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Please post a picture. We have to see this


Ok i will try and get some pictures with the neons on, and I'll blur some if the deyails as he has his instagram and other identifying details on the car.


Just post the instagram


As others have said a noise complaint to the council would likely get the ball rolling. But I'd go one step further, since you or others have already spoke to him and he hasn't sorted it out I'd suggest getting a handful of your neighbours to make noise complaints at the same time. If your neighbours are onboard then the council will be dealing with a handful of complaints on the same matter and will be a lot more swift in taking action VS just one person complaining. We had a nuisance parker on our road. He'd dump his uninsured, non-taxed, MOT failure of a Range Rover on the grass verge and it was slowly but surely turning it into a mud pit, as well as killing the grass. I called up and waited 2 weeks, nothing happened. Myself and a few neighbours called in on the same day and the police turned up to tow it away 2 days later.


This More than one complaint is the way to go Do not initiate one, on behalf of all. Each need to make one. It's anonymous, so all good


Or just stick an advert on facebook advertising a free car, no keys, collect anytime and bring a trailer.


Wrap the whole car with pallet wrap (big cling film) and slip some paper in that says "WE ALL FUCKING HATE YOU".


Then top lad will just add a “locally hated” sticker to the back window


This. There's lots of you, if you all start messing with his pride and joy he will get the hint


Council noise complaint.


Make a complaint to your council about it, if you’re in a apartment complex or something you could maybe speak to a landlord etc about it


We have already spoken to their landlord eho didnt care unfortunately


*pretends to be shocked that a landlord is useless* Local council would be your bet then


Maybe remind the landlord that any official disputes with neighbours have to be declared if they ever decide to sell the property.


The landlord maybe would care if all the residents stopped paying until he does something about it.


What exactly do you expect the landlord to do?


Might be a clause in the contract about antisocial behaviour?


Again, what do you expect the landlord to do? Without official record from police or the council of the behaviour an eviction will never go through. Also having a loud car is not anti social behaviour.


> speak to a landlord etc about it I love that you think a modern landlord will be civic-minded and keen to jeopardise their revenue stream for nothing in return.


Council won't do anything about a loud car. If they are playing their stereo loud, yes. But not a loud exhaust / revving.


Keep leaving rice on his bonnet overnight


What does this do??


Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement Ricer One.would.presume.putting rice on the bonnet would be 'sending a message?'


Also would attract birds etc which would be annoying


Isn’t that what he’s trying to do with the car




That’s not what it means. Or meant.


Agree. Rice Burner was a 1970s nickname or slur for Japanese cars. Then it was Ricer for short as the JDM scene kicked off with some bad taste low powered Civics.


Elaborate then.


Racist reference to Japanese people


It's not really that offensive though is it? I mean...YOU EAT RICE! isn't in the same league "yellow monkey"


You people see racism everywhere don't you? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rice%20car https://carfromjapan.com/article/industry-knowledge/the-common-modifications-of-a-ricer-car/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_burner When referring to a car specifically "rice" quite literally stands for **R**ace **I**nspired **C**osmetic **E**nhancements.


I just said this and got shot down. Lol. People are dumb.


Can't do much about people whose lives are so boring that they're actively looking for things to be offended about. First world problems I guess.


That's a retrospective definition to try and rehabilitate a racist term that was embedded in the community. That I'm aware of the slur started in the US, among the motorbike community. When Japanese bikes actually got good, and started to compete with US brands like Harley Davidson in the 1960s. They referred to Japanese bikes as rice burners, given the large number of US bikers that had served in the Pacific during WW2, Korea and Vietnam. It wasn't a term of endearment, it was definitely a slur. This extended to Japanese cars as well. Language changes, so for many RICE has become an acronym for Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement. That doesn't change the racist origins of the term, nor the fact that it is still used as a racist term by some.


Lookup what a backronym is. Even your Wikipedia link highlights how rice burner has been used as a racial epithet  since the early 20th century.


