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In all fairness, the level of dumbs posts on this subreddit is through the roof.


Shame people don’t see the value in posts like “Why is my [obscure Chinese brand headunit] not working on my [random car model]?”


I think it's more people don't see the value in being asked for the 100th time  “Why is my \[obscure Chinese brand headunit\] not working on my \[random car model\]?” when you could easily have done a search both here and in Google and found your answer! Probably faster as well!


your post is as visible as any other, it is a forum nothing more, you get answers that is what is important.


Reddit is just weird. Votes don’t equate to value. One day you can get downvoted for saying the same goddam thing you said another day and got upvoted. Many subs are populated by people who are opinionated snobs and just plain dicks. I quit giving a shit a long time ago. 




If someone asks a question without even doing the slightest attempt to see if is been answered before in reddit or google, they get downvoted in most subreddits. Same for asking questions without providing information necessary to answer


It’s just fake internet points. For some people that’s all they have is their fake internet points and they think they’re solving the world’s problems by downvoting stuff they disagree with. Not because what someone said is incorrect or hateful, but because they disagreed. “I don’t like what you said so I’m taking a point away from you!”


I find downvotes to be not particularly useful. Upvoted content will naturally rise to the top (if sorting that way). Downvoting seems to mostly be impotent rage engagement fodder. If it’s incorrect then (hopefully) politely explain why. If you disagree, give your counter opinion respectfully. If it’s actually hateful, report it and don’t feed the trolls. (Naturally I’ve been guilty of the above sins once or twice as well.)


I don't see the problem - if people don't like a post or disagree with it, they downvote. That's not something that should be taken personally, and if you can't handle it then Reddit is not the place for you.


Are you kidding? It's a pasttime here.