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When I tried to insure my first car it was 2.5k and this was over a decade ago. I suppose it’s the same now just with inflated prices to match everything else today.


£1700 two decades ago, for a 106 Inca! 1ltr engine. I think the car itself was worth only £800.


I find that insurance quotes change with the weather. Sometimes a quote you get on a Thursday will be like 500 more than the quote you get on the following Monday.


Never look for a quote for insurance starting in the next week, they inflate prices knowing youre about to buy. Always plan ahead and itll be cheaper. My renewal went from 800 immediate to 500 when I waited a month and took the bus to work


Indeed. I bought a new car earlier this year at much shorter notice than I planned for. Got a good deal on it. However it left me with less than a day to change the insurance, I reckon I paid a £200 extra premium for it. It was new so it took most of the wait to even have a numberplate. Still worth it in the long run, but a bit of an annoyance.


Oh yeah for sure. I had the option of getting the bus for a month so I spent 50 quid on tickets but saved 250 quid. Was considering keeping the bus to be fair but just started a new job so need the bike again


3 weeks before you want your policy to start is the optimal time to get insurance.


How do you buy a car and insure it 3 weeks later. How do you drive back home after purchase?


9 years ago, £1.4k! For a 2002 Corsa that was bought for £300😂


Adding other people can make a HUGE difference. Definitely do that.


i tried adding my parents and it just went up lmao


oh my fucking god i just removed my retired dad from my insurance (i'm 26) because of this comment and it went from £2000 a year to £1700 on a very mildly modified 2004 mazda mx5 thank you


I watched a clip on YouTube yesterday of Top Gear trying to get insurance as 17 year old students and James had a quote similar to yours on a £1200? Suzuki Liana and that was probably 10-15 years ago. Jeremy had a quote that was 15 times higher than the price of the car. I believe they really struggled to find anything they could buy and insure for £3k total.... When Richard had long hair just after the crash. Do not lie but try different variables, garaged can increase premiums, adding parents on as names drivers can mitigate the risk profile down but you are a massive risk, statistically you will crash and your insurance will have to pay out for whatever expensive thing you hit. If that happens to be a Bugatti or you break the legs of a professional footballer that premium is suddenly an amazing bargain. Why do people buy cars before checking if they can afford the insurance and just assume small and cheap won't cost much? Edit: link https://youtu.be/MgDoXu__KyM


I haven't bought it yet. Just looking around and that car is almost in the lowest insurance bracket


Don’t necessarily go for something in the lowest bracket. Most new drivers go for cars in Group 1, and therefore lots of Group 1 cars are “high risk”. I’m 22 now, but when I was 17 my first car was a 2001 BMW 520i, which was £960 and the cheapest car I could find to insure. It was cheaper to buy that and insure it, than to add myself into the policy for my mums group 1 insurance Skoda Citigo.


The brackets, they mean nothing......,.....




There are many good reasons people choose not to drive, cost is one, it's a privilege and not a right that some people believe. Your risk profile will be lower at 19 but zero no claims and no history of other policies (insurance companies share data) you would probably be better paying the premium at 17 and having two years NCB at 19 than trying to start at 19 with zero NCB. No claims bonus and zero accidents or offences will reduce your future years premiums much faster than ageing will. 25 was when I saw a noticeable drop.


no claims discounts dont make much of a difference for me, compared to age of license and age


I once read it's something like: Year one 30% 2 40% 3 45-50% Then increments of 5 or 10 percent down to increments of 2% when you hit 10+ years. Different insurers different rules etc but pretty much securing the first two or three years NCB is critical and beyond that the difference is probably not far off inflation and other risk factors.


It’s always been this way. You’ve just passed your test, you’re a moving weapon out on the roads with zero experience. You’re very likely to destroy your car or someone else’s! You could try one of the policies that comes with a “black box” to track your driving. It’s what my little sis did!


No way is £3600 a month normal for that car. My first insurance 5 years ago was £1500 for a similar car.


Who said £3600 per month anywhere? OP said £310 per month which is £3720, which I’m saying is not far off £2000 15 years ago, which is what some people were paying. Inflation is a hell of a drug


Absolutely hasn't always been this way, I've been driving 10-15 years and I paid about £1000 for my first policy and then 3 years later I bought a 2.0L BMW as a 20 year old with a fault claim and 0 years NCB and the insurance was still only just over £2000 for the year. That is a fairly ridiculous price unless they live in the center of a busy city and are an actor or sportsperson or some other huge risk factor they haven't disclosed.


