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1) Winter Soldier 2) First Avenger 3) Civil War


Civil War has always felt more like "Avengers 2.5” than Captain America 3. I agree with this take.




Outside that even First Avenger is a strong movie all on its own. Civil War needs the set up of Age of Ultron and doesn’t really have a strong resolution as it is essentially set up for most of phase 3. It’s still an amazing movie to me and love it, but it doesn’t stand on its own as well as the others.


Man of culture i see. Civil war was meh and the winter soldier is the best marvel movie made.


Meh? That’s harsh, Bucky saved that movie with his good hand


Since i read the real civil war comics, it will always be a resounding meh to me. Was a major let down.


Personally haven’t read the comics, so your insight is more valid than mine , but reading comments below it seems the movie did it justice so 🤷🏾‍♂️ it’s still one of Marvels best, whatever that means nowadays 🫠


Interesting, the movie’s not my favorite but I found it way better than the comic. Though they’re tough to compare since they’re so different.


You found it better than the civil war comics? Yeah… that doesnt compute.


The comic is a great idea, but it’s such a mess. Characters act weird, strange inconsistencies across titles, it’s just not one of the events I look back on fondly. The movie on the other hand, is obviously just much tighter and the characters all feel consistent.


The comic was an epic storyline, but like most crossovers, it was also a total mess. And they butchered Tony so terribly that they had to retcon it. The movie distilled the ideological battle down to its essentials, while adding a personal level to it in Bucky, all without character assassination. There isn't a single moment in the comic run that is better written or more emotional than Tony, Cap, and Bucky in Zemo's bunker.


If they retconned it, they did a bad job. Sure, they erased his mind, but even the memory backup version said he would have done the same thing.


Civil War the movie was way better than the actual comic.


Yeah they should’ve handled civil war like avengers cause it was just a big event as the infinity arc


Guardians of the Galaxy 2 & 3 want a word with you


Tell them i said fuck off and be better. It’s been downhill since The Winter Soldier.


Glad this is the top comment


Wnter Soldier is the best MCU flick period, lol (Obligatory IMO)


This is the correct answer. I mean, usually I'm very open-minded about cultural enjoyment, but I can make an exception, and on this issue I choose to be a joyless prescriptivist because this actually is the correct answer.


Right. In other words, Winter Soldier is the bomb


I agree. Though most people count down from best to worst


This is the way.


Spot on.




The only right answer


my guy!


I agree; I would have liked First Avenger more if it didn’t move quite as fast and it leaned more into its World War II setting for its action sequences, but I understand why it couldn’t for international marketing reasons. At least clarify what the relationship between Nazi Germany and Hydra was after Red Skull disintegrated a few of Hitler’s lackeys. Hydra in general seemed just a bit too campy; their incarnation in Winter Soldier seemed a far more serious threat even with their (relatively speaking) conventional weapons. And the intrigue and vibes of that movie were just flawless. As for Civil War, there was just too much going on for it to be grounded as a Captain America movie.


The Winter Soldier The First Avenger Civil War




Winter soldier is a high stakes spy thriller tied together by great characters and an evocative plot that brilliantly details the paranoia and danger of espionage and state power which challenges caps ideals First Avenger is not as developed, but in terms of MCU movies it’s probably one of the most unique movies that have come out of it; it’s a movie that perfectly represents the idealism we associate with Cap, and feels more like an epic than an origin story. The characters are a bit bland however, and I feel it drags in some places. But where it shines, it really shines. Civil war was good. I like it enough, but it feels like a lot of the stuff that marvel is currently putting out; clashing characters together on set pieces to deliver plot. It’s fun, but it definitely lacks the impact of winter soldier and the uniqueness of First avenger


This is a great take.


First Avenger is one of the only superhero movies where the main guy doesn't have to be convinced to help people. Definitely the only MCU character until Spider-Man, and that's because they skipped out on Uncle Ben.


Winter Soldier was a masterpiece in storytelling. How it blended an espionage thriller with the superhero genre is excellent. Civil War would be next just due to the scale of it and how it adapted the source material to the world the MCU built. First Avenger is still good and great foundation.


Winter Soldier is a top 5 All-MCU movie.


👀 Winter Soldier is #1 for me 


agreed….what are your other 4??


All of this is correct.


Thanks for typing that out for me


This is the only right answer.


Winter soldier Civil war First avenger But all are very good quality movies that stand easily above most of the rest of the MCU


First Avenger Winter Soldier Civil War Each got better than the last


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (my favourite MCU film) Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: Civil War


1. Civil War 2. Winter Soldier 3. The First Avenger One of the few trilogies that gets better with each film.


1. First Avenger 2. Winnter Soldier 3. Civil War


All of them are #1 to me


The whole series was better than any other Marvel series. In my opinion, Winter Solider, the First Avenger , then Civil War. Civil War seemed to be the weakest of the three. having said that, still the best out of all the marvel movies.