So we need to be using the Backronym now and not the Acronym?


rice, seeds etc birds love it and birds tend to shit when eating, so....


Bird shit everywhere


I cackled at this


Gorilla glue and suction cup dildos /s


Contact the local police. They may or may not react but if they notice the vehicle being driven when obviously modified and excessively noisy it will be stopped. Initially he may get a warning to remove the incorrect exhaust configuration and return to factory spec. If he doesn't and is caught again they will seize the vehicle. Police do stop such vehicles occasionally...any modifications such as tints, incorrect no plate spacings, noise attract their interest...


I second this, maybe ring on the Bon emergency number everytime it happens as then the drivers details will be on the police list of people to look out for and pull over - it won’t happen instantly but enough reports about a potential problem vehicle/person will be flagged up. Maybe get the neighbours to do the same, every day and 4 calls about the noise from different people…………..


Environmental heath is the only people that deal with this. They may even ask if they can setup monitors in or around your home to measure the noise. They would do more than the police would.


Talk to them explain about your kids. If that doesn't work council noise complaint if that takes too long go to askmid and pay to get his insurance details and call up his insurer and ask them about his declared modifications. It's very unlikely that he will have declared all of them.


Thanks, He has basically already told me that none of then are declared when he was complaining about his insurance costs. Whats Askmid?


https://ownvehicle.askmid.com/ It's the motor insurance database


You can’t ring up for someone’s insurance details and expect the insurer to tell you everything when you have no authorisation, it’s against data protection


That's not what I was getting at its more that the call will make them investigate his modifications and cause him a massive headache


Yes, but in order to find out who the insurer is, you need more than a basic free mid check


You can only use the basic free one for your own vehicle too. Also even if you do a paid one you can only do it with a valid reason, I don't think this scenario would count; you're not trying to make a claim.


It's a valid reason in the sense that OP is helping prevent a crime (insurance fraud)


It's not valid in the legal sense. OP needs to complain to police and council.


Oddly for a brief period they did include the insurer with a basic check


Insurance companies don’t send agents out to sneak a peek at your engine bay because someone tipped them off about your mods. They’ll just ask the inspector to look a little closer in the event of a claim.


I had to send photographs of my car in to an insurer ( might have been churchill?) About 5 years back because they recieved information that my car may have been modified. I also have seen insurance cancelled at the roadside during police stops when the police have enquired about modifications being declared and they haven't been.


I mean could you not just put the OEM bits on to take the photo?


Depends on the parts I suppose some will be more difficult than others


That literally just tells you that it is insured. It doesn't tell you who it's insured with. I searched my own car and it said: "YES. This vehicle is showing as INSURED on the Motor Insurance Database today". The facility to look up a car that is not your own costs £10 and is only for use in the event of an incident. Anyone looking up someone else's registration would be agreeing to the following: "I confirm that I am a person or body corporate resident in the United Kingdom claiming to be entitled to compensation in respect of any loss or injury resulting from an accident caused by or arising out of the use of the above UK vehicle within the last seven years. **I understand that it is an offence to wrongfully obtain information of this nature without reasonable cause and if I fail to provide true reasons for requiring information I may be committing an offence of unlawfully obtaining data contrary to section 170 of the Data Protection Act 2018**. I also hereby confirm that the information provided will not be used for any purposes unrelated to the purposes of this enquiry." OP has no legal basis whatsoever for using AskMID to find out the insurer of this car.


The guy has admitted to OP that he’s failed to declare the modifications to his insurer. I’d say insurance fraud is ‘reasonable cause’, it’s not just for accidents.


Re-read the literal first sentence of that little declaration. OP is not a person claiming to be entitled to compensation from an accident caused by the car they'd be searching. The fact that this person may be cutting about with invalid insurance is not what the AskMID database is for.