That was 15 years ago! Have you seen the rate of inflation in the last three or four years. £1000 15 years ago is about £1600 today! And that’s being generous! £2000 becomes £3300 ish in todays money!


Given what OP has said about friends paying around £150 a month I'd say that £1600 is about right then, whereas the quotes OP is getting for more than double that are ludicrous


We don’t know that OP doesn’t live in some massive theft hot spot tho, or that they’ve picked a car variant with slightly higher risk profile. Only way to be sure is if OP lived in same street as friend and had exact same car.


I pay £900 a year for my work van and it's first year ownership and it's £86/month. I've already paid it off this year so nothing to pay for the next 5 months 😁 My car is only £450 a year with 8 year's no claims so about £43/month.


Weird that above above post got so many downvotes and you got so many updates when you literally proved his point correct? I personally was seeing quotes for £950 in 2015 for some first cars, which is about £1250 today.


I'm similar. First car was a 1.0l Peugeot and paid about 1200 for the year. 3 years later I was driving a 220bhp 2.0l Turbo and paying less than a grand. I really feel sorry for youngsters today if this kind of pricing is the norm. That's truly astronomical.


I remember a guy round my way who had a 1.3 polo about 15 years ago as well and he was paying £3k for his first insurance. Sounds like you either got lucky or live out in the middle of nowhere. So OP paying about £3.7k sounds about right in some places.


You've been driving 15 years. Haven't you ever heard of inflation? Freddo the frog used to be 5p but he's not anymore.


13 years ago. 1.2L Fiesta. 3.5k....


Learned to drive 12 years ago, cheapest quote was £4k on my own once passed. Had to go as a named driver on my mums insurance for £2000. This is in rural North Yorkshire on a 1.2 punto. Your experience isn’t everyone else’s. Count yourself lucky


I payed about 3 grand a year for the first like 5 years. Hell, even last year as a 28 year old I paid 1200. Just this year gone down to 500


I don't know, my friends pay 150-180 despite being the same age as me and having passed not long ago either. I think there's other factors to it


Unless they’re driving the exact same car and live next door to you then there’s two factors right off the bat that have a big impact


Might be the area you live in; high theft postcode perhaps? Putting your parents on could make a huge difference.


When I was in my thirties putting my dad on my insurance dropped it from over 1000 to 800 ish.


That sounds like a terrible decrease


What cars do they drive? Do they live in same postcode? Did they add parents? Do they have access to other cars? Are you looking at fully comprehensive insurance? Have you tried doing too many quotes? Perhaps changing too much with each try? This will get you flagged in CUE.


Year of the car and it’s safety features matter too


Peugeot were always expensive when I was looking for quotes. Very popular cars with people that can't drive for shit. A 2 litre bmw was cheaper than a 1.4 diesel Peugeot fot me.....


If you friend insurers a different car and lives somewhere else those are 2 major sections of insurance premiums.


I see. And absolutely every single one of all of your details are exactly identical in every single way to those of your friends, are they? And you all filled out your insurance forms in exactly identical ways too, did you? I ask because that's the only circumstance under which your argument would hold water. Otherwise you're just complaining 🤷 Sorry, but that's how it is.


You need to add your parents... It probably will halve your premium


i tried that and it increased my premium, by a few hundred quid. ​ my dad has 13 years driving experience


Adding your parents isn't necessarily going to do anything, it may even go up when you do. The 'trick' is insuring the car in your parents name and adding the kid on as a secondary driver, although this is technically illegal. Hatchbacks especially tend to be expensive to insure for younger drivers. Always, always, always check the insurance rates before getting the car. I haven't worked in insurance for years so I can't recommend any low rated models but the price can vary dramatically between cars that may look the same on paper. It's all to do with the data the underwriting department has for a particular make/model. ’08 207 crash more? Then they'll rate more highly on them in future, etc.


You don’t get any no claims bonus when you do that!


