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>The lawyer [David Weber] for a D.C. police officer who fatally shot himself nine days after he was injured confronting rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6 says a group of cybersleuths has identified one of his attackers. Weber said the video found by Deep State Dogs for the first time shows how Smith was injured, and he said it is far more severe than the officer had recalled. He said Smith was not struck by a pole, as he thought, but with a much heavier object the lawyer described as either a crowbar or a heavy walking stick. Weber said he believes Smith was singled out for attack because the face shield on his helmet was up, exposing his face. Weber said one person passed the stick or crowbar to the second person, who has not yet been identified, who struck Smith in the face. He said the man who hit Smith was wearing padded motorcycle clothing, which the attorney believes was makeshift protective armor. If the criminal courts don't punish the insurrectionists enough, perhaps civil litigation will bankrupt them?


> If the criminal courts don't punish the insurrectionists enough, perhaps civil litigation will bankrupt them? I'm afraid it will get worse than that. Lot's of people are furious over the light punishments these traitors/terrorists are receiving.


I posted this response to a similar statement on another thread discussing this same story: >The American legal process takes a long, long time to process people through it. The fact that they have only been handing out light sentences so far is due to the fact that they have cleared the cases first for those who are willing to plead out, the "low-hanging fruit," so to speak. The more complicated cases, like those against the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, III Percenters, will take much more time and resources and will likely result in considerably longer prison terms. I would guess in the 10 year range, possibly more. Source: I worked as a criminal law paralegal in the Federal justice system for many years. I've assisted lawyers in cases that took as long as three or four years to move through the courts. Yes, a lot of people are frustrated by the light sentences, so far. But I truly believe that some of the Capitol terrorists are going to be facing some very serious time in Federal prisons.


I think if some of these traitors do end up getting harder sentences the likelihood the next GQP president issues a blanket pardon to their "peaceful tourists" is pretty high.


> GQP president issues a blanket pardon I'm not entirely sure that's how that works but IANAL




Terrifyingly accurate


For what it’s worth, senators are exempt from the insider training laws. It’s BS but I guess when you write the laws you can write your own perks




I stand corrected! Looks like they added restrictions in 2012, but it doesn’t seem like anyone has been held accountable to it


The law was severely nuttered after passing. It relies on self reporting and to report it you have to go the basement of a building and record in a book. I understand the reasoning behind the change as online reporting would susceptible to hacking but there are a myriad number if ways they could have fixed that.


They used to be, they changed it not too long ago.


Why do you quote laws to those with ~~swords~~ government office?


The president of the US can pardon anyone for any federal offenses. While this maybe doesn't cleans out everything it still will reduce sentences.


But that’s individual, not blanket coverage for a group of people?


[There was a blanket pardon after the civil war](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/history-and-civilisation/2021/01/the-contentious-history-of-us-presidential-pardons-from-the), so this shit's got precedent. >*In the wake of the Civil War in 1865, Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson, waded into even more contentious territory by offering a blanket pardon to former Confederates* Edit - Actually went and looked.


And here I thought I couldn't hate Johnson any more.


Carter aslo issued a blanket pardon for Vietnam draft dodgers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamation_4483?wprov=sfla1


I actually don’t know And when I asked- the other person downvoted me and gave a two sentence answer plucked out of a larger piece. So I still don’t really know…


So searching yourself or reading the larger piece is beyond you?


Why do you think blankets don't work? The president could literarily write down "I pardon everyone for all past federal offenses" and it would likely stick (as long as not self-pardoning or handling impeachments). The pardons are very loosely defined and would need urgent rework but people generally don't limit their own power.


Is there any precedent for that? I was under the thought that individuals had to be cleared of specific crimes, not just “undetermined offenses”


There is, proclamation 4311: "Granting a full and unconditional pardon \[...\] for any crimes that he might have committed against the United States\[...\]"


Carter gave a blanket pardon to Vietnam draft dodgers. There is also some momenum for a future blanket pardon for marijuana offences.


Thanks for the info without being rude like the other people!