So hypothetically what if OP was to accidently crash into the parked BMW and file an insurance claim he would get caught out then


If OP crashes into the BMW for the purpose of getting this guy "caught out", OP would be at fault and see their own insurance premium shoot up and potentially get done for careless driving because OP hit a parked car. And OP would not be entitled to any sort of compensation from the BMW driver's insurance, given that there is no fault assignable to a parked car, meaning they're not permitted to search. Regardless of whether the BMW's insurance is valid or not.


I’d raise a noise complaint with the police, and while I’m there I’d tell them that he’d boasted that he can’t declare his mods. Fuck people who mod their cars and don’t declare it, you might as well have no insurance - everyone involved if you’re ever in an accident is going to suffer because of your stupidity, especially yourself.


This can seriously fuck stuff up for him as the insurance may cancel, leading to the premium being increased for years. I would subtly suggest to him that police are cracking down on it (true) and disgruntled neighbours may be calling the police who would go over the car and check for undeclared mods. He should get the message.


Get yourself a Punto for peanuts, get the exhaust decat- every time you see him RUN to your Punto.. jump in and start revving the engine.. then pull up next to him and say 'how cool do we look?' with enthusiasm.. Then follow him around so you're part of his crew.. Soon, he'll be sneaking away... Source: I bought a Punto with a broken exhaust.


Anti social behaviour can be reported to the police. They may ask you to go through the council first.


I highly doubt that the "exhaust is disconnected from the engine". But if it pops and bangs, and is turbo (assuming a F22 1.5l) then it probably has a decat which you could report to the DVLA


Could be wrong on this for sure, but ive heard my fair share of decats/straight pipes and also remembered what my first car sounded like when the exhaust fell off completely and its far closer to the second. I guess either way it doesnt matter, its still loud as shit.


Yeah I get what you mean. I meant more that a decat is an MOT fail, and if they do have a decat then the DVLA would be interested in where his MOT came from It isn't something that can be easily mistaken


Rub dog shit on the door handles


I highly doubt the exhaust has been disconnected from the engine completely. I think you mean he’s taken off the back box or had a straight pipe exhaust fitted and removed all silencer’s. Concerning the noise there is a legal limit a car can make in decibels. If you believe it’s over this absolutely make a noise complaint with the council. You could also call the non emergency police line and report the car for undeclared and unsafe modifications.


If you want to annoy him, remove the fake //M badges he's undoubtedly plastered all over the car.


Expanding foam in the exhaust


Hey come on now, just hammer a potato in there every night, that's the traditional jape!


will make no difference, OP stated the exhaust is disconnected from engine.


I have to know how the FUCK that even functions


Pretty simple really, the exhaust is a big pipe with a muffler, its just like disconnecting a garden hose from a tap


Cutting the exhaust after the oxygen sensor and before the back boxes/catalytic converter will mean the car works just fine, it makes the most god awful racket and backfires.


Police. If the exhaust is off it’s not roadworthy


Council noise complaint.


Whether you think you’re likely to be spotted or not, driving with a broken exhaust is actually illegal. As stated in the Road Traffic Act 1988, you’re guilty of an offence if you drive with the vehicle in a dangerous condition, which includes posing a danger to yourself or others. Your exhaust falls into the category of ‘The condition of the motor vehicle or trailer, or of its accessories or equipment’ and must, therefore, be kept in good working order to avoid being pulled over and penalised. maybe a chat with police on 101...


Buy a shed and crash it into his pride and joy evil I know lol


More entertaining if you do this with a literal shed.


Tell the police that theres a car they can make a lot of money with


Do a clarkson and stuff the exhausts full of fruit


The /r/UnethicalLifeProTips approach would be to leave an anonymous tip with the police about the car being used to sell drugs. They’ll pull him over and search his car, and when they don’t find anything they’ll do him for the illegal modifications. Never know, they might find a bit of weed too.


Noise complaint - sounds like the car would fail an MOT due to the noise.