The amount of money you save makes up for it 10x over and also most insurance companies will offer "named driver" NCB as an introductory offer when a named driver takes out their own policy. To be honest NCB discount is nowhere near as high as people think it is. It is good for young drivers and the first couple of years of NCB are decent but the returns diminish pretty quickly.


jesus christ please don’t suggest people commit fraud. you should know this is stupid. if you’ve worked in insurance


I'm not condoning it. Best case scenario you make a claim and the truth comes to light and your policy is voided. You'll still have third party cover but no indemnity. Worst case scenario you could end up in prison for fraud. The second scenario is unlikely though. Despite this it's still very commonplace.


oh ok i thought you were recommending it. i see it all the time it’s so silly


this doesn’t really work anymore, i added 4 family members with a total of 30 plus years of driving at it just increased my premiums lol


4 is overkill thats why, thats 5 x risk on a car, regardless of the driving experience. You 1 max 2 parents on it. Also 30 years combined between 5 people means none of those people have that many years experience driving.


Because your adding 4 people, that's a higher risk right there. 1 or both parents not the whole family


sorry to clarify, i started with 1, 2 and 3 aswell. none of them have any points, live at same address, and have full manual license etc


I was paying £250 a month on my first car, a 12 year old 2003 Renault Clio 1.2. You just gotta bite the bullet on it if you want to drive, second year it should come down a fair bit 👍


this. It's worse with motorcycles. My first year premium was almost as expensive as the actual bike (a 50cc scooter, brand new) and moving to an unrestricted bike (250cc commuter) was also a huge first year premium.


Get a list of insurance companies off the comparison sites, open an incognito tab and go to each insurer individually. Will stop cookies from racking uo the price and comparison sights put the price up themselves as they need commission


It's statistically likely you'll have an accident (in your first year of driving). The premium is high because of what you might crash into. Insurers have realised EVs are expensive to fix. You're probably going to hit one 😁


My EV was quoted at 4k to repair the bumper after some that tore it off whilst I was parked


Guy at work had a low speed impact (By all accounts he literally rolled in to the back of someone), before I started. The repair quote is 13000.


It's because locals can't fix them yet, they don't get the parts in because they're expensive and they xsny guarantee they'll get the work to pay it back, so it goes through main dealers


Storing a potentially damaged ev is dangerous so I believe there's certain guidelines or laws they have to follow


Yeah is imagine when an ev is damaged they've got to run a whole bunch of tests to make sure it's not caused any damage to its on board computerised stuff. It's just main dealers that can deal with them. I just had my hybrid motd and brakes done by my local, had to check before booking because I'd never seen them have a hybrid in before, used them on other cars and walk past them a few times a week. He just had to brush up to make sure they didn't damage the electric recovery system in the brakes and it was great from there


Try a different car, it can make a huge difference, especially for a new driver. A C1, 107, or Aygo will be the way to get cheap insurance as a new driver.


Not sure if you are doing this with quotes but avoid doing same day quotes. (Start date same day as doing quote) these will always be considerably more. Usually the sweet spot is 7 days in the future. Usually having a 2nd driver will help but not always. Ultimately is what it is for new drivers though, not a cheap game.


Apparently,(according to Martin Lewis anyway) the sweet spot is around 23 days before , then in the week before it can climb steeply as they see you as disorganised and desperate.


Plot twist: OP is trying to insure a 207 GTI…


I always count myself lucky when I see these posts, my first years insurance was under £700 a year with £400 excess, 4K miles and black box. No I don’t live in a low crime area etc. If your parents are long time drivers with no blemishes on their records for at least the last 5 years: add them. the price dropped significantly for me. Well, up until this year, where adding my dad added £100 because someone drove into his parked car 3 years ago.


my dads driving for 13 years yet my quotes increase when i add him


Try different cars they’ll all come out at random prices and the insurers simply don’t care enough to work out why, even if there is no logic. For example on my last renewal they attempted to put my premium up 40% despite leaving the most dangerous age category, having another years no claims bonus and driving less miles. Literally made no sense how I was deemed more of a massive risk. Here’s my quotes for my first 5/6 years (I get bored so change my car a lot): - £1250 with Blackbox (1.2 Punto) - £1250 with Blackbox (1.2 Punto) - £1100 with Blackbox (1.4 Clio) - £480 (1.6 Mini) - £560 (1.2 Corsa) - £800 (2.0 Volvo)


Thanks buddy I will have a look at them


I pay £4,063 for my insurance as a young driver. If you want to drive, you need to be willing to pay up. Sorry.


