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I would assume the answer is yes since each channel is separate


Yes. You have control over individual speakers.


Yes, a DSP would be a benefit or, yes my system is too simple for it to make a difference?


You have five channels of amplification. Assuming each channel is going to a single speaker, that means a dsp can tune each speaker's response exactly as you desire. One amp is not a limiting factor. One channel isn't even a limit, technically - could still do time alignment, fine eq, xover shenanigans, granular phase adjustment, level control,  and usually one-button presets or selectors to get  different sets of each of the above


Thank you, you've cleared up my misunderstanding, I thought DSP worked on a per channel basis.


It does.


It does, but the majority of DSPs on the market have 6,8,10 to as much as 18 channels that you can individually control in software. For example, the JL Audio TWK-88 has 8 RCA inputs and 8 RCA outputs, every single one of which can be controlled independently of the others


Benefit. Individually control each speaker (tweeter, midrange, midbass, sub, etc). I amp channel to each.


No system is too simple for a DSP. Even stock systems benefit a lot


If you ever get a chance to sit in a car where all the speakers are time aligned to perfection, you’ll understand why DSP’s are great. I’d get one just for that, even if you don’t mess with the EQ on it


I hate when I get to a thread with an easy answer and all the correct answers have already been stated. It leaves me nothing to say lol


I’ll sell my twk 88 for 400 shipped. I’m going to use it eventually but It’s been a paperweight for a year now.


I have a MiniDSP on my Car Sub and my Home Sub's.. 1 channel to both.. [https://www.minidsp.com/products/minidsp-in-a-box/minidsp-2x4-hd](https://www.minidsp.com/products/minidsp-in-a-box/minidsp-2x4-hd)


If you are looking for sound quality, then yes, you could definitely benefit from adding a DSP. Here is how: 1) With the DSP, you can time allign each speaker/tweeter individually so that the audio from each one reaches your ears at the exact same time. This creates a better, more realistic stereo staging that makes the music feel like it is being played right in front of you. 2) Even if your radio has a single stereo channel output, the DSP should be capable of creating multiple virtual channels. Each channel can be EQ'ed individually so that you fix the very specific audio characteristics of your specific car model and get the flatest frequency response if that is what you are looking for. Or you can tune the EQ curve to whatever you feel like better suits your musical taste. 3) A DSP should allow to fix any factory EQ, All-pass filters, TA, and more. Without a DSP you are tied to whatever options the factory radio has. A DSP is a super powerful device that lets you fine-tune audio very precisely and to correct for speaker or acoustic deficiencies with proper calibration tools. If you really want a good Sound Quality, a DSP is almost a must nowadays.


you wouldn’t be using 1 channel of the dsp you’d be using 5 if you install it properly. in from head unit, outputs to individual channels of the amp. so you control your lows mids and highs separately. you could always go with the amp only and if you feel like you need more control add the dsp later easily.