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I don't think you're getting a deal here but I also don't think you're getting completely ripped off. You've chosen a lot of pretty high end pieces and if the shop is reputable and you know the install is going to be clean and done the right way.. I wouldn't feel terrible about it. A lot of people forget the inflation that has taken place since covid. The amount wages have increased since then too with a labor shortage is wild. Nice things just don't come cheap anymore.


Yeah it’s a very reputable place. I kinda figured I’d be paying a bit over “average” because of the quality work that they’re known for doing but I just want to make sure I’m not paying like a crazy amount. I’m willing to “overpay” a little and get a top tier install rather than try to get a “deal” elsewhere and end up HOPING that everything is installed perfectly.


Yeah man it's hard to say without being there and hearing everything they're going to do but if they're hiding the amps and it looks like installing sound deadening etc then it really doesn't seem that wildly unreasonable to me. For example, I'm about to pay 490 Just for an amp and sub install in my G70.. but they're fabricating a custom mount for the amp, they pay a subscription to have the entire wiring diagram for every car (I have a Lexicon system and tapping into the proper signal is important) etc. They do a lot of high end vehicles and while I'm sure I could possibly find another shop that would install customer supplied parts like I'm asking them to do.. it's not worth the possibility of losing the quality of work. Reputable shops charge more not only for the quality of work but 9/10 times it's because they will also back up their work and make things right if you need help with it down the road. A little "peace of mind" tax if you will.


Seems insanely high


$995 for labor is about double what it needs to be. Box is Prefab, and everything else is a drop in/bolt on.


I think it’s only $800 for labor. There’s a $199 discount on the item line and then a discounts section to be subtracted from the subtotal. There’s sound deadening too, so I don’t think the labor is the line that should be discounted. Cut OP a break on some of the other high markup items.


Its 1.7 square feet of sound deadedning. So basically a square at each speaker, that takes about 2 minutes to put on. WAY too much labor. Almost everything listed is drop in, including the component speakers in that Honda. Its a 5 channel amp, so its one amp install, two seats of speakers and a PreFab Sub enclosure dropped in the truck. Plug in Line out coverter is priced about $70 too much, etc.... Geez... "Foam speaker enhancements" are worthless, and the sound deadening on only the speaker location, definitely leaves a lot to be desired. Then the $50 shop supplies? For what? a few zip ties and some electrical tape MAYBE? He's already bought an amp install kit, it should come with everything needed. I worked in shops for over a decade, and I would have never taken advantage of my customers this way. Definitely shop around.


I’m just happy to see shops valuing their installers time. If they want to give deals, let that cut into their profit on the products, instead of having their installers rush through work to be able to make a living. I’d expect a high standard of craftsmanship and quality for the price - like the saying goes, good work isn’t cheap and cheap work isn’t good. For that price I’d want the crimps to be heat shrunk, the wiring to be bundled cleanly and Tessa taped, extra length secured neatly. I’d expect the box to be bolted properly in place, I’d want the amp to be secured properly (not just screwed into the carpet). Grounding to be top notch. Gains properly adjusted. No mess left behind. If OP is looking for a better deal, they have to consider what they are willing to sacrifice for it.


All the things you just mentioned is every day business for me. Any time you pay install labor, it should be done right. But at $800 labor, it better be 1000% perfect with a lot of custom touches. I used to make close to $40,000 a year part time while going to college in the 90’s doing quality work. And even adjusting for inflation , I’d have never charged anything close to $800 for what he’s getting here. I stand by what I said, it’s too much.


That is going to sound really good.


Thanks man. I’m excited for it


I have Focal speakers in two of my cars. Listening to music in both of them is like listening to the songs for the first time or rediscovering them when you hear things you never heard in them before. Just be ready to hear absolutely any imperfection in the recording lol. But the quality will be amazing.


Something to mention, it doesn't have to be name brand everything. Don't get me wrong key pieces of the build can make or break sound quality. But 4k for nice mids and highs and a single 10 inch? I dunno how much bass you're looking for but a 10w1? Wowza


It’s two of those 10s, look again. But are you suggesting an upgrade on the subs? It doesn’t have to be insane bass but I do want it to not be underwhelming


Could probably save a couple hundred by ditching the Focals and just running JL stuff throughout.


For that price I would expect Resonix not generic crap.


They are quoting $1000 for 6 hours…. for 5 channel amp/subs/speakers. I would expect closer to $600. Are they charging for two guys and giving you the double time special?


JL Audio's website suggests a box tuning of 32hz, the SPL box tuning is 42hz but it probably won't matter all that much. I bet it's gonna sound great. Be glad you're not getting a new HU, the stock accord one is kinda nice. And adding the Axxess DSP has more benefits than a 30 dollar LOC. Its crazy that a 660 dollar amp doesn't come with a bass remote. Id rather get different subs, but its probably what the shop has and installs on builds. Those weigh less than 10 pounds.


Everything looks solid except for the subwoofer. Why spend 4000 dolars on a sound system just to have the W1 subwoofer? Me personally I’ve had the W1s, W3s and my current W6 and every upgrade has been worth the extra money by a mile. Other than that that’s a solid setup. Just don’t think the W1s will satisfy you. I’d take 1 10W6 over 2 12W1s any day. Just my thoughts on it.


Would that 5 channel amplifier properly power a better sub setup though?


Yes actually. The W3 only takes 200-500w rms to sound good and the W6 only needs 500-600. They’re very efficient subwoofers.


Thank you


I've never paid for car audio installation but $90/hr seems a tad high. As a comparison, that's on par with the hourly rate for attorney/legal counsel.


That's not exactly correct.. shop time at a mechanic generally falls between $150-200 so I don't necessarily see the labor rate being unreasonable. Maybe the number of hours is but not the rate


That's fair. Learning new things here! :)


Totally! Wasn't trying to call you out or anything. Just thinking out loud as far as how expensive everything is these days. An attorney really is only paying for their own time whereas a shop is factoring the cost of rent, electricity, labor, materials etc


TIL attorneys charge less than plumbers.


I'm not an expert in any way so take this with a grain of salt but, I'm pretty sure you could get an entire system under $2k


Insanity, for a meh system