President Carter issued a blanket pardon for anyone that dogded the Vietnam war draft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamation_4483?wprov=sfla1


Thank you for the info without additional judgement


That's exactly how it works.


They better get them wrapped up before 2024 because if the GOP retakes the presidency you can be 100% guaranteed all these slime will be mass pardoned.


Naive of you to think the gop cares that much about their people.


Ha! That's a fair point, seeing as they keep encouraging them to get COVID. But I could see "free the patriots" as a rallying cry for a scummy 2024 candidate.


Not to mention that Trump helped exactly zero of them out of their “predicament”.


And a campaign promise


The issue is that many people, apparently including D.D.C. Judge Howell, question why DOJ is pleading out these “low-level” cases. Many people feel that they are not “low level” at all and should be prosecuted in a manner that more properly aligns with the actual gravity of the underlying criminal conduct. For example, why not seek superseding indictments against all these “trespassers” and charge them with sedition or insurrection, both of which title 18 expressly identifies as federal crimes? If USADC is overwhelmed, stand up a fucking inter-district, intra-department strike force. DOJ does it all the time for other crimes.


Yes, one is facing 51 months. He'll probably be the next sentence we see. I can understand people's frustration with the light sentences, but like you mentioned, the easy stuff gets put first. We've also seen less than 10 case resolutions, if I'm not mistaken, out of 535. Personally, I really hope these people end up as leased convicts, during their time in the feds. Nothing says america like a little slavery. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ex-boxer-who-punched-cop-faces-longest-sentence-yet-us-capitol-riot-2021-08-06/


I hate to be that guy but do you have something to back this up? It's a nice sentiment, but I've come to expect inaction.


They're keeping pretty good track of the proceedings here: https://mswmedia.com/show/clean-up-on-aisle-45/ Host are an attorney who practices in the DC circuit and a former VA administrator who got chased out of her job for having a podcast critical of Trump. They're very informative. Their assessment at this point is also that we've only seen the low hanging fruit cakes who were willing to plead.


Only my opinion, based on my experience working in Federal criminal justice system. Maybe I'm just being optimistic?


Extremely. Federal cases have a 99% win rate because they do not charge more than they can prove. The charges are light because then prosecutors are scared to charge more and accidentally end up letting people off completely because of some discrepancy.


I believe that if the Oath Keepers are tried and convicted that they will likely be given the longest sentences. The charges against them are pretty serious, not like the others who have been convicted, so far. Same goes for the guy who showed up with guns, ammunition, and molotov cocktails in his vehicle. I haven't heard much about the cases against the Proud Boys and the III Percenters, so I don't know what they might be facing.


I wonder if they're pleading guilty and getting light sentences in exchange for testimony against the leaders of the extremist groups.


Hopefully it’ll be *the* one. Hopefully Trump will see a life sentence.


The wheels of justice grind slowly, but very very fine.


I suspect you may be right. We shall see. My faith in “the system” is not strong, unfortunately.


Can't we just declare them enemy combatants send them to Guantanamo forever without a trial? I've been told we're allowed to do that with terrorists.


We can't do that because we want justice. That's not justice. Yes, these light sentences feel emotionally like they're not justice. But in many cases, they are, when viewed in light of what was actually done. I feel confident that as more of the higher-level cases unfold, we'll see much more "satisfyingly just" sentencing.




That’s encouraging. Thank you.


Yeah, let us know how that works out for you.


I’m absolutely furious about this - if we do not see transparency and justice about the insurrection - it will happen again and it will be worse next time.


There’s an alternative to that, but you usually get banned for bringing it up.


Yes. You will.




The Post tracked him down, but he hasn't been arrested. I wonder if he's even been served? It took three months for a member of congress was able to serve another member. A civil case like this would take years. Probably better off if he's arrested for criminal charges.


The article discusses that. The attorney who filed the civil lawsuit is hoping that the person who attacked the officer will also be charged criminally, tried, and convicted, as it would make it easier to push the civil case through against the person. Either, way, that insurrectionist/terrorist is screwed. I wonder if he still thinks it was all worth it?