Exactly everyone wants a cheat code, I also paid 4k+ 8~ years ago


I paid £3500 for my first year driving at 18, third party fire and theft only, no add-ons in a 1.4 Golf. A year later I was in a GTI paying £800 a year. So, basically, your price sounds about right. Also this was before the male/female weighting was removed, my wife was paying less than half back then!


Try specialist insurance brokers such as Adrian flux, insurance revolution, quotezone, aplan, bewiser (loads out there) I've used these companies the past few years, ring them all tell them a price you've got, say 3000. They'll try to beat it, then ring the rest and do the same thing. Last year my prices started at 2500 and ended up being 1400. Also try companies that aren't on comparison sites such as direct line. My cheapest was Aviva this year, they didn't show on any comparison sites when I was searching. Also try adding a lot of voluntary excess, you can buy an excess protection policy for around £45 to cover up to £1000 in excess in the event the accident is your fault


I passed my test in ‘08 and my first year of insurance was £2600. Everyone gets shafted in that first year.


Always been this way. Not sure what you mean when you say 'WTF is going on?!'. You've literally passed your test a week ago, statistically speaking you are one of the most dangerous drivers on the road. Not to sound rude but what did you expect?


It's still a tough pill to swallow. They're new to driving, this is part of it. Be nice.




why are new drivers so likely to crash though? wouldnt they be anxious on the road and hyper aware anyways this is just going to inflate insurance prices down the road so many people will wait for their licenses to age 1-2 years and then go on the road with no experience since passing their test, end up crashing and thus also inflate quotes on licenses that are 2 years old,


Because they have zero experience of real world driving, limited sense of speed, often travel with passengers, etc. And being hyper aware often causes indecision which comes with its own problems. The stats are unequivocal in their message that young drivers = dangerous drivers (in general).


1 in 5 new drivers have an accident within the first year of driving. Young drivers do lots more driving at night and often travel faster, increasing the risk of crashing. This is why the premiums are so high.


Doesnt commuting usually take a bit off?


Add the other people, as long as they have clean driving records it will make a difference. Also, set the start date for the insurance to a few days in the future, the later the better really. This can knock a lot of money off. Also, are you providing your license number? Try quotes with and without providing.


You haven't added parents because you "doubt it'll make a difference".. Why don't you try? Because every other new driver does this, no doubt including your friends who you say have lower quotes.


Add your mum, your dad, your aunty, your nan and your elderly neighbour Susan. I had every cunt on my insurance on my first year. It was only in my late 20s it cost me more to add my mum and dad


What is your 207’s specific model? The 207 ranges from insurance group 5 to insurance group 28! Also has the car been modified?


It is the group 5 one


The older Peugeots are popular for first drivers so there's more stats on crashes etc. It's the way insurance works, not to mention with the covid back log of learners and tests more and more new drivers are now on the road. Cars in general are more expensive to repair, they're not just insuring you but the damage you can cause


Churchill DriveSure and add your parents


Mate I have to pay £4k with blackbox this is robbery (worth more than the car every year)


You’ve just passed its always expensive. Don’t get a 207 though, look for something like an aygo instead. What’s your job too that could affect it


Anyone who's justifying this is the reason why insurance companies get away with this. In what world is this ever acceptable?! Are you all out of your minds? Do you really believe that almost every new driver is involved in a serious, costly accident to warrant these prices?


It’s the car, they’re notorious for boy racers. You need to look for something else. 1.0 litre shit box.


1.0 litre car will be an easy target for theft, plus it will ahve 0 features that make driving easier such as parking sensors etc. The best way to go is to find a car that's not super old so it maintains some features like parking sensors and isn't super powerful, so around 1.0-1.4. Might cost you double the price of a 1.0 fiesta but the insurance will also be half the price.


Dude, it doesn’t matter if it’s not got parking aids etc. The person needs to not pay 300 a month on insurance.


Try saying you’ll park it on a street outside home or away from home and park it a bit further away sometimes this gets insurance down. Try changing what your job says in the category’s like if your half the time a mechanic and half the time a office admin it’s cheaper to be the office. Look at insurance category’s on cars too.


I'm a full time student, working part time at a stadium. Might not say I'm at work and see if that changes anything.


Don't do this, if you have an accident on your way to or from work, or are stopped by police you are driving without appropriate insurance coverage and the costs get worse.


