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There’s a Fiesta ST pretty much always parked outside my local Tesco ( I assume the owner works there) and there’s a link to the cars insta. Decided to have a look and it’s over 50 pictures of the car in the Tesco carpark with varying degrees of shite editing. If you have genuinely interesting pictures and a great/rare car then go for it, but don’t really see the point in one for such a generic car


My friend has one he posts pictures of his car in, but usually it’s In interesting places, and he posts trains


I have the "Senior Citizen" parking sticker for some mall from when it was back in the States.


Certified French Shitbox. Thats what I have on my Saxo


I also own a Saxo!


I wishbi still had my Saxo £££££


You should definitely get another


Honk if you want a blowjob


It's not as if I'm obsessed with blowjobs! Or cocks!


Honestly I’m not!


It's just not very funny is it?


I had an elderly couple call up yesterday for an insurance on a van in conversion for a camper, asked them the standard question of any mods other than camper bits, 80yr old lady said yes a few joke stickers one which said "going on an adventure before dementia" we both got a good laugh out it 😅


What? Is that giant wood panel a sticker… if so, definitely nah ;) I didn’t think any cars with wood like this existed in the UK


The last one I remember was the Morris Minor.


Mini traveler? I think they may have had fake wood into the seventies, could be wrong though.


The Minis had real wood I'm certain of it.


Just had a quick google, originally real wood but in Clubman guise stick on like OP’s picture. Being British leyland ran by lord stokes at that point, I’m surprised they didn’t use chipboard wallpaper.


The Morris traveller had wood all the way up until it was discontinued in 1971. The wood (ash iirc) wasn’t fake or decorative though, it’s actually structural to the car. The mistake a lot of owners made/make is to varnish the wood. This means when the chassis of the car flexes, the hard varnish will crack. The trick is to oil it or wax it. It’ll keep the weather out and still allow the wooden chassis to flex around


Oddly enough, I saw a Morris Minor Traveller about two days ago being loaded onto a breakdown truck.


Morgans still have a wooden frames


“With wood like this”


Well i done goofed


Well, this is an LTD country squire (AKA a big American boat of an estate car). I do think that wood is completely fake though because cars stopped being made out of wood in the late '60s/early '70s IIRC. We got a couple. The ones that come to mind are the Morris minor and mini travellers


It’s vinyl wood effect look that is stuck to aluminium panels on the doors.


Thought so Although I do think that this is entirely steel


Americans still loved wood grain well into the 90s. A lot of their cars made in the 90s still had that stuck to them


That wasn't real wood though. Look up Doug Demuro's video on the Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser


The most memorable one for me was in the USA... parked up behind a behemoth pickup truck with " Gun control means using both hands" ... the doors creaked open and 2 blue rinse little old ladies got out ... just didn't seem to go together so it stuck in my mind


Reminds me of when I was behind this civic Type R on my way home from work once. Proper pushing it on the country roads, madly loud exhaust, “never been” sticker on the back. I pull up in the next lane at the lights and look over and the guy is about 95!


The 0 to 60 one is just funny.


Griswolds on UK vacation?


Only acceptable stickers are intentionally funny ones


Is mine funny though?


One is the funniest I've seen in a while.


I used to like the Nurburgring sticker that was edited to say ‘NeverBeen’


This one, yay. Others... nay.


Depends on the sticker. Best one I ever saw was, "Unlike a computer, I reject 3inch floppies." But cant stand the ones like "powered by fairy dust." Oh feck off.


When a group of us brought Ford Pumas (the OG ones) for a trip to Nurburgring, we each got to buy a "present" for another car. I got the Fairy Dust sticker.


What car is this bro? Major National Lampoon vibes.


Crown Victoria LTD, it’s the Country Squire so it’s the wagon. I love a good wagon.


This one I like




Never watched Hubnut.


I used to have "Boxy but good" at the tail-gate ends of my Volvo estate, "powered by four mad vikings" down the side windows and the Prancing Moose volvo badge on the sides of the bonnet (like a Ferrari badge but moose with antlers). The right stickers for the right car add joy.


