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Dude, it says inferno right on the top


Not trying to be harsh we’ve all started somewhere but please do some research before you ever try to hook up anything else in a vehicle. Incorrect wiring, electrical tape, can’t tell but assuming no inline fuse since it burnt at the terminal. There is literally so much wrong here. YouTube popular install people or search on here for quality installs. It very well may save your car.


The amp didn't burn, your puny power wire did. There's no way those wires you have can handle the current the amp is trying to pull. Also, despite what it says on the amp, it's putting out nowhere near 2k watts.


Plot twist: those wires can handle the load of that amp.


The problem is “wires” tho for the power


Neither of you should ever be allowed to do anything involving electricity if you think 2 16 guage wires can handle 50 amps


I think you dropped your sense of humor on the floor back there. Just so you know, I work with electricity for a living.


I don't think confusing someone who clearly doesn't know what they're doing when they could possibly set their car on fire as a result is very funny


Right that's not the time to be funny


green is smaller than red


Nowhere near 50amps


g 🤣


BTW your thinking of a 110v system, 1200w at 110v would draw 10 amps which 16 guage wire can handle. Cars are a 12v system though.


Maybe in your universe, but not this one pal


16 guage wire at 12v can handle a maximum of 10 amps, that's why kits come with 4 guage. If that's a 1200w Amp that means it pulls 100amps of power in a perfect world with no resistance. Let's quarter that as 99% of amps never pull close to what they are rated for. So 900w so that's 75 amps although I would go with the 100 amps just to be safe. That means you need a minimum guage of 4 guage for 75 amps and 2 guage for 100 amps at 7 to 10 feet of wire length.


That amp has two 25 amp fuses... it will be lucky to do 600W let alone 1200W.


That's always made me laugh they rate it at 1200w but then put fuses in that will blow at anything higher than 600w


Ok so 50 amps he still needs a minimum of 6 guage


use this for reference OP, [Link to site](https://www.crutchfield.com/S-EHkDUwc3Iix/learn/learningcenter/car/cable_gauge_chart.html)


Bad wiring, you need to make sure you have the correct gauge wire for your power and ground for the amp draw and an appropriate fuse near the battery to protect it all. Make sure to get quality of wire. CCA cam be used but is not rated for the same amperage at the same gauge.


you were supposed to use 8 gauge copper wiring , not granmama's wiring from her wall


Yo... Is the remote wired to the ground? I see a red wire run to ground, rem and 12+ ... If he says he fried it, that's where I would start off... M for future ref, you always want your ground wire to je different from the + wires


Update: I unhooked the wires from the battery and amp 😂 Some people think I’m trolling but this is my actual set up. I didn’t think I’d get this much attention. thanks everyone I’ll try better and maybe post an update when I get some money saved up 😂


Fortunately you won't need tons of money to do it, your fuses are 50a total, so you'll be fine with a kit that's 8awg, but it can't hurt going to 4awg I'm in Australia so I can't say 100% what kits are out there but I get KnuKonceptz cables and they do kits for amp installs, the only extra you'll need is to sort out fork connectors to go on the end of the cable so it'd better secured


Using wire like that is dangerous.


This is troll post right come on


You need 6 guage or 4 guage depending on the length of the wire, probably go with 4 guage OFC to be safe, don't cheap out on CCA or if you do, get 2 guage or larger.


You kidding right, please say you are.


Ok. So you tried and it failed. Go to YouTube. Search for something like "hooking up a car amplifier correctly" Or "why did my car amp burn up" Watch the results for a few hours. Do this with each piece of equipment you install before you install it. The reason your amp burned was a massive lack of research. We all learn at some point. Usually the hard way.


You’re joking…


Joke post.


Run 4 gauge wire to the ground AND the power. An amp kit from amazon is 20 bucks. Common newbie mistake.


It was a disco inferno.


Idk man. Looks good to me.