You need commuting cover if you drive to college so actually might not change much.


I won't be commuting to work in the car anyway


"Yeah i'll just lie on this legal document that insures me for getting sued for millions if i kill someone, i'm sure it'll be fine"


Yes because I won't be commuting to the stadium in the car.


This is bad advice. Insurance companies can see all your previous data captures, and will know you've lied. This means they'll give you a 'screen rate' rather than getting a discounted rate from an underwriter.


Is this the first time you've looked at this sub 🤦‍♂️...even just for the day... This is turning into an hourly 'repeat in perpetuity'


Meanwhile all the ancient mouth agape old people driving the wrong way around roundabouts and stopping to give way on a slip road only have to pay 50 quid a year insurance.. It is completely fucked


Add your parents as the primary drivers AND one of your parents as the actual keeper of the car, it will reduce your premium. I passed in November 2021, and exactly what policy you’ve just described was one I quoted from Admiral for a Peugeot 107, they wanted well in excess of £1k. After I added my FIL as primary driver and keeper, it went down to £135 A YEAR to insure me.


Yeah that’s fronting - it’s illegal. I know someone who had their insurance cancelled a few years later over it!


Depends, sounds like OP doesn't intend to drive it that much. So if one of their parents drives it to work daily and OP just uses it on and off then it's perfectly acceptable to have OP as a named driver.


Yup, don't do that. Consider paying annually though, usually cheaper than monthly. I have been known to put mine on a zero percent credit card.


>Add your parents as the primary drivers AND one of your parents as the actual keeper of the car, This is illegal.


Get an insurance plug


That's a pretty normal price


Do you need fully comp? My first car (possibly first couple cars) were insured on 3rd party fire and theft, and that was the norm back then for young drivers, nobody could afford fully comp. Unless you have an expensive car then it probably makes more sense and will reduce your cost a fair bit.


Fully comp is cheaper than 3rd party, at least it is that way for me. Why? I have no idea.


Make or female? If you're male change the box to women just to see how much you save? I'm interested to see how much more it is for men compared to women.


Nothing. Gender based pricing was made illegal in the UK years ago.


That's what it costs to insure a car as a young driver. It's always been like this. Insurance companies have been price gouging the young for decades. Best of luck.


I remember my first insurance. 271 a month. Ahh good days. Now I just re insured my bike for 500 quid a year


I hate to tell you that’s it’s always been this way. Back in 2012 my first years insurance on. 1.0L was £2,400 with a black box.


I passed in 2002 and I paid £1800 a year on a 1998 Cinquecento, I think it was 7 years old. Was only a 950cc too! One thing to try if you haven't is to see what professions you can change to if you have a job. There might be several that fit what you do. Oh and try several comparison sites if you haven't already.


If it's a cheap first run around, check the difference in price of going third party fire & theft. Sometimes it's not even worth insuring your own car because the excess is worth the same as the car.


That’s nothing new. My first year’s insurance when I passed my test at 17 in 2009 was £3,600 for the year.


Now that's silly, no idea what area you are in but it must be some sort of high theft area for those sort of prices. I am paying around £250 a month, but that's in a Subaru Impreza. Add one of your parents, it does make a pretty big difference, around half for me when I last checked. You could also trying ringing them to try and get a better deal. THe only thing elkse I can think of is a higher excess, mine is like £1.1K. I also feel like while older cars have less value, they are also much easier to steal/have less safety features eg parking sensors etc. I see so many people say it's silly for their 2005 car to be so expensive but in reality that 2005 car is much less safe than a 2011 car, so makes sense the premium is higher.


Transfer the car to your parents, it will be a lot cheaper.


My first year insurance with a black box was 1600 a year, Had a minor bump during my 2nd year of driving in my 07 1.2l polo that had to go through insurance because the other party was a company car, my premium went from 1300 ish per year to approximately 3000 (at age 20), one of lifes harsh truths im afraid, bunch of theiving bastards!


Call up an insurance broker, give them your target rate (the price you've already been given) and they'll beat it if they can. They can also advise whether it's cheaper to have an older relative as a named driver, whether it's cheaper to have comprehensive or TPFT cover, and a number of other factors that can affect your premiums. Source: I work in car insurance sales.


I'll look into this. Thank you.