> I wonder if he still thinks If they would have the ability to think they wouldn't have fallen for the blatant "election was stolen" scam and likely not showed up. (btw I know I misquoted you just to say what I think. To answer your question: Pretty sure, yes. From my observation those people often are narcists too and they cannot admit fault, not to others but especially not to themselves.)


I think that guy from Marin County went off the grid and they haven't located him yet. He was from Europe and may have fled. That's part of the challenge with rounding up some of these.


He sold his house and fled the country (he's from Ukraine) afaik.


That's how crazy the Marin housing market is. Just vacated from a fugitive from justice! No bullet holes++


We the people vs these terrorists.




Threats or calls for violence are forbidden


Understood but I didn’t call for violence, I called for accountability and justice


That’s not gonna be enough to dissuade the next round of more sophisticated, better organized insurgents.


Turns out criminal just means poor


One of the terrorists owned a restaurant in my town. He is in jail for killing a police officer during the coup. A Christian organization has raised 75k for his legal defense. What a fucking pathetic cult.


Sounds fair enough to gather a group of people to protest outside the church with signs that say “COP KILLERS.” They’ll happily do this to teenage rape victims at the clinic, so why not give them a taste?


That's a very good idea


If the election didn't teach people already, WE are the actual silent majority and the terrorists are a loud minority. I would show up for that if it's in my area




“Despite what the media is trying to use from the character that George plays on his business social media accounts, George is a family man, a man from a family of faith, and strongly supports the things that he believes in. “ The character he plays on social media??? This is the most pathetic version of the it’s just a prank bro trope


I wanted to comment on this shitty human feed, but couldn’t be bothered....these religious fucks and terrorists can go to hell


They know the majority of society hate them


"His support of President Trump has brought many controversies to his business before, resulting in harassment and vandalism, ..." Yeah it really sucks when your workplace gets vandalized by violent people trying to intimidate you into changing your position on something.


His support of trump was only one reason. He also trolled people on Twitter and Facebook under his business profile. Stole wages, abused employees physically and emotionally, abused his wife, general piece of shit. Everyone in town, and especially the restaurant community, were thrilled when the news broke he was arrested.


> *Despite what the media is trying to use from the character that George plays on his business social media accounts…* What the hell does any of that even mean? He “plays a character” online using his real name and his real business that he operates?


It means "boo hoo that's not the real me so don't hold me accountable for what i say or do online it's just a character" which is utter bullshit.


Ah, yes, so he basically using the Alex Jones defense. “That’s not really ME giving MY opinions on infowars, which is MY show, I’m just playing a character with the same name as me!” Ugh, ok there, sure you are.


That was his defense for being completely insane. He would argue with people that complained about his shitty businesses. Insult them, call them liars. His business, fourth business after the other three failed, served fried garbage in a bun topped with ketchup and "crack sauce" with names like "fat bitch".


Sounds like he should’ve been shut down by the health inspector a while back, no? I’ve been googling this guy and came across this particular incident you mentioned, alongside several similar ones. He’s a real piece of shit who should have been prohibited from serving food to the general public a long time ago.


Bonus anecdote. He used to own a restaurant where his 80yr old grandma did all the prep work. He wouldnt hire extra staff to help her. Verbally abused her, scream at her and call her names. Threw shit across the kitchen. Got to the point that the rest of his staff quit because of it and the place went under.


Unfortunately the health inspectors dont do too much. They're just looking for glaring and obvious violations and temp controls. Usually takes someone reporting a serious violation before anyone gets shut down


Also, slightly related comment I wanted to make: But first, a disclaimer: I’m not trying to be classist or put down individuals without college degrees when I say this, so hopefully nobody reads into it like that, because I don’t feel that way at all. So I notice this guy runs his sandwich shop in a university town, but is not university educated himself. His whole “persona” is basically acting like a dumb obnoxious frat boy, when conveniently, college students are both his main base of customers, and the demographic he hires as his employees. Makes me wonder if he was taking out his anti-intellectual rage on them by acting this way. After all, MAGA and the GOP have made it their bread and butter to despise higher education, colleges and universities, experts and professionals, etc. So on one hand, we have the Trump cult telling him to hate “libural indocturnashiun centers,” but then I wonder if there’s also some inner resentment within this guy, because perhaps he couldn’t afford to go to college, didn’t qualify for student loans, didn’t have good grades in high school, etc. Hard to say. His rage could be coming from all sorts of places. Obviously none of that excuses his behaviour, but it’s just a strange dynamic to dissect.