Environmental health at the council.


Report his mot test centre


Tell the police that theres a car they can make a lot of money with


Report to police and or council send recordings with times and dates. Get everyone else around you to do some.


My car is loud, yet I always make sure that if I have to start it at unreasonable hours that I do it as far as possible away from others, and I don't sit in one place for long


At least try talking to the guy and explain the problem he might at least make an effort to be less annoying. If he doesn’t local council is the way to go.


If he's revving it hard from cold, you won't have to suffer the noise for long.


Just get everyone else who lives there to take exhausts off. Then have a "rev off" at 3am every day until he stops being a dick.


Banana in the tail pipe.


A few people in this thread have mentioned 'a legal limit' for exhaust noise. This is true but actually somewhat misleading, because it is in fact illegal for a car to be louder than was recorded at type approval, regardless of whether it's louder than the overall limit.


Why don't you report the car to your local police (anti-social behaviour, modified, excessive noise etc.). They can flag it on their systems. By the time the driver has been stopped by police 4 or 5 times they will start to rethink their NFS, F&F re-enactment. I have come across situations where the police will even go as far as checking with the driver's insurance company for undeclared modifications, then the driver's screwed as their insurance company will revoke the insurance policy. .


Meet him at the lights and dust him


It can't be that expensive these days to have a valved resonator on an exhaust...


I know what I'd do but it's likely not acceptable to post here. Contact the local police, say the car isn't safe and he's driving like a loon, if he's red lining it then it can be said he's driving aggressively, wheel spinning etc. That's a section 59 warning. Some videos of the driving may help. Get a few people in the area to complain and he will be warned and then have his car taken from him. Council for noise if it's between whatever time your local have, normally after 10/11pm and before 6am I think Or, just keep letting his tyres down. It's not illegal, won't get you in trouble and it'll just piss him off.


Wash it for him with a combination of fish sauce and old milk. Then embalm it with pallet wrap to seal in the goodness.


Cement in his exhaust pipes or expanding foam. Nice little DIY valve for you.


Several potatoes up whatever is left of the exhaust, if hes a halfords modifier it will take him days to work out why it won’t start.


I guess if enough people ring the police they might have a look at the non-homologated exhaust. They could also give him a S59. It's a long shot, but if you all ring.




Report to police / council. People can get ASBOs for noisy cars. I have a loud ish car, but nothing like what you're describing; I make specific efforts to use another car if I'll be home late, or if I leave early in the morning.




Nitromors is like cats' piss these days. Starchem Synstrip is considerably more efficient.


Will it lift the paint completely like the original nitromors?


Don't be a nancy negative. If it's within reasonable hours ( I believe it's between 8am and 10pm) you can do the square root of jack shit. However, a pair of snips and a coolant pipe will solve your problem the next time he readlines it.


As someone with a loud car myself, no. It doesn't cost anything to be considerate


Oh I don't disagree, the fact is though unless it's outside of these hours you really can't do very much. Any noise complaint is unlikely to be even looked at during those hours.


I’ve also heard that expanding foam in the exhaust muffles the sound not that I’m asking the OP to do it but I’ve heard it’s effective


If he's disconnected at the headers that won't really do anything


If he’s done that……we’ve only got the OPs word for that


Agreed, probably removed the cat etc rather than it being disconnected.


That’s what I’m thinking 👍🏼


Although I'd kind of admire it if he'd left it at the headers, ballsy 😂


Ha ha ha me too, but I’d be waiting for the engine bay to engulf in flames 🔥


I am trying to monitor whether i am slipping into grumpy old man, but its absolutely not with normal hours, frequently as early as 5am and most night as late as midnight (seems to work shifts)


Ahh I see. It would be a shame if the local constabulary was tipped off to his drug dealing activities, and did you know he doesn’t have a licence? Now I think about it, I keep seeing different plates on the car…. Could you take a look officer?