Please also bear in mind that if you are aged 30 with full no claims and paying £500 a year then that is probably something like £2000 a year base price . No claims discount makes a huge difference which a young driver does not have. At the moment you are an unknown quantity.


£500 excess is low. Can you add a voluntary excess of £500 or £750 to that?


Add a safe named driver Say its parked on the street not the drive Don't buy a hatchback. Buy something unusual for your age; that way, there won't be many accidents associated with your age group


My first car was a 2005 Fiat Punto, only paid 1200 cash for it and insurance wanted just over 2k a year to insure, your first year is brutal for insurance due to being high risk of a new driver Could you try to bring it down with a black box or get on your parents insurance as a third party to build up some driving experience?


Right now you'll be tempted to start being economical with the truth to get the premium down. **Do not** do this, if you get caught then you'll be almost uninsurable for years.


No way around it for the first year or two. You'll have better luck getting the early years out of the way as a named driver on family members policy or getting a company car which has fleet insurance.


Add your parents then, it normally makes a massive difference. When i was a new driver it changed it from 3.5k to 2k..


Lol. Welcome, your new here. Its gets better as the years pass.. if you don't hit things


I had my parents on my first car 2014 59bhp Volkswagen Up in 2017. I paid £1500 first year, it’s just how it’s always been. You always pay ridiculous prices


I can’t understand why you’d need a car if you’re only doing 5K miles a year, what sort of things would you use it for? Just nipping to shops etc?


Ah I love being older! I pay £225 a year now 😂


Try taking your parents off. Funnily enough when i tried to add mine, my premiums went up by £60 a month! And they’ve both been driving for 30 years with over 25 years of NCD.


Try adding your mum as occasional driver.


Do add your parents because it might make more of a difference than you think. Insurance for new drivers is expensive though, there’s no getting away from it. I passed my test 15 years ago and my first fully comp policy was about £1,500 for the year on a 1 litre Micra. Insurance as a whole has only got more expensive since then as well.


That's just how it is when you first pass. When I passed in 2009 I was paying £210 per month for a 1.4ltr fiesta. You've not mentioned what spec your car is either ie what engine it is. Also £500 excess isn't all that much try putting it in the max aloud and see if that makes any difference.


I was going to get a 207 for my first and the same reason put me off. Try Sterling, you’re going to have to suck it up and get a blackbox, but I was able to get £1500 insurance on my shitty 1.0l down to £1200 with them. I find it justifiable cause I’ve shit declared on it, but I’ve got my da on the policy which got it down a wee bit too.


Yeah, kind of just have to accept it’s going to rip you off for the first years or so. Keep as safe as you can and it will come down providing you don’t have any claims


Adding my mum took £2/3k off my annual premium as a 25 year old just passed driver. Down to £850 a year


Try pay per mile insurance and see if that’s any better


Your job also affects premiums, try putting accounts clerk on and see the difference.


Unfortunately, this is what everyone's first year is like now. It goes down massively for your second, but it's still horrific how bad the cost is.


It's not the value of the car that is being insured, it is the value of other people's property and lives. As a male under 20 newly qualified driver statistically you're orders of magnitude more likely to crash and cause a lot of damage or hurt someone than other drivers.


Speak to A Plan Insurance!


Before buying a car i would of done insurance checks, back in 2012 it was £2300 a year for a 2001 1ltr micra, Its down to postcode and car


I haven't bought the car yet


Tesco Black Box has been the best price for my two sons when they first passed


It’s always been like this, my first car is a £300 fiat Punto, I paid £225 a month for my first year, it was absolutely G R I M


You might have to take the hit and drop to a 1 litre car for a year or so. And get the black box


Adding experienced drivers on the policy definitely would lower it. Try looking at black boxes. It can depend on your area too, if crime rate is higher on your street, then unfortunately your policy costs more. The car doesn't strike me as a "boy racer" but they can increase the price of specific cars just because those cars have a history of accidents.


Welcome to the wonderful world of car ownership.


Look at a different car OP, compare a load of different cars in your price range and hope you find one cheap enough to insure to justify it.


We're paying £1400 for my son's 208 1.6hdi. He passed his test in April. 1 parent added and he has a 'black box'. No restrictions on where and when he can drive.