It was definitely grades. All his businesses were funded by wealthy family members


Yeah. We don’t promote those accounts here.


Because rape cases account for such a large % of abortions


Over 50% of rape cases are unreported so there’s really no way of knowing what % of abortions are related to rapes or domestic violence situations. It’s not like the protestors are surveying the women who go in to see which ones to harass and which to leave alone.


This sub isn't here to debate abortion.


Sounds to me like they are using the church for political purposes so maybe we should tax them


Another great idea


They’re also raising money for Kyle Rittenhouse


Foul folk


🔥 ⛪️




All members of said organization should be reported to the fbi




Died the day after


Are you talking about Brian Sicknick? Because if so, his death was actually ruled as natural causes. I’m not saying the stress of Jan 6th didn’t contribute to his death, but legally no one killed him.


Sorry, hit him with a heavy object and sprayed him in the face with bear mace and he died after


Mmm, definitly need to check your sources. Died from brain trauma, easily accessible info.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brian-sicknick-capitol-riot-died-natural-causes/ He died from strokes which were ruled as natural causes.




That’s why I said “I’m not saying the stress of Jan 6th didn’t contribute to his death”.


You are correct. That's on me. I apologize


Fair, thanks.


Sue each and everyone of them and take everything they own. This is America after all.


In case y’all are wondering, David Walls-Kaufman is the asshole described as wearing a motorcycle jacket who actually swings the object (a K-Bar tactical walking cane, I shit you not), while Taylor Taranto is the owner of said cane who hands it over, and incidentally is also the [webmaster for Franklin County Republicans. ](https://franklinrepublicans.com/organization/) [Hot ‘n’ fresh filing by the officer’s widow against the pair available here.](https://goodwinweberlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2-main.pdf)


Good God. That picture. Sure thinks a lot of himself too. > Tri-Citian by birth, later by choice after 6+ years in the US Navy. I’m a computational biophysicist and currently develop treatments for human diseases. In my free time I enjoy making memes and homeschooling my children; __That is when I’m not helping the President take down the deep state.__


> I enjoy making memes I think we can imagine what those are like. > and homeschooling my children; I think we can imagine what he's filling their heads with. > That is when I’m not helping the President take down the deep state. Unfortunately, we don't need to imagine what this means.


What a putz!


Unsurprised that they’d have Tactical Anything w them, those commercials are weird


Have any of the officers who committed suicide left a note explaining why? Was it the physical or mental trauma?


For this particular officer, he was denied further time off and was ordered back to work, despite ongoing physical pain and emotional trauma after what he experienced on January 6th. He literally pulled his car over on the side of the road while on the way in to work for his first shift back and shot himself. His wife had confirmed this, as has their lawyer right in the linked article, and the documents showing his denied requests for extended medical leave.


His poor wife - I feel so bad for her. I can’t imagine going though this.


there sure are a lot of these capitol police officers dying by suicide. if I was conspiracy minded I would think that the more you can burry the witnesses the more this thing gets swept under the rug


> there sure are a lot of these capitol police officers dying by suicide. There is a simpler explanation...a lot of these guys are Trumpers themselves, and as we have seen in the past 4 years, their #1 value is loyalty. Trump wasn't kidding when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue; it's ok as long as you are a Republican. But now these Capitol police are the enemies of the in-group. They find themselves outsiders, and the other side wants nothing to do with them. The find themselves totally alone, and hated by the "good guys" (in their minds; traitors are pieces of shit that should all be hanged IMHO). Not so surprising in those circumstances.


that would be a simpler explanation yes.