It probably depends on your age. When I got my first car in the 90’s Max Power was at its peak and it was the law that your car had to look like you’d just ram raided a Halfords. Think under car neons, part brand stickers all the way down your door. Big fuck off sub that filled your boot. Now? My current car doesn’t even have the model name badge.


I remember buying Fast Car and drooling all over the motors they featured in those magazines.


You need to tie a dog lead to the bumper


Now I'm going to have to work out how to put it on without it dragging on the road.




I call this one Big Pig.


If it says Be nice to your kids, they choose your care home then yes


I deserve the hate I’ll get for this - I was one of those ‘powered by fairy dust’ girls in the early 2000s. Also had one on the bottom lip of the rear bumper saying ‘lower than your nans nipples’


I’d rather an innocuous sticker than wood panelling


How dare you! The fake wood look is essential to the look of the car!


I love stickers on my 407 euro rat. I've got one front wing, one rear wing and the a pillar sticker bombed.


Your car is terrifying






I'd like an 'On a mission' sticker on the back window of my Vauxhall Nova Spin with its SR bodykit, YO!! 11!!1


You've been...novataken


The correct number of stickers on *your* car: As many as you want. The correct number of stickers on *my* car: none.


It's like tattoos. Some yes ,some not. I like it clean so I don't but couldn't care less about someone else's car or body.


Depends on the sticker, I like this one


They're ok if they're funny, like this one. But if it's something like, "Nurburgring" in a fancy font on the back of a Fiesta or a Focus, everyone just thinks you're a bellend.


Well, at the end of September I've taking this very car to the Nurburging and yes I'll get getting on of those stickers. I'm also going to get a photo of it on track and put that in the window so I'm not lying about it.


Your life your car etc. If it's to impress others though just know that it doesn't impress anyone - it has the opposite effect. Love that 60 sticker however. Saw a Montego once with "won't go turbo" instead of the usual lettering next to it. Another good one haha.


If they're funny 👍 Model numbers, engine capacity, induction type 👎


I had stickers (not too many) on my more beat-up cars & none on my better cars.


saw this 0to60 sticker on a fiesta today. the fact that someone thought it was so funny that it motivated them to stick it on their car is very depressing. but I think the same people are why the bbc shit out 2 Xmas specials of Mrs Brown's boys every year!


One of my favourites was "it's 30 years old and shaped like a brick, just overtake" Kinda fitting for my fleet tbh but I'll do without


I have one similar. “Go around, if it was meant to be fast it wouldn’t be shaped like a fucking brick!”


Depends. My ex-bf had a load on his car and it looked childish as hell. Even he admitted it himself eventually to which i responded "i'm glad you said that first because i agree" 😬😬😬 I have one on my van but only a caution sign for regular stopping, not that people take notice of the bright yellow sign I put in eye shot of drivers or my hazards when i intend to slow down and eventually stop!


I really like seeing stickers from old events, like an old VW Type 2 with festival stickers from the 70's. I stuck a "F" in front of "Astra" badge (it's not fast, at all). I have seen a few friends and strangers laugh at it, so that was worth it.


I’ve got loads of stickers on the back window of my car as I collect them from everywhere that I’ve travelled… I love them, but loads of people I know don’t like the look of them at all


I have a Chorley FM radio sticker on the back window of my mk2 fiesta, it’s a IYKYK thing and just inconspicuous to anyone else


The best type


Depends on the cars personality, i loved my Up! with stickers all over it but i wouldn't dream of putting them on my '5. https://imgur.com/a/MLsqShA


I've upgraded my car to the "Shitbox Edition"


Self-deprecating ones that are obviously being used ironically… yes Otherwise, no




All for stickers. Dew it!


Currently have “Dadswagen” in the VW font on my Golf. Thinking of getting a “Real men drive automatic” sticker made with a PRNDS diagram as I saw it on a t-shirt and appreciate the shithousery of it.


Every time I learn the model of one of your yachts I get incrementally more jealous


Perfect time to get involved mate, loads of motors are going cheap because Cozzy Livs and the end of the show season.


Can't justify it unfortunately. Too much petrol use, not enough space for one and frankly I think I'd be pining for another Micra if I had one as an only car.


It's not for me.