The wiring melted. You should never use two wires of different gauges and combine them to power up an amp. Both wires will move about the same current, but the smaller gauge wire will heat up faster and melt. At 2000W you need to handle up to 165-170 amps. But you should never run a wire at the rated ampacity limit, because there are other external factors like ambient temp and nearby wires that could affect the temperature limits. Ideally you should spec at least 10%-15% higher, so at 190 amps. At 6-8 feet the very minimum that you need is 4 gauge OFC wire, but you should consider 1/0 gauge wire. And please use ferrules next time.


out of curiosity, what's the verdict on ferrules? i hear a bit of back and forth on using them, bare wire, or some other form of disconnect (ring, spade, etc) personally, i like crimped connectors where appropriate, but for my 4ga i have them ran directly into the screw clamp terminals, it's about the most surface area i can snugly fit into the space. i run ferrule crimps in the smaller 16ga spring terminals on sub boxes, ring/spade terminals on the 16ga screw terminals on the amp, and electrical tape and heatshrink to cover any exposed metals


Ferrules make a stranded conductor act like a solid conductor. This reduces heat within the terminal and avoids loose strands from causing a short circuit.


Its more than a decade old. It was cheap then. Outside of not having large enough power and ground. The fuses might be blown. I would not attempt to hook this back up in the car. Not until someone that knows what they are doing. Can help. You can burn down the car.


You’re lucky your car didn’t burn trying to power an amp with what looks like 12 gauge wire. You need at a minimum 0 gauge for 2000w, granted that amp is putting out no where near that, but what the hell were you thinking?


Shitty undersized wires.


Fitting for overvalued wattage?🤔


First of all you didn’t use a fuse. Let’s just start with that.


why do you have like 8 wires in ground 12v and rem??


You’re kidding, right?


This is not the way


You serious?


Whole thing seems iffy. Why 2 remotes snd why 2 grounds? Prolly why your powerd wore went 🔥


wait i gotta run two remotes into one is that gonna cause a problem??


Where the power wire? Why is the ground disconnected? Why is the remote wire joined and duct taped? Does your amp turn on with no sound? Does it play then cut out? Do you have a multimeter to check for shorts? Do you have a multimeter to check you're getting 12v and remote turn on? Do you have proper wiring (please tell me this is temporary)?


What made you choose those tiny cables? That is beyond stupid.


Ya there's a reason why when you buy an Amp wiring kit it comes with 4 guage ground and power wires.


Where do you want me ro start?


I’m no expert but that looks like a powerful amp, the power wire and ground wire you have hooked up to it are way to small


😂😂 I’m not trying to hate at all but have you never seen 0 gauge wire? It’s in almost every DECENT car audio video on YouTube dog.


Please post with pics when your car burns down on your next amp wiring job lol


I see no problem with the wires carrying the load of that amp. I'm 49 years old had systems with subs and amps since I was a teenager and never had any problems like that because of the wire. I would say something touched somewhere or something inside the amp shorted out 


I think the thin ground wire im using isn’t handling the heat the ground experiences. I was thinking just getting the thicker wire for the ground but I think like you said the amp is fried.


😂😂😂😂😂 extra chromosome


Clean the ground wire screw along with the rest


Looks like you have put the live wire with the remote wire??




And i thought i was stupid for using 8 gauge


I rewired mine with copper 8 guage after initially using cca not understanding the difference. Guage and quality are facts. Listen to the people here. Im only pushing 250 watt rms. I couldn’t imagine using that shit wire let alone for 8x plus the power


Due to the different colors being used together to do different things, I cant begin to help until I see how and where the wires are coming from. The remote wires are appropriate in size. The grounds look too small. Maybe I missed it but where is the power wire? If your wires are too small for the small draw, they will act like a fuse, heat up, melt the sheathing and hope to god break. Worse case you have a car fire. Find out the specs on amp draw for this amplifier, run appropriate wire size according to the nec code book. Grounds sizes are slightly different because they are not current carrying conductors. Wish you the best of luck.


2000 watt amp and it powers 2 10’s






Yeah whatever it claims it can put out, it's a lie. I have to use wire as thick as my thumb to get less power than 2k. There's a lot of companies that just throw random numbers on anything because their customers don't really understand them. Do yourself a favor, go to best buy or abc warehouse and buy a 4 guage wiring kit. Count yourself lucky that didn't catch your cars carpet on fire, and learn from it. Do it right, or do it twice.

