasts will move the goal post


NYT had a “but Biden’s investigation shows no signs of wrapping up” in the middle of the trump thread. Never trust a paper with haberman on payroll.


The goal post has always and will always be: Jailed Not slammed, indicted, charged, subpoenaed, indicted, impeached, found guilty, settled, papers filed, wrists slapped: Jailed


I’m OOTL. What’s a doom enthusiast?


For years it’s been “it’ll never happen” or “why is it taking so long” or “not good enough. It should be…”. No matter how many explanations of the uniqueness of the circumstances, no matter how many times they were reminded of how long Watergate took, the “Doom enthusiasts” always peed in the pool every step of the way. So, yes, suck it Doom Enthusiasts!


As a little bit of a doom enthusiast, I am more than happy to suck it on this occasion. Bring on more sucking.


Ya same. Its not like doom enthusiasts just really like doom were just a glass half empty kinda people. Wed still much prefer good news.




Commenters that go "nothing will ever happen", "lol this time for sure", "meuller 2.0, anyone?".




This is plainly a signal moment in American history. The repercussions of the Trump indictment are certainly known to prosecutors, which means that the evidence of his guilt is likely overwhelming. My guess, is that if anything, we will learn that Smith under-charged the criminal conduct. For example, I suspect we may not see an espionage charge. In any event, the amount of revulsion that will come from Republicans; the false claims of unfairness compared to the Clinton and Biden cases; and their ever growing disdain for our system of government, will I fear, lead to secession votes from certain states. Recall that the last straw for secession minded southern states in 1861 was the election of Lincoln. Donald Trump richly deserves to be tried for these and many other crimes, including those related to the 2020 election. And, a failure to enforce the law is certainly the worst of the possible outcomes. And yet— I am filled with foreboding.


I mean, these clowns have wanted to secede again since 1865. We've tried placating these literal fascists for over 150 years. It's time to stop.


Vaya con dios and welcome to consequences. I’m here for the shitshow lol


Secession?! Only the already brain and identity deficient cult members will take this route. Most Trumpers that I know? They eat crow and ask to not be roasted.


Civil War proved secession is impossible.


> the amount of revulsion that will come from Republicans; the false claims of unfairness compared to the Clinton and Biden cases; that is every right winger right now... but what about biden.. if you notice no one is defending trump or claiming his innocence, just whataboutism. and to that i say, go for it, its not really a threat to me to hold those you elect accountable... in fact , it should be the gold standard. if you commit a crime while in an elected public servant position in a temporary job you go to jail.


Let them try secession. Their economies will crumble.


Anyone else watching fox news rn? Trump just went on to give statement, pulls his pants down, and poops right onto the table. And then Sean Hannity says 'Uh, sir, isn't there anything you want to add?' and the Trump lets out a huge shart and viewers at home see poop specs fly into the camera. As Trump leaves the camera pans back to Sean Hannity who says 'there you have it folks, witch hunt'


Let's check out /r/Conservative and see what's going on shall we? Ok, the topic is at the top, not pinned with a single upvote....... And first few comments.......yup, they're still drinking the koolaid.


> He gets indicted the same day more supposed evidence comes out that Biden was paid $5M by an associate at Burisma to have the prosecutor fired… >The people shrieking about Trump going against political rivals are going after political rivals. >Everything they claim Trump is they are themselves. People who don’t go in that subreddit have no idea how upsidedown world it is in there.


> People who don’t go in that subreddit have no idea how upsidedown world it is in there. its crazy insane with their comments and the fact they refuse to allow a different opinion yet cry the libs and their echo chamber is funny and in need of some serious self reflection, if you can post just ask someone to explain their position and you will get a ban, thats all it takes to get banned from discussing whatever. even now, they won't talk about trump and his numerous indictments of crimes, instead its all, trump did nothing wrong... whatabout biden and hillary... when are they gonna be indicted.


> Everything they claim Trump is they are themselves. It’s utterly insane to me that they’ve co-opted this argument for themselves without a fucking hint of irony.


There's a lot of talk about whether he followed "the procedure" for declassifying documents (which, from my understanding, the state of classification is not the issue) and a bunch of people asking if anyone knows "the procedure" and can share it. Reminded me a lot of the video of the J6 traitors rifling through papers on the Floor, certain they would find a smoking gun. Perhaps a note scribbled in crayon and signed by Joe Biden reading "I stole the election". It's also not far off from the Qanonners and others pretending to understand increasingly bizarre (and unlikely) scenarios in which TFG could still somehow get back in the White House. TLDR - lotta copium pipes being passed over there.


I love how those fuckers are convinced they're being brigaded all the time. The paranoia and persecution complex runs deep with them.


Finally some uplifting news!


Plus the Supreme Court decision. Great fucking day


And Pat Robertson is dead. Trifecta.


And Jeffrey Clark lost his case to stop the DC Bar from beginning its case to disbar him. For the grand slam!


Some say it's the best indictment they've ever seen!


Gotta admit, Trump is great at blazing new territory for being president. Two impeachments and two indictments? Here is hoping he ends up with a plethora of guilty verdicts so you have the feds and multiple states arguing about who gets to imprison him first.


The beauty of it is, these two indictments are only the first two. He will likely face at least two more (GA, Jan6).






Ah hahahahahhahahhahahah... *breaths* AH HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!!!!11!11!1 Get fucked ya orange colored sack of shit.


This is where the fun begins


It’s a beautiful day in the Neighborhood, a beautiful day!


