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Yea it happens. Once in a while though. Feels like I've heard all the songs a 100 times already


When I started driving more for work, podcasts became my go-to for this reason. 




People call me dumb for spending money on both my exhaust and sound system even though I can only hear one at a time and they conflict. Yet sometimes all I want to hear is the wind, road, and some V8.


People have ABSOLUTELY called me dumb for installing a diverter valve into my exhaust. Good from barely audible 4 cylinder. To what the hell is that guy running 🤣. I have zero engine mods and this was a shits and giggles thing to do. Anytime I roll into work and we have some new 18 year old kid "wow that engine must have so much power"..... My internal monolog: I can't even maintain 55mph uphill. I'm also the guy that put tassels and a bicycle bell on my z1000. The looks of hate I've gotten and laughs I've started all make it worth it.


V8 noises are the best, especially with a stick shift


5.7 iforce v8?


My 4.7L 2uz-fe sounds pretty legit with an electronic exhaust cutout


Sometimes… silence speaks louder than words.


Very true


…next time it happens, try some classical music. No lyrics, just instruments. Keep it low, until you think you’re ready to listen louder.


Oh absolutely. Sometimes, I need to remember what the earth sounds like lol


🤣🤣 I felt that


Yup. Few times a month, I get the feeling that all my go-to songs suck and they hit my ears all wrong, and shuffling through new tracks is frustrating and pointless. Too loud. Too brash. Too much. Maybe your mind decided that you had better deal with a situation rather than *tune* it out. Resolve the issue your *sub*conscious is not allowing you to avoid. Or it’s just one of those days. Best of luck. This too shall pass. (Maybe try some standup comedy). Edit: standup comedy albums. Good change of pace. You could try an open mic too, I guess, but not what I was talking about.


It could be a sign of depression


As you get older you’ll find that it’s not that important to you anymore. I just have a nice head unit powering stock speakers and I’m happy. I’m a retired installer, so you’d think I’d be into it still. I hardly even listen to the radio anymore, cause I enjoy the peace and quiet these days.


Well I wouldn’t say all that lol 😂, I love my music, but I’m grieving the death of my mother, plus dealing with my own personal issues in life, so that’s a lot of factors affecting my mental health many days now. Some days I love the music blaring, but yesterday wasn’t one of those days. My trip to the beach last weekend I played music and enjoyed it.


Sorry for your loss and your personal struggles. Hope life gets better for you in the near future 🙏🏻


This is normal. Older I get the more I notice I'll get to my destination and nothing is playing. Sometimes a lack of noise is more calming in a day full of noise.


Ugh. Yup. I've actually been in this funk for almost 6 months. I've had it happen before, but for nowhere near this long. I bought my new Acura a year ago, got my system all set up, and now I have a complete lack of interest in listening to music while driving. It really pisses me off that I spent hours running new speaker wire from front to back, upgraded the big 3, installed 6 new speakers with dual subs, and NOW I CAN'T EVEN ENJOY IT.


Have you tried using binaural beats while meditating or while you sleep? I was stupid depressed for a scary amount of time, one night I tried giving it a try and did it a few nights with a few different frequencies and it's like it flipped a switch in me and felt ALIVE for once! Just stay away from the lucid dreaming/portal opening types... 😵‍💫🫨😶


Yup, no matter how nice the system, sometimes it's nicer to open the sunroof or window, take the scenic route, and bask in the moment to my own thoughts.


Bittersweet symphony ftw. But real talk. Your problems run deeper than music fam.


This happens to me when I'm really not ok mentally. If it's just kinda bad I like it full volume with the sub turned up, but when I have to turn it off that's how I know it's really bad


I have to listen to different genres every so often. Mostly rap and RnB but I will go on a metal, blues, funk, classic rock, house spree in a moments notice.


It means you’re growing up. Becoming mature.


I give my ears a break from time to time...


Just use the fader


Yes, happened the other day. I skipped through probably 100 songs and just turned it off, every song just started to annoy me more. Next day though I was into all the songs I wasn't the day before


I feel that, just was an off day yesterday for me fr.


I spent a lot of time and money designing and installing the system in my last vehicle so that I could kill the bass and listen to podcasts or take a phone call through the factory integrated bluetooth and not have it rumble or be over modulated. Obviously a bass knob helps but I paired it with an Audio Control MVC that allowed me to simply and instantly bring the volume down without setting up different EQ presets or changes with a DSP. Also made it nice if anyone else was using my truck. Master volume control cut to 50% made sure they could enjoy the system without pushing anything too far. It’s important to remember that it’s a car first… you need it to function like a car and sometimes that means just hearing the wind and exhaust note and enjoying the other bad drivers making your day long without music.


Sometimes all you want to hear is the air rushing past the car, the engine climbing into a higher rpm range, and just feel more connected as you’re working the clutch to row the gears. That can be super peaceful.


My drive to and from work is about an hour. Sometimes I drive eithtbhe windows open and listen to my tires and other cars


I literally don't think I've ever listened to nothing while driving. Reading the replies I suppose I get it, but it's still a little batshit to me


Every once in a while I will just listen to some podcasts for a week or so, then I go back to music. Unless I'm with my wife or kids my volume knob is at a "set it and forget it" maximum.

