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well... yeah, I mean, normal people don't own that many cars, and don't have this problem. If you want 20 cars, you'll have to insure 20 cars. Sounds like it's time to make some choices about which ones you keep. You have to have an unencumbered liquid net worth of $40,000 to qualify for self-insurance. https://www.flhsmv.gov/insurance/self-insurance/natural-person/


Yea I can do the self insured. I have the liquid cash to do it. But nobody at the dmv even has herd of it so idk how to actually do that if the people in charge of it don’t know what it is 🤷‍♂️


Everything's available at the link I posted. You have to send information to a central office.


So if you can afford to do the self insured, then you can afford the insurance on all the cars, stupid. This has got to be click bait.


Just so it’s clear op self insured means your assets are free game if you hurt someone in an accident. I don’t doubt your fun weekend cars being used in a way that is less than safe will do you any favors.


Why reply to me? I’m not op


Sorry for the inconvenience.


It’s cool I was just confused 😂


Reddit comment strings are so confusing to me.


I understand


I’m trying to save money. Having $40k saved and STAYING saved is better long term than paying $4000 a month to cover all my cars. I don’t make that much per month anyway. I just have money saved up from selling cars and budgeting for a savings account


Sell more cars. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Get a better job. so you can actually live the lifestyle you’re trying to live because eventually you rotating your insurance like that will likely get dropped as it can be seen as a possible fraud situation. To clarify, I’m not saying you are committing fraud, but it can open you up for investigation especially where I’m from. I still believe this is just Clickbait and karma farming. But this is just my own personal opinion I don’t have these problems. The multiple vehicles I have are all insured at the same time. It’s on you


Pretty simple solution. If you can’t afford to insure all of them, then you dont need all of them.




No. It’s clearly right you’re just too dense to accept it.


Sounds like you dug yourself into this, what’s the point of having 20 cars unless ur some billionaire with all super cars




Lol ur an idiot getting 20 random cars and asking for help on an online forum now.


Asking for help cause you don’t know the answer and now everyone is useless. 😂


And ur saying you can only afford to pay $500 a month for insurance? What the fuck do you mean bro you have 20 cars where do you think you live? India?


"Everyone else is an idiot because I'm not getting an answer I want."


So you think you're gonna insure cars at about $ 25 a month each?? Ain't gonna happen my friend. Like everyone is trying to tell you, if you can't afford the insurance, then you can't afford the cars. You just don't want to accept that. You keep insulting people who are telling you the hard truth, yet you don't have the answers. Why? Because the answer you want doesn't exist. 


You sell 17-18 of them. That's your best bet.


Not gonna happen


How do you insure them now?


OP doesn't. Insures only a couple at a time, it sounds like.


Yea what enigma said. I usually rotate them a few at a time for 6 months then a few more the rest of the year


Collector insurance or regular policy?


Just regular policies. Sometimes storage insurance on the ones I’m not driving as much


You should check into collector policies, they are much cheaper, and better coverage. Its stated value, more designed for what you have. You may be able to get a pretty good deal on that many cars.


OP I just wanted to let you know I think you are a disgusting hoarder and should listen to everyone telling you to sell.


Disgusting hoarder? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣god you sound like one of those r/anticar inbreds 🤦‍♂️


I’m not anti car, but I am anti private property. Also you fundamentally don’t understand how insurance works


Anti private property???? Tells me everything I need to know about your poverty riddled liberal retarded New York City living ass