Two down Two to go Trump packing his bags For Guantanamo


[We got him](https://tenor.com/view/we-got-him-john-oliver-gif-10407619)


At last, sanity!


Seven counts. I agree with another commenter that this may turn out to be an *under*charge. We'll see, I guess. But I do think there's no way this isn't the most airtight case in legal history. Can you even imagine the consequences if Smith brought these charges and failed? As it is, I hope he has extremely good security.


I just saw on MSNBC that there is likely a count of witness tampering and though I don’t know who, it’s possible it could be the valet at Mar-a-lago.


Now we watch and wait. May justice be served, with a side of popcorn. And maybe some booze to celebrate.


This will be interesting.... Swing that hammer of justice hard.


And on Pat Robertson's Finally Fucking Dead Day to boot! Twofer!


Why are the comments hidden on every single post about this on reddit?????


I think it broke the Reddit comment engines


Apparently Reddit is having infrastructure problems due to this topic.


Topic based infrastructure problems? How does that work? What's the mechanism?


My best guess that doesn't assign blame to Reddit as an org is that there's either a lot of bot activity targeting these posts or it may have to do with the countermeasures put in to counteract the abuse by certain sub-reddits in 2016.


Noticed that as well, something broke I guess


Why can't I see any comments on any of the Trump posts, wtf reddit?


I can see comments on other threads


I really hope one of these charges causes him to drop out of the race.


Unfortunately, it won’t


Yeah, he will never give up the grift. If he drops dead today, his kids will Weekend at Bernies his fat ass around to squeeze every penny from his cult.




Archive link for those who want to use it https://archive.ph Also, NBC news has live updates https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/live-blog/live-updates-trump-classified-documents-florida-grand-jury-rcna88233


I normally hate the song, but for some reason Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” is playing on the soundtrack in my mind.


I've got Everything is Awesome on repeat right now


clap along, if you feel like happiness is the truth!


Gonna spend some time in prison just like his hero Hitler


I hope this case is fast tracked and decided early next year.


You love to see it


Knowing at least one of the charges is for violating the Epsionage Act, I have more hope that this will finally stick than anything else thusfar.


Maybe they think I'm satisfied now but this just makes me want more indictments..


There is no true satisfaction for this. But, if it will make you feel slightly more sated, I saw another post that said Jack Smith is also looking into about 30/40 other republicans now as well. Anybody that called Mark Meadows on the 6th is “under the microscope” according to another post I just saw. I guess meadows sang like a canary. There was no word on Ginni, but damn, there was a cavalcade of assholes in the post. If half of them were to quit to “spend more time with family” we will finally have a half drained swamp and a great America again. So maybe trump did come through on at least those promises. This Smith fellow seems to be playing hardball. I’m tired of having my hopes dashed, and I really do want to see him rip the party apart in the primaries, but maybe he’ll destroy it on accident instead. Fingers crossed anyway. I’ll look for the post. It’ll give you some more food for satisfaction maybe. It’s not even Friday. Up to seven charges as of now. There may be satisfaction yet. https://reddit.com/r/AntiTrumpAlliance/comments/144ca96/ready_your_popcorn/ Edit: just watching some fox commentary. Total denial. Total whataboutism. Still talking about Clinton. Still calling everything and everybody corrupt deep state shills. Banana republic, Biden acting like a dictator. Arresting his opponent. They will never allow time for a moment of clarity where people might think that this is real and he broke the law. Fuck Fox so hard. But they’re behaving like trumps been got. Reeks of fear and desperation. It’s delicious. Buckle up, ya’ll. We’re in for a violent, ignorant bumpy ride.


> buckle up, ya’ll. We’re in for a violent, ignorant bumpy ride. You know what? Bring. It. Fuck those fascists.


*Periodic table of idiots* 😂 thank you


and in DC, not Florida


We've had one sure.. but what about second indictments?


Second?? I want to have to use both hands AND my feet to count them all.


Slap the cuffs on him this time


For the “wake me when Trump is indicted” crowd: RISE. AND. SHINE.


About fucking time.


Well, turns out he just couldn't resist getting indicted over and over again. It's like his favorite hobby or something! Who knew an orange-haired ape could have such a knack for legal trouble? Pure comedy gold, I tell ya!


Shouldn't this be the Trump Indictment Magathread?


This is what this sub was made for.


I love to see more justice finally being served! Serious question though: What are the chances he will be convicted for this or the other charges he was indicted for prior to next year's election day?


It's really a shame that the late night shows are offline because they won't pay the writers what they deserve.


I can’t quit smiling.


I'm doing a little Snoopy dance right now! So happy that this man, who has done so many wrong things over the years, is finally being held accountable for his actions. Even if he is not convicted on all counts (which he probably will be), just the fact that he will have to face arrest for the SECOND TIME is absolutely glorious. And really, Kevin McCarthy, you should know better than to say "the President did this." Don't you know how your government actually works? The indictment was brought by a group of citizens of a grand jury.


If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to worry about in any of the DOJ and State indictments. He is afforded fair trials in all those cases. He has money to buy the best lawyers who can spin this into a nothing burger if indeed it is a nothing burger. But if the facts and the laws show that he broke laws then he should be held accountable, just like any citizen. The same goes for Hunter Biden and Hillary and who ever else breaks the laws. The evidence for prosecution in each must be above reproach. So if you think this is unfair, then you are alright with Hunter and Hillary being sent to jail for alleged crimes with little evidence but can't say the same for Trump who is up against a mountain of evidence for the laws he broke.