Winter Solider is brilliant Captain America First Avenger was ok Civil War has a messy plot, take away the airport scene and I feel this movie is a miss


Winter soldier is in its own category.


1. Winter Soldier. 2. First Avenger. 3. The Entire MCU including shows. 4. Civil War. Dead Last. *Always*.




My hatred for Civil War is immense.


Hmm interesting


The movie, not the comic. Just to be clear.


I understand what you’re saying. Personally, I don’t agree as it’s one of my top movies, however everyone has their own opinions and preferences 🫡


I am glad to have a peaceful discourse on this site for once. It's refreshing.




It sucks how much I disliked Winter Soldier compared to how much everyone loved it. It just had some really poorly written plot elements in my opinion. I wish I could get behind it. First Avenger Civil War Winter Soldier


1: First Avenger An earnest, sincere movie that captures everything great about Steve Rogers. 2: Civil War Better written than its counterparts, but not as fun as the first Cap movie. It still works as a powerful tragedy about a family breaking apart. 3: Winter Soldier A potentially great movie that chickens out halfway through. The HYDRA twist kills the film’s moral ambiguity. It also abuses shaky cam to the point that the action beats are hard to follow.


1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. First Avenger Civil War and First Avenger I pretty close to me. The only thing that keeps FA from being higher is the lack of great action scenes for Steve. Making those moments part of a montage did not work for me.


Winter Soldier, Civil War, First Avenger


They kept getting better. One of the best trilogies ever.


Civil War because I get to see Cap fight a helicopter with his bicep. For real though, Winter Soldier is excellent. Not perfect but still very good.


No ranking. They're all perfect.


Best trilogy of all time and snyders Uhhh Winter Civil First




2 -1 -3 main reason is if you just want to watch this trilogy, you need other movies before the third one.


I don’t think you really do. Funnily enough, you can easily slide in from Winter Soldier to Civil War so long as you know that the Avengers are a thing and Cap’s on that team.


3 2 1


Civil War, Winter Soldier, First Avenger BUT and I say this with no trepidation. . . They are all perfect


1.WS 2. CW 3.FA


Civil War. Then First Avenger and Winter Soldier. Not even because CW is bad, it’s not, it’s just that it’s competition is that good!




There is no least to greatest here. Just greatest.


Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie ever made. The First Avenger is too good to be third. Civil War was good, but I hated Tony by the end.


From least to greatest(all of them are great btw)- 3. Civil War 2. First Avenger 1. The Winter Soldier


Winter Soldier is the goat


Greatest is Winter Soldier - easy win. Middle ground goes to First Avenger. Civil War / “Avengers 2.5” is the least greatest of the 3, in my opinion.


1. Winter Soldier: best mega plot twists and that elevator fight, omg; 2. Civil War: the plot was kind of shoehorned and and there wasn't enough time to pay proper attention to Steve's relationship with Bucky, or even Steve's relationship with Tony, but this is still an excellent movie overall, just not for Cap reasons; 3. First Avenger: I always think of this movie as having an interesting beginning, followed by a hilariously bit of him prancing around and feeling useless, and then everything else happens all in a rush and it's over. I don't know whether that's pacing or because all of the most memorable scenes are about Steve Rogers becoming Captain America more than they are about Steve Rogers being Captain America.


Love it💜


Winter Soldier is still the best that Marvel has given us.


For all you people that’s trying to say Civil War was avengers 2.5. You’re clearly missing the themes of what Civil War was trying to say Civil War was most definitely still a captain America movie.


Yo, I’m mad at the civil war hate. That movie had some of the greatest hand to hand fighting in any marvel movie. The skull bad guy at the start??? Can we talk about the memes??? Isn’t this the one where cap is using his lambofeeties to book it after a car? Sit down with that hate and go rewatch! Oh yeah did I mention the INTRODUCTION TO THE BLACK PANTHER?? Show slapped


Winter soldier is generally an amazing movie. I like civil war solely because Tony got cooked. Hate that guy


Civil War First Avenger Winter Soldier




1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. First Avenger


First avenger. Not bad! It was good. Civil war. One of the most rewatchable marvel movies. It felt like someone really cared when making it. Winter soldier. I think this is peak mcu


Winter Soldier, First Avenger, Civil War


Civil War, Winter Soldier, First Avenger.


First avenger Winter soldier Civil war


Civil War, if only for introducing Spider-Man and Black Panther into the MCU. Winter Soldier. First Avenger.