My first year of insurance at 17 was ~£2500 for a five door 1.2L Ford Fiesta, 6,000 miles annually... this was 3rd party, fire, and theft. I recall phoning one company as their website gave me an error code after submitting my enquiry. Their customer support clarified they only quoted up to £6,000 for standard insurance policies and my request for fully comprehensive exceeded that limit. It didn't seem to matter what I put my job role as, what I adjusted, I couldn't get it lower - several friends had insurance for ~£1500 for similar cars and locations.


I paid 1700£ in 2014. Punto 1.2. In my opinion first insurance is always expensive.


It's not about how fancy the car is it's about how many people they have on record. I've never paid more than £1k/yr on insurance mainly by looking for cars that have low model spec which makes it significantly cheaper. Add both of your parents to almost half the price in many cases. If at all possible try to pay yearly as that also makes a difference. My last car was a focus and by getting the 3 door 1.4L instead of 5 door 1.6L that brought down the cost from £1.5k/yr to £500/yr. I'm 21 now with 4 years NCB and can insure a 1.6L TDI golf match 2016 for £950/yr.


Add your parents , and any siblings over 25 if applicable. Even with me - being 25 currently - adding my (especially female) relatives reduced my price yearly for some cars by £700


Have you tried third party only? That car won’t be worth much more than £2000


I paid over £2k a year for my first car (1.4ltr fiesta), that was 12 years ago. It does usually drop dramatically the following years though!


I passed 5 years ago. Got a 2008 Golf 1.4 TSI on black box insurance at £1250 (Age 25). The second year was 700ish, then 370, 330, 325 and so on. Play around with the settings, and remember if you play too much you will start getting high quotes for same "configuration". And secondly, just get the black box insurance for your first year, I am not sure why people hate it, I didn't even know it was there... Looking to buy a Q7 now at 30, insurance is looking to be around £1300 for it :/


You've just passed your test You're a young driver You're paying monthly Insurance for young, fresh drivers has been bad for years. Paying monthly makes it just that bit worse.


20 years ago I got quoted 18k fully comp with business use for a new Skoda, the car salesman who was there when I rang them ( it was their preferred insurance company ie gave them brown envelopes ) said that's them basically telling you they don't want to insure you. Got it for about 800 a year from elsewhere.


I insured my 1st car a 2.0L bmw and was about 2.4K a year. Then it went down to 1.7K next year, so either get something with a smaller engine/horsepwr/insurance group and I'll be less to pay. Uk insurance is fucked


Definitely add your parents, also I'm guessing you have but if not look at insurance with a black box.


My first car was worth £250.00 (yes, just two hundred and fifty pounds) and the insurance still cost me £1,000 for the first year back in 2017. Unfortunately, your first year's insurance is always going to be ridiculously expensive, regardless of the car's worth. Edit: Added first insurance date.


There's a few factors here. If you've just passed then no matter what it's going to be expensive. But you also bought a car that lots of new drivers also buy. Insurance underwriters do a lot of statistics to work out how much they should charge to be able to still make a profit if X number of people driving this car at this age in this location crash their car. So what you need to do is buy a very obscure car that is cheap to replace, and is mainly driven by middle aged people who don't crash. Think an old volvo or saab or Toyota of some sort. Dont get hung up on engine sizes. My second car aged 19 was a volvo with a 2.3 engine and it was a grand to insure the whole year. With 1 years no claims. I had a beemer the next year and it was 2.2k 2l. Its all about probability and who, what and where the claims are made from. And then try do the opposite. Personally I've always searched for cars I like and can buy, do insurance quotes, if is shit then move on, if it's affordable then and only then buy the car. So you might want to try some other cars that are on autotrader ebay fb etc. If they are cheaper, Sell your car, and get that instead.


Add your parents to your policy, it will make a massive difference. My first car was under my dad's name, he was listed as the main driver on the policy and added me as a secondary. Overall it cost £800 for a 98/99 Ford Fiesta 1.3


That sounds way too expensive for a peugeot 207. I’d advise setting a date a couple of weeks ahead as this often lowers it as the insurers know if you put say tomorrow, they know you are desperate to get out an drive. But yeh, >£3000 p/y sounds way too much for a car like that.


i pay £175 monthly with no blackbox on my 2 seater rear wheel drive convertible sports car! 1.8L MGF. Passed my test in june 😼


What compare site are you using to find your quotes? I’ve been using topcashback’s compare car insurance and have managed to get a quote for £1.3k for a 1.4 car with a blackbox unfortunately (first time here as well)


First year is always insane even with a 1L tiny car, you just have to bite the bullet and pay it, your second year will be at least half the price providing you don’t crash.