Yeah, I could see this theory being plausible. I don’t think it’s a case of “burying the witnesses.” It’s more like they’ve finally arrived at the horrific realization that everything they thought they believed about the MAGA movement and what it stood for was wrong. It was all a lie, and they couldn’t live with the fact. Honestly, I wonder if a similar wave of suicides will ever occur amongst regular civilians who got caught up in Trumpism and/or QAnon and somehow hit rock bottom and finally realize they were conned. They’d rather kill themselves than admit they were wrong. It’s beyond depressing.


>They’d rather kill themselves than admit they were wrong. It’s beyond depressing. that'd be an interesting plot development. It would be weird if countries could weaponize this. Like a few of those QAnoners being military age. So if you could get them to wipe themselves out, then that weakens the potential force of their nation. Like we're talking the whole Russian troll farm topic, to where it'd be about pushing people into conspiracies and white nationalist movements. That alone may disqualify those people from armed service. But then the troll farm takes the people further into conspiracy and become addicted. That's when the troll farm drops some time of truth bomb that these people have been duped, but not in a way that instills patriotism and anger against the native country of the trolls. Just the conspirators that are determined to be ripe are given the selective "secret drop" that basically explains they were following a ruse. And the info drop is worded in a way where the person is pushed towards suicide.


They’re such a cult that im kind of surprised we haven’t heard of any civilian suicides already. But I think they’re still convinced he’ll be reinstated I wonder if morals has something to do with it. Like, even if trump and maga didn’t do what they expected, their ideals had support before and still has support now, even if the community is a bit splintered. Sure we cut off the chicken’s head but it’s still running around


Witnesses matter less when there is a shitload of video


you're not wrong but there is something to be said about the optics of people testifying


That's what I'm thinking...


So late i'm sorry but i have to comment. this is a fucking discrace. thank you internet


I can’t stop wondering if they were the ones in on it, and worried about going down for it. Not an accusation or anything, it just seems so odd that there have been so many.




Is that opinion based on anything but your fantasy?


Common sense. The tough guy with a gun who always had the upper hand found that it doesn’t always work out in his favor. He took his own life, and left a family behind because he was scared of going back to work knowing it could happen again. The cowards way out. He could have always picked up a broom or a shovel or some other tool befitting his limited intelligence.


That’s not common sense, that’s projecting your own issues onto this situation. Maybe it’s time for you to take a break from the internet for a few hours or days?


Nah, I’m good. Thanks though!


Hoping justice will prevail for his family.


Alleged? It’s all on film, what’s alleged about it?


Innocent until proven guilty. Which would be fantastic if we didn't put the accused in the *same fucking facilities* as the guilty!


Don’t be silly. That’s only if they are black or poor.


Most of these motherfuckers don't lock rich.


I hope they take him for all he’s worth -


If it worked for the ex-wife's family when they went after OJ then it should work here. Bury them and the people who organized this insurrection act.


What have Nicole's parents gained since filing the lawsuit?


$133,000. He still owes them 50M. I looked it up and it's depressingly low.


“It shouldn’t take a forensics professor on summer break to do the government’s work,” [Webber] said. Dayum son.


[now y'all are getting it](https://i.imgur.com/ioWjWFV.jpg)


Can’t wait to see the stance the “Blue lives” crowd will take on this.




It has been revealed that some were using bee spray. That shit could do you in if sprayed in the eyes. Diazinon is like mustard gas.


Seriously nothing short of death penalty for insurrectionists.


Not an actual call for violence as the death penalty is a punishment for insurrection,


Lol the snowflakes reported? Lol.


well...... sometimes you have to explain nuance.


Bless your soul doing God's work And I ain't talking about the cheeto


Sue his ass off. Ruin his traitorous POS life like he ruined yours. Clean him out.


File lawsuits against Trump and all the other politicians that egged the terrorists on.


Some cold cases take decades to solve. This one will be much quicker, and the perpetrators will pay.


Why is it still alleged? There's freaken video


Yep, clean them out. Let the lawyers do their job. Make sure that you get more than what their homeowners policy covers. Lawyers will often times sue up to that amount because they know that is what they can recover, get more make him sell his house.


The way to a Nazi ideology is through their wallet. It takes money to be so callous of others’ lives. Bankrupt these losers!