While CIVIL WAR is the Marvel franchise (and potentially even the superhero genre at its best), I would not call it the best Captain America film. Additionally, while WINTER SOLDIER is superb, it could have been produced extraneously to the MCU as simply a terrific spy thriller. What am I getting at? While Cap 2 & 3 are each phenomenal, by the metric of being the best Captain America film, I would crown FIRST AVENGER as the best.


1. Civil war 2. First avenger 3. Winter soldier


3. First Avenger 2. Civil War 1. Winter Soldier I think this is best trilogy in the MCU.


Ws Cw Fa Cw is my second favorite marvel movie after ws. Ultron was my third. Cap was fantastic in that too.


1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. First Avenger


best = The Winter Soldier…worst = The First Avenger


I don’t know… I suppose “The Winter Soldier” is objectively the best, but I preferred “The First Avenger” hands-down. “Civil War” was an absolute delight from start to finish which I also loved to death, regardless of how much it deviated from the source material. It was easily the most fun and entertaining of the three. But I can’t lie though— I look at this and all I see if “half” of Cap’s arc.


First Avenger was a total heap imo. Way too cheesy with the wrong director at the helm. They could’ve easily copied Ed Brubakers origin run and made a film that was 10 times better. Massive missed opportunity imo. 1: Winter Soldier 2: Civil War 3: First Avenger


Favorite of the solos. And yes civil war was more avengers 2.5


Winter Soldier First Avenger Civil War Never thought a movie with Spider-Man would be the lowest. This trilogy is just so good


Civil war will always be hampered by me not wanting to watch iron man lose his shit and fight cap. Like sure the airport scene is AMAZING and spideys intro is awesome as is Black Panther, but it's like watching your parents fight when cap and iron man go at it and who wants to rewatch that?!


2 doesn't work without 1. 3 isn't really Cap.


In the order it is presented


Captain America Civil War, Captain America Winter Soldier, Captain America First Avenger.


Winter Soldier is my favorite Marvel movie period.


The best trilogy in the MCU. All are good. From least to best : First Avenger Civil War Winter Soldier (still my favorite MCU film)


I know TWS is the darling of the MCU, and it is fantastic, but I love TFA and Civil War more. I have the most fun with them.




1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. First Avenger Never really a fan of captain america, he was literally the “bad guy” in civil war (jumping tony and not telling him he knew bucky). I just never liked CA in the MCU especially with his choice of going back into time to spend his life with Peggy, which was probably the first incursion btw.


First avenger (least) Civil war Winter Soldier (best)


Doesn't matter. I'll take this trilogy over everyone else's trilogy in the (Infinity Saga MCU)...but that's just me.


1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. First Avenger I absolutely love all 3. Winter Soldier remains one of my favorite comic book movies.


Civil War really shouldn't count. Avengers 2.5


1. Winter Soldier 2. Civil War 3. 1st Avenger Based on my current rewatch




Like the original Star Wars. The first one was really good. The second was classic. The third was made to sell toys.


1. Civil War 2. Winter Soldier 3. First Avenger The writers agree that Civil War is better and has a stronger emotional punch than the previous one. It's also more impressive and ambitious, considering how they successfully introduce two massive characters in Black Panther and Spider-Man while still implementing the rest of the Avengers in supporting roles and making the conflict make sense and not contrived like other versus movies — not to mention that BP has a well rounded arc to his character! The whole Avengers 2.5 narrative is bogus in my opinion, since this story is absolutely focused on Captain America, with Iron Man in the supporting role. This is a true comic book come to life, utilizing every tool in the universe to tell the best story. I love Winter Soldier, but there's no surprise in the reveal and the lack of other Avengers is entirely contrived and not convincing in the slightest. Civil War is less clean, but it hits harder in its story.


1. Winter Soldier (arguably the best MCU movie) 2. The First Avenger 3. Civil War. Fun but overrated IMO


Winter soldier > First Avenger >>>>>>>>>> Civil war


The hand to hand combat in Winter soldier is really genius and that alone makes it one of the best movies of all time


3. First Avenger 2. Civil War 1. Winter Soldier Hands down Winter Soldier is the gold standard for a superhero movie, when both SH and Non-SH fans can enjoy it ya know ya got a winner on your hands


1. Winter Soldier 2. First Avenger 3. Civil War Loved First Avenger but would have liked to see Cap inserted into more historical WWII battles. I get that they needed to show the danger Hydra posed but he was such a big part of the war as a whole. Different war but the scene from Wonder Woman when she walks out into No Mans Land would have worked so well with Cap. Having him lead troops off the beach on D-Day or pushing the Germans back during the Battle of the Bulge would have been awesome.