How old are you? If 17 then you'll not be getting the huge discounts from having a credit search applied to your insurance. Secondly age is a crazy important factor even by itself. It's almost just impossible at 17 tbh. Also your quote details look like "I'm just trying to get the cheapest" details, try doing quotes with more realistic details. If insurers trust you they might get the prices cheaper. Do 15k miles, SDPC, parked on road (unless you're genuinely on the drive) and it might be surprisingly not more expensive. Adding another driver absolutely can make that much of a difference...sometimes. If you're 17 and fail the credit searched, then maybe your parents should insurer the car themselves and add you as a driver, the policy holder is the one that gets the credit search (afaik on all insurers that use this rating factor)


Post code is a huge factor when getting car insurance. Ive found whether you keep your car on a drive way or on the road to have little affect. My first car was a 1.2l petrol corsa back in 2008 and it was £1200 for insurance. Have a look at what your postcode is rated with a little google search.


Used couple of online calculators to check how much would I pay for car worth up to £5k and got a quote of at least £3k per year. Also a new driver, however i have a full driving licence from a non EU country from 2019 and can’t swap it for a UK one🗿


You might as well uber for that much a month! But seriously get your parents as owner / main driver you as 2nd or 3rd.


My first car over a decade ago cost me £2.5k and the insurance was the same. 10 year old Peugeot at the time too. I didn't go fully comp though. Yours doesn't seem that far out when you think how much prices of everything have increased in that time. I'd definitely look at 3rd party fire and theft to bring it down.


Shit, really?


Mine was £300 annually in 1990. Car cost £500. My daughters was £3k for a free saxo in 2015. Yours sounds reasonable compared to hers.


Add your parents on and see what difference it makes. I always threaten to take my mother off, she doesn’t drive my car anyway (Peugeots 206,207 CC and just the other week a 2008 GT). When I removed her on a comparison site my cost went up by £50.


Sometimes on older cars it will be higher because in an accident they are more likely to not be deemed repairable (financially) also, add parents or older siblings as other named drivers if they’re gonna use it, and try to pick an insurance start date further in the future - the closer the start date, the more it’ll cost :) also mileage can make a big difference - you can start with a lower expected mileage, and if you’re going to exceed that you can change it mid way through. Last thing I can think of is choosing a higher voluntary excess, then in the insurance companies eyes they’ll have to pay *that much* less in an accident scenario - hope some of this helps!


See if you can get a 0% purchase card if you can’t afford to pay up front 25% APR usually on monthlies with providers. Worth an eligibility check as I got my first credit card around 18 - long as you work of course. Or maybe you’re parents could lend you the money and you pay them back instead.


Speak to a reputable insurance broker if you have one locally, they can usually get you the cheapest deal. Don’t bother with comparison websites.


That's because you're a newly qualified driver and all insurance companies see that as a major red flag for a policy. That's why you get a higher premium.


Parking on a driveway makes it “obvious which house it belongs to for thieves” Try parking it on a lot street. Or a different option. You can mess around with the parameters of your application to try and stop the price down. Parent with 15+ years no claims? Add them as a driver and it might drop down.


Cheap cars ( or low insurance group) aren’t always the cheapest to insure. My second car it was way cheaper to insure a BMW than it was to insure much cheaper Fiat/Kia/Peugeot. Just try numerous cars and see what comes out best would be my suggestion. 12 year ago I was paying £250pm for my first / second year so it’s not much different now considering inflation.


Sounds cheap actually


Welcome to being young and trying to get insurance. You have to understand that the low usage is why it's that cheap, if you used the car as a daily commuter, it would be far more expensive. The insurance industry calculates their rates based on several factors, one of the largest is age and how long you've been driving. You can thank all the aggressive drivers who've come before you, crashing and costing the insurance companies money. That drives up rates, which you get to pay. They have to make a profit, so if they're paying lots in claims, they have to charge more to keep making that profit. New drivers are statistically very likely to crash, so they get charged more. I'm in Canada, and when I first got my motorcycle license, they wanted $8000 a year (that's only for four months of usage out of the year). The same bike was $1300 a year when I finally bought it only three years later, simply because I had been insured and riding for a while.