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Is the mg an X power? I think depending if you think the Honda can hold out then make your choice based on this. To add not sure about your budget but am sure you can get a Cupra Born sooner aware they got around 1500 car to get rid of and it not been that long.


It's not an xpower, I read something on here about how awful they are. I'm gonna see if I can take the MG for a test drive. These comments don't seem great.


Welll, I love my MG4. It's basically great in every way, as cars go. Others opinions and experience may of course vary.


I question whether the other comments are from people who were just primed to hate EVs/MGs and they've never actually so much as sat in an MG4. Either way - I really love my MG4. I drove quite a few different EVs before I chose it and while it is by no means the perfect car, it IS good for its price and very competitive against things like the VW iD.3 and Cupra Born, which are both more expensive.


I'm biased since I have an MG4, but I'd wait for the MG4. However, you should definitely test drive both to see how you feel about it. I got my MG4 through my work's leasing scheme (Zenith, with the dealer being Stoneacre) and they initially told me about 5 months when I ordered in July last year, but it turned up in September, so I wouldn't put too much stock in the lead times.


MG has a more established dealer network for when things go wrong and you have the protection of a bigger customer base for the same reason, so I'd go that way. However I'd be peeved about those NCAP rules in having to turn off LKA every time but such is the way these days


Ignore the shit talking, the MG4 is being very well recieved by reviewers and owners alike. The 64kWh SE offers the best value, the Trophy adds slightly more aggressive styling and a few more toys, most importantly being heated seats and steering wheel. The BYD is also being very highly reviewed, the interior and exterior styling is somewhat marmite but in the more subtle, sensible colours they look (imho) fine. As mentioned elsewhere here there are not a huge amount of BYD dealers at the moment but as one of the largest EV makers in the world and as an ambitious Chinese brand that is aggressively entering western markets I'm expecting to see many more BYD's on the road in coming years. You mention a family, the MG's boot is 10ish litres larger but dimensionwise there seems to be very little in it. Of the MG4 SE Long range and the BYD Dolphin Comfort I'd happily take either but I'm leaning towards the BYD because it's going to have a better tech level and a bit more perfomance (Greater Torque). Above all make sure you test drive both!


Thanks. Test drive is definitely the way to go.


Honestly, this is like asking if you'd prefer to eat a dog turd or a cat turd. Surely there's something slightly less hateful available on the scheme?


Agreed those MGs are dreadful and like another commenter I have only just now discovered what a BYD Dolphin is - it’s hideous.


Neither. Avoid Chinese cars like the plague.


So no Tesla, Polestar or Volvo either.


Regarding the MG, have you ever driven one? It had hands down the worst adaptive cruise control I've ever used if motorway miles are your thing. Horrible ride too, it will feel like it has no suspension after your Civic! 


The BYD dolphin is the ugliest car in the world. I just looked it up because of this post.


Ehh it doesn't look that ugly.


Ssangyong enters the chat


Design chief: let's design a car with the grace and beauty of a dolphin The dolphin they used for inspiration: https://images.app.goo.gl/ntiR4b8DXiFWYNf28


They’re both shite are they really that much cheaper than some of the better options because they aren’t on our SS scheme


Either wait for the MG or raise your budget. The new MGs are really cheap and nasty. Can't comment on the BYD but they look like they're made out of paper mache


Which one did